20+ Best Backyard Barn Ideas That Will Help You DIY a Shed

Last Updated on January 22, 2020 by Kimberly Crawford

Do you have lots of space and don’t know what to do with it? Are you thinking of very creative ideas for your backyard barn? We can help you with that. Check out these amazing 20 barn ideas to choose from when considering a backyard barn.

best backyard barn ideas

1. Backyard Barn

1 Backyard Barn ideas

This backyard barn is one that calls attention to itself by its fascinating design; it would definitely fit whatever storage purpose you desire. It is made of wood and its beautiful patterns make it’s a cool backyard view.

2. Red Barn

2 Backyard Barn ideas

Look at this adorable sample of a perfect backyard barn. Having this design might tempt you to want to live in it. It is that little extra your home needs. Go ahead and try this.

3. Colonial Style Storage Shed

3 Backyard Barn ideas


This shed is although considered by many as old fashioned, it is the basic barn design. It is simple and has enough space for storage purposes. Also, it is inexpensive to build.

4. 6&6 Storage Space

4 Backyard Barn ideas


This is a very basic barn design for storage. The flower around this barn is made to decorate this barn and spice up its look. It is made to properly store up.

5. The Easy DIY Shed

5 Backyard Barn ideas


Forget how complicated this sample looks, it is very easy to make. Although, this sample has been used in the past as an apartment, garden shed but can also be used as a backyard barn.

6. Gable Shed

6 Backyard Barn ideas


If you have a little space for your barn here is something to consider; in case whatever you are storing in your barn needs some air you can try this. It has a sliding glass window for aeration.

7. Free Shed Plan for a Schoolhouse Storage Shed

7 backyard barn ideas


If you have a school and you are looking for a backyard storage design to consider, here is a sample to consider. The caution here is that the major color of the building should align with that of the main building.

8. Free Shed for a Drive –Thru Backyard Shed

8 backyard barn ideas


This is the simple barn design you want for your backyard. It is made of wood and can serve the purposes of storing farm products, machine tools, and even garden tools.

9. Our Favorite Garden Sheds

9 Backyard Barn ideas


Backyard barn creates a more comfortable movement of farm produce because of its closeness to the site of production and as such, you would want to consider one that fits your farmland.

10. Go for Glass

10 Backyard Barn ideas


If you are looking to do a completely unique design, think glass. Glass barns have its way of adding elegance to the overall look of your backyard. It would definitely attract the attention of people to themselves.

11. Wooden Backyard Barn

11 Backyard Barn ideas

Wood designs are always beautiful, especially when they are well polished; this design is both classy and spacious. It has a large to allow the passage of large materials at a time.

12. Vintage Wood Shed

12 Backyard Barn ideas

This is a vintage barn design made of old wood. This design promises longevity, it can be used for whatever storage purpose you want.

13. Multipurpose Barn

13 Backyard Barn ideas

This is a multipurpose sample that has various uses; it can be used to store your products and can be used to entertain guests. It is also fashioned with some glass windows.

14. Sticks and Stones

14 Backyard Barn ideas

The stones used in this backyard barn are for strengthening the pillars. The wood is treated to prevent the attacks of pests and insects. It is a very stylish structure that attracts the eyes.

15. Deck Shed

15 backyard barn ideas


How is a desk like the design for you to try out? It is a funky sample that can be used for your storage purpose and even for your evening garden hangout. It is also spacious for your event.

16. Narrow Backyard Shed Plan

16 Backyard Barn ideas


This is a wooden, inexpensive backyard barn that can be easily made by you. Do this design at one corner of your house. It is not the most beautiful design but it is readily available.

17. Farmhouse Shed

17 Backyard Barn ideas


This farmhouse shed is one that can be done. The glass door and windows just it up. The caution here is to move things around more carefully because of the glass. The flowers are put in front to decorate it. One might be tempted to think its an apartment.

18. Lovely Landscaping

18 Backyard Barn ideas


This barn literally gives people the idea of a garden; this is just a design to make your storehouse look more beautiful. Also, this would make your house look more attractive.

19. Homely Barn

19 Backyard Barn ideas

This is yet another very simple barn design. It is stationed at an end of the house; it’s a simple in and out a sample that can be made by you. The doors are well tight such that no form of rodents can temper with your stored products.

20. Fancy Wood Backyard Barn

20 Backyard Barn ideas

This design is simply stylish and would look good for any backyard. Wood is the go-to material for building barns because of its cost. But this idea simply raises the bar.