Last Updated on February 15, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
If your Samsung dryer is giving you an error code, don’t worry – you’re not alone. These codes are common and can usually be fixed without a trip to the repairman.
In this blog post, we will discuss what each error code means and how to fix it. We will also provide some troubleshooting tips that may help you get your dryer up and running again.
Related: LG Dryer Error Codes: What They Mean and How to Fix Them
What are the error codes on a Samsung dryer?
If you’re experiencing issues with your Samsung dryer, there are several error codes that can help diagnose the problem. Some of these include DC (Dryer Control), HE (Heater Error), UE (Unbalanced Load), and OC (Overheating). If any one of these codes appears on your display panel, take note of it and see our instructions below on how to fix it.
How do I find the error code on my Samsung dryer?

To find the error code on your Samsung dryer, you will need to locate the display panel. This is typically a small LCD screen that displays information about the status of your machine. Once you’ve found it, look for an icon that looks like a lightbulb.
Beneath this icon, there should be a series of numbers – this is your error code! If these numbers aren’t there, it’s possible that the display panel has been damaged or disconnected from the dryer itself. In this case, we recommend contacting a professional for assistance.
How do I fix a Samsung dryer error code?
Each of the codes we listed above has a specific set of instructions on how to fix it. Below, we will provide brief descriptions for each code, as well as a link to more detailed instructions. If you’re still experiencing problems after following these instructions, please contact Samsung Customer Support.
Voltage errors
If your dryer is showing a voltage error, you may need to check the circuit breaker. A good rule of thumb is to make sure that all electrical outlets are working properly before using your machine.
You can also try resetting the breaker by pressing down on its switch for five seconds or more until it clicks back into place – this should fix any issues caused by temporary power outages. If the error persists after this, we recommend calling in an electrician to examine your home’s electrical system for potential problems that could be causing this issue.
1. 9E Error Code
This means the dryer has lost communication with the washer and is likely an electrical issue. You may need to hire a professional to fix your machine or you can try these simple steps:
Check both ends of all wires for any damage, pinching, fraying or corrosion issues. If you see any of these, replace the wire.
Unplug your dryer for a few minutes and then plug it back in. Try turning it on again.
If these steps don’t work, you’ll likely need to call a professional to take a look at your machine.
2. 9C1 Error Code
This error code usually means there’s a problem with the heating element. You can try these steps to troubleshoot it:
Unplug your dryer for a few minutes and then plug it back in. Try turning it on again.
If this doesn’t work, you may need to replace the heating element.
3. 2E error code
The Samsung dryer error code of “E” is indicative of a problem with the heating element. If you are experiencing this error code, it is likely that your dryer isn’t heating up properly, which can cause clothes to take longer to dry and/or become wrinkled. In order to fix this issue, you will need to replace the heating element.
Jammed button errors
If you are experiencing one of the Samsung dryer error codes bE, bE2, bC2, 6E, 6E2, 6C2, it is likely that there is something blocking one of the buttons on your machine. This can prevent your clothes from drying properly and/or cause damage to the dryer.
bE error code
bE stands for “button error” and indicates that the Start/Pause button is stuck or jammed.
To fix this issue, you will need to push down any items that are blocking it so they can be released from the dryer. You may also need to replace the button itself.
Door related errors
Many errors that appear on Samsung dryer models relate to the door being open or ajar. These include:
1. dO error code
dO stands for “door open” and is displayed when the door is left open for more than five minutes
2. dC error code
dC stands for “door close” and is displayed when the door is not closed properly
3. DE error code
This is an indication of a problem with the door switch/lock assembly. If this error occurs, replace the defective part and see if there’s any improvement in functionality.
4. DF error code
DF stands for “door circuit Failure”. This issue is generally caused by a faulty door switch/lock assembly. Replace the defective part, and see if this fixes the problem.
5. DC error code
The dc error code indicates that the door is open when it should be closed and vice versa. This results in miscommunication between the control board and the dryer’s sensors, so the system shuts down to avoid damage or injury.
To solve this problem: Make sure you have installed your Samsung dryer properly. Ensure that the power cord is not dented or damaged and that it’s plugged into a properly grounded outlet.
If none of those things work, there may be a problem within the control board, which will require professional dryer repair service.
6. do error code
This error code is caused by the door being open. Make sure that the door is properly closed and latched before trying again.
7. d0 error code
This error code is caused by the door being open and the pressure switch being activated. Make sure that the door is properly closed and latched before trying again.
Temperature errors
These Samsung dryer error codes relate to the temperature sensor and heating element. These include:
1. tE error code
This is an indication of a problem with the thermistor (temperature sensor). If this error occurs, replace the defective part and see if there’s any improvement in functionality.
2. tC error code
This error code is caused by the thermistor (temperature sensor) being activated. The dryer will automatically shut down if this happens, so wait a few minutes and then try again.
3. tO error code
This code appears if the motor is not working correctly. Check for an object in the drum, a broken belt or stuck idler pulley.
4. t0 error code
This code appears if the temperature sensor is broken.
5. tS error code
This code appears if the thermistor is broken.
6. tE3 error code
This code appears if the main control is not working correctly. Check for a broken wire or connector.
7. tC5 error code
This code is displayed when the thermal cut-off has been activated. The dryer will need to be serviced.
