Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
If you live in Georgia, you are no doubt familiar with cockroaches. These pests can be found all over the United States, and they thrive in warm climates like ours. Cockroaches can cause a lot of problems for homeowners, from contaminating food to spreading disease.
In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of cockroaches that can be found in Georgia, as well as how to identify and get rid of them!
How many species of roaches are in Georgia?
There are over 60 species of roaches in Georgia! That’s a lot of different types of roaches! Some of these species are native to Georgia, while others have been introduced to the state.
Though most people think of roaches as dirty pests, some species are actually quite clean and can even be kept as pets. However, all species of roaches can become pests if they invade your home.
Are cockroaches a problem in Georgia?
There are several species of cockroaches in Georgia, but the most common one is the American cockroach. Cockroaches are a problem in Georgia because they can contaminate food and spread disease. They can also trigger allergies and asthma attacks.
Why are there so many roaches in Georgia?
There are a few reasons for this. One reason is that the climate in Georgia is conducive to roach growth and reproduction. Roaches thrive in warm, humid environments, and Georgia has plenty of both.
Another reason is that homes in Georgia tend to provide ample food and shelter for roaches. Roaches are attracted to places where there is a steady food supply, and homes typically have plenty of food available for them to eat.
Finally, Georgia has a large population of people, which means there are more potential hosts for roaches to live on. When homes are crowded, it provides more opportunities for roaches to find their way inside.
8 Different Types of cockroaches in Georgia
There are several types of cockroaches in Georgia, including the German cockroach, American cockroach, and Oriental cockroach. Each type has its own unique characteristics and behaviors.
1. German cockroaches

German cockroaches are one of the most common types of cockroaches in Georgia. They are small, brown, and have two dark stripes on their backs. German cockroaches are usually found in kitchens and bathrooms, where they feed on food scraps and water.
Habitat: German cockroaches are found in all types of buildings, from single-family homes to apartments and hotels. They are often introduced into homes in boxes or bags of food.
Diet: German cockroaches are scavengers and will eat just about anything. They are especially fond of starchy foods, sweets, grease, and meat.
Behavior: German cockroaches are nocturnal animals and spend the day hiding in cracks and crevices. At night, they come out to feed on food sources. German cockroaches are also known to spread disease, so it is important to keep them out of your home.
Reproduction: German cockroaches reproduce rapidly and can produce up to six generations per year. Each female German cockroach can lay up to 50 eggs at a time.
German cockroaches are a problem because they:
– Spread disease: German cockroaches can carry bacteria that cause food poisoning and other diseases.
– Are difficult to control: German cockroaches are difficult to control because they reproduce quickly and are good at hiding.
– Cause allergies: Some people are allergic to German cockroach dust and droppings.
Control: If you have German cockroaches in your home, you should contact a pest control professional to get rid of them. Pest control professionals will use baits and insecticides to kill German cockroaches and prevent them from coming back.
Prevention: German cockroaches can be prevented by cleaning up food sources and keeping your home free of clutter. You should also seal cracks and crevices to prevent German cockroaches from entering your home.
Related: I Saw One Cockroach. Should I Be Worried?
2. American cockroaches

American cockroache ares one of the most common cockroaches in Georgia. They are also one of the largest cockroaches, reaching an average length of about three inches.
American cockroaches are reddish-brown in color and have a yellow band around the edge of their body. American cockroaches can be a nuisance because they are known to spread disease and contaminate food.
Habitat: American cockroaches typically live in warm, moist areas such as basements, kitchens, and bathrooms. These cockroaches are often found near sources of food and water. American cockroaches can also be found in sewer systems and other dark, damp places.
Diet: American cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat almost anything. These cockroaches are especially fond of starchy foods, sweets, and other organic matter.
Behavior: American cockroaches are nocturnal insects that are most active at night. During the day, these cockroaches hide in cracks and crevices to avoid light. American cockroaches are capable of flying, but they only do so when they are disturbed or threatened.
Reproduction: American cockroaches reproduce rapidly and can produce up to 800 eggs in their lifetime. The eggs are deposited in a dark, protected area and hatch within two weeks. Nymphs (baby cockroaches) resemble adults except that they are smaller and lack wings. Nymphs go through several molts (shedding of their exoskeleton) before reaching adulthood.
Control: American cockroaches can be difficult to control because of their ability to reproduce quickly. These cockroaches are also resistant to many pesticides. The best way to control American cockroaches is to remove sources of food and water, seal cracks and crevices, and eliminate hiding places. Sanitation is also important in controlling American cockroaches.
Prevention: Some things you can do to prevent American cockroaches from entering your home include:
- Keep food in sealed containers and dispose of garbage regularly
- Remove sources of moisture, such as leaky pipes and standing water
- Seal cracks and crevices around the outside of your home
- Reduce clutter inside your home to eliminate hiding places
- Have your home regularly inspected and treated for cockroaches by a pest control professional.
3. Asian cockroaches

