Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
Do you know what eats cockroaches? If you’re like most people, you probably don’t have a clue. In this blog post, we will discuss the top 42 predators of roaches.
These creatures are natural enemies of cockroaches and can help keep your home or office free of these pests. Let’s take a look at some of the top predators of cockroaches!
Related: Do Cockroaches Eat Bed Bugs? The Surprising Truth
What animal eats cockroaches?
The answer may surprise you. While most people think of cockroaches as pests, there are actually many animals that enjoy eating them.
Do betta fish eat cockroaches?
The answer is yes, betta fish will eat cockroaches. In fact, they are known to be quite voracious predators and will consume just about anything that fits into their mouths. So, if you have a cockroach problem and are looking for a natural way to get rid of them, consider getting a betta fish!
Do hedgehogs eat cockroaches?
Hedgehogs are insectivores, which means that their diet consists mostly of insects. Cockroaches are a type of insect, so it stands to reason that hedgehogs would eat them. However, there is no definitive answer as to whether or not hedgehogs actually eat cockroaches.
Some experts say that they do, while others say that they don’t. The only way to know for sure is to ask a hedgehog!
If you have a hedgehog as a pet, you can try offering him or her a cockroach and see what happens. Just be prepared for the possibility that your hedgehog might not be interested in eating it.
Related: 29+ Different Types Of Cockroaches With Pictures (Cockroach Species Identification)
Do bats eat cockroaches?
Yes, bats do eat cockroaches. In fact, bats are known to eat a variety of insects, including cockroaches. Cockroaches are not the only thing that bats eat though; they also consume moths, mosquitoes, and other small insects.
While some people may think that bats eating cockroaches is gross, it is actually a good thing. Bats help to control the population of cockroaches, which can be harmful to humans.
If you have a problem with cockroaches in your home, you may want to consider getting a bat house. Bat houses provide shelter for bats and give them a place to roost.
In return, the bats will help to keep the cockroach population under control. So, if you are looking for a natural way to get rid of cockroaches, consider getting a bat house.
Do centipedes eat cockroaches?
There is no definitive answer to this question since there are many different species of centipedes and cockroaches. Some centipede species are known to eat cockroaches, while others don’t seem to be interested in them at all.
It’s likely that the diet of a particular centipede depends on the availability of other food sources. In general, however, it’s safe to say that centipedes are predators of cockroaches.
If you have a centipede in your home, there’s a good chance that it is preying on cockroaches (or other insects). This can be beneficial because it helps to keep the population of cockroaches down.
Do chameleons eat cockroaches?

Yes, chameleons do eat cockroaches! In fact, cockroaches are one of the most common food items for chameleons. Chameleons will also eat other insects, such as crickets and grasshoppers.
If you have a pet chameleon, you can purchase live insects from your local pet store to feed to your chameleon. Be sure to wash your hands thoroughly after handling any live insects!
Do chickens eat cockroaches?
No, chickens do not eat cockroaches. Cockroaches are not part of a chicken’s diet. Chickens are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and animals. However, cockroaches are not on the menu for chickens. So if you see a chicken eating a cockroach, it is probably because the cockroach was already dead. Chickens are not known to kill and eat cockroaches.
Do ducks eat cockroaches?
This is a question that I get asked a lot. And the answer is yes, ducks do eat cockroaches. In fact, they will eat just about anything that they can fit into their mouths.
So if you have a problem with cockroaches in your home, and you live near a pond or lake, then you may want to consider getting some ducks.
Just be sure to do your research first, as not all ducks are created equal when it comes to eating cockroaches. Some breeds may be better at it than others.
But overall, ducks can definitely help you get rid of cockroaches. And they make great pets too!
Do ferrets eat cockroaches?
It’s a common question that people ask about these small, furry creatures. The answer is yes, ferrets do eat cockroaches. In fact, they are known to be quite fond of them.
Ferrets are carnivores and their diet consists mostly of meat. So, when they see a cockroach scurrying around, they see a potential meal. Ferrets will usually kill and eat the cockroach whole, including the head, legs, and wings.
While some people may not like the idea of their pet eating cockroaches, it’s actually quite natural for ferrets to do so. So, if you have a ferret as a pet, don’t be alarmed if you see them snacking on a cockroach every now and then.
