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Organic Garden

3 Design Concepts Key to Great Vegetable Garden Layouts

In winter, the bare bones of your garden layouts are exposed. But is your vegetable garden layout still pleasing to you? Do you glance...

Portable Greenhouses and Cold Frames

Gardeners with small spaces or in urban areas use portable and mini greenhouses to participate and to extend their growing season. Urban gardeners and gardeners...

Garden Fertilizers Broken Down: What Does “N P K” have to do with Gardening?

Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium are the major ingredients in garden fertilizers. Many elements including nutrients are present in soil and needed for plant growth. What...

Plant Herbs to Control Vegetable Garden Pests

Keep an organic vegetable garden using herbs as companion plants. They attract beneficial insects that repel pests from hybridized bedding plants, and supply the...

Kitchen Waste Compost: Steps to Soil Enrichment and Plant Vigor

Gardeners can make high-grade natural compost with ordinary kitchen waste, resulting in a rich soil amendment and lightening the load at landfill sites. Keeping a...

Managing Plant Pests and Diseases Without Chemicals In Greenhouse

Apply organic gardening methods in the greenhouse to control pests, and enjoy fresh flowers, herbs, and vegetables all year. If the atmosphere in a well-managed...

Get Rid of Squirrels in the Garden

Squirrels are tenacious rodent pests, and it's reasonable for gardeners to expect control rather than eradication from their efforts. It’s one thing to battle with...

Starting an Early Spring Garden

Greenhouses are great, but if your budget doesn't permit that just yet, try a hoop house. You can start your spring garden and begin...

How to Grow and Care for Asparagus

A welcome delicacy from the spring garden, hardy perennial asparagus grows easily from seed. How To Grow Asparagus Native to the Mediterranean and eaten by the...

Grow Giant Vegetables Organically

If you've ever admired a pumpkin that looked like Cinderella's coach or a giant tomato that resembled a softball, learn how you can grow...

Grow Organic Celery in the Home Vegetable Garden

Organic gardeners who think celery is difficult to grow in the natural vegetable garden can grow healthy plants by following a few rules. When choosing...

The Essential Guide to Growing Green Manures

You can't eat green manures, but if you know which crops to grow, where, when and how to cultivate them you will improve your...

Grow an Organic Pizza Garden

Few pizza chains offer pizzas with organic toppings, but home gardeners can grow a natural pizza garden in a sunny back yard spot. A pizza...

Protecting Harvest from Frost in Organic Gardens

Early Fall frosts can decimate crops such as tomatoes and peppers. Use row covers to create a warm micro-climate. It is Fall and night-time temperatures...

Special Frost Protection for Special Plants

You can lug large container plants into the greenhouse or garage for the winter, or you can provide each plant with frost protection right...

Recycling in the Organic Garden

Recycle your household waste into useful items for the organic garden. Organic gardeners spend a lot of time and ingenuity thinking of new items to add to...

Starting Seeds in Cold Weather Stops Pests and Diseases

Organic gardeners can experiment with winter sowing methods to start seeds of hardy vegetables, flowers, and cover crops outdoors; no greenhouse is required. Traditionally, there...

Plant Care Begins with Good Soil

The best care for flowers, vegetables or a lush green lawn begins with preparing the soil by digging in lots of organic matter down...