How High Should Door Handles And Knobs Be?

Last Updated on September 2, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

Door handles and knobs are more than just functional pieces of hardware; they play a crucial role in the overall usability and accessibility of a space. They might seem like small details, but their placement can significantly impact how easily and comfortably a door can be opened or closed.

Proper placement of door handles and knobs is essential for several reasons. Firstly, it ensures that doors are accessible to all users, regardless of their height or physical abilities. For example, door handles placed too high could make it difficult for children or individuals using wheelchairs to open the door. On the other hand, if placed too low, they could pose a challenge for taller individuals or those with back problems.

Secondly, the correct placement of door handles and knobs contributes to the overall aesthetic and design of a room. Handles and knobs that are positioned awkwardly can disrupt the balance and harmony of a space, creating an unsettling feeling.

Incorrect placement of door handles and knobs not only compromises comfort and usability but also poses potential safety risks. In emergency situations, easy and quick access to door handles can be lifesaving.

In this article, we will delve into the standard heights for door handles and knobs, factors influencing these standards, and guidelines for different types of doors.

We will also provide a guide on how to measure and install door handles and knobs at the right height, ensuring optimal usability and accessibility.

Standard Height of Door Handles and Knobs

The standard height for door handles and knobs is typically between 34 inches and 48 inches from the floor. This standard has been established by organizations like the American Disabilities Act (ADA) and the International Building Code (IBC) to ensure accessibility and usability for all individuals, including those with disabilities.

The ADA provides guidelines for door hardware to be no more than 48 inches from the floor, with a maximum height of 54 inches. This range allows for easy access for individuals who may use wheelchairs or other mobility aids.

Similarly, the IBC states that door knobs should be installed at a height between 34 inches and 48 inches above the finished floor.

These standards are not arbitrary but are based on ergonomic research and studies on the average arm reach and height of people, including children and adults. The idea is to place the door handles and knobs at a height that is comfortable for the majority of the population, ensuring that they can easily open or close the doors without straining.

It’s also important to note that while these are the general standards, there may be exceptions depending on specific circumstances or requirements. For instance, in some commercial settings, door handles may be placed higher for security reasons.

On the other hand, in facilities catering to children, such as schools or kindergartens, door handles might be positioned lower to be within their reach.

Factors Influencing the Height of Door Handles and Knobs

While the standard height for door handles and knobs is typically between 34 inches and 48 inches from the floor, several factors can influence the ideal placement. Here are a few key considerations:

Accessibility Requirements

One of the primary factors influencing the height of door handles and knobs is accessibility. As mentioned earlier, guidelines established by the ADA and IBC dictate that door hardware should be within a certain range to be accessible to all individuals, including those who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids.

Additionally, in buildings designed specifically for children, such as schools or daycares, door handles might be installed lower than the standard height to accommodate the shorter reach of kids.

User Height and Comfort

The comfort of the users is another crucial factor to consider. The standard height is based on averages, but individual heights can vary significantly.

For instance, in a household where all members are taller than average, it may be more comfortable to install door handles slightly higher than the standard.

Conversely, in homes where residents are shorter than average or where there are young children, a lower placement might be more suitable.

Building Codes and Regulations

Local building codes and regulations can also affect the placement of door handles and knobs. While the ADA and IBC provide general guidelines, each locality may have its specific rules that need to be followed.

These regulations are often designed to ensure safety, so it’s crucial to familiarize yourself with them before installing door hardware.

IV. Guidelines for Different Types of Doors

When it comes to the placement of door handles and knobs, different types of doors may have specific guidelines based on their intended use and the population they serve. Here’s a general overview:

Residential Doors

For residential doors, the standard height for door handles and knobs is usually between 34 inches and 48 inches from the floor. This range is meant to accommodate the majority of adults while also being accessible to children.

However, the specific height within this range can be adjusted based on the comfort and preference of the home’s residents.

Commercial Doors

Commercial doors often follow the same standard height as residential doors, i.e., between 34 inches and 48 inches from the floor. However, in some cases, the handles might be placed slightly higher for security reasons or to meet specific business needs. It’s crucial to check with local building codes and regulations to ensure compliance.