Asian cockroache ares one of the most common types of cockroaches in Georgia. They are often mistaken for German cockroaches because of their similar appearance. However, Asian cockroaches are slightly larger and have a darker coloration.
These pests are also capable of flying, which distinguishes them from other types of cockroaches. Asian cockroaches typically invade homes through cracks and crevices in the foundation or exterior walls.
Once inside, they will infest food pantries and kitchens in search of food. Asian cockroaches are a nuisance pest and can be difficult to control once they establish themselves in a home.
Habitat: Asian cockroaches are most commonly found in outdoor areas, where they live in wooded areas, leaf litter, and gardens. However, when temperatures drop or conditions become dry, they will invade homes and other structures in search of food and moisture.
Diet: Asian cockroaches are omnivorous and will feed on a variety of food sources, including plants, insects, and garbage.
Behavior: Asian cockroaches are attracted to light and often enter homes through open doors and windows. Once inside, they will hide in dark, moist areas such as basements and laundry rooms. Asian cockroaches are also capable of flying, which can be a nuisance for homeowners.
Reproduction: Asian cockroaches reproduce rapidly and can produce up to 200 eggs in a single lifetime. The eggs are deposited in dark, hidden areas and hatch within two weeks.
Control: Asian cockroaches can be difficult to control once they establish themselves in a home. A comprehensive pest management program that includes exclusion, sanitation, and chemical controls may be necessary to eliminate these pests. Homeowners should contact a licensed pest control professional if they suspect an infestation.
Prevention: The best way to prevent an infestation of Asian cockroaches is to seal cracks and crevices in the foundation and exterior walls of the home. In addition, homeowners should keep doors and windows closed and screened to prevent these pests from entering the home.
Related: Cockroach Infestation- Signs, Health Impact, Treatment, and More…
4. Oriental cockroaches

Oriental cockroache ares the most common type of cockroaches found in Georgia. They are dark brown or black in color and can grow up to an inch in length. These cockroaches are also known to infest homes and businesses.
Habitat: Oriental cockroaches are most commonly found in urban areas. However, they can also be found in rural areas near sources of water, such as drains, sewers, and damp basements.
Diet: Oriental cockroaches are scavengers and will eat just about anything. They are especially fond of starchy foods and decaying organic matter.
Behavior: Oriental cockroaches are nocturnal creatures and are often seen scurrying around at night. They are also attracted to light, which is why they are often seen in kitchens and bathrooms.
Reproduction: Oriental cockroaches reproduce quickly and can produce up to 200 offspring per year.
Control: If you have an infestation of Oriental cockroaches, it is important to contact a professional pest control company. They will be able to identify the problem and develop a plan to get rid of the cockroaches.
Prevention: The best way to prevent an infestation of Oriental cockroaches is to keep your home or business clean and free of food and water sources. Cockroaches are also attracted to clutter, so it is important to keep your home or business tidy.
5. Brown-branded cockroaches
Brown-branded cockroache ares the most common type of cockroach found in Georgia. They are dark brown or black and have a light brown band across their back. These cockroaches are about ¾ to one inch long.
Habitat: Brown-branded cockroaches are often found in homes, restaurants, and other commercial buildings.
Food: Brown-branded cockroaches eat a variety of food including: grease, sweets, starches, meat, and rotting garbage.
Reproduction: A female brown-branded cockroach can lay up to 16 eggs at a time. The eggs are deposited in an egg case called an ootheca. The ootheca is then carried by the female until just before it hatches.
Biology: Brown-branded cockroaches are nocturnal insects. They are attracted to light and often enter homes through cracks and crevices in the foundation or exterior walls. These cockroaches are often found in basements, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Brown-branded cockroaches can live up to one year. They can also survive without food for up to two months.
Pest Status: Brown-branded cockroaches are considered pests because they contaminate food and spread disease. They can also trigger allergies and asthma attacks in some people.
Control: Brown-branded cockroaches can be controlled with a variety of methods including: baits, traps, and insecticides.
Prevention: The best way to prevent brown-branded cockroaches is to seal cracks and crevices in the foundation and exterior walls of homes and other buildings. It is also important to remove food sources that these cockroaches are attracted to.
6. Australian cockroaches

