Home Garden Organic Garden

Organic Garden

How to Plant Garlic At Home

Have you ever faced the struggle of wanting fresh garlic at your fingertips, only to be met with the disappointment of store-bought...

7 Tips for Water-Saving Vegetable Irrigation for Your Garden

In the garden, water is life—a precious and sometimes scarce commodity that must be used wisely. Whether you're an eco-conscious gardener or...

How to Become an Urban Farmer: Cultivating Success in the City

Urban farming, or urban agriculture, represents a movement towards self-sufficiency and sustainability in urban environments. It involves growing food in and around...

How to Become an Organic Gardener: Essentials for Sustainable Growth

Embarking on the journey into organic gardening is an excellent way to cultivate your produce while ensuring it's healthy and free from...

How to Become a Permaculture Designer: Your Path to Sustainable Design Mastery

Permaculture is an innovative approach to landscape design and agriculture that focuses on the harmonious integration of plants, animals, landscapes, and people....

How to Become a Greenhouse Manager: A Step-by-Step Career Guide

Entering the field of greenhouse management means stepping into a vital role within the agriculture industry. Greenhouse managers...

How to Become an Irrigation Specialist: Your Guide to a Career in Water Management

Irrigation specialists play a critical role in agriculture, landscaping, and environmental management by ensuring efficient water usage in various settings. Pursuing a...

How to Start an Urban Farm or Community Garden

Ever dreamt of growing your tomatoes, lettuce, or herbs? Urban farming or community gardening can make that a reality. Whether you're in...

How To Maintain Your Garden Properly? Top Tips

Maintaining a garden properly can be difficult, especially for those who are just getting started. Fortunately, there are some helpful tips and...

6 Tips to Start Your Own Survival Garden

Supply chain shortages and lockdowns have reiterated the importance of self-sufficiency in recent years. While things are starting to level out supply-wise,...

What Kinds Of Fruit Are Excellent For Growing

If you're looking for a fruitful gardening project, you should definitely consider planting some fruit trees! There are many different kinds of...

Shade Cloth Benefits for Vegetable Gardens

Imagine a picturesque vegetable garden, basking in the warm glow of the sun, each plant reaching for the sky. While sunlight is...

Gardening For Seniors: A Therapeutic Hobby For Health And Happiness

Imagine stepping into a shining lawn wherein dancing blooms flirt with the breeze of calm and leaves speak in whispers of peace....

The Rise Of Homegrown Food: How The Cost Of Living Has Pushed Us Towards Kitchen Gardens And How To Get In On The Action...

If you ask people nowadays what hobby is growing the fastest, you might be surprised to hear gardening is skyrocketing in popularity....

How Gardening Together Can Mend Broken Relationships

When you think about gardening, what comes to mind? Maybe a serene oasis filled with colorful flora, butterflies fluttering around, and a...

How To Set Up And Create A Vegetable Patch In Your Garden

Growing your own fruit and vegetables opens up a whole world of possibilities for your diet and savings. Almost half of UK...

Want To Add Plants To Your Space? Here Are Some Considerations

Plants can be an excellent addition to any living space, whether you have a garden, balcony, or indoor area. They bring color,...

7 Plants To Grow If You Love To Cook

Gardening can be a fun and relaxing activity to immerse yourself in nature. You can also do this to improve your physical...

How To Start Out In The Organic Farming Industry

More and more people are considering where their food comes from. Many started to question the quality of food and animal welfare...

Beginners Guide to Florida Vertical Gardening

Vertical gardens are a fantastic way to add a bit of aesthetic to your garden while not sacrificing much space. However, there’s...

How to Stay Organized With Your Garden This Year

Keeping a well-organized garden, along with knowing gardening terms, is one of the best ways to ensure you don’t get overwhelmed and that your...

Is Precision Agriculture Really a More Sustainable Model of Farming?

In today's world, there is an urgent need to produce more food with less cost and fewer resources. This is exactly what...

What Is Mulch and Why Use Mulch In Garden?

Increasing productivity and reaping good fruits is the objective of all people who plant, whether a large producer or someone who cultivates...

Ideal Greenhouse Structures for Market Gardening

Agriculture continues to play such a crucial role in food production. It has evolved so much over the years with the introduction...

