Last Updated on April 2, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford
Earwigs are a common insect that can be found all over the world. They are often mistaken for other bugs, such as cockroaches or termites. While they may look scary, earwigs are actually harmless and will not cause any damage to your home or property. However, if you have an infestation of earwigs, it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible.
In this blog post, we will discuss 11 different bugs that look like earwigs and provide tips on how to get rid of them!
What are earwigs?

Earwigs are small, brownish-black insects that are found all over the world. They get their name from the myth that they crawl into people’s ears and lay eggs in their brains. In reality, earwigs don’t pose any threat to humans and rarely enter homes.
Earwigs are omnivorous and feed on a variety of things, including other insects, fruits, and flowers. They are also known to scavenge for food around pet droppings.
Despite their name, earwigs don’t actually crawl into people’s ears. They do, however, have pincers on their rear-end that they use to protect themselves or catch prey. These pincers can sometimes be mistaken for antennae.
Earwigs are a beneficial insect because they help to control aphid populations. They are also useful in the garden, as they feed on decaying matter and help to aerate the soil.
Bugs that look like earwigs
Here are a few tips to help you distinguish between earwigs and other bugs.
First, look at the antennae. Earwigs have long, thin antennae, while other bugs have shorter antennae.
Second, look at the body shape. Earwigs have a slender body with two pincers, while other bugs have a more rounded body.
Third, look at the movement. Earwigs move quickly and erratically, while other bugs move more slowly.
1. Centipedes.

Centipedes are long, thin and have many legs. They can be brown, green or red in color. Centipedes often curl up when they are disturbed. They live outside in the garden and come into the house to find food. Centipedes eat spiders, insects and other small animals. They can bite humans but it is not harmful.
Centipedes are not bugs that look like earwigs but they are interesting creatures to learn about. They can be found in the garden and sometimes come into the house. They eat spiders, insects and other small animals. Centipedes can bite humans but it is not harmful. Learning about centipedes can help you to identify them if you see one.
Centipedes vs earwigs
Centipedes and earwigs are both bugs but they look very different. Earwigs have a pincer at the end of their body while centipedes do not. Centipedes are long and thin with many legs while earwigs are short and plump.
Centipedes live outside in the garden while earwigs live inside the house. Centipedes eat spiders, insects and other small animals while earwigs eat plant material. Earwigs can bite humans but it is not harmful.
How to get rid of centipedes
If you find a centipede in your house, the best way to get rid of it is to catch it and release it outside. You can also use a pesticide to kill centipedes. Be sure to read the instructions on the pesticide label before using it. Always follow the safety precautions listed on the label.
2. Cockroaches

Cockroaches are one of the most common household pests. They are oval-shaped and have a flat body. They range in color from light brown to black, and they have two pairs of wings. Cockroaches can be up to two inches long, and they live in warm, moist environments.
Cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat anything, including other insects. They are also known to spread disease. Cockroaches can be difficult to get rid of, and they often hide in small places where they are hard to see. If you think you have a cockroach infestation, call a professional exterminator.
Related: 12 Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches (But Aren’t)
Cockroaches vs earwigs
Cockroaches and earwigs are both insects, and they both have a lot of similarities. They are both oval-shaped, and they have a flat body. They both range in color from light brown to black, and they both have two pairs of wings. They also live in warm, moist environments.
However, there are some key differences between cockroaches and earwigs. Earwigs are smaller than cockroaches, and they have a pincher-like appendage on their tail. Earwigs are also not as common as cockroaches, and they don’t spread disease as much as cockroaches do.
How to get rid of cockroaches
There are several ways to get rid of cockroaches. You can buy a cockroach trap or use a cockroach bait. You can also use a bug spray or an insecticide. If you have a severe infestation, you may need to call a professional exterminator.
3. Firebrats.

