Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
Do cockroaches eat bed bugs? You may be wondering this if you have a bed bug infestation. Unfortunately, cockroaches will eat bed bugs given the opportunity. This can make the problem worse, as it can lead to an increase in the number of cockroaches in your home.
In this blog post, we will discuss the relationship between cockroaches and bed bugs, and what you can do to get rid of them both!
Do cockroaches eat bed bugs?
We all know that cockroaches are pests. They invade our homes and businesses, and they’re really hard to get rid of. But did you know that cockroaches can also be helpful? That’s right – these pesky insects can actually help us get rid of other pests, like bed bugs.
So, do cockroaches eat bed bugs? The answer is yes! Cockroaches are known to be voracious eaters, and they will gladly munch on bed bugs if given the chance. In fact, many people use cockroaches to control bed bug populations.
Related: 10 Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs But Aren’t
Why do cockroaches eat bed bugs?
Cockroaches are known to eat just about anything, including bed bugs. While the jury is still out on why exactly they do this, there are a few theories. One theory is that cockroaches view bed bugs as competition for food and resources.
Another theory is that cockroaches simply enjoy the taste of bed bugs. Whatever the reason, if you have a bed bug problem, it’s likely that cockroaches are making it worse.
If you’re dealing with a bed bug infestation, it’s important to take steps to get rid of both the bed bugs and the cockroaches.
Otherwise, you’ll just be treating the symptoms of the problem, not the root cause. Pest control professionals can help you get rid of both bed bugs and cockroaches, so you can finally get some peace of mind.
What is the relationship between cockroach and bed bug?
Cockroaches and bed bugs are both insects that can infest homes and cause problems for homeowners. Cockroaches are generally larger than bed bugs, and they can fly.
Bed bugs are small, brownish-red insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals.
They cannot fly, but they can crawl quickly. Both cockroaches and bed bugs can be difficult to get rid of once they infest a home. If you have either of these pests in your home, it is important to contact a pest control professional for help.
How do cockroaches interact with bedbugs?
The answer may surprise you. Cockroaches and bedbugs are actually quite similar. Both cockroaches and bedbugs are nocturnal insects that feed on blood. They both have long, flat bodies that allow them to squeeze into small spaces. And they both can live for several months without food or water.
Can cockroaches and bed bugs live together?
The answer is…maybe. It really depends on the specific situation.
Cockroaches are generally much larger than bed bugs, so they tend to dominate any shared space. Bed bugs will usually stay hidden during the day, while cockroaches are more likely to be out and about. If there is food available, cockroaches will usually eat bed bugs.
However, in some cases, cockroaches and bed bugs can coexist peacefully. If there is enough space and resources for both species, they may not bother each other too much. In fact, in some situations, cockroaches may even help keep bed bug populations in check.
So, while it is possible for cockroaches and bed bugs to live together, it is not always ideal.
Can cockroaches bring bed bugs?
The answer is unfortunately, yes. Cockroaches are attracted to dirty places and can pick up bed bugs from these areas and bring them into your home. Bed bugs are often found in hotels, so it’s important to check for them when you travel.
If you find bed bugs in your hotel room, notify the front desk so they can take care of the problem.
To prevent bringing bed bugs home from a hotel, keep your luggage off the floor and away from the bed.
Inspect your luggage when you get home and wash all of your clothes in hot water to kill any bed bugs that may be hiding in them. Vacuum your suitcases and store them away until you travel again.
Can you get rid of bed bugs using roaches?
The simple answer is yes, you can get rid of bed bugs using roaches. However, it’s important to understand that this method should only be used as a last resort, and it’s not guaranteed to work.
There are two main reasons why using roaches to get rid of bed bugs might not be effective:
First, roaches are attracted to dirty environments. If your home is clean, there’s a good chance that the roaches will simply ignore the bed bugs.
Second, roaches are also attracted to food. If you have food in your home, the roaches will be more likely to go after that than the bed bugs.
So, if you’re considering using roaches to get rid of bed bugs, make sure that your home is clean and that there is no food available for the roaches. Otherwise, you might just be inviting more pests into your home!
Which is worse bed bugs or roaches?
That’s a tough question to answer. Both are pests that no one wants in their home. But if we had to choose, which is the lesser of two evils?
Let’s start with bed bugs. These little insects are experts at hiding. They can squeeze into tiny cracks and crevices, making them difficult to spot. Bed bugs are also nocturnal, so they’re most active when you’re asleep. This can make them hard to detect until you start seeing bites on your skin.
On the other hand, roaches are much easier to spot. They’re usually out in the open during the day, and they don’t try to hide like bed bugs do. But that doesn’t make them any less of a nuisance. Roaches are known to carry diseases, and they can trigger allergies in some people.
So which is worse? That depends on your perspective. If you’re worried about getting bitten, then bed bugs are probably your biggest concern. But if you’re worried about diseases, then roaches are the greater threat.
What are predators of bed bugs?
There are a few different predators of bed bugs that you may not know about.
1. House Centipedes

