Last Updated on May 28, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
Taking care of cattle in the summer is important to get the most out of your livestock, whilst keeping them safe and comfortable throughout the hot summer months. Planning ahead of time is key to having a successful summer on the farm, and here is how you can do just that.
Quality Forage
Providing quality forage for your cattle is important to ensure you are giving your livestock the best possible chance at consuming as many nutrients as possible. This way, they are healthy and maintain the right body weight, ensuring they are fit enough to endure the heat of summer, regulating their body temperature correctly, and consuming enough food throughout the warmer months.
Shade and Shelter
This may sound obvious, but it really is so important. Consider providing shaded areas in your fields so your cattle have areas to retreat to if they are getting hot in the warmer months.
Providing shaded areas will keep your cattle happy, ensuring you get the most out of your livestock throughout the summer. If your cattle get too warm or sunburnt, it’s a costly affair, not to mention the welfare of your livestock.
Use the Cool Morning Temperatures
Do most of the work with your cattle early in the morning or late on an evening, to make the most of the cooler temperatures. This way you are not overworking yourself and your livestock. As well as looking after your cattle you need to look after yourself, heat exhaustion isn’t pleasant so be sure to work in the cooler temperatures.
Another important factor is providing your cattle and other livestock with enough water to avoid dehydration. Dehydration and providing the right veterinary care for your cattle is completely avoidable here.
Look for Heat Stress
A rapid change in temperature can bring on heat stress in cattle, so watch out for signs of obvious distress and dehydration. However, if you plan in advance, this is completely avoidable.
If you’re looking to find equipment for your cattle herd suppliers, such as Wynnstay PLC, provide quality food and equipment for cattle from their stores or online. It’s always easier speaking to a specialist supplier, rather than trying to source different bits from different places.

What is the best temperature for cows to live in?
The ideal temperature for cows to live in is between 50 and 60 degrees Fahrenheit. However, they can withstand temperatures as low as 20 degrees Fahrenheit and as high as 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Cows are most comfortable in environments where the temperature is moderate and there is plenty of ventilation. When the temperature gets too hot or too cold, cows will seek out shelter to protect themselves from the extreme weather conditions.
Cows are also very sensitive to changes in temperature, so it is important to provide them with a consistent environment. If you are unsure of what temperature to set your cow’s living space at, it is best to err on the side of caution and go with a lower temperature.
Do cows like being rained on?
Some people believe that cows enjoy the rain and the fresh smell of the wet grass. Others think that cows don’t like getting wet and cold. So, what’s the truth?
Do cows like being rained on? There is no easy answer to this question because every cow is different. Some cows may enjoy the sensation of rain on their skin, while others may not like it so much. However, one thing is for sure – cows don’t like being rained on if they are already wet and cold. If you see a cow lying down in the rain, it is likely because she is trying to keep warm and dry.
What is too hot for cattle?
The answer to this question depends on many factors, including the cattle’s breed, age, and health status. In general, however, cattle can tolerate temperatures up to about 85°F before they start to experience heat stress.
When the temperature gets above 85°F, cattle will begin to pant and sweat in order to cool themselves down. If the temperature gets much higher than this, cattle can start to experience more serious health problems, such as heat stroke.
What do cows need in the summer?
Cows need fresh water, plenty of pasture, and some shade to stay cool in the summer heat. Fresh water is essential to a cow’s health, and she will drink up to 50 gallons per day. A healthy diet of grasses and other plants provides the hydration a cow needs in the summer heat.
To maintain her body temperature, a cow will spend most of her time in the shade. When she is out in the pasture, she will seek out areas with trees or other natural shelter. If there is no natural shelter, farmers may provide their cows with shade structures such as tree farms or portable shades.
Cows also like to lie down in mud to cool off. Mud helps to keep a cow’s body temperature low by evaporating heat from her skin. It also protects her from harmful UV rays and insects.
When it is very hot, cows may pant or salivate to cool themselves down. Panting helps a cow to evaporate water from her lungs, which lowers her body temperature. Saliva contains evaporative cooling properties that help to cool a cow’s body when it is exposed to the air.
What are the signs of heat stress in cattle?
Cattle can show a number of different signs when they are suffering from heat stress. These can include increased respiration and heart rate, increased body temperature, increased sweating, decreased appetite, and behavioural changes such as lethargy or restlessness. If you suspect that your cattle are suffering from heat stress, it is important to contact a veterinarian for advice.
How do cows stay cool in the summer?
There are a few ways that cows stay cool in the summer. Firstly, they have a coat of fur that helps to insulate them from the heat. Secondly, they spend a lot of time in the shade and avoid being in direct sunlight. Thirdly, they often pant or breathe rapidly to help evaporate any sweat or moisture on their body. This helps to cool them down as the water evaporates. Finally, cows will often wallow in mud or water – this helps to cool their body down as well as keep away any insects that may bite them.