Last Updated on February 22, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
A Goodman furnace is a great investment for any home. They are known for their energy efficiency and durability. However, like all machines, they occasionally need to be reset.
In this guide, we will walk you through the process of how to reset a Goodman furnace. We will also provide some tips on how to prevent this from happening in the future.
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When should you reset a Goodman furnace?
There are a few reasons why you might need to reset your Goodman furnace. One of the most common reasons is when the furnace has stopped working. If the furnace does not turn on, or if it is not producing heat, you will need to reset it.
Another reason to reset the furnace is if it is making strange noises. If you hear strange noises coming from the furnace, it might be a sign that something is wrong. In these cases, you will need to reset the furnace in order to fix the problem.
How to reset a Goodman furnace

There are two ways to reset a Goodman furnace: through the thermostat or through the manual switch.
How to reset a Goodman furnace through the thermostat
Step 1: Locate the thermostat
The thermostat is usually located near the entrance of your home. It is a small, white box that has several buttons on it.
Step 2: Turn off the thermostat
Before you do anything else, it is important to turn off the thermostat. This can be done by pressing the OFF button on the device.
Step 3: Remove the cover of the thermostat
The cover of the thermostat can be removed by unscrewing it from the wall. Be sure to keep track of any screws that are removed, as they will be needed to put the cover back on.
Step 4: Locate the reset button
The reset button is a small, circular button that is located on the inside of the thermostat. It should be labelled RESET.
Step 5: Press and hold the reset button
With your thumb or finger, press and hold the reset button for about five seconds.
Step 6: Release the reset button
Once you have held the reset button for five seconds, release it and wait a few minutes for the furnace to restart.
If your Goodman furnace is not starting after following these steps, there may be an issue with the unit that requires professional attention. It is recommended that you consult a heating and cooling specialist before attempting to repair the furnace on your own or with help from friends or family members.
How to reset a Goodman furnace through the manual switch
If your Goodman furnace is not working, it may be due to a tripped circuit breaker or blown fuse. Before you try resetting the furnace, check these items first. If they are okay, then follow these steps to reset the furnace:
Locate the manual switch on the Goodman furnace. It will be on the inside of the blower access panel. Flip it to off, wait a minute and then turn it back on again.
Resetting The Goodman Furnace
Here are some things to remember when resetting your furnace:
Make sure that you have tripped circuit breakers or blown fuses before attempting to reset your Goodman furnace.
The furnace may take up to 15 minutes to restart, so be patient.
If the reset does not work, please call a Goodman technician for assistance.
Why is my Goodman furnace not kicking on?
There are several reasons why your Goodman furnace may not be kicking on when you turn the thermostat up. Here are some of them:
The pilot light is out and needs to be relit. This can happen if there was a power outage, or if someone turned off the gas valve while cleaning around it.
The circuit breaker or fuse may have tripped.
The thermostat is not set to the correct temperature.
There is something blocking the furnace’s air flow, such as a dirty filter or an object that was accidentally left in front of the furnace.
The Goodman furnace needs service and should be brought to a technician for repair.
How do you reset the pilot light on a Goodman furnace?
There are a few ways that you can reset the pilot light on your Goodman furnace. One way is to use the reset button on the furnace itself.
Another way is to use a paper clip or other metal object to press and hold in the reset button located on the upper-left side of the furnace near the pilot light assembly. A third way is to turn off power at the breaker box for about 30 seconds before turning it back on.
How do you reset a Goodman furnace after power outage?
You can reset your Goodman furnace by first turning off its power at the main switch or breaker box and then waiting for about 30 seconds before turning it back again. You may also need to reset the furnace’s pilot light.
To do this, you can use the reset button on the furnace itself, or press and hold in the reset button located on the upper-left side of the furnace near the pilot light assembly with a paper clip or other metal object.
Does a Goodman gas furnace have a reset button?
Yes, a Goodman gas furnace has a reset button. It’s located on the upper-left side of the furnace near the pilot light assembly. You can use this button to reset your furnace after any power outages or other problems that might have occurred with it previously.
How do I know if my Goodman Furnace is working?
You can tell if your Goodman Furnace is working by turning on the heat and checking to see if it’s blowing warm air. In addition, you should hear a humming noise coming from inside of the unit when this happens.
If there are any problems with your furnace such as no heat being produced or an inability to turn it off at all, you should contact a professional HVAC technician as soon as possible.
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Where is pilot light Goodman furnace?
The pilot light on a Goodman furnace is located on the left side of the unit. You can find it by looking for two small holes near where you would normally see an electric burner element in other furnaces.
There should be one hole at top and bottom with another hole located in between them (this is where your gas comes out). If there are no holes at all, then you’ll need to look further down on the left side of your unit until you see them.
What does 1 flash mean on a Goodman furnace?
One flash on a Goodman furnace means that the air filter needs to be replaced. You can check this by removing it from its slot and seeing if there are any gaps where dirt or dust could get through (which would indicate that it’s time). If you don’t see these signs, then your filter should still be good until next year when it’s time for a replacement.
What do 3 flashes mean on a Goodman furnace?
Three flashes on a Goodman furnace usually means that there is something blocking the airflow. This could be caused by something as simple as a dirty air filter or it could be more serious such as an issue with the blower assembly.
What do 4 flashes mean on a Goodman furnace?
When a Goodman starts blinking four times on the control board, it means that there is a problem with the pressure switch. This can be caused by a blocked venting system or an air flow issue.
What do 6 flashes mean on a Goodman furnace?
When a Goodman starts blinking six times on the control board, it means that there is a problem with the ignition system. This could be caused by a dirty filter or an issue with the gas line.
What do 12 flashes mean on a Goodman furnace?
When a Goodman starts blinking twelve times on the control board, it means that there is a problem with the limit switch. This could be caused by a dirty filter or an issue with the gas line.
What do 14 flashes mean on a Goodman furnace?
When a Goodman starts blinking fourteen times on the control board, it means that there is a problem with the fan relay circuit. This could be caused by an open thermostat, a dirty filter or an issue with the gas line.
What does a solid red light on a Goodman furnace mean?
If you have a Goodman furnace and are seeing a solid red light, it means that the furnace is in an error code state. To reset the furnace, press and hold the power button for about five seconds. You should then hear a beep and see all of the indicator lights turn off. If this doesn’t work, unplug the furnace for about 30 minutes and then plug it back in. If the red light is still on, the problem could be with your thermostat or a part inside of your furnace.
What does a solid green light on a Goodman furnace mean?
If you have a Goodman furnace and are seeing a solid green light, it means that the blower is working.
What does a flashing green light on a Goodman furnace mean?
A flashing green light on a Goodman furnace usually means that the blower is working but the furnace isn’t heating up.
What are some common issues that occur with Goodman furnaces, and how can they be resolved through resetting?
The most common issues that occur with Goodman furnaces are:
- A dirty air filter
- An issue with the blower assembly
- A blocked venting system
- An air flow issue.
All of these problems can be resolved by resetting your furnace.
How can I prevent my Goodman furnace from needing a reset in the future?
A few things you can do to help prevent your Goodman furnace from needing a reset include:
- Making sure the filters are clean and replaced when needed
- Cleaning the condensate drain regularly
- Ensuring there is enough airflow around the furnace
- Checking that all wiring is properly connected
- Making sure the thermostat is set to the correct temperature
If you’re still having issues with your Goodman furnace after trying these tips, be sure to contact a professional. They will be able to help diagnose and fix the issue.
Thanks for reading our guide on how to reset a Goodman furnace! If you’re still having trouble or have any questions, be sure to contact a professional HVAC technician. Have a great day!