How to Find Goodman Furnace Model and Serial Number

Last Updated on February 22, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford

When something goes wrong with your Goodman furnace, you will likely need to find the model and serial number in order to get it fixed. Many people don’t know where to find this information, but it’s actually quite easy.

In this blog post, we will walk you through the process of finding both numbers on your furnace. We will also provide some tips for troubleshooting problems with your Goodman furnace.

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Where is the model and serial number on a Goodman furnace?

goodman furnace serial tag

The model and serial number can be found on a metal tag that is located near the furnace’s blower. The tag will have both numbers listed on it. If you are having trouble locating the tag, we recommend using a flashlight to look for it.

How do you read a serial number on a Goodman furnace?

The serial number on a Goodman furnace is typically 10 characters long. The first four digits represent the year and month that the furnace was manufactured, and the last six digits are unique to each furnace.

What if I can’t find the model or serial number on my Goodman furnace?

If you can’t find the model or serial number on your Goodman furnace, there are a few things that you can do.

First, we recommend checking the owner’s manual for your furnace. The model and serial number may be listed in the manual.

If you don’t have the owner’s manual, you can try searching for the information online. There are a number of websites that list Goodman furnace models and serial numbers.

Finally, if all else fails, you can contact Goodman customer service and ask them for help locating the information.

How old is my Goodman furnace by serial number?

If you have the serial number for your Goodman furnace, you can use it to determine the age of your unit. The first four digits of the serial number represent the year and month that the furnace was manufactured. So, if your serial number is 1234-ABCD, then your furnace was made in December of 2004.

How do I find out the BTU of my Goodman furnace?

The furnace BTU is located on a yellow sticker that is usually affixed to the side of your Goodman furnace. The BTU will tell you how much heat the furnace can generate. You can also use this information when selecting a new Goodman furnace.

Simply enter your model number and serial number into our online selection tool, and it will show you the BTU for each furnace.

What does the model number means?

The model number on your Goodman furnace is a unique identifier. It will help you find specific information about your furnace, such as the BTU and installation instructions. You can also use the model number to order replacement parts or accessories for your furnace.

What Does A Model Number Tell You?

The model number on your Goodman furnace will tell you the specific configuration of your furnace. It can include information such as the heat exchanger type, blower speed, and gas valve type. This number is important for ordering replacement parts or getting service for your furnace.

What Does A Serial Number Tell You?

The serial number on your Goodman furnace will tell you the manufacturing date and location. This number is important for warranty purposes.

How long does Goodman furnace last?

The average Goodman furnace will last around 15 years