Last Updated on August 1, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford
Electricity is an essential part of our everyday lives but too often we take it for granted. From switching on the lights or boiling water, to charging phones and watching TV in the evening; electricity makes so many things possible without even thinking about how dangerous some aspects can be if you’re not careful.
Electricity has become such a common thing that most people don’t stop to consider its potential danger until they find themselves injured because either their fault was caused by poor safety practices around home electronics (such as wiring), appliances with electric motors like fridges etc., having touched live electrical wires while repairing something else.
Electricity has the power to do so much good, but it can be deadly if not handled with care and caution. Here we’ve compiled some essential electrical safety tips for your home that everyone should know- from how electricity works in general all the way down to using a calculator when frying an egg!
You should repair the damaged chords
Electrical cords are a big risk for fires. They should be inspected regularly to make sure there’s no damage or fraying, and if you have pets in the home this is even more important! If something looks out-of-the ordinary on your electrical cord take extra precautions with it because that could lead up to an accident at any time.
There is no need to overload the power points
It’s a good idea to never overload your sockets with multiple appliances. The more plugs that are connected, the greater chance there is for one appliance causing an issue and even shutting down power throughout the whole house!
A fire can break out from just having too many devices plugged into individual outlets as well – not only will it be hard on you but also anyone else still trying to use those lights or heaters during such chaos.
You have to dust your appliances

To keep your appliances cool and running smoothly, it’s important that you dust any exposed parts of them at least once every six months. This includes the fan on a refrigerator or freezer as well!
It may seem like an unnecessary task but when we think about all those little moving pieces inside our home-based refrigerators and freezers; they need some tender loving care too. Make sure to give these essential machines their undivided attention by giving each part (from outside casing down) between quarterly cleanings—this will make certain food stays fresh longer while also maintaining efficiency levels with energy consumption because there won’t be build up from dirt getting stuck.
Related: 7 Refrigerator Brands To Avoid and 5 Most Reliable Brands
You have to give some space to your appliances
Make sure you have some space around your appliance if it’s a fridge, dishwasher or other type of air-purifying device that needs room for free circulation.
Even inbuilt appliances like these will usually require at least 1 inch (2 cms) all round and 8 inches (20 cm) above the venting plane to operate optimally.
Poor ventilation can lead to overheating and breakdowns which is never ideal when we’re trying our best on saving money by not overspending!
Use electrical items in dry areas only
Electricity and water don’t mix. Electrical items should never come in contact with wet areas, so be sure that you keep them away from anything containing moisture if they haven’t been handled recently or used for an activity where their surface became damp such as gardening.
Don’t let your appliances become a victim of corrosion when exposed to moist environments like bathrooms which are often prone toward flooding thanks again environmental factors!
There is a need to understand your switchboard
Knowing how your switchboard works is important. Should you lose power for an extended period, knowing which circuit it’s on helps keep the rest of your home lit up and functioning smoothly!
A quick Google search will tell us all we need to know about what happens when things go wrong with electricity; having knowledge like this at hand could save lives in emergencies or accidents happen by providing crucial information right away without needing any special equipment around (though if there were circumstances like tornadoes outside then everyone should definitely arm themselves!).
Start investing in smoke alarms

The most important thing you can do to protect your family from fires is have functional smoke alarms in every room. Test them regularly and change the batteries as often recommended by manufacturers, or sooner if they appear worn out!
Childproof the outlets
Do you have children or pets who like to get up into mischief? If so, it’s a good idea to childproof your electrical outlets. This will keep them safe from any mishaps and prevent anything bad happening in their play area while they’re using these outlet spots!
Keep a fire extinguisher
It’s a good idea to keep some kind of fire extinguishing equipment on site, whether it be at home or for businesses. One option includes buying and keeping an easily portable blanket that can serve as both protection against fires and light insulation under doors; while another would involve having more manpower by equipping employees with their own small hand-held Extinguishers in case there is ever an emergency situation where one may need them to put out smoldering materials such as papers which could ignite thanks against poor ventilation conditions found during long periods without use so make sure everyone knows where they are kept!
Don’t always rely on DIY
You might be able to DIY your own electrical work, but why take the risk? Electricians are licensed professionals with years of experience. They’re equipped for anything from simple problems like installing outlets or changing light bulbs all the way up to complicated installations such as new construction wiring projects where they make sure power goes where it needs to; not only does this keep things running smoothly (and more importantly) protects you against any possible damages later on!
Don’t leave the hot appliances unattended

