15 Herbs to Lower Blood Pressure

Last Updated on November 8, 2020 by Kimberly Crawford

High blood pressure or hypertension is one of the biggest health problems in the world now. The reasons are various including an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and obesity. As such, lowering and managing blood pressure is a priority.

To effectively lower blood pressure, changes in the lifestyle and diet are certainly necessary. At the same time, considerable support can also be provided by consuming certain herbs.

Herbs are certainly capable of helping with hypertension. However, care must be taken before consumption. Some herbs may have unwanted side effects when consumed in large quantities. As such, always consult a doctor before using one or more of the herbs given below.

1. Basil

1 lemon

Basil is a rather flavorful herb which can be paired with a variety of dishes. Reducing blood pressure is one of the many health benefits offered by this herb.

Studies conducted on rodents have shown that basil extract is capable of lowering blood pressure temporarily. The main component for this is a chemical called eugenol. Eugenol can block specific substances responsible for tightening the blood vessels, leading to reduced blood pressure.

As such, you should certainly consider adding some basil to your diet.

2. Black Cumin Seeds

2 Black Cumin Seeds

These seeds are from the Nigella sativa plants. Traditionally, black cumin seeds have been used as a spice. However, they are also believed to have several medicinal properties.

According to studies, extract of these seeds may be beneficial for those suffering from mild hypertension. Additionally, it is capable of reducing the levels of LDL cholesterol. That is helpful for hypertension and cardiac health.

For consumption, oil made from the extracts of black cumin seeds is available.

3. Buchu

3 Buchu

This is a medicinal plant native to South America. It has also been tested and scientifically proven for its effectiveness in decreasing the blood pressure.

Buchu naturally has anti-inflammatory and diuretic properties. As such, it is rather effective for the treatment of blood pressure. However, it is suggested that potassium intake must be increased if buchu is being consumed. Contraindications are also present. As such, a doctor should be consulted before consumption.

Buchu is commonly available as supplements. It is also possible to find buchu tea.

4. Cardamom

4 Cardamom

A popular spice originating from India, Cardamom is a popular and valued seasoning in South Asian cuisine and is known for its medicinal properties. It has also been noted to have benefits for hypertension patients. Studies have shown cardamom can significantly reduce blood pressure levels through regular consumption. This can also improve cardiovascular health.

Cardamom is mainly consumed in the form of powder. Thanks to its flavor, it can be easily added to various kinds of dishes including coffee and tea.

5. Cat’s Claw

5 cats claw

Originating in South America, Cat’s claw has been used extensively in the region for a variety of health benefits. For hypertension, this herb works to reduce the pressure by working on the calcium channels of the body. In turn, this controls the water balance and thereby reducing the risk of hypertension. Studies on rodents have confirmed the same.

Cat’s claw can be consumed in the form of a tea. It is also available in the form of supplements.

6. Celery Seed

6 Celery Seed

These seeds are commonly used for flavoring savory dishes such as stews or soups. In China, celery has been traditionally used for treating high blood pressure. Studies have been conducted on rodents. As per those tests, celery may actually benefit those suffering from hypertension. Extracts from celery can work as a diuretic which helps with hypertension.

7. French Lavender

7 French Lavender

One of the most widely used aromatics, the smell of Lavender is known for being able to induce a relaxed state thanks to its pleasant smell. It is also capable of dilating the blood vessels and thereby decreasing the blood pressure.

For consumption, lavender tea is a popular option. Alternatively, lavender extracts can be used in baked foods. Lavender oil is commonly used for massages.

Read also: 32+ Types of lavender

8. Flax Seed

8 Flax Seed

Flaxseed is known to have several health benefits, particularly in the area of cardiovascular health. They are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids. Studies have demonstrated that it can even reduce blood pressure. It works mainly by reducing the cholesterol levels and increasing glucose tolerance. It also acts as an antioxidant.

Flaxseed can be consumed in various ways. However, the most effective would be whole flax seeds or ground seeds. It can be added to a diverse range of dishes for consumption.

9. Garlic

9 Garlic

A popular seasoning, garlic is rather well-known for its medicinal properties. It is capable of increasing the nitric oxide levels in the body which can relax the blood vessels. As a result of this relaxed state, blood pressure is lowered. Garlic can also decrease cholesterol levels in the body which helps reduce blood pressure and improve cardiac health.

Garlic can be added to wide range of dishes quite easily.

10. Ginger

10 Ginger

Ginger is another popular seasoning with added health benefits of which blood pressure reduction is one. Studies have demonstrated that ginger improves blood circulation. It also relaxes the muscles around the blood vessels which decreases the blood pressure. The extra health benefits offered by ginger make it worth consuming.

As an ingredient, ginger is quite versatile. As such, it will be easy to add it to your diet through beverages, soups and other dishes.

11. Green Tea

11 Green Tea

There are several benefits to consuming green tea thanks to its high antioxidant content. As such, it is beneficial for reducing high blood pressure as well. Regular consumption is recommended for the same.

12. Hawthorn

12 Hawthorn

Hawthorn has been traditionally used as a herbal remedy in Chinese medicines for treating high blood pressure. Studies have demonstrated that it has several beneficial effects on cardiovascular health.

This is due to the flavonoid content of Hawthorne. It can reduce the blood pressure of the arteries. It can also control the metabolism of glucose while improving the capillary activity. Blood circulation is also improved as Hawthorne can widen the blood vessels. This lowers the blood pressure as well.

Hawthorn is usually consumed in the form of tea but is available as supplements as well.

13. Hibiscus

13 Hibiscus

Hibiscus is another popular herb with widespread use in traditional medicines, especially for treating blood pressure. Studies have shown that hibiscus has diuretic properties. As such, it can eliminate extra sodium from the blood stream which leads to improved blood pressure.

Hibiscus can be consumed as a tea.

14. Turmeric

14 Turmeric

This popular spice is known to have several health benefits. It has high curcumin content. Curcumin can help relax the vascular muscles and improves the heart health as well. Turmeric can be added to a diverse range of dishes with ease.

15. Yarrow

15 Yarrow

Yarrow is known for its ability in helping wounds to heal. It can also be an excellent herb for reducing blood pressure. Yarrow has compounds that act as vasodilators which relax the blood vessels which in turn reduce the pressure.

Yarrow is available in the form of supplements for consumption.

Wondering how you can get these herbs? Why not grow them instead? All you need is good potting soil for herbs and the herbs. You can then grow and consume them with ease.

best herbs to lower blood pressure