They are related to silverfish and can be just as destructive. They often enter homes through cracks in the foundation or around windows and doors. Once they’re in, they can eat away at paper, wallpaper, clothing and furniture. They’re also known for leaving their excrement all over the place.
Firebrats vs earwigs
So, are firebrats and earwigs the same thing?
Sort of. Firebrats are a type of cricket while earwigs are a type of beetle. They both have long antennae, but firebrats have two tail-like appendages that earwigs don’t have. And, as we just mentioned, firebrats are known for their destructive habits, while earwigs aren’t quite as bad.
How to get rid of firebrats:
-Seal any cracks or openings in your home’s foundation or exterior that may serve as firebrat entry points.
-Install weather stripping around windows and doors.
-Use caulking to seal any other openings around the home.
-Remove clutter from your home as it provides firebrats with hiding places
4. Jumping Bristletails.

These bugs are related to earwigs, but they look completely different. They have long antennae and a tail that looks like a bristle. They jump to move around, and they can be very fast. They live in gardens and fields, where they eat plant material.
Bristletails can be a nuisance because they often invade homes, but they are not harmful. They can be removed with a vacuum cleaner or by hand.
Jumping bristletails vs earwigs
Earwigs are a common household pest that can be identified by their characteristic pincers. They are brown or black in color and range from ½ to ¾ of an inch long. Earwigs often hide in moist, dark places during the day and come out at night to feed on insects, flowers, and fruits.
Jumping bristletails are very similar in appearance to earwigs, but can be distinguished by their long antennae. They are light brown or black in color and range from ¼ to ½ of an inch long. Jumping bristletails eat a variety of things, including decaying matter, fungi, moss, and lichen.
How to get rid of jumping bristletails:
-Vacuum them up
-Pick them off by hand
-Use a pesticide spray (if necessary)
Jumping bristletails can be eliminated with a vacuum cleaner, by picking them off by hand, or with a pesticide spray. Whichever method you choose, be sure to follow the instructions carefully. Remember that pesticides should only be used as a last resort. Vacuuming or picking them off by hand are the safest methods.
5. Green Lacewing Larvae.

These bugs are often mistaken for earwigs, but they are actually a different species. They are harmless and will not harm your plants.
They are beneficial predators that eat aphids, mealybugs, and other pests. You can tell them apart from earwigs by their longer antennae and the way they hold their wings. Green lacewing larvae are a great addition to any garden or home.
Lacewing Larvae vs earwigs
The larvae of green lacewings, Chrysoperla carnea, are often mistaken for earwigs, Ptychoptera sp. They are both elongate and somewhat flattened insects with pincer-like mouthparts. However, there are several differences between the two creatures.
The antennae of earwigs are elbowed, while the antennae of lacewing larvae are not. Lacewing larvae also have three pairs of legs, while earwigs have four pairs. Earwigs are also generally darker in color than lacewing larvae.
The most distinguishing characteristic between the two insects, however, is their behavior. Lacewing larvae are active predators, while earwigs are scavengers. Lacewing larvae are also generally much larger than earwigs.
If you are not sure whether an insect is a lacewing larva or an earwig, observe its behavior. If it is active and predatory, it is most likely a lacewing larva. If it is sluggish and feeds on dead matter, it is more likely to be an earwig.
How to get rid of lacewing larvae
If you have green lacewing larvae in your garden, you may be wondering how to get rid of them. These pests can do a lot of damage to plants, so it is important to get rid of them as soon as possible. Here are a few ways to get rid of green lacewing larvae:
– Use insecticides
– Use nematodes
– Use predators
– Use traps
Insecticides: Insecticides can be used to get rid of green lacewing larvae. However, you need to be careful when using them, as they can also kill other beneficial insects.
Nematodes: Nematodes are tiny worms that can kill green lacewing larvae. They are available for purchase at most garden stores.
Predators: Predators such as birds and spiders can be used to get rid of green lacewing larvae.
Traps: Traps can be used to lure and kill green lacewing larvae. One type of trap that can be used is a sticky trap. These traps are covered in a sticky substance that will trap the larvae when they walk over it.
6. Rove Beetles.

Rove Beetles are a type of beetle that is often mistaken for earwigs. They are brown or black in color and have long antennae. Rove Beetles are harmless to humans and pets, but they can be a nuisance because they like to eat flowers and other plants.
If you see a rove beetle in your home, you can catch it and release it outside. Rove Beetles are found throughout the United States.
Rove beetles vs earwigs
Although rove beetles and earwigs share some similarities, there are a few ways to tell them apart. First, earwigs have two pincers on their back, while rove beetles do not. Second, rove beetles are generally larger than earwigs. Finally, earwigs are attracted to light, while rove beetles are not.
How to get rid of rove beetles:
There are a few things you can do to get rid of rove beetles if they become a nuisance in your home. You can try using a bug spray, but be sure to read the label carefully and follow all instructions.
Another option is to bait the beetles with something they like to eat, such as fruit or sugar water. Finally, you can try catching the beetles and releasing them outside.
7. Scorpions.

