Last Updated on April 2, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford
Summer is a time for fun in the sun, but it’s also a time for pesky mosquitoes. Mosquitoes can ruin any outdoor activity, and they can also transmit diseases like Zika virus. It’s important to be able to identify mosquitoes so that you can take steps to protect yourself from them.
In this blog post, we will discuss 11 bugs that look like mosquitoes and how to tell the difference between them!
1. Chiggers.

These tiny red bugs are often mistaken for mosquitoes, but they’re actually a different species. Chiggers are most commonly found in wooded or grassy areas, and they love to bite humans.
The bites can be very itchy, and in some cases they can cause a rash. Chiggers are also known to transmit diseases like typhus and Rocky Mountain spotted fever.
Chiggers vs mosquitoes
Chiggers are tiny red bugs that can be found in tall grass and other vegetation. They are related to spiders and mites, and they feed on the blood of mammals, including humans. Chigger bites often cause a lot of itching.
Mosquitoes are small, flying insects that bite people and animals in order to drink their blood. Mosquito bites can cause itchy, red bumps on the skin.
Both chiggers and mosquitoes can cause a lot of discomfort, but chiggers are not known to spread any diseases. Mosquitoes can transmit diseases like West Nile virus and malaria. If you are bitten by a mosquito, it is important to clean the bite and apply a topical antibiotic to prevent infection.
If you are bitten by a chigger, it is important to clean the bite and apply a topical insecticide to help stop the itching. Chiggers can be difficult to see, so it is important to inspect your skin carefully after spending time outdoors. If you think you may have been bitten by a chigger, consult a doctor.
How to get rid of chiggers
There are a few different ways to get rid of chiggers. One is to use an insecticide such as DEET, which will kill the chiggers on contact.
Another is to use a repellent such as permethrin, which will keep the chiggers from biting you. You can also wear clothing that covers your skin, which will help keep the chiggers from getting to your skin.
Finally, you can treat the areas where the chiggers are likely to be with an insecticide such as permethrin. This will kill any chiggers that are in the area.
2. Crane flies.

These bugs are harmless and don’t bite, but they sure do look like mosquitoes! They’re easy to identify because of their long legs and thin body. Crane flies can be found near ponds, lakes, and streams.
Crane flies vs mosquitoes
There are many different types of bugs that people mistake for mosquitoes, but two of the most common are crane flies and hoverflies. So how do you tell the difference between these pesky insects?
Crane flies have a long, thin body with large wings, while mosquitoes are much smaller with shorter wings. Crane flies also tend to fly more slowly than mosquitoes.
Hoverflies, as their name suggests, can hover in midair, while mosquitoes cannot. Hoverflies also have a more robust body shape and are generally darker in color than mosquitoes.
How to get rid of crane flies
There are a few things you can do to get rid of crane flies if they are invading your home. The easiest way is to use a vacuum cleaner to suck them up. You can also swat them or spray them with bug spray. If there are a lot of crane flies, you may need to do all of these things to get rid of them.
3. Dance Flies.

These small, black flies are often mistaken for mosquitoes. They are attracted to light and can be found near windows or porchlights. Unlike mosquitoes, they don’t bite people or animals. Dance flies feed on nectar and other insects.
Dance flies vs mosquitoes
Dance flies, also called fungus gnats, are small black insects that look a lot like mosquitoes. However, they don’t bite people and they don’t spread any diseases.
Mosquitoes, on the other hand, can transmit diseases like malaria, West Nile virus, and Zika virus. So if you’re trying to figure out whether that pesky insect is a mosquito or a dance fly, the best thing to do is to look for the long proboscis.
Mosquitoes have a long proboscis that they use to suck blood, while dance flies don’t have a proboscis at all.
How to get rid of dance flies
There are several ways to get rid of dance flies. Some methods are more effective than others.
One way to get rid of dance flies is to use an insecticide. Insecticides can be purchased at most stores, and they come in a variety of forms, including sprays, powders, and gels. When using an insecticide, be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.
Another way to get rid of dance flies is to use a fly swatter. Fly swatters can be purchased at most stores, and they are relatively inexpensive. When using a fly swatter, make sure to swing it quickly and accurately.
A third way to get rid of dance flies is to use a fly trap. Fly traps can be purchased at most stores, and they come in a variety of forms, including electric and non-electric. When using a fly trap, be sure to read the instructions carefully and follow them exactly.
4. Dixid Midges.

These tiny, black bugs look a lot like mosquitoes, but they don’t bite. They’re harmless and can be found all over the United States.
Dixid Midges vs mosquitoes
Mosquitoes are often mistaken for other flying insects, such as Dixid Midges. It can be difficult to tell them apart, but there are a few key differences.
First, mosquitoes typically have longer legs than Dixid Midges. Mosquitoes also have a characteristic “Y” shape on their wings, while Dixid Midges’ wings are more symmetrical.
Mosquitoes also tend to be larger than Dixid Midges. Finally, mosquitoes often make a loud buzzing sound, while Dixid Midges do not.
How to get rid of Dixid Midges
There are a few different ways to get rid of Dixid Midges. You can use an insecticide, remove their breeding grounds, or use a repellent.
Insecticides can be used to kill the bugs, but you need to be careful when using them because they can also harm other insects. Some common insecticides include pyrethrins, malathion, and carbaryl.
Remove their breeding grounds by getting rid of any standing water. This will stop the mosquitoes from being able to reproduce.
Finally, you can use a repellent to keep the bugs away. Some common repellents include DEET, picaridin, and oil of lemon eucalyptus. Make sure to follow the directions on the repellent bottle carefully.
5. Fleas.