Australian cockroaches are one of the most common types of cockroaches in Georgia. These cockroaches are brown in color and can grow to be about two inches long. These cockroaches can be a nuisance because they can cause allergies and asthma in some people.
Habitat: Australian cockroaches typically live outdoors in warm, humid climates. Australian cockroaches are often found in homes, businesses, and other buildings.
Diet: These cockroaches are omnivores and will eat a variety of food items.
Reproduction: Female Australian cockroaches can lay up to 30 eggs at a time.
Control: If you have Australian cockroaches in your home, there are a few things you can do to control them. You can keep your home clean and free of food and water sources that these cockroaches need. You can also use traps or insecticides to kill these cockroaches. If you have a severe infestation, you may need to call a pest control professional.
Prevention: To prevent Australian cockroaches from entering your home, you can seal cracks and crevices around your doors and windows. You can also keep food and water sources away from these cockroaches.
7. Surinam cockroaches

Surinam cockroachesshsould be your last worry when it comes to cockroaches in Georgia. These cockroaches are not as common as the American or German cockroach and are much less of a nuisance. While they are not known to transmit disease, they can be a nuisance.
Habitat: Surinam cockroaches are attracted to moisture and can often be found near sinks, toilets, and other water sources.
Appearance: Surinam cockroaches are small, dark brown, and have a glossy appearance. They are about half an inch long and have two long wings that allow them to fly.
Behavior: Surinam cockroaches are not as aggressive as other types of cockroaches and will usually only come out at night. However, they can become a nuisance if they infest your home.
Reproduction: Surinam cockroaches reproduce quickly and can lay up to 50 eggs at a time.
Control: If you have a Surinam cockroach problem, the best thing to do is to contact a pest control professional. They will be able to identify the problem and find the best solution for your situation.
Prevention: The best way to prevent Surinam cockroaches is to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Cockroaches are attracted to dirty environments and will often hide in cluttered areas.
8. Florida woods cockroaches
Florida woods cockroaches should be your last worry when it comes to cockroaches in Georgia. They are large, black, and can fly, but they are not especially fond of human dwellings.
Habitat: They prefer wooded areas and are commonly found near the ground in rotting logs or stumps, under stones, and in leaf litter.
Diet: Like most cockroaches, Florida woods cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat just about anything, including other roaches!
Behavior: These roaches are nocturnal and are attracted to light. They are also good fliers and can be found quite a distance from their wooded homes.
Appearance: Florida woods cockroaches are large, black, and have wings that allow them to fly. Males have fully developed wings while females have shorter, underdeveloped wings.
Reproduction: Females can lay up to 50 egg capsules in her lifetime, each containing about 30 eggs.
Bites: Florida woods cockroaches are not known to bite humans.
Diseases: Florida woods cockroaches can transmit bacteria and other diseases to humans, but this is rare.
Control: If you have a Florida woods cockroach problem, the best thing to do is to contact a professional pest control company. Do-it-yourself methods are not likely to be effective.
Prevention: To prevent Florida woods cockroaches from entering your home, seal all cracks and crevices around doors and windows. Keep the area around your home clean and free of debris. Remove any potential roach food sources, such as garbage, food scraps, and standing water.
- 10 Types of Cockroaches in Florida: Identification and Removal Tips
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Arizona: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
How do I get rid of roaches in Georgia?
There are a few things you can do to get rid of roaches in Georgia. One is to make sure that your home is clean and free of food scraps. Roaches are attracted to dirty homes and will often find their way into your home through cracks and crevices.
If you have a clean home, they will be less likely to enter. Another way to get rid of roaches in Georgia is to use roach traps. These traps will kill the roaches that come into contact with them.
You can also use roach bait to lure them out of their hiding spots and into the trap. Finally, you can contact a professional exterminator to get rid of your roach problem. They will be able to help you identify the source of the problem and get rid of the roaches for good.
Related: How to Get Rid of Cockroaches and Keep Them Away
Cockroaches are pests that can be difficult to get rid of. If you think you have a cockroach problem, it is important to identify the type of cockroach you have in order to determine the best course of action for getting rid of them.
The three most common types of cockroaches in Georgia are German cockroaches, American cockroaches, and Oriental cockroaches. German cockroaches are the most difficult to get rid of, so if you think you have these, it is important to call a pest control professional.
American and Oriental cockroaches can be controlled with do-it-yourself methods like traps and baits, but may require multiple treatments. Whichever type of cockroach you have, getting rid of them will require patience and perseverance. But with a little work, you can get your home back to being cockroach-free.
Do you think you have a cockroach problem? Have you been seeing these pests around your home? If so, then it is time to take action and get rid of them.