If you’re going out, always check that your appliances are turned off. This includes the heater and hairdryer in my bathroom as well!
The worst thing to happen was when I went for a shower at night- not only did it end up flooding but also scorching everything around me with hot water so fast there was no time left before being burnt alive or worse -showered down by ashes from above…
Prefer Residual Current Device
Electrical safety is essential when working with electricity, and an RCD can come in handy to provide protection for equipment that may be used outdoors. This vital bit of kit will switch off the current if something like touching a live wire happens by accidently while you’re outside working on your yard mower or other outdoor appliances!
Wet Grass
The best way to stay safe during a thunderstorm or other electrical storm is by never using lawnmowers and other electric equipment outdoors when it’s been raining. The risk of getting shocked from touching metal tools, such as drills and hedge clippers that have fallen into standing water becomes much higher due their proximity with wet grass-the same goes for windsurfers who may end up near power lines after being hit by lightning.
Garden lightnings
Outdoor lights can be a sight to behold, but if your garden light doesn’t work as it should or breaks down in bad weather then there’s not much you will want standing out from the rest. Make sure that all outdoor fixtures have been installed by an experienced electrician before use – those who aren’t may lead to injury due accidents with electricity!
Waterproof-rated mains powered LEDs emit more heat than traditional bulbs so they must also withstand higher temperatures without breaking down the first time around; likewise for waterproof glass globes – which help stop bugs getting inside where we don’t want them going either way round. Finally, always switch off when changing lamps rather than leaving them on standby otherwise something could happen at unexpected moments.
Related: 31 Different Types Of Light Switches, Dimmers, and Fixtures
Electrical pond pumps
Your electric pump is a great way to keep your pond healthy and happy! However, as with anything electrical it’s important that you know what will happen if things go wrong. If there isn’t enough power flowing through the wires of an ungrounded waterline then shock can occur which could lead not only injury or death for yourself but also those who live nearby such as fish in any ponds on their property.
How to ensure your child’s safety at home?

Are plug sockets really harmful for your child?
So, you were told by your mother that plug sockets are dangerous and children shouldn’t play with them, right? Well, they aren’t. In fact, it’s almost impossible for a small child to stick their fingers into an outlet no matter how much curiosity might be seen.
Are the socket covers really that much reliable?
The Electrical Safety Council found that a shocking 62% of parents use socket covers in their homes. But, these won’t protect you from the electric shock if installation isn’t safe or maintained properly!
Only an RCD-equipped fuse box will do so and reduce fire risks too – only 38% have plugs installed at home which is much lower than other countries like Australia (70%) Canada(55%), New Zealand 55%). A plug cost as little as £10/p relocate one such device can help save lives.
How to make electrical cables child safe?
The best way to keep your children away from electrical outlets is by using furniture. Electrical socket covers can be used, but it may not always work due the child’s curiosity and ability of manipulation skills in adults-proofing these hazardous elements for them.
It would also be wise if you secure wires against skirting boards or door frames so they don’t trip hazards as well as help deter curious chewing! Power bars might come handy when there are more than one outlet needed on an occasion.
How to make electrical appliances safe for your children?
To keep your home safe, it’s important to be mindful of what can happen if you aren’t too careful. Make sure appliances are turned off when not in use and cords pulled away from where they’re accessible by curious children who might think about toys with them or mouth their contents—a phone charger without the actual device attached doesn’t seem like such an interesting thing anymore!
Remember that kids may start doing things adults do every day (such as straightening hair), which could potentially lead up into dangerous behavior because there’s no difference between his actions then and now aside from age-related development gaps. Besides, you can also think about taking the advice of a professional.
Avoid the risk factors of water
Electrical appliances are not toys. They can kill you if you aren’t careful about what goes on with them, and even more so with children in the house! Be sure your kids have dried off thoroughly after a bath before they go near any electrical device or drink anything that has been spilled onto an appliance by mistake – this includes juices too because juicy letters might be frazzled laptops-and worse yet serious injuries waiting to happen.
Final words
It is very important to make sure that water and electricity do not mix. Cables should always be stored away from children, unplugged devices when repairing or cleaning, plugged in but out of use as much possible so they don’t overheat if left alone for long periods of time (especially during summer months), allow air circulation around electric appliances by removing clutter near vents where necessary.
Electrical devices should be installed by a registered electrician and avoided whenever possible. If you want an appliance that operates on electricity, make sure the power source is safe for your home’s wiring system first! Electrical fuses can also cause fires if they’re not working properly; similarly, to what happens when there isn’t enough wattage available at one time (a fuse blows). Make certain all appliances including heaters have been read thoroughly before use as damaged wires may result in electrical accidents such as shock or burns.