12 Alternatives to Landscape Fabric for a More Sustainable Garden

When it comes to creating a sustainable garden, there are many different factors to consider. One of the most important is choosing...

19 Mulch Alternatives for a Beautiful and Sustainable Garden

Mulch is a material that is spread on the surface of the soil to protect plants and help retain moisture. Mulch can...

How to Launch an Organic Farming Business

Organic farming has been on the rise globally. Statistics by the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) show that this form of agriculture...

Are Vineyards Worth it? Here’s How to Handle Vineyard Investments Successfully

Every experienced wine connoisseur is a wine critic, as they know what makes the cut as good wine and what doesn’t. Have...

A Beginner’s Guide to Vermicomposting

When we think about waste reduction and management, our minds tend to go straight to recycling. Unfortunately, some of the things that...

What Is A Winter Garden, And How Do You Have One In My House?

That houses with gardens are lively is well known. In open environments, the sun helps to cultivate plants. But did you know that it...

Why Does My Lawn Mower Starts Then Dies? (and How To Fix)

When most people think about lawn mowers, they picture a big machine that's easy to operate. They don't realize how much more...

How to Start a Sustainable Agriculture Business

As per an estimation, the world’s population will increase up to 9 billion by 2050. Global food production will need to rise...

10 Things to Stop Buying and Start Making

The past few years have been a reality check for many of us. We have been faced with shortages of foods, paper...

How To Get Your Garden Ready for Summer

If you’re a summer person, chances are once it gets cold out, you’re already thinking ahead to the next summer. Some of...

How to Fertilize the Soil for a Vegetable Garden

Your vegetable garden may be yielding pretty satisfactory results, but that doesn’t mean you don’t need to use fertilizer. In fact, it...

20 Best Plants That Grow In The Dark

The common understanding is that plants need light for them to grow well. But in the overall scheme of things, this could...

5 Superfoods You Can Grow in Your Garden

There is nothing more enjoyable than planting your food in your backyard, especially the costly superfoods that burn a hole into your...

How to Safely Maintain your Garden

If you are one of the lucky people that own a garden on your property, you probably found yourself spending a lot...

Questions That Might be Considered When Designing a Small Garden

Small gardens can be a delight and can be used in a variety of ways. Here is advice about planning, planting, materials,...

Gardening and Hydroponics: What Is Perlite?

Your first encounter of perlite might have been when you first bought your commercial potting soil where you have seen white particles mixed with...

Tips for Controlling 2 Common Garden Pests

During the warm summer months, you want to be able to enjoy your garden or back yard. Unfortunately, there are a variety of unwanted...

How to successfully grow vegetables in containers

Like all plants, vegetables need a lot of care if they are going to grow and reach their full potential. Vegetables will not produce...

A Guide to Cleaning Your Garden

At the end of every season, it is essential to clean your garden so that plants and animals can continue to thrive in the...

Tips For Preparing The Yard and Garden For Fall

October can be such an uncertain month for gardeners. Though winter can come to stay at any moment we often can get an Indian...

Container Gardening Calendar for August

The container gardening calendar for August resembles the July calendar. Be vigilant about your watering schedule as this is the month of greatest heat...

Plant a Family Ballpark Snacking Garden on Home Turf

Load the bases with garden grown popcorn, peanuts, and sunflower seeds and bat a grand slam homerun of healthy ballpark snacks for the family...

How to Grow Tear-Free Onions

Why onions 'make you cry' and how to grow them large, mild, and full of flavor. It’s easy to assume that strong onions is down...

Organic Houseplant Care for Indoor Plants

Gardeners can use the same compost, organic fertilizers, and natural pest control methods they use in the landscape to grow healthy indoor houseplants. Houseplants clean...

21+ Tips on How to Grow Veggies and Fruits in Pots

Below are 21+ instructions and tips on how to grow veggies and fruits in containers. 1. Growing Banana Trees in Pots Source 2. Growing Cucumbers in Containers Source:...

8+ Creative DIY Ideas for Growing Strawberries on Small Garden

Who says you need a big garden to grow your own strawberries? Nah, that's old news! You can absolutely grow these sweet...