10+ Best Study Lighting Ideas and Designs

Last Updated on March 4, 2020 by Kimberly Crawford

How much light is good for studying?

There are three factors to consider when choosing the right amount of light for studying:

  • Work/study area
  • Desk work/paperwork
  • Visual performance

These are the three main categories that lighting strength falls upon. Depending on which of these three options you normally use, you’re looking at 300-1000+ lux lighting options. The more intricate work you’re doing the brighter it should be. 

Is it good to use a study lamp for studying?

The quick answer is yes, the light from the lamps reduces the glare while reading and make it easier on the eyes to study ultimately leading to better eye health especially if you study for multiple hours a day. 

Which light is better for studying: white or yellow?

The best light for studying is one that improves focus and productivity which is cooler lights. It has been scientifically proven that cooler lights improve your concentration and focus while warmer lights promote relaxation which is something you do not need while studying. Cool light that mimics daylight is the best option that will make you more productive and will help you retain information as you go.


10 Study Lighting Ideas

1. Brass classic

1 Study lighting ideas

You can never go wrong with the classic! This brass piece looks like your standard go-to classic lamp which brings just the right amount of style and functionality in your study table.


1 brass classic study lighting

2 brass classic study lighting

3 brass classic study lighting

2. Mounted vintage wall sconce

2 Study lighting ideas

There’s nothing like an actual lightbulb to give you lightbulbs all throughout your brainstorming this vintage-styled piece is charming and effective but should be placed higher than your head to avoid you hurting your eyes. 


4 Mounted vintage wall sconce study lighting


5 Mounted vintage wall sconce study lighting


6 Mounted vintage wall sconce study lighting


3. Portable and flexible table lamp

3 Study lighting ideas 3

This portable and flexible lamp is great for those times when you have a very awkward grip on the lighting you need. You can adjust it according to your specifications and you can move it anywhere you want! 

7 portable table lamp


8 portable table lamp


9 portable table lamp


4. Wooden pendant

4 Study lighting ideas

Having a sense of nature around when you’re studying is always relaxing. It also helps you focus more on the work you’re doing when your body feels relaxed. This long wooden pendant light is perfect as a highlight of your study room, it is both decorative and functional lighting.


10 wooden pendant study light

11 wooden pendant study light

5. Antique wooden study table lamp 

5 Study lighting ideas

This antique-style table lamp is not lacking in charm and functionality. It provides you with a glow of light that pulls you into studying and retaining more information.


6. Minimalistic study lamp

6 Study lighting ideas

This study lamp features a no-nonsense design that will allow you to be free from all distractions and ultimately provide you with a more productive studying lesson.


7. Wooden robot book lamp

7 Study lighting ideas

This adorable lamp doubles as a “shelf” for your books. Not only is it adorable but the lamp design actually shields your eyes from strain while you study while giving you an extra, encouraging glow. 

8. Wall-mounted industrial gauntlet lamp

8 Study lighting ideas

This wall-mounted lamp has no lack of charm and personality and will ensure your creativity levels are kept at an all-time high. 


9. Modern hanging pendant light

9 Study lighting ideas

This light fixture boasts a crisp, clean, no-nonsense design that is sure to boost your productivity levels. 


10. Quirky industrial lighting

10 Study lighting ideas

This fixture can be mounted on your wall or be made into a portable study piece that pulls you out of that creative slump you’ve been stuck in.



While there are recommended ways to light up your study room or area, it ultimately boils down to what you need and the conditions in which you personally feel more productive. Whether you go with white or yellow light, it won’t matter as long as it keeps you productive and comfortable so don’t be afraid to experiment with lighting solutions.

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