Some people might mistake scorpions for earwigs, but they are easily distinguishable. Scorpions have two body segments instead of three like earwigs, and their pincers (or claws) are much larger. Scorpions also have a stinger on the end of their tail, which is used to inject venom into their prey.
Many people are afraid of scorpions, but they are not usually dangerous to humans. The venom is not very potent, and most people only experience minor symptoms if stung. However, scorpions can be a hazard for pets, so it is important to keep an eye out for them when you’re out and about with your furry friend.
Scorpions vs earwigs
Earwigs are small, brown bugs that often live in gardens or near water. They get their name from the way they look—their long, thin body resembles an earwig’s. Earwigs are mostly harmless to humans, but they can give a nasty bite if provoked.
Scorpions, on the other hand, are not so harmless. These bugs can have a nasty sting that can hurt humans and other animals. Scorpions come in many different colors, but they all have one thing in common—a long tail with a stinger on the end.
How to get rid of scorpions
If you have scorpions in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them. First, seal up any cracks or openings in your home where they could be getting in. You can also use a pesticide to kill them. Finally, remove any potential food sources from your home, such as pet food or garbage.
8. Silverfish.

Silverfish are common household pests that often look like earwigs. They are small, thin, and have a silver sheen to their body. Silverfish often hide in dark, moist areas such as basements and bathrooms.
They feed on carbohydrates, such as sugar and starch, and can damage paper products, wallpaper, and clothing. Silverfish can be treated with insecticides or by exclusion.
Related: 8 Bugs That Look Like Silverfish But Aren’t
Silverfish vs earwigs
Many people get these two confused because they do look very similar. Both bugs are long and have a silver color, but there are a few key differences. Earwigs have antennas on their head, while silverfish do not. Silverfish also have two tail-like appendages, while earwigs only have one.
The easiest way to tell them apart is by their behavior. Earwigs are mostly nocturnal, meaning they come out at night. Silverfish are active during the day. If you see a bug crawling around your house during the day, it’s most likely a silverfish.
How to get rid of silverfish
There are a few different ways to get rid of silverfish. You can use a store-bought insecticide, or you can make your own. If you want to make your own, here is a recipe:
-Half a cup of salt
-A spray bottle filled with water
-Two teaspoons of dish soap
-Mix the salt and water together in the spray bottle.
-Add the dish soap.
-Shake well to combine.
-Spray liberally on areas where you have seen silverfish.
-Reapply as needed.
9. Termites.

Termites are actually quite large and can be white, cream, or light brown in color. They measure about ½ inch long and have a wingspan of about an inch.
They are most easily confused with flying ants, but can be distinguished by their straight antennae and the two pairs of wings that termites have, whereas ants have one pair of wings.
Termites swarm in late spring or early summer when the weather starts to get warm. If you see a lot of these bugs flying around your house, you may have a termite infestation.
Termites can cause a lot of damage to your home, so it is important to get them treated if you think you have an infestation.
Related: 5 Bugs That Look Like Termites But Aren’t
Termites vs earwigs
Earwigs are often mistaken for termites. Termites are white or light brown in color and have a uniform appearance, while earwigs are darker and have a segmented body.
Termites also have straight antennae, while earwigs’ antennae are curved. Another distinguishing characteristic is that termites have two pairs of wings, while earwigs have only one.
Termites are more common than earwigs and can cause significant damage to homes and other buildings. If you think you may have a termite problem, call a pest control professional. Earwig problems are less common and can usually be addressed with over-the-counter treatments.
10. Two-pronged Bristletails.

