Last Updated on May 8, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
When most people think of spring, they think of trees with delicate pink and white flowers. However, there is another kind of tree that blooms in the springtime – trees with yellow flowers!
These beautiful trees can be found all over the world, and each one has its own unique story to tell. In this photo essay, we will explore some of the best examples of yellow-flowering trees from around the globe. So grab your camera and get ready for a journey!
Related: 42+ Types Of Trees With Names, Facts, and Pictures (Tree Species A-Z)
Yellow Flowering Trees Identification.
There are many different species of yellow flowering trees, and they can be difficult to identify. Here are a few tips to help you narrow down the possibilities:
-Look at the shape of the leaves. Are they long and slender, or short and wide?
-Is the tree evergreen or deciduous?
-What is the size of the tree?
-Is the bark smooth or rough?
If you can answer these questions, it will be easier to identify the tree. You can also consult a field guide or take a sample of leaves or flowers to a local nursery or extension office for help.
25 Beautiful Yellow Flowering Trees
1. Angel Trumpet Tree (Tabebuia roseo-alba).

The flowers are beautiful, trumpet-shaped, and can be either white or yellow. They grow in clusters and are very fragrant.
The tree itself is quite large, reaching up to 30 feet tall. It’s native to Brazil, but can be found in many other countries as well.
2. Cassia Tree (Senna polyphylla).

This is a native to tropical America and can be found in dry open areas. The tree grows up to 20 feet tall and has pinnate leaves with 11-19 pairs of leaflets.
The flowers are yellow and borne in axillary or terminal racemes. The fruit is a dark brown, woody pod that contains several seeds.
The Cassia Tree is a beautiful tree that can add some color to your landscape. If you live in an area where the climate is right, you should consider adding one of these trees to your yard.
3. Chinese Flame Tree (Koelreuteria bipinnata).

The Chinese Flame Tree is a deciduous tree that is native to China. The tree grows to be about 20-30 feet tall and has pinnate leaves that are green in color.
The Chinese Flame Tree blooms yellow flowers in the summertime and the flowers are followed by brown, woody seed pods.
The tree is tolerant to drought and does not require much maintenance. The Chinese Flame Tree is a popular tree to plant in urban areas because it is resistant to pollution and has a low water requirement.
4. Cornelian Cherry (Cornus mas).

The Cornelian cherry is a small deciduous tree growing to about 15–20 m (50–70 ft) tall. The flowers are yellow, with four petals. The fruit is a drupe, red when ripe, and contains a large stone.
The Cornelian cherry is native to southeastern Europe and southwestern Asia, from the Balkans to Kazakhstan. It is a traditional food plant in Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia.
The Cornelian cherry is used as an ornamental plant in gardens. Several cultivars have been developed with different flower and fruit colors.
The Cornelian cherry is also known as the cornel cherry, dog-wood cherry and European cornel. It should not be confused with the North American species Cornus florida, also known as flowering dogwood.
5. Forsythia (Forsythia x intermedia).

This is a beautiful, flowering shrub that blooms in the spring. It’s one of the first trees to bloom and it always brightens up the landscape.
The flowers are yellow and they’re very pretty. Forsythia is a great plant for anyone who wants to add some color to their yard or garden.
6. Golden Chain Tree (Laburnum anagyroides).

The flowers of this tree are a beautiful, bright yellow. They are also very fragrant. The tree is native to Europe and Asia, but it can be found in many other parts of the world as well.
Golden Chain Trees can grow to be quite large, up to 30 feet tall. They do best in full sun, but can tolerate some shade. These trees are relatively easy to care for and are very tolerant of different types of soil.
7. Golden Raintree (Koelreuteria paniculata).

With its showy, yellow flowers, the Golden Rain tree is a welcome sight in early summer. This deciduous tree is relatively easy to grow and is tolerant of a wide range of soils.
Golden Rain trees are native to China and Korea, but they have been widely planted in the United States as ornamental trees.
Golden Rain trees are generally trouble-free, but they can be susceptible to a few problems. Aphids, scale insects, and leafhoppers may feed on the leaves of Golden Rain trees.
These pests can cause the leaves to turn yellow or brown and may cause premature leaf drop. Spider mites may also attack Golden Rain trees.
If your tree is infested with spider mites, you may see fine webbing on the leaves and branches. The leaves of infested trees will turn yellow or brown and may drop prematurely.
8. Golden Shower Tree (Cassia fistula).

The flowers of this tree are very beautiful. They are yellow and they have a very strong aroma. The tree is native to India, Sri Lanka, and Myanmar. It is also found in other parts of Asia, including China and Vietnam.
The tree grows to a height of 15-20 m (50-70 ft). The leaves are pinnate, with 20-40 pairs of leaflets. The flowers are borne in axillary racemes, and they are yellow or orange in color.
The fruit is a pod, which is green when young and turns brown when it matures. The tree blooms from February to April.
9. Golden Trumpet (Allamanda cathartic).