8. tCS error code
This code is displayed when the temperature sensor has malfunctioned. The dryer will need to be serviced.
Heating errors
Heating errors occur when the dryer can’t heat up to the desired temperature. The most common cause of this issue is a broken heating element, but if it tests good, you may have an open thermal cutoff fuse or thermistor.
1. HC, HC4 error code
HC stands for high current. This error code is usually caused by a short in the heating element or the blower motor.
How to fix HC error code
If you have an HC error code, you can remove the top panel and disconnect the wires going to the blower motor. If there is no reading on your meter when there should be one, that means that either your heating element or blower motor has a short in it and needs to be replaced. To find out which part is causing the error, you will need to replace them one by one until the problem is fixed.
2. HE error code
HE stands for high temperature. This error code is usually caused by a broken thermal cutoff fuse or thermistor.
How to fix HE error code
If you have an HE error code, the first thing you should do is check the continuity of your heating element. If it tests good, then the issue may be with your thermal cutoff fuse or thermistor. To find out which part is causing the error, you will need to replace them one by one until the problem is fixed.
Communication errors
Communication errors are some of the most common Samsung dryer error codes.
1. AC error code
AC stands for air conditioner. This error code is usually caused by a faulty communication between the control board and the motor. If you have an AC error code, it means that there has been a loss in power to either the main control board or the inverter board.
How to fix AC error code
If you have an AC error code, the first thing you should do is check for any loose or disconnected wires. If there are none, then the issue may be with your main control board or inverter board. To find out which part needs to be replaced, you will need to replace them one by one until the problem is fixed.
2. Et error code
Et stands for technical error. This code is displayed when the dryer has a problem with its microprocessor.
How to fix Et error code:
– Try unplugging the dryer. If that doesn’t clear the error code, you will need to check your thermostats and make sure they are working properly.
– Check for clogged vents or lint on the inside of your dryer.
3. AE error code
AE error code stands for “anti-overheating” error. This means the dryer is sensing excessive heat, which can be caused by a stuck thermostat or faulty thermistor. At this point you should replace or repair the parts that are causing the issue, because it may lead to overheating which could cause a fire.
If your Samsung dryer is displaying an AE error code, it’s important to take action as soon as possible. This code means that the dryer is sensing excessive heat, which could lead to a fire if not fixed. There are several potential causes of this issue, so you’ll need to replace or repair them before you can get back to using your dryer again.
4. EEE error code
EEE error code stands for “excessive energy”. This means the dryer is consuming too much power, which can be caused by a faulty heating element or motor. At this point you should replace or repair these parts to prevent them from causing any further damage in your washing machine.
Frequency errors
If your Samsung dryer is displaying an error code, it will be one of two types: frequency errors or system errors. Frequency errors are caused by incorrect settings on the machine, while system errors are usually due to a malfunctioning part. In either case, you’ll need to take steps to fix the problem in order to get your dryer up and running again.
Here are some of the most common Samsung dryer error codes, along with instructions on how to fix them:
1. FC error code
F stands for frequency and C is for cycle. If your Samsung dryer displays this error code, it means that the machine’s drive motor has stalled. The cause could be a loose or damaged belt, so check these first; if they’re fine, you should replace the motor with a new one from an authorized service provider.
2. FE error code
F stands for frequency and E is for error. This code indicates that your Samsung dryer’s motor has failed during a wash cycle, but it doesn’t know why.
There could be many reasons for this failure, so you’ll need to troubleshoot each possibility until the problem is fixed (or call an appliance repair technician). If looking into these causes takes too much time, then just replace the motor with an authorized service provider.
Vent Blockage test results
This error code will show up if the machine’s sensors detect that the vent is blocked. The only solution to this problem is to clean or replace the vent.
Clg, Cg error codes
C stands for clogg and G stands for gas. These error codes indicate that there’s a problem with the dryer’s airflow. Check to see if the lint filter is clean and clear of debris; if it is, then you may need to call an appliance repair technician to investigate further.
Other errors
3C error code (Motor Error)
This error code indicates a problem with your dryer’s motor. You should check the belt and make sure that it hasn’t broken or slipped off of the pulleys; if not, then you’ll need to get a new one from an authorized service provider for Samsung Appliances Repair in Toronto.
oD error code (Dry Time Error)
oD stands for “over dry” and this error code means that the machine has been trying to dry the load for too long. Check to see if the lint filter is clean and clear of debris; if it is, then you may need to call an appliance repair technician to investigate further.
1 AC7 error code (Electronic Control Error)
This error code indicates an issue with the dryer’s electronic control. You should replace the control board with a new one from Samsung Appliances Repair in Toronto.
HC2 error code (Gas Ignition Error)
This error code indicates that there’s a problem with the dryer’s gas valve. You’ll need to get it repaired or replaced by an authorized service provider for Samsung Appliances Repair in Toronto, as well as checking all electrical connections inside of your machine before attempting any repairs yourself.
Related: Why is My Samsung Dryer Not Heating Up? – How To Troubleshoot
Samsung dryers are some of the most popular appliances on the market. Millions of people own them, and many more use them every day. That’s why it’s so important to be aware of Samsung dryer error codes in case something goes wrong with your machine. We want to help you troubleshoot any issues as quickly as possible- after all, no one wants to be without a working dryer for long!