Do remember, however, that cockroaches are not the only thing that ferrets eat. They also need to have a balanced diet that includes other meats, as well as vegetables and fruits. So, make sure to provide your furry friend with a variety of foods to keep them healthy and happy.
Do foxes eat roaches?
No one really knows for sure, but there are some theories out there. One theory is that foxes eat roaches because they are a source of protein.
Another theory is that foxes eat roaches because they are attracted to the smell of roach bait. Whatever the reason, it’s safe to say that foxes are not afraid of roaches!
If you have ever seen a fox in your backyard, you may have noticed that they are not afraid to go after other animals. In fact, foxes will eat just about anything they can catch. This includes rodents, birds, reptiles, and even insects. So, it’s not surprising that some people think foxes might eat roaches.
Do frogs eat cockroaches?
The answer is yes, frogs will eat cockroaches if they are small enough. Frogs are opportunistic predators and will consume any animal that they can fit into their mouths.
While most frogs prefer to eat insects, they will also eat spiders, worms, and other small animals. If a frog encounters a cockroach that is too large to eat, it will usually try to capture it and kill it before consuming it.
Do iguanas eat cockroaches?
Iguanas are carnivorous reptiles that are native to Central and South America. They have sharp teeth and claws that they use to catch and eat their prey. Iguanas typically eat insects, small mammals, and birds. Some iguanas also eat fruits and vegetables.
Cockroaches are one of the most common types of insects that iguanas eat. Iguanas will usually eat cockroaches that are smaller than them. Cockroaches are a good source of protein for iguanas. Iguanas can also benefit from the nutrients that cockroaches provide.
If you have an iguana as a pet, you can give them live or frozen cockroaches to eat. It is important to make sure that the cockroaches are not treated with pesticides or other chemicals. You should also avoid giving your iguana cockroaches that are too large for them to eat.
Do mice eat cockroaches?
It’s a common question, and one that doesn’t have a simple answer. Mice are opportunistic feeders, meaning they’ll eat just about anything they can find – including cockroaches. However, that doesn’t mean that cockroaches are a staple of their diet. In fact, most mice prefer other types of food over cockroaches.
So why do mice eat cockroaches? There are a few reasons. First, cockroaches are an easy source of food. They’re small and don’t require a lot of effort to catch. Second, cockroaches are a good source of protein. Mice need protein to survive and reproduce, so eating cockroaches helps them meet their needs. Finally, cockroaches are a good source of essential nutrients like vitamins and minerals.
While cockroaches may not be the first choice for most mice, they’re still an important part of their diet. So if you see a mouse eating a cockroach, don’t be too surprised – it’s just trying to get by.
Do raccoons eat cockroaches?
It is a common question that many people ask, do raccoons eat cockroaches? The answer to this question is not as simple as you may think. While it is true that raccoons are opportunistic feeders and will consume just about anything they can get their hands on, whether or not they actually enjoy eating cockroaches is another story.
Raccoons are nocturnal creatures that typically come out at night to forage for food. If you live in an area where cockroaches are prevalent, chances are good that there is a raccoon or two that has made a meal out of them. Raccoons will also eat other insects, small mammals, reptiles, birds, and even fish.
While it is not known for certain why raccoons are attracted to cockroaches specifically, one theory is that the insects are attracted to the same type of food that raccoons eat, which makes them an easy target. Cockroaches are also relatively slow moving, which makes them an easy meal for a raccoon.
Do scorpions eat cockroaches?
The answer is yes, scorpions do eat cockroaches. In fact, they are one of the few predators that will actively seek out and hunt cockroaches. Scorpions will also eat other small insects, spiders, and even rodents.
So if you have a problem with cockroaches in your home, getting a pet scorpion may not be the worst idea. Just make sure to keep your scorpion well-fed so it doesn’t turn on you!
Do snakes eat cockroaches?
Yes, snakes will eat cockroaches if they are available. Cockroaches are not a preferred food source for snakes, but they will consume them if necessary.
Snakes typically prefer to eat rodents or other small mammals, but they will eat cockroaches if they are hungry enough. If you have a snake and a cockroach problem, it is best to contact a professional pest control company to solve both issues.
Do spiders eat cockroaches?
It’s a question that many people have asked, and it turns out that the answer is both yes and no. While some spiders will eat cockroaches, others will avoid them. It all depends on the type of spider and the size of the cockroach.
