24+ Creative Hanging Herb Garden Ideas for Urban Dwellers

best hanging herb garden ideas

Last Updated on March 4, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford

Are you looking for a smart way to grow herbs even when space is tight or you’re aiming for a visually appealing kitchen corner? Hanging herb garden ideas might just be the perfect solution for you.

At its core, this concept revolves around using vertical space to cultivate herbs in containers that hang, merging practicality with a touch of nature’s charm.

These gardens offer remarkable benefits, notably in how they tackle the issue of limited space — ideal for those with smaller living areas or a desire to keep their gardening efforts within easy reach.

Besides saving on space, hanging herb gardens enhance the look of your home, adding a fresh and lively decor element that’s also incredibly accessible.

Whether you want to add a dash of green to your living space or enjoy the convenience of fresh herbs right in your kitchen, these gardens are a straightforward yet effective approach to achieving just that.

In this article

Reasons to Create a Hanging Herb Garden

Limited Space Solutions

Living in a place with not much space, like a small apartment, balcony, or tiny yard, doesn’t mean you can’t grow your own herbs.

Hanging herb gardens are a clever way to use the vertical space you do have. This means you can enjoy gardening without needing a lot of ground space. It’s perfect for adding a bit of green to compact living areas.

SolutionIdeal ForBenefit
Vertical GardeningApartments & BalconiesMaximizes limited outdoor and indoor spaces
Wall PlantersSmall YardsUses vertical space efficiently
Hanging BasketsCompact Living AreasOffers flexibility and mobility in gardening

Enhancing Home Decor

Hanging herb gardens don’t just give you fresh herbs; they also make your living space look better. They add a lively touch of nature and can brighten up any room or outdoor area.

By choosing stylish containers and arranging them creatively, you can enhance the aesthetic appeal of your home effortlessly. It’s a simple way to make your space feel more inviting and alive.

Practical Benefits

Having fresh herbs right at your fingertips is not just convenient; it also encourages healthy eating. Imagine adding fresh basil to your pasta or mint to your tea anytime you want. Hanging herb gardens make this possible.

They are not just for looks; they serve a very practical purpose in your daily cooking, making it easier to include fresh and nutritious ingredients in your meals.

Environmental Impact

Choosing to grow your own herbs can have a positive effect on the environment. It reduces the need for plastic packaging and cuts down on the carbon footprint associated with transporting herbs from the farm to your home.

Hanging herb gardens are a step towards more sustainable living practices. They encourage a closer connection to your food source and promote an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Choosing the Right Herbs for Your Hanging Garden

Overview of Herbs Suited for Hanging Gardens

When you decide to start a hanging herb garden, picking the right herbs is crucial. Some herbs grow better in hanging containers than others.

Herbs like basil, mint, cilantro, and thyme are great choices. They don’t just thrive in limited space; they also bring fresh flavors right to your kitchen.

HerbGrowth HabitUses
BasilBushyPesto, salads, and pasta dishes
MintSpreadingTeas, cocktails, and desserts
CilantroUprightSalsas, dips, and Asian cuisines
ThymeLow, SpreadingSoups, poultry, and vegetable dishes

Factors to Consider

Choosing herbs for your garden isn’t just about picking your favorites. You need to think about a few important things. Sunlight requirements, watering needs, and growth habits are key factors.

Some herbs might need more sun than others. Similarly, some herbs like their soil moist, while others prefer drier conditions. Understanding these needs will help you keep your garden healthy and thriving.

Tips for Mixing Herbs in Single Containers

If you’re tight on space, you might want to put more than one herb in the same container. This is where companion planting comes into play. Not all herbs get along when they share a space. For example, mint tends to overpower other plants, so it’s better kept in its own container.

On the other hand, basil and cilantro can share a pot without issues. Knowing which herbs can be planted together helps prevent competition for resources and ensures all your herbs grow well.

Herb CombinationCompatible?Reason
Basil & CilantroYesSimilar water and sunlight requirements
Mint & Any HerbNoMint can overpower and outcompete
Thyme & RosemaryYesBoth thrive in less water, love more sun

Types of Hanging Planters and Containers

DIY Options

Creating your own hanging planters is a fun and creative way to add a personal touch to your herb garden. You can repurpose household items or craft unique macrame hangers.

Items like old mugs, cans, or plastic bottles can be transformed into beautiful planters with a bit of creativity. Macrame hangers, made from various types of string or rope, offer a charming and rustic look that can complement any decor style.

