Our Goal Our goal at Farm Food Family is to provide useful, practical information to help families live a healthy, ethical, and sustainable lifestyle. We aim to promote environmentally-conscious food and lifestyle choices through our articles, recipes, and multimedia content.
Editorial Values
We fact-check all articles and recipes to ensure information is accurate, up-to-date, and science-based. We promptly correct any errors.
We disclose any gifted items, sponsored posts, or potential conflicts of interest. We do not accept payment for reviews or endorsement of products we would not otherwise recommend.
We respect people of all backgrounds and provide accommodating information for varying budgets, diets, abilities, and living situations. We avoid gender, racial, and cultural stereotypes.
We strongly believe in protecting the environment and responsibly using natural resources. We promote eco-friendly products and habits.
We treat all living creatures, including livestock animals, with kindness. We believe factory farms are cruel and support high-welfare family farms instead.
We aim to make ethical choices in all aspects of our work. This includes:
- Respecting creator rights by obeying fair use guidelines and attributing sources.
- Protecting privacy and only publishing private details with consent.
- Rejecting gifts, trips, posts, or endorsements tied to products/services we would not otherwise recommend based on our editorial values. All sponsored posts are clearly labeled as such.
- Disallowing writing that contains hate, intolerance, or harm towards marginalized groups and identities.
- Encouraging diverse voices and perspectives from ethical writers.
- Copyright Law of the United States
- FTC Guidelines on Disclosures
- Society of Professional Journalists Ethics Code
- Fair Use
Editorial Standards
Our writers thoroughly research topics using reputable sources and experts. We reference medical, scientific, and academic publications when applicable.
All articles are carefully fact-checked before publishing. We verify statistics, claims, prices, and any factual statements.
We credit sources by linking them to high-quality original reporting, studies, or products. We obey fair use copyright guidelines in quoting excerpts.
We respect our contributors’ and sources’ right to privacy. We seek permission before publishing any private details.