Orchid Plant Care Guide

Orchid Plant Care Guide

Last Updated on August 28, 2020 by Kimberly Crawford

This is your one-stop online orchid guide, with brief descriptions and links to a series of farmfoodfamily articles on the basics of orchid cultivation.

This collection of Orchid Care Articles will help you easily find all of the basic information you’ll need to begin to successfully grow and bloom orchids.

It’s not nearly as difficult as you may think, and the payoff is a gorgeous long-lasting floral showpiece that will add beauty to your home or yard for weeks, months or even years.

Articles on Purchasing Orchids

Buying an Orchid: Tips for Choosing a Healthy Orchid Plant

These exotic beauties aren’t all difficult to grow. Several types of orchids are suitable for beginners.

Here are some recommendations for selecting a healthy plant when you purchase.

Easy to Grow Orchids: Tips for Choosing Orchids for Beginners

You don’t have to be an expert gardener to successfully grow orchids. Here are the genera that are easiest for the novice to grow and bloom.

Novice orchid growers should start with members of the following genera, the simplest to grow and the most forgiving: Phalaenopsis, Paphiopedilum, Dendrobium, and Oncidium.

Orchid Bouquets: Flowering Orchids as an Alternative to Fresh Cut Flowers

If you’ve admired orchids from afar but are hesitant to commit to what you fear will be a demanding relationship with a finicky plant, here’s a no hassle alternative.

Articles on Orchid Light and Humidity Needs

Orchid Light Requirements: General Orchid Cultivation Tips for Beginners

The amount of light an orchid needs depends on the type of plant, but here are some general guidelines that will help optimize the health of your plant and coax it to flower.

Orchid Humidity Requirements: General Orchid Cultivation Tips for Beginners

The specific humidity level an orchid needs depends on a variety of environmental factors as well as type of plant. This article contains basic tips that are generalizible to most orchid species and will help you maintain healthy plants.

Articles on Orchid Water Needs

How to Water an Orchid: General Orchid Cultivation Tips for Beginners

The specific amount of water an orchid needs depends on environmental and orchid type. Yet there are common mistakes that beginners often make when watering orchids. Read this article and learn how to avoid these plant care pitfalls.

Watering Orchids: How Growth Form Affects Orchid Water Needs

Orchids come on a few basic growth forms, and growth form can impact the amount of water your plants need. Scan these tips and find out what is best for your orchid.

Orchid Watering Tips: What Affects the Amount of Water an Orchid Needs?

There are many factors within your control that can affect how frequently you’ll need to water your orchid. Learn what you can do to create a watering regimen that works for you and your plants

Articles on Repotting Orchids

How to Repot an Orchid: A Step by Step Guide to Transplanting Orchids

Repotting an orchid is not difficult, just different. Here are the instructions that will help you successfully transfer your orchid to a new container.

Additional Orchid Resources

If you are an orchid novice, start things off right by purchasing a healthy orchid and reviewing the articles listed above. You can also supplement your knowledge with one of the many excellent books and web sites devoted to orchids.

The American Orchid Society (AOS) and the collection of orchid articles on farmfoodfamily.com are great places to start learning about these amazing plants.

This collection of Orchid Care Articles will help you easily find all of the basic information you’ll need to begin to successfully grow and bloom orchids.