These bristletails have two long prongs on their head that look a bit like earwigs. They are dark brown or black in color and can be up to two inches long. Unlike the earwig, they do not have wings and cannot fly. They live in gardens and feed on decaying plant matter.
There is another type of bristletail that is called the “springtail.” Springtails are small, measuring only about one-sixteenth of an inch long.
They are gray or white in color and have a tail that curls up into a spring when they jump. Springtails live in damp places, such as under stones or leaves, and eat decaying matter or fungi.
Two-pronged Bristletails vs earwigs
Earwigs are common household pests that can be identified by their long, pincer-like appendages that protrude from their heads. While they may look scary, these critters are mostly harmless and will only cause minor damage to your plants or home if left unchecked.
Two-pronged bristletails, on the other hand, are a less common but potentially more harmful type of bug. These critters can be identified by their two long, prong-like appendages that extend from their heads. Unlike earwigs, two-pronged bristletails are capable of biting and stinging humans, and they may also carry diseases.
How to get rid of Two-pronged Bristletails
If you are seeing bugs that look like earwigs around your home, there is a good chance that you are dealing with two-pronged bristletails. These pests can be difficult to get rid of, but there are some steps that you can take to make the process a bit easier.
The first step is to identify the areas of your home where two-pronged bristletails are congregating. Once you have identified these areas, you can start to treat them with a pesticide. Be sure to read the instructions on the pesticide carefully so that you know how to use it safely and effectively.
Another step that you can take to get rid of two-pronged bristletails is to remove any food or water sources that they might be using. This includes garbage cans, pet food bowls, and bird feeders.
Finally, you can also try to seal up any cracks or openings in your home where the pests might be entering. This will help to keep them out of your home in the first place.
11. Woodlice.

They look like earwigs, but they’re not. They’re actually a type of crustacean related to shrimp and crabs. And they’re harmless.
You can find them in moist places like under leaves or rocks, or in your garden where they help to break down organic matter. But you don’t have to worry about them invading your home – they’re not interested in living indoors.
Woodlice vs earwigs:
Earwigs are a type of beetle, whereas woodlice are crustaceans. Earwigs have membranous wings which they can use for flying, whilst woodlice do not have wings and cannot fly.
Woodlice also have two antennae on their head, whereas earwigs only have one. Earwigs are generally brown or black in colour, whereas woodlice can be a variety of colours, including pale yellow, green and red.
Earwigs are generally larger than woodlice, and they have a pincer-like appendage at the end of their abdomen which they use for catching prey. Woodlice do not have this appendage.
How to get rid of woodlice
There are a few ways to get rid of woodlice. One is to use diatomaceous earth. This is a powder that you can spread around the areas where the woodlice live. It will kill them by dehydrating them. Another way to get rid of them is to use a pesticide.
There are many different kinds of pesticides that you can use, but be sure to read the label and follow the instructions carefully. You may also want to call a professional exterminator if you have a lot of woodlice in your home.
Why am I getting earwigs in my house?
There could be a few reasons why you’re seeing earwigs in your house. One possibility is that they’re coming in from outside; if it’s been warm and wet lately, they may be looking for a place to shelter. Another possibility is that there’s something in your house that’s attracting them – perhaps there’s food or water available, or maybe they’re finding shelter in cracks and crevices.
Whatever the reason, it’s important to take steps to get rid of earwigs if they’re becoming a problem. One easy way to do this is by using a pesticide or insecticide. There are also many natural methods that can be effective, such as using essential oils or using diatomaceous earth.
Are silverfish harmful?
Silverfish are not harmful to humans. They do not bite, sting, or carry any diseases. However, they can damage fabrics and paper products. Silverfish eat the paste in glue, so they can ruin books, magazines, wallpaper, and other paper products. They can also damage clothing by eating the fabric’s fibers. Silverfish are not usually considered a major pest, but they can be a nuisance.

Earwigs are not the only bugs that can be mistaken for earwigs. There are other bugs that look like earwigs, and they can be just as pesky. Some of these other bugs include cockroaches, spiders, and beetles.
If you are unsure whether or not you have an earwig infestation, it is best to consult with a professional. They will be able to identify the bug and provide you with the necessary steps to take in order to get rid of them.
Earwigs are not the only bugs that can be mistaken for earwigs. There are other bugs that look like earwigs, and they can be just as pesky. Some of these other bugs include cockroaches, spiders, and beetles.