Last Updated on December 17, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford
Sliding patio doors are another name for the glass door sets commonly referred to as patio doors. Garden doors, on the other hand, often consist of a set of double doors that swing open and close on a hinge; consequently, “swinging garden door” is another name for this style of the outside door.
Garden or patio doors might be a fantastic method to revamp your outdoor area if you’re a decorator. Patio and garden doors can be tailored to the specifics of your interior design scheme.
Patio doors, as opposed to garden doors, allow more light to enter the home through the opening in the back of the house, which is desirable for many homeowners. Patio doors have an ideal glass-to-frame ratio, allowing for maximum glass area.
Patio doors typically have glass with a greater percentage in area than garden doors; you can learn more on the exact percentage. Because of this, a lot of light from the outside may enter. On the other hand, garden doors are mostly made of steel and wood, with only a small section devoted to glass.
If privacy is extremely important, this layout could be a good option. But if you need more seclusion, you can always install patio door treatments or use a different type of glass.
Your front door’s design should reflect the aesthetic of the rest of your home. Patio doors appear more contemporary and sleek, whereas garden doors are distinctly more traditional. Sliding patio doors are more popular than garden doors since they are virtually blank and create a sturdy but transparent partition between the indoors and the outdoors.
While uncomplicated in and of itself, they might highlight your backyard’s landscape or facilities. Patio doors may therefore accommodate a wide variety of design styles. As a bonus, patio doors provide an unobstructed view, giving the impression that the room is larger than it is.
Because patio doors slide up and shut, it’s easy to install extra security measures like kick locks and security bars to keep burglars out. Garden doors, on the other hand, usually have one lock. Large glass areas in patio doors are a security risk, which worries many homeowners.
It can be the case if you choose a patio door with only one pane of glass. However, patio doors with numerous panes can better withstand physical impact. In addition to protecting against break-ins, a shatterproof film can protect the glass against debris and other projectiles.
Sliding patio doors can come with additional security features, making it difficult for thieves to gain in. it is especially true of multi-paned, reinforced glass. With garden doors, however, burglars need to smash a pane of glass to gain access to the lock from the inside and unlock the door. The safety of your home is enhanced by installing a high-quality sliding patio door.
Simplicity of Upkeep
Vinyl sliding patio doors, like vinyl windows, are long-lasting and require little upkeep despite being constantly subjected to the outdoors. Vinyl garden doors won’t rot, warp, or crack like those made from traditional materials like metal or wood.
Wood can rot, twist and, swell; metal can rust. Thus, the higher initial cost of garden doors is only the beginning of the additional costs you may incur due to the increased upkeep required.
Anti UV Filtering
Patio and garden doors from a reputable company like Clera Windows + Doors can be had with UV-protected glass panes. Your home’s interior’s health and integrity will benefit from this. Patio doors let in more light, but both types of doors let in a lot of natural light. Because prolonged exposure to direct sunlight can hasten the fading of interior furnishings and finishes like upholstery, wallpaper, and paint, UV protection is an issue for both types of doors.
Energy Efficiency / Insulation
The former is generally considered more energy efficient when comparing patio doors to garden doors or other big back door options. The advantages of vinyl sliding patio doors are the same as those of other energy-efficient windows; they are essentially just oversized windows.
Patio doors, like windows, can be manufactured to order with double or triple panes to suit a variety of thermal and acoustic requirements. Many patio doors are coated with low-emissivity materials to mitigate the effects of solar radiation. Alternatively, garden doors are just like any other door; they’re built out of wood and steel and lack vinyl insulating properties. In addition, they rarely come with the option of adding more panes, making it tough to improve productivity.
Opening Up And Letting Air In
In addition to the many benefits of patio doors already discussed, it is important to highlight that garden doors can provide even more air and opening space. The workings of the door are to blame for this. Garden doors provide greater airflow and a larger opening space since they swing open on a hinge.
If you want to open your back door for air at different times of the day without having it look like an open window, a sliding patio door may be better than a garden door. The amount of opening size required for air circulation can also be adjusted. However, coming full circle, a garden door may be preferable if you frequently transport bulky objects to and from your backyard.

Patio and garden doors are crucial, especially when created specifically for your home. It can do wonders for both indoor and exterior beauty. Both have advantages that should be considered while making a final decision. When installed and cared for properly, patio and garden doors can last for many years.