The flowers are about five inches across and have a sweet fragrance. They bloom from late spring through summer. The plant grows to a height of 15 feet and is semi-evergreen in warm climates. It is an excellent choice for a trellis or arbor.
Golden Trumpet is native to Brazil, but it has been introduced to many other countries. It is a popular plant in tropical and subtropical gardens.
The plant prefers full sun, but it will tolerate some shade. It is not particular about soil type, but it must have good drainage. Golden Trumpet is very easy to grow and is not susceptible to pests or diseases.
10. Hearts of Gold Redbud (Cercis canadensis ‘Hearts of Gold’).

The common name of this tree is derived from the heart-shaped leaves which are a beautiful gold in color.
The flowers of the tree are also a deep yellow, making it a showstopper in any garden or landscape. This North American native is perfect for small yards and gardens as it only grows to be about 20 feet tall.
11. Julia Child Rose Tree (Rosa floribunda ‘Julia Child’).

This is a deciduous shrub that can grow up to 12 feet tall. It has large, double, yellow flowers that bloom in the summer and fall. The leaves are dark green and glossy. This rose is named after the famous chef Julia Child. It is a disease-resistant variety that is easy to care for.
This rose is a great choice for those who want to add a splash of color to their garden. It is also a good choice for beginner gardeners.
Related: Types Of Roses: How to Identify Different Roses (With Names & Pictures)
12. Kousa Dogwood (Cornus kousa).

The kousa dogwood is a small deciduous tree that is native to Asia. The tree grows to a height of 15-20 feet and has a spread of 20-30 feet. The kousa dogwood has dark green leaves that are ovate in shape and measure four to six inches long.
The leaves are arranged alternately on the stem and are dark green in color with a paler green midrib. The kousa dogwood blooms in late spring or early summer.
The flowers are borne in clusters of four to six and are white or pink in color. The kousa dogwood fruit is a small, red berry that is borne in clusters of two to four. The fruit is edible but not very tasty.
13. Magnolia ‘Butterflies’ Tree (M. acuminata x M. denudata).

This hybrid magnolia is a deciduous tree that can grow up to 30 feet tall. The flowers are large and yellow, with 12-16 petals. They have a lemony fragrance and bloom in early spring.
The ‘Butterflies’ tree is cold hardy and does best in full sun to partial shade. It is a good choice for small yards or as a specimen tree.
14. Oregon Grape (Mahonia aquifolium).

This species is an evergreen shrub that grows up to six feet tall. It has dark green, glossy leaves and produces clusters of small, yellow flowers in the spring.
The Oregon grape is a native plant to the Pacific Northwest and can be found in forests, woodlands, and along streams.
The Oregon grape is an important plant for wildlife in the Pacific Northwest. The berries are a food source for birds and small mammals, and the leaves provide shelter for birds and insects. The Oregon grape is also a host plant for the caterpillars of several butterfly species.
15. Palo Brea (Parkinsonia praecox).

Palo Brea is a fast-growing, drought-tolerant tree that can reach up to 30 feet in height. The Palo Brea has a distinct yellow flower that blooms from March to April. The tree is native to Mexico and Central America but can be found in the southwestern United States.
The Palo Brea is a great tree for providing shade and is often used in landscaping. The tree is also used for woodworking and has a variety of medicinal uses. The Palo Brea is an important food source for bees and other pollinators.
16. Palo Verde (Parkinsonia Florida).

Palo Verde is a small to medium-sized tree. It has a yellow-green trunk and branches. The leaves are green, with a paler underside. The flowers are yellow, and the fruit is brown or black.
Palo Verde is native to Mexico and the southwestern United States. It grows in desert regions, at elevations of up to 2000 meters.
Palo Verde is a common tree in the Sonoran Desert. It is an important source of food and shelter for desert animals. The Palo Verde tree is also used as a traditional medicine by the native people of the region.
17. Peltophorum (Peltophorum pterocarpum).