Some of the most common types of spiders that will eat cockroaches are wolf spiders, brown recluse spiders, and hobo spiders. These spiders are all large enough to take down a cockroach, and they’re also known to be aggressive predators.
On the other hand, some spider species will actively avoid cockroaches. This includes most web-building spiders, like orb-weavers and cobweb spiders. These spiders typically only eat insects that are small enough to be caught in their webs.
So, whether or not a spider will eat a cockroach depends on the type of spider and the size of the cockroach. In general, though, it’s safe to say that many spiders do enjoy eating these pesky insects.
Do squirrels eat cockroaches?
No, squirrels do not eat cockroaches. In fact, they are repelled by the smell of cockroaches and will avoid them if possible. However, if a squirrel is desperate enough, it may nibble on a cockroach to get some sustenance. So while squirrels won’t go out of their way to eat cockroaches, they won’t starve if one is the only thing available.
Squirrels are mostly herbivores, but they are not above eating small insects and other animals if necessary. Their diet consists mainly of nuts, seeds, fruits, and vegetables, but they will also eat eggs and baby birds.
In the wild, squirrels have been known to eat snakes, lizards, and even young mice. So while cockroaches may not be their first choice, they are certainly not off the menu entirely.
Do tarantulas eat cockroaches?

Well, it depends on the tarantula. Some tarantulas are known to eat cockroaches, while others don’t really seem to be that interested in them. So, if you’re wondering whether or not your tarantula will eat cockroaches, it’s best to ask a professional or do some research on the specific species of tarantula that you have.
That being said, if your tarantula does happen to eat a cockroach, it’s not necessarily a bad thing. Cockroaches are actually nutritious for tarantulas and can help them grow and stay healthy. So, if you see your tarantula munching on a cockroach, don’t be too alarmed – it’s just trying to get a good meal!
Do turtles eat cockroaches?
It’s a common question that people ask about turtles, and the answer is yes! Turtles will eat just about anything they can get their mouths on, including cockroaches.
So if you’re ever wondering what to feed your turtle, a cockroach might be a good option! Just make sure it’s not poisonous or anything like that.
Turtles are omnivores, so they’ll eat both plants and animals. In the wild, their diet consists of things like insects, fish, amphibians, and reptiles. So if you see a cockroach in your house, there’s a good chance your turtle will try to eat it!
Of course, you should always consult with a veterinarian before feeding your turtle anything new. And make sure to do your research to ensure that the food you’re giving them is safe and nutritious.
What Pets That Eat Cockroaches?
There are a few different pets that enjoy eating cockroaches as a part of their diet. These include lizards, frogs, snakes, and some types of birds. If you have any of these pets, you may want to consider feeding them cockroaches in order to provide them with a nutritious meal.
Do bearded dragons eat cockroaches?
Yes, bearded dragons do eat cockroaches! In the wild, their diet consists mostly of insects, so they are definitely not opposed to eating a cockroach or two.
However, you should not feed your bearded dragon live cockroaches because they could bite your dragon and cause an infection. If you want to feed your bearded dragon cockroaches, make sure they are dead first.
While most bearded dragons will eat cockroaches without any problems, there are a few things you should keep in mind. First of all, not all cockroaches are created equal.
Some cockroaches are more nutritious than others, so you’ll want to do your research to find the best type of cockroach for your dragon. Secondly, you’ll want to avoid feeding your dragon too many cockroaches because they are high in fat and could make your dragon obese.
Do dogs eat cockroaches?
There are a variety of opinions on this subject, but the answer is most likely no. Dogs typically don’t eat cockroaches because they don’t find them appetizing. However, if a dog is very hungry, he may be willing to eat a cockroach if there’s nothing else available.
Do cats eat cockroaches?
Yes, they definitely do! Cockroaches are not only a tasty treat for cats, but they’re also full of nutrients that can help keep your kitty healthy. So if you have a cockroach problem in your home, don’t reach for the pesticides – just let your cat take care of it!
Of course, not all cats are fond of cockroaches. Some may be scared of them, while others simply don’t like the taste. If your cat falls into one of these categories, there’s no need to force them to eat something they don’t want. There are plenty of other foods that will provide your cat with the nutrients they need.
Do lizards eat cockroaches?