They’re small, they’re pesky, and they can be a real pain to get rid of. But what if you thought you were getting rid of mosquitoes, only to find out that it was actually fleas? Fleas can look very similar to mosquitoes, so it’s important to know the difference.
Fleas vs mosquitoes:
Both fleas and mosquitoes are bloodsucking pests, but there are some key differences between these two types of insects. For one, mosquitoes are much larger than fleas. Mosquitoes also have longer wings and a more elongated body shape than fleas.
Mosquitoes can also fly, while fleas are limited to jumping.
Mosquitoes are also notorious for transmitting diseases, such as malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus. Fleas can transmit disease as well, but to a much lesser extent than mosquitoes.
Overall, mosquitoes are a greater threat to human health than fleas are. If you are trying to determine whether you have a flea or mosquito problem, look at the size of the insects. If they are very small and resemble flies, then you likely have a flea problem. If they are larger and more mosquito-like in appearance, then you probably have a mosquito problem.
Both types of insects can be frustrating and difficult to get rid of, but taking action early can help minimize the damage they can cause.
How to get rid of fleas
Fleas are tiny bugs that can be a nuisance, especially if you have pets. They can cause skin problems for both pets and humans, and can be difficult to get rid of.
There are a few things you can do to get rid of fleas:
– Use a flea comb to remove them from your pet’s fur
– Use a flea collar or drops to kill the fleas
– Use a flea spray to kill the fleas
– Vacuum your house and furniture regularly to remove any eggs or larvae
6. Fungus Gnats.

These tiny bugs look like mosquitoes, but they don’t bite. They can be a nuisance, though, because they often fly around in large numbers and can get into your eyes and nose.
Fungus gnats thrive in moist environments, so you’re likely to see them around house plants and flowers. They can also be a problem in the kitchen, where they can infest foodstuffs.
Fungus gnats vs mosquitoes
Fungus gnats are a common household pest that can often be mistaken for mosquitoes. They are small black bugs that are about the size of a mosquito. They are often found flying around in kitchens and bathrooms.
Mosquitoes, on the other hand, are a vector for disease. They can transmit diseases like Zika virus, malaria, and West Nile virus. Mosquitoes are also much larger than fungus gnats. They are about the size of a ladybug.
How to get rid of fungus gnats
Fungus gnats are a common problem for gardeners. These tiny, black bugs can be difficult to get rid of because they reproduce so quickly.
The best way to get rid of fungus gnats is to use an insecticide. There are many different types of insecticides available, so be sure to choose one that is specifically for gnats.
Another way to get rid of fungus gnats is to use a trap. There are many different types of traps available, so be sure to choose one that is specifically for gnats.
The best way to avoid problems with fungus gnats is to keep your garden clean and free of debris. Make sure you remove any old plants or leaves from the garden. Fungus gnats love to live in moist environments, so keeping your garden clean will help to discourage them.
7. Mayflies.

Mayflies are a type of insect that can be mistaken for mosquitoes. They are usually found near water and have two large wings that span the length of their body.
Mayflies typically only live for a day or two, so they aren’t often seen in areas where they aren’t close to water. If you do see a mayfly, you can tell it apart from a mosquito by its long, thin body. Mayflies also don’t bite people.
Mayflies vs mosquitoes
Mayflies and mosquitoes are both insects that can be found near water. They are both pests, but they cause different problems. Mayflies are more of a nuisance than a health threat, while mosquitoes can carry diseases.
Mayflies swarm in large numbers and can be very annoying because they get into your hair and eyes. Mosquitoes are more dangerous because they can transmit diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus.
Mayflies only live for a few days, while mosquitoes can live for several weeks. Mayflies are attracted to light, while mosquitoes are attracted to carbon dioxide and heat.
Mayflies have two wings, while mosquitoes have four wings. Mayflies are smaller than mosquitoes.
How to get rid of mayflies
Mayflies can be a real nuisance, but there are ways to get rid of them. You can try using an insecticide or you can try using a natural remedy.
Insecticides can be effective, but they may also be harmful to your health and the environment. If you want to use an insecticide, make sure to read the label carefully and follow the instructions.
If you want to use a natural remedy, there are several options. One option is to pour a bucket of water over the bridge or swarm. This will knock the mayflies into the water where they will drown. Another option is to use a fan to blow them away. You can also try using a light to attract them and then kill them with an insecticide.
8. Midges.