The name comes from the Greek peltos, meaning “shield,” and phoros, meaning “bearing.” Peltophorum is a genus of flowering plants in the family Fabaceae. The genus includes about 60 species that are native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania.
Peltophorum is a member of the subfamily Caesalpinioideae, which is characterized by compound leaves with numerous small leaflets. The flowers are borne in clusters or racemes and are typically yellow, although some species have orange or red flowers.
Peltophorum pterocarpum is a large tree that can reach a height of 30 m (100 ft). The trunk is often buttressed at the base and can be up to 60 cm (24 in) in diameter. The bark is dark brown or black and smooth or slightly fissured.
The leaves are compound with 20-40 leaflets. The flowers are yellow and borne in racemes up to 30 cm (12 in) long. The fruit is a brown or black pod up to 30 cm (12 in) long and containing two or three seeds.
Peltophorum pterocarpum is native to tropical and subtropical regions of Africa, Asia, and Oceania. It has been introduced to the Americas, where it is now naturalized in many countries. The tree is commonly cultivated as an ornamental plant and has been used in traditional medicine.
Peltophorum pterocarpum is a fast-growing tree that prefers full sun and moist, well-drained soils. It is tolerant of drought and salt spray, making it a good choice for coastal areas.
18. Sunny Knock Out® Rose Tree (Rosa ‘RADsunny’).

This rose tree is a deciduous shrub that’s covered in beautiful yellow flowers from spring to fall. Knock Out® roses are known for being low-maintenance and disease-resistant, making them ideal for busy gardeners.
19. Sweet Acacia (Vachellia farnesiana).

Commonly called Huisache, this small to medium sized tree is one of the most beautiful when in bloom. The yellow flowers are borne in great profusion all over the tree and have a sweet fragrance. They appear in late winter or early spring and last for several weeks.
Sweet Acacia is a native of Texas and Mexico and has been planted in many other parts of the world. It is a popular tree for landscaping in warmer climates and does well in most soils.
This tough little tree is drought tolerant and can withstand long periods without water. It can be pruned to keep it small, or left to grow into a medium sized tree.
Sweet Acacia makes an excellent specimen or accent tree and can be used in mass plantings. It is also a good choice for planting under power lines.
20. Tipu Tree (Tipuana tipu).

Commonly known as the Pride of Bolivia, the Tipu tree is a beautiful flowering tree that can reach up to 40 feet in height. The leaves are large and ovate, with a deep green coloration.
In the spring and summer months, the Tipu tree produces an abundance of yellow flowers, which attract bees and other pollinators. The flowers give way to brown pods that contain numerous seeds.
The Tipu tree is native to Bolivia, but it can also be found in Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay, and Uruguay. It prefers to grow in areas with full sun and well-drained soils.
The tree is relatively drought-tolerant once it is established. Tipu trees can be propagated from seed, but they can also be grown from cuttings.
21. Tulip Poplar (Liriodendron tulipifera).

The tulip poplar is a beautiful tree with yellow flowers that bloom in the spring. It is a popular tree for landscaping and can be found in many parks and gardens.
The tulip poplar is native to the eastern United States and Canada. It is a large tree that can grow up to 100 feet tall.
The tulip poplar has large leaves that are shaped like tulips. The flowers are yellow and have a strong fragrance. The tulip poplar is a popular tree for landscaping because of its beautiful flowers and large size.
22. Witch-Hazel (Hamamelis).

This is a deciduous shrub or small tree that blooms in late fall or early winter. The yellow flowers are borne on leafless stems and have a very strong fragrance. The leaves of the witch-hazel turn yellow in autumn before they fall off.
The witch-hazel is native to North America but it has been introduced to Europe and other parts of the world. It is a popular garden plant because of its unusual flowers and autumn color.
The witch-hazel is an important plant in traditional medicine. The bark and leaves are used to make a tea that is said to be helpful for many different conditions such as colds, flu, diarrhea, and headaches.
23. Yellow Buckeye (Aesculus flava).
The flowers of this tree are borne in erect, terminal panicles up to 18 inches long. They have a yellow or greenish-yellow color and are about one inch across. The blooming period occurs from early to mid-spring, and each flower lasts about two weeks.
The fruits are dark brown, spheroidal nuts that are about one-half inch in diameter. They are borne in clusters of two to six nuts and mature during the fall.
The wood is light brown, heavy, and hard. It is used for making furniture, interior paneling, and other wood products.
24. Yellow Tabebuia (Tabebuia rosea).

The flowers of this tree are beautiful, and they have a unique smell. The leaves of the tree are also very pretty, and they change color in the fall. This tree is native to Brazil, and it is a popular tree in many countries.
25. Ylang Ylang Tree (Cananga odorata).

The Ylang Ylang tree is a native to the Philippines and Indonesia. It grows to a height of 20-40 m with a trunk diameter of 30-60 cm. The leaves are oblong, dark green, and fragrant. The flowers are yellow, with five petals. The fruit is an oval, woody capsule containing seeds.
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In conclusion, trees with yellow flowers are a beautiful and unique addition to any landscape. With their bright colors and striking beauty, they are sure to add a touch of elegance to any setting. Whether you are looking for a tree to plant in your own yard or as a gift for someone special, consider adding one of these beautiful trees to your collection. You won’t be disappointed!