Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford
The Succulent plants are impressive. Echeveria agavoides is one of them that you can plant in your well-lit interiors! Of course, the plant can do well in outdoor conditions, making it possible to grow outdoors.
The plant needs moderate conditions for it to thrive well. You can have the plant in a container or even a toasty garden.
The plant is often slow-growing it takes quite some time for it to exceed 30 cm in length. Generally speaking, the plant adapts well to the semi-arid conditions. If you decide to plant it, it will be prudent to minimize watering because it does not need a lot of water.
Planting Echeveria agavoides

Let’s consider the considerations that you should have in mind when you decide to plant Echeveria agavoides. There are specific requirements on when you can grow it.
When to plant
The right time to plant the succulent plant is during the spring and summer seasons. You can opt to transplant it at this season since it will get sufficient water and warmth necessary for growth.
Planting here may imply the time when you should transplant or propagate. Ensure that the pot is dry before you begin transplanting.
Where to plant
You can plant Echeveria agavoides anywhere provided that it has well-draining soil. You can do this in conditions of full sun or even under partial shade. Some people can opt to plant it in gardens though it will be even better when you have them in containers.
If you have gravel gardens and sunny borders, that could be the best place to grow your Echeveria agavoides. Growing them in containers makes it easier to transfer them indoors during winter.
How to plant
You will use the leaf cuttings to plant Echeveria agavoides. Once the leaves are ready after allowing time to callous for a few days, you will lay them in well-draining soil.
It will take some time for them to germinate. Water them anytime when they begin drying. Wait until the mother leaf withers.
Here the roots and rosettes will then develop. It is at this point when you will the plant. When the rosette is ready, you will pull it away and then plant it in well-draining soil. Make sure that it has equal components of compost and topsoil.
Care for Echeveria agavoides

Check through the care instructions below about the soil, fertilize, water temperature, and humidity requirements for Echeveria agavoides
Soil and fertilizer
Echeveria will do well in soil types that drain quickly. Planting it in soils with poor drainage will risk your plant since it can make it rot. The cactus mix will work well if you want to cultivate Echeveria agavoides since it has a suitable drainage property.
You will not need fertilizers continuously. You can apply it during the early seasons of growth. Using a slow-release fertilizer is a milestone for it will protect it from fertilizer burns.
Sun, Light, and water
The Echeveria agavoides will do well in semi-arid conditions meaning that it can survive full sunlight conditions. It will only be vital if you will protect it from drastic sunlight changes.
The drastic changes in sunlight can stress your plant and may damage it if prolonged. You don’t want your plant to suffer sunburns. It is, therefore, necessary to be careful when the climate changes. You can transfer it indoors when the conditions seem unfavorable.
Echeveria agavoides do not need a lot of water. Make sure that you water it moderately so that it neither gets too wet or too cold.
Humidity and temperature
The average room humidity that will favor the best growth of your plant is the dry room humidity. It will thrive well in warm summers with temperatures from 18 degrees Celsius to 27 degrees Celsius.
During fall and winter, you will need slightly cooler temperatures from 13 degrees to 24 degrees Celsius.
The steps here are simple. Do the transplanting during the spring and summer. Allow it to dry out properly before you remove it from its container.
Your container that you will transplant should have dry soil. The soil should be new. Plant it and avoid watering for a few days.
Pruning and propagation
If you want to produce more succulents in the future, then you should focus on pruning your echeveria. Pruning encourages new growth. It will also help you control the height and shape of the root.
When you want to propagate them, you will cut off the entire rosette at the base and replant them if your echeveria is too leggy. You can also use the stalks. Leaves can do, but they are not common.
Pests and diseases
Overwatering can lead to root decay due to the growth of fungal diseases. You can take care of this by doing a controlled watering. Mealybugs are the pest that interferes with growth because of the way this insect feeds.
To conclude, Echeveria agavoides care is easy. You only need to stick to all provisions from panting, watering, and pest control. When you accurately follow the steps, you can be sure to have that quality interior designing plant that will always please your eyes.