House Centipedes are predators of bed bugs. They are long and have many legs. They are also carnivorous, meaning they will eat other insects.
House Centipedes are found in damp areas such as basements and laundry rooms. If you see a house centipede, it is best to leave it alone. These pests are not dangerous to humans but can be a nuisance.
2. Dust mites

Dust mites are small creatures that live in dust. They are one of the most common predators of bed bugs. Dust mites are so small that they can barely be seen with the naked eye. They feed on dead skin cells and other tiny bits of organic matter.
Although they are not known to carry diseases, they can cause allergies in some people. Dust mites are most active at night, when they come out to feed on their prey.
If you think you may have bed bugs, it is important to check for dust mites. You can do this by using a vacuum cleaner with a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter.
Vacuuming regularly will help to reduce the number of dust mites in your home. You can also reduce the number of dust mites by keeping your bedding clean and dry. Dust mites thrive in humid environments, so it is important to keep your bedroom well-ventilated.
3. Masked hunter (Reduvius personatus)

Masked hunter (Reduvius personatus) is a predatory beetle that feeds on bed bugs. It is a common predator of bed bugs in homes and apartments. Masked hunters are large, dark-colored beetles that measure about 13–19 mm in length.
They have long, curved mandibles that they use to pierce the exoskeletons of their prey. Masked hunters are nocturnal predators that are attracted to the carbon dioxide that bed bugs exhale.
They are found in all life stages of bed bugs, including eggs, nymphs, and adults. Masked hunters will also feed on other small insects, such as cockroaches, silverfish, and ants.
If you have a bed bug infestation, you may be able to reduce their numbers by introducing masked hunters into your home. You can purchase them online or at some garden stores.
It is important to release them into infested areas, such as bedrooms, where they will have the best chance of finding and killing bed bugs.
Masked hunters are not pests themselves and will not harm people or pets. However, they can bite if handled roughly. If you have young children or pets, you may want to take this into consideration before introducing them into your home.
4. Pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis)

Pharaoh ant (Monomorium pharaonis) is a species of ant that is native to Africa, the Middle East, and Asia. The Pharaoh ant is one of the most common household pests in many parts of the world.
Pharaoh ants are attracted to human dwellings because they offer a warm and humid environment, which is ideal for their reproduction.
Pharaoh ants are not only a nuisance but can also be a health hazard. These pests are known to transmit diseases such as Salmonella and Staphylococcus.
Pharaoh ants are difficult to control because they can quickly develop resistance to pesticides. The best way to get rid of Pharaoh ants is to contact a professional pest control company.
5. Thanatus Flavidus spider

Thanatus Flavidus is a species of spider that preys on bed bugs. This spider is found in Europe and Asia and was first described in 1833. These spiders are brown or black in color and have a flattened body shape. They are also known as “cellar spiders” because they often live in dark, damp places such as basements or cellars.
These spiders are not harmful to humans and actually help to control the bed bug population. If you have a bed bug problem, you may want to consider letting some of these spiders into your home! Just make sure to keep them away from your bedroom so they don’t become prey themselves.
So, do cockroaches eat bed bugs? The answer is yes! Cockroaches are known to be predators of many different types of insects, including bed bugs. If you have a problem with bed bugs in your home, you may want to consider getting rid of any cockroaches that might be present as well. While they may not be able to completely eliminate a bed bug infestation, they can help reduce the number of bugs present.