DIY Planter TypeMaterials NeededStyle
Repurposed ItemsOld containersEco-friendly, Unique
Macrame HangersRope or yarnBohemian, Handcrafted

Purchasable Options

For those who prefer ready-made solutions, the market offers a wide range of hanging planters. These can vary in size, material, and design, allowing you to find the perfect match for your home’s aesthetic.

From sleek metal frames to colorful ceramic pots, there’s an option to suit every taste and budget.

Planter TypeMaterialStyle
Metal FramesMetalModern, Industrial
Ceramic PotsCeramicClassic, Colorful

Considerations for Selection

When choosing the right planter for your hanging herb garden, several factors come into play. Weight is crucial, especially for those living in apartments or homes with limited structural support.

Drainage is another key aspect, as proper water flow is essential for healthy herb growth. The material of the planter can affect both the weight and drainage, as well as how it holds up in various weather conditions if placed outdoors.

Lastly, aesthetics play a significant role, as the planter should complement your home’s decor and personal style.

ConsiderationWhy It MattersImpact
WeightStructural support needsDetermines placement and safety
DrainageHealth of the herbsPrevents root rot and promotes growth
MaterialDurability and maintenanceAffects longevity and care requirements
AestheticsVisual appealEnhances the overall look of your space

Setting Up Your Hanging Herb Garden

Step-by-Step Guide to Setting Up

Setting up a hanging herb garden requires careful planning and execution. The first step is choosing the right location. This spot should get plenty of sunlight since most herbs love the sun.

Next, you’ll need to consider how to install your planters. Ensure that the structure you’re hanging them from can support their weight, especially when they’re watered.

Finally, selecting the right soil is crucial. A well-draining potting mix is ideal for herbs, as it prevents water from pooling at the roots.

StepDetailsWhy It’s Important
Choosing LocationMust have good sunlightHerbs need sunlight to grow
InstallationSecurely anchor plantersPrevents accidents and ensures stability
Soil SelectionUse well-draining potting mixPromotes healthy root growth

Watering and Maintenance Advice

Watering your hanging herb garden properly is key to ensuring your herbs thrive. Unlike traditional gardens, hanging planters can dry out more quickly, especially during hot days.

It’s important to water them regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Regular maintenance also includes trimming dead leaves and checking for signs of growth to ensure your herbs are healthy and productive.

Troubleshooting Common Problems

Even with the best care, you might encounter some issues with your hanging herb garden. Common problems include pests, diseases, and inadequate growth. Here are some tips for dealing with these challenges:

PestsVisible insects, damaged leavesUse natural pesticides, remove by hand
DiseasesDiscolored leaves, spotsEnsure good air circulation, remove affected parts
Inadequate GrowthSlow growth, weak plantsCheck for proper sunlight and nutrients

By following these guidelines, you can set up and maintain a hanging herb garden that not only looks great but is also productive. Regular care, along with proactive troubleshooting, will help you enjoy fresh herbs right from your own garden.

Creative Hanging Herb Garden Ideas

Utilizing Vertical Space

Making the most of vertical space can transform how you grow herbs, especially if you’re short on room.

Wall-mounted systems and balcony rail planters are smart ways to do this. Wall-mounted systems allow you to grow herbs on any vertical surface, turning a blank wall into a lush garden.

Balcony rail planters, on the other hand, make use of the often-overlooked space on the edges of balconies, providing a perfect spot for herbs while saving floor space.

Vertical SolutionBenefitsIdeal For
Wall-Mounted SystemsMaximizes unused vertical spacesPeople with limited ground space
Balcony Rail PlantersUtilizes balcony edges efficientlyApartment dwellers with balcony space

Innovative Containers

Getting creative with the containers you use for your hanging herb garden can add a unique touch to your space. Recycled bottles and fabric grow bags are eco-friendly options that also look great.

Tiered hangers offer a way to grow multiple herbs in a single vertical column, saving space and creating a visually appealing display.

These innovative container ideas not only help the environment by repurposing materials but also add an element of personal style to your garden.

Container TypeFeaturesEco-Friendly Aspect
Recycled BottlesCost-effective, easy to sourceReduces waste
Fabric Grow BagsBreathable, promotes healthy rootsOften made from recycled materials
Tiered HangersSpace-saving, decorativeMinimizes the need for multiple pots

Thematic Herb Gardens

Creating a thematic herb garden can make your gardening experience even more enjoyable.

Whether it’s a culinary collection for those who love cooking with fresh herbs, a medicinal assortment for natural remedies, or an aromatic blend for fragrance and beauty, focusing on a theme can guide your plant selection and garden design.