Yes, lizards do eat cockroaches. In fact, many lizards are specialized predators of cockroaches and other insects. Some species of lizard will even eat nothing but insects!
Cockroaches are an important part of the diet of many lizards, and they provide the lizard with a good source of protein and other nutrients.
Do geckos eat cockroaches?
It’s a common question, and one that has a simple answer: yes, geckos do eat cockroaches. In fact, cockroaches are a favorite food of many gecko species. Geckos will typically eat any insect they can catch, and cockroaches are no exception.
There are a few reasons why cockroaches are such a good food source for geckos. First, they are packed with protein and other nutrients that geckos need to stay healthy. Second, they are relatively easy to catch and kill. And third, they are usually plentiful in most environments where geckos live.
For all of these reasons, it’s no surprise that geckos love to eat cockroaches. So if you have a cockroach problem, don’t be surprised if you see a gecko or two lurking around. They just might be looking for their next meal!
Do gerbils eat cockroaches?
Yes, gerbils do eat cockroaches. In fact, cockroaches are a favorite food of gerbils. Gerbils will often seek out cockroaches to eat, and will even enter into homes and other buildings in search of them. Cockroaches are an important part of the gerbil diet, and provide many essential nutrients.
If you have a gerbil, it is important to make sure that there are plenty of cockroaches available for them to eat. If you live in an area where cockroaches are not plentiful, you may need to supplement your gerbil’s diet with other foods. However, cockroaches should always be available to your gerbil, as they are an essential part of their diet.
Do guinea pigs eat cockroaches?
No, guinea pigs do not eat cockroaches. Cockroaches are not part of a guinea pig’s diet. Guinea pigs are herbivores and their diet consists mostly of hay, fresh vegetables, and pellets.
If you see your guinea pig eating a cockroach, it is most likely because they are curious about it and want to see what it tastes like. Guinea pigs have been known to eat other insects, such as crickets and mealworms, but cockroaches are not a common food source for them.
Do hamsters eat roaches?
No, hamsters do not eat roaches. However, if a roach happens to enter their cage, the hamster may mistake it for food and try to eat it. This could be harmful to the hamster, so it is best to keep roaches away from their cages. If you think your hamster has eaten a roach, contact your veterinarian immediately.
Do rabbits eat cockroaches?
This is a question that many people have, and the answer may surprise you. Rabbits are actually quite skilled at hunting and killing cockroaches. In fact, rabbits are one of the few animals that can kill and eat cockroaches without being harmed by them.
So, if you’re ever wondering whether or not rabbits eat cockroaches, the answer is yes! They definitely do. And they’re pretty good at it too.
Do rats eat cockroaches?
That’s a question that I get asked a lot, and it’s one that I’m always happy to answer.
The simple answer is yes, rats will eat cockroaches if they’re hungry enough. Cockroaches are not the most nutritious of meals, but they can provide some sustenance in a pinch. That said, rats typically prefer other food sources to cockroaches. If you see a rat eating a cockroach, it’s likely because there isn’t anything else around.
What birds eat cockroaches?
Birds are not the only animals that eat cockroaches. Insects, spiders, rodents, and lizards all prey on these pests. However, birds are some of the most efficient predators of cockroaches. There are many reasons why birds are such effective predators of cockroaches.
First, birds have a very keen sense of smell. They can detect the presence of cockroaches from a great distance away. Second, birds have sharp eyesight. They can see roaches running around in the dark and they can spot them hiding in cracks and crevices.
Third, birds have long beaks that they use to puncture the hard exoskeletons of cockroaches. Fourth, birds have sharp claws that they use to grip and kill cockroaches.
There are many different types of birds that eat cockroaches. Some of the most common include chickens, ducks, geese, quail, pheasants, partridges, and grouse.
Do starlings eat cockroaches?
Yes, they do. In fact, they are known to eat just about anything that they can get their beaks on, including cockroaches. So, if you have a problem with cockroaches in your home, you may want to consider getting some starlings to help control the population.
Do quails eat cockroaches?
Yes, quails do eat cockroaches. In fact, they are known to be quite fond of them! Cockroaches are a good source of protein for quails, and they help keep the quail’s digestive system healthy.
Quails will usually eat any type of cockroach, but the most common type that is eaten is the German cockroach. If you have ever seen a quail eating a cockroach, it is quite a sight!