These little bugs look a lot like mosquitoes, but they don’t bite. They are actually more of a nuisance than anything, since they swarm around in large numbers and can be pretty irritating. Midges usually show up in the late summer and early fall.
Midges vs mosquitoes
Although both midges and mosquitoes are tiny, flying insects, they are two different creatures. Mosquitoes are a type of fly that belong to the family Culicidae.
They are distinguishable by their long legs and proboscis, or mouthparts, which they use to suck blood from their prey.
Midges, on the other hand, are a type of gnat that belong to the family Chironomidae. They are distinguishable by their small size and lack of wings.
Despite their differences, midges and mosquitoes can often be mistaken for each other. This is because both insects are attracted to light and can often be found near water sources. Additionally, both midges and mosquitoes can produce a biting sensation when they come into contact with human skin.
However, there are several ways to tell the two insects apart. First, mosquitoes are typically larger than midges. Second, mosquitoes have wings, while midges do not. Third, mosquitoes often make a high-pitched whine when they fly, while midges do not. Finally, mosquitoes typically feed on blood, while midges feed on plant nectar.
How to get rid of mayflies
If you’re seeing mayflies around your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. You can use a flyswatter or vacuum cleaner to kill them, or you can try using an insecticide.
Insecticides that work well against mayflies include pyrethrins, malathion, and carbaryl. Be sure to read the label of any insecticide before using it, and always follow the instructions.
9. Owl Midges.

These little guys are a lot of fun to fish for, and they can be really frustrating as well. They are about the size of a small mosquito, and they love to hover right in front of your face. They can be tough to see, but if you do manage to spot one, they are easy enough to catch on a fly rod.
Owl midges vs mosquitoes
Owl midges are tiny, mosquito-like flies that are related to mosquitoes. Unlike mosquitoes, however, owl midges do not bite people or animals. Owl midges are most commonly found near bodies of water, where they lay their eggs.
Mosquitoes are the insects that most people think of when they hear the word “mosquito.” Mosquitoes are notorious for their ability to spread diseases like malaria, dengue fever, and West Nile virus. In addition to being a health hazard, mosquitoes can be a nuisance because of the way they swarm around people and animals.
How to get rid of owl midges
There are a few things you can do to get rid of owl midges:
– Use an insecticide.
– Remove any standing water.
– Seal up any cracks or holes in your home.
– Cover your food and trash cans.
10. Tadpoles.

Tadpoles are a very important part of the life cycle of a frog. They start out as eggs, and then turn into tadpoles. Tadpoles live in water and eat things like algae and bugs. Frogs lay their eggs in water, and the tadpoles hatch from the eggs.
The tadpoles grow, and eventually turn into frogs. Frogs can live in water or on land.
Tadpoles vs mosquitoes
While both tadpoles and mosquitoes are aquatic creatures, they are very different. Mosquitoes are much smaller than tadpoles and have a long, thin body. They also have wings and can fly. Tadpoles are much larger than mosquitoes and have a short, round body. They do not have wings and cannot fly.
Mosquitoes are a type of fly and can be very annoying. They are attracted to light and can often be found near windows. Tadpoles are a type of frog and will eventually become frogs.
Mosquitoes can spread diseases, such as malaria, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. Tadpoles do not spread diseases.
Mosquitoes can be a nuisance, but they are necessary for the ecosystem. Tadpoles are not necessary for the ecosystem and can often compete with native species for food and space.
Mosquitoes need water to lay their eggs in. Tadpoles do not need water to lay their eggs in.
How to get rid of tadpoles
There are a few things you can do to get rid of tadpoles:
– Use a net to scoop them up and release them into a body of water farther away from your home or property.
– Pour boiling water over the tadpoles.
– Spray them with an insecticide.
– Place a bucket over them and then pour water over the top of the bucket to drown them.
– Dig a trench around your property and fill it with water, making sure the tadpoles can’t escape.
11. Wood Gnats.

These bugs are very small and can easily be mistaken for mosquitoes. They typically swarm around lights, so they may be more noticeable at night. Wood gnats do not bite, but they can aggravate allergies. Like other types of gnats, wood gnats can be eliminated with a simple trap.
Wood gnats vs mosquitoes
There are many bugs that can be mistaken for mosquitoes, but the most common ones are wood gnats and fruit flies. Wood gnats are smaller than mosquitoes and have a black body with long, thin wings. Fruit flies are also small, but they have a yellow or red body and clear wings.
Mosquitoes can be distinguished from other bugs by their long, thin antennae and the pattern of veins on their wings.
Mosquitoes are attracted to light, so they will usually be found near windows or doorways. Wood gnats and fruit flies are not attracted to light, so you will usually find them flying around plants or in the kitchen.
How to get rid of wood gnats
If you’re having a problem with wood gnats, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.
First, make sure that you’re not providing any food or water for the bugs. Wood gnats need water to survive, so making sure your yard is free of standing water will help get rid of them.
You can also use a bug spray to kill the bugs. Just be sure to read the label and follow the instructions carefully.
Finally, you can try using a fan to blow the bugs away. Wood gnats are very light, so they’ll be blown away by the wind.
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There are many different types of bugs that can look like mosquitoes, but not all of them are harmful. It is important to be able to distinguish between the harmless bugs and the ones that can cause harm so that you can take the appropriate action. If you are unsure about what type of bug you are dealing with, it is best to contact a professional for assistance.