This approach not only personalizes your gardening experience but also can make your herb garden more purposeful and satisfying.

ThemePurposeExample Herbs
Culinary CollectionEnhance cookingBasil, thyme, rosemary
Medicinal AssortmentNatural health remediesLavender, chamomile, mint
Aromatic BlendFragrance and beautyLemon balm, sage, scented geraniums

1. The cutest hanging herb garden

The cutest hanging herb garden


2. Industrial DIY hanging herb garden

Industrial DIY hanging herb garden


3. DIY Indoor Hanging Herb Garden with EcoScraps 

DIY Indoor Hanging Herb Garden with EcoScraps


4. DIY Copper Herb Garden

DIY Copper Herb Garden


5. DIY Hanging Recycled Herb Garden

DIY Hanging Recycled Herb Garden


6. Easy DIY hanging herb garden from wine bottles

Easy DIY hanging herb garden from wine bottles


7. Indoor Herb Garden IKEA Hack

Indoor Herb Garden IKEA Hack


8. Shoe Holder Garden

Shoe Holder Garden


9. Make a hanging herb garden

Make a hanging herb garden


10. Macrame hanging herb garden

Macrame hanging herb garden


11. $30 DIY Hanging Planter

$30 DIY Hanging Planter


12. Make Your Own Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

Make Your Own Indoor Hanging Herb Garden


13. DIY Hanging Herb Tins

DIY Hanging Herb Tins


14. Hanging Herb Mason Jars

Hanging Herb Mason Jars


15. DIY Hanging Herb Metal Planter

DIY Hanging Herb Metal Planter


16. Hanging Herbs for patio

Hanging Herbs for patio


17. Hanging Herb Garden With An Old Coffee Can

Hanging Herb Garden With An Old Coffee Can


18. DIY Wooden Hanging Planter

DIY Wooden Hanging Planter


19. Water bottle herbs

Water bottle herbs


20. DIY Pallet Living Wall

DIY Pallet Living Wall


21. DIY Vertical Herb Garden

DIY Vertical Herb Garden


22. Hanging Herb Garden with snap-on plastic lids

Hanging Herb Garden with snap-on plastic lids


23. Hanging Coffee Cup Herb Garden

Hanging Coffee Cup Herb Garden


24. Macramé Indoor Hanging Herb Garden

Macramé Indoor Hanging Herb Garden


Maximizing Growth and Health of Hanging Herbs

Best Practices for Sunlight Exposure and Watering Schedules

To ensure your hanging herb garden flourishes, paying attention to sunlight and watering is key. Herbs generally need about 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily.

If you’re indoors, a south-facing window is ideal. For watering, the goal is to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Over-watering can lead to root rot, while under-watering might stress the plants.

Establishing a consistent watering schedule, adjusted for humidity and temperature changes, will keep your herbs healthy.

Sunlight6-8 hours of direct sunlight dailyEssential for photosynthesis
Watering ScheduleAdjust according to temperature and humidity levelsPrevents over-watering or under-watering

Fertilizing: Natural and Organic Options for Nutrient-Rich Growth

Nutrition is crucial for the growth of your herbs. Using natural and organic fertilizers can enhance the health of your plants without the harsh chemicals found in some products.

Options like compost tea, fish emulsion, or worm castings are not only effective but also safe for cooking herbs. Applying these fertilizers every 4-6 weeks during the growing season can boost growth and flavor.

Fertilizer TypeBenefitsApplication Frequency
Compost TeaImproves soil health and structureEvery 4-6 weeks during the growing season
Fish EmulsionProvides a quick nutrient boostAs directed on product packaging
Worm CastingsSlow-release, improves soil textureMix into soil at the beginning of season

Pruning and Harvesting Tips: Encouraging Bushy Growth and Prolonged Harvest

Pruning and harvesting your herbs not only encourages bushy growth but also prolongs the harvest period. Regularly pinching off the tips of your herbs can stimulate the plants to branch out, leading to a fuller plant.

When harvesting, never take more than one-third of the plant at a time to ensure it can continue to grow healthily. Timing your harvests just before the plant flowers can also ensure you get the best flavor from your herbs.

PruningPinch off tips to encourage branchingLeads to bushier growth
HarvestingTake no more than one-third of the plant at a timeEnsures continuous growth and flavor

Incorporating Hanging Herbs into Cooking and Home Use

Fresh Herb Recipes: Incorporating Home-Grown Herbs into Daily Meals

Using fresh herbs from your hanging garden can transform your cooking, adding vibrant flavors and colors to your meals. Herbs like basil, cilantro, and rosemary can be used in a variety of dishes, from pastas and salads to soups and meats.