The quail will hold the cockroach in its beak and then shake it until the cockroach is dead. Once the cockroach is dead, the quail will start to eat it. Cockroaches are not the only thing that quails eat, but they are a big part of their diet.
Do pheasants eat cockroaches?
It’s a question that has been asked many times, and one that we decided to investigate. We found out that pheasants will eat just about anything, including cockroaches! So if you’re ever wondering what to feed your pheasant, don’t be afraid to try out some cockroaches. Your pheasant will thank you for it!
Pheasants are omnivorous birds, which means that they will eat both plants and animals. In the wild, pheasants will eat a variety of things such as seeds, fruits, insects, small mammals, and even other birds. So when it comes to cockroaches, pheasants will have no problem chowing down on these little critters.
Cockroaches are actually a good source of protein for pheasants, so if you’re looking to give your pheasant a nutritious meal, cockroaches are a great option. Plus, they’re easy to find and don’t cost much money. So if you have a pheasant, don’t be afraid to give them some cockroaches to eat!
Do partridges eat cockroaches?
It’s a fair question, and one that I set out to answer. After doing some research, I found that there is no definitive answer. Some sources say that partridges do eat cockroaches, while others claim they don’t.
So what do we know for sure? Well, partridges are omnivorous birds, which means they eat both plants and animals. They typically eat seeds, fruits, insects, and small mammals. So it’s not entirely out of the realm of possibility that they could also eat cockroaches.
However, there is no concrete evidence that partridges do in fact eat cockroaches. And since we don’t want to make any false claims, we’ll just say that we don’t know for sure whether or not partridges eat cockroaches.
Do grouses eat cockroaches?
No one knows for sure, but there are some theories out there. One theory is that grouses eat cockroaches because they are a good source of protein.
Another theory is that grouses eat cockroaches because they are attracted to the cockroaches’ pheromones. Whatever the reason, it’s clear that grouses are not afraid to eat cockroaches!
Do crows eat cockroaches?
Crows are interesting creatures and are known to eat just about anything. So, do crows eat cockroaches? It is believed that crows do not typically eat cockroaches because they are not a part of their natural diet.
However, if there is a population of cockroaches in an area where crows live, the crows may eat them as a food source. While crows may not be the first choice when it comes to predators of cockroaches, they are known to eat them on occasion.
Do pigeons eat cockroaches?
No, pigeons do not eat cockroaches. Cockroaches are not a part of a pigeon’s diet. Pigeons typically eat seeds, fruits, and vegetables.
Occasionally, they may also eat insects, but this is not common. If you see a pigeon eating a cockroach, it is likely that the cockroach was already dead. Pigeons are not known to kill and eat live cockroaches.
What bugs and insects eat cockroaches?
There are many different types of bugs and insects that eat cockroaches. Some of the most common include ants, beetles, and spiders. Each of these predators has a different method of killing and eating cockroaches.
Do ants eat cockroaches?

It’s a common question, and one that has been asked since ancient times. The answer, it turns out, is both yes and no.
Some species of ants will eat cockroaches, while others won’t touch them. It all depends on the type of ant and the type of cockroach. For example, fire ants will kill and eat cockroaches, while carpenter ants generally ignore them.
Do crickets eat cockroaches?
There are a lot of urban myths out there about what creatures do and do not eat. So, does the cricket actually eat the cockroach?
As it turns out, crickets are known to eat just about anything they can get their little mouths on. This includes other insects, such as cockroaches. In fact, cockroaches are a pretty popular food source for crickets. So, if you have a cricket infestation in your home, there’s a good chance they’re snacking on any cockroaches that might be hanging around as well.
While crickets eating cockroaches may not be the most pleasant thing to think about, it is interesting to know that these two creatures have such a predator-prey relationship. So, the next time you see cricket and cockroach in close proximity to each other, don’t be too alarmed – they’re just following their natural instincts!
Do grasshoppers eat cockroaches?
No, grasshoppers do not eat cockroaches. Cockroaches are actually one of the few insects that grasshoppers will not eat. This is likely because cockroaches are much harder to digest than other insects. While grasshoppers will typically eat just about any other type of insect, they tend to avoid cockroaches.
There are a few other insects that grasshoppers will also avoid eating. These include crickets, wasps, and bees. While the reasons for this are not fully understood, it is thought that these insects may be too difficult to digest or may contain chemicals that deter grasshoppers from eating them.