Doors for People with Disabilities

Doors intended for use by people with disabilities should follow the guidelines established by the ADA, which states that door hardware should be no more than 48 inches from the floor, with a maximum height of 54 inches. This ensures that individuals who use wheelchairs or other mobility aids can comfortably access the door.

Children’s Rooms

In spaces specifically designed for children, such as schools, daycares, or children’s rooms in a house, door handles might be installed lower than the standard height to be within their reach. A common recommendation is to place the handle at about 36 inches from the floor, but this can be adjusted based on the average height of the children using the room.

How to Measure and Install Door Handles and Knobs at the Correct Height

Installing door handles and knobs at the correct height is crucial for both comfort and accessibility. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to measure, mark, and install your door hardware:

Measuring and Marking the Correct Height

  1. Decide on the Desired Height: The standard height for door handles and knobs is typically between 34 inches and 48 inches from the floor. However, you may adjust this based on the specific needs of the users.
  2. Measure from the Floor: Using a tape measure, measure the desired height from the finished floor up to the door.
  3. Mark the Spot: Once you’ve measured the correct height, make a small mark on the door with a pencil. This mark represents the center of the door knob or handle.
  4. Measure the Backset: The backset is the distance from the edge of the door to the center of the knob or handle. Standard backsets are usually 2 3/8 inches or 2 3/4 inches[^8^]. Measure this distance from the edge of the door and mark it intersecting with the previously marked height.

Installing Door Handles and Knobs

  1. Drill the Hole: Using a hole saw, drill a hole at the intersection of the two marks you made. Make sure the hole is large enough to accommodate the door knob or handle but not too large that it won’t hold securely.
  2. Drill the Latch Hole: Measure the appropriate distance for the latch (usually specified in the product’s instructions), and drill a hole into the edge of the door that aligns with the center of the first hole.
  3. Install the Latch: Insert the latch into the edge hole and secure it with screws.
  4. Install the Knob or Handle: Insert the door knob or handle through the hole, ensuring the spindle goes through the hole in the latch.
  5. Secure the Hardware: Attach the other side of the knob or handle, then secure everything together using screws. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to ensure proper installation.

VI. Importance of Professional Installation

Professional installation plays a crucial role in ensuring that door handles and knobs, among other installations, are placed correctly, function optimally, and meet all necessary standards and regulations. Here’s why it’s important:

Ensuring Proper Placement and Functionality

Professionals have the knowledge and experience to install door hardware at the correct height and location for optimal accessibility and comfort.

They understand the technology and techniques required for a successful installation, which can be particularly beneficial for complex systems like smart home devices or security systems.

Compliance with Standards and Regulations

Professionals are familiar with local building codes and regulations, as well as guidelines established by organizations like the ADA. They ensure that installations comply with these standards, helping to avoid potential legal issues down the line.

Avoiding Potential Issues

DIY installation might seem like a cost-saving measure, but it can lead to problems if not done correctly. For example, improper installation could result in damage to the door or the hardware itself, or it could create accessibility issues.

Professionals can help prevent such problems and can also provide post-installation support, enhancing customer satisfaction and retention.


In conclusion, the placement of door handles and knobs at the correct height is an essential aspect of door installation that impacts both comfort and accessibility. Whether it’s for residential, commercial, disability-friendly, or children’s doors, the right height can significantly improve the usability and functionality of the door.

The standard height for door handles and knobs is typically between 34 inches and 48 inches from the floor. However, this can be adjusted based on the specific needs of the users. For example, doors intended for use by people with disabilities should follow ADA guidelines, and door handles in children’s rooms might be installed lower to be within their reach.

While DIY installation might seem like a cost-saving measure, hiring professionals can ensure proper placement and functionality, compliance with standards and regulations, and avoid potential issues. Professionals have the knowledge and experience to install door hardware correctly, providing peace of mind and quality work.

As a final recommendation, always consider the specific needs and comfort of the users when determining the ideal height for door handles and knobs. And don’t forget to check your local building codes to ensure compliance. Proper planning and execution can result in a door that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also user-friendly and accessible to everyone.