The key is to add them towards the end of the cooking process to preserve their flavor and freshness. Experimenting with different combinations can also lead to delicious discoveries in your culinary adventures.

HerbDish TypeUsage Tips
BasilPasta & SaladsAdd fresh leaves just before serving
CilantroSoups & TacosMix in or garnish for a fresh flavor
RosemaryMeats & BreadsInfuse during cooking for deep flavor

Preserving Herbs: Drying and Freezing Methods for Long-Term Storage

When you have an abundance of herbs, preserving them allows you to enjoy their flavors year-round. Drying and freezing are two effective methods for long-term storage. Drying can be done by hanging bunches of herbs in a warm, airy space or using a dehydrator.

Once dried, store them in airtight containers. Freezing herbs, either whole or chopped in ice cube trays with water or oil, preserves their flavor and makes them convenient to use in cooking.

MethodProcessBest For
DryingAir dry or use a dehydratorHardy herbs like rosemary and thyme
FreezingFreeze whole or in ice cube trays with liquidDelicate herbs like basil and cilantro

Non-Culinary Uses: Herbal Teas, Natural Remedies, Homemade Potpourris

Beyond cooking, your hanging herb garden can contribute to your home in other meaningful ways. Herbal teas, made from mint or chamomile, offer a soothing, homemade beverage option.

Certain herbs can also be used in natural remedies, such as lavender for relaxation or aloe vera for skin care. Moreover, homemade potpourris, using dried herbs and flowers, can naturally fragrance your home, creating a pleasant and inviting atmosphere.

Herbal TeasMint, ChamomileSoothing, can aid digestion
Natural RemediesLavender, Aloe VeraRelaxation, skin care
Homemade PotpourrisLavender, RosemaryNatural home fragrance

Incorporating herbs from your garden into your daily life, whether through cooking, preserving, or non-culinary uses, not only maximizes the benefits of your gardening efforts but also enhances your home and well-being with natural, fresh elements.


Creating a hanging herb garden brings numerous benefits and joys, from the practicality of growing your own herbs in limited spaces to the aesthetic pleasure they add to your home.

The versatility of these gardens allows for a wide range of herbs to be grown, offering fresh flavors for cooking, natural remedies for health, and delightful fragrances for your living spaces.

Moreover, the eco-friendly aspect of using vertical space and recycled containers contributes positively to sustainable living practices.

As you embark on or continue your gardening journey, remember that there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to creating a hanging herb garden. Each space is unique, and so are your tastes and preferences. Therefore, don’t hesitate to experiment with different plants, containers, and arrangements to find what works best for you.

Personalizing your herb garden not only enhances its appeal but also makes the experience of gardening more fulfilling. The joy of harvesting your own herbs, knowing they were grown with care by your own hands, is unmatched.

Let your creativity flourish and enjoy the process of making your hanging herb garden a true reflection of your personal style and culinary needs.

Best hanging herb garden ideas

FAQs: Hanging Herb Garden Ideas

What are the best herbs to grow in a hanging garden?

The best herbs for a hanging garden include those with a more compact or trailing growth habit, such as basil, mint, cilantro, thyme, parsley, and oregano. These herbs tend to thrive in the confined space of hanging containers and can easily adapt to the vertical growing environment.

How often should I water my hanging herb garden?

Watering frequency for a hanging herb garden depends on various factors such as the type of herbs, the climate, and the season. Generally, hanging planters dry out faster than ground soil, so checking the soil moisture regularly is key. A good rule of thumb is to water when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch.

Can I create a hanging herb garden indoors?

Yes, you can create a hanging herb garden indoors, provided you have a spot that receives enough sunlight — typically near a south-facing window. Consider using a grow light if natural light is insufficient. Ensure there’s adequate ventilation and choose containers with proper drainage to keep your indoor herbs healthy.

What materials do I need to start a hanging herb garden?

To start a hanging herb garden, you’ll need containers or baskets with drainage holes, a quality potting mix designed for container gardening, your choice of herb seeds or seedlings, and sturdy hooks or brackets for hanging your planters. Optional items might include a drip tray to catch water, labels to identify your herbs, and gardening tools for maintenance.

How can I ensure my hanging herbs get enough sunlight?

To ensure your hanging herbs receive enough sunlight, position them in a spot that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight daily. If outdoor sunlight is limited, consider using a grow light for indoor gardens. Rotating your planters occasionally can also help ensure all sides of the herbs receive equal light exposure.