Do praying mantis eat cockroaches?
The answer to this question is a bit complicated. While it is true that some species of praying mantis do eat cockroaches, not all of them do. In fact, the vast majority of praying mantis species don’t eat cockroaches at all. Instead, they prefer to dine on smaller insects like flies and mosquitoes.
Do wasps eat cockroaches?
The simple answer is yes, they do. Wasps are predators and will eat just about anything they can catch, including cockroaches. In fact, wasps will often target cockroaches because they are such easy prey.
However, it is important to note that not all wasps are interested in eating cockroaches. Some species of wasps will only eat other insects, while others will only eat nectar. So, it really depends on the type of wasp you are dealing with.
What country eats cockroaches?

The answer may surprise you – it’s not just one country, but many! In fact, cockroaches are considered a delicacy in many parts of the world, including Africa, Asia, and even some parts of South America. If you’re ever in a country where cockroaches are on the menu, be sure to give them a try – you might just be surprised at how good they taste!
Cockroaches are not only eaten by people, but also by animals. In some parts of the world, cockroaches are considered a valuable food source for chickens and other poultry.
Do they eat cockroaches in Thailand?
Apparently, cockroaches are a popular snack in Thailand. They can be bought fried or grilled from street vendors, and they are said to be quite tasty.
Does China eat cockroaches?
The answer may surprise you. While cockroaches are not a common food item in China, they are eaten on occasion. In some parts of the country, cockroaches are considered a delicacy and are often served fried or roasted.
So, next time you’re in China and see a cockroach crawling around, don’t be too quick to squish it. It may end up on your plate! Bon appetit!
Do they eat cockroaches in South Korea?
No, they don’t. I’ve never seen anyone eating a cockroach in South Korea. Cockroaches are considered to be pests and are not eaten as food. If you see someone eating a cockroach in South Korea, it’s probably because they’re trying to gross out their friends!
Do Japanese eat cockroaches?
The answer is no, Japanese people do not eat cockroaches. In fact, most people in Japan find the thought of eating a cockroach repulsive. There are some insects that are considered delicacies in other parts of the world, but cockroaches are not one of them. So why do so many people believe that Japanese people eat cockroaches?
One of the most likely reasons is that cockroaches are often seen in Japanese restaurants. This is because they are attracted to the food and heat, and can be difficult to get rid of once they infest a kitchen.
Do Vietnamese eat cockroaches?
The answer is both yes and no. While some Vietnamese people do enjoy eating cockroaches, others find the idea repulsive.
In fact, many Vietnamese people only eat cockroaches when they are drunk or dare each other to do so. So if you’re ever in Vietnam and someone offers you a cockroach to eat, know that it’s not necessarily a common practice.
Can you eat cockroaches?
Apparently, cockroaches are a popular food in some parts of the world. In China, for example, they are often roasted and eaten as a snack. And in Mexico, there is a popular dish called chapulines, which consists of fried grasshoppers. So if you’re ever feeling adventurous, why not give it a try? Who knows, you might just like it!
What do cockroaches taste like?
Some say that cockroaches taste like chicken, while others say that they taste more like shrimp. However, there is no real consensus on what cockroaches actually taste like. In fact, there are very few people who have actually tasted a cockroach!
What will happen if you eat food with cockroaches?
If you eat food contaminated with cockroaches, you may experience nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. You may also experience allergic reactions, such as hives or asthma.
In rare cases, you may even develop an infection from the bacteria that cockroaches carry. So it’s best to avoid eating food that has been contaminated by these pests.
Can you die from eating a cockroach?
The answer, unfortunately, is yes. Cockroaches can carry a number of diseases that can be fatal to humans, including Salmonella and E. coli. In addition, cockroaches produce a toxic substance called pyridoxine that can cause an allergic reaction in some people. While it is unlikely that you would die from eating a single cockroach, it is certainly not worth the risk.
In conclusion, there are many animals that eat cockroaches. Some of these animals include lizards, frogs, snakes, birds, and mammals. Each one of these animals has a different method of killing and eating cockroaches.
Some will kill them with their venom, others will eat them alive, and some will crush them with their powerful jaws. No matter how they do it, these animals all help to keep the cockroach population under control. Thanks for reading! I hope you found this information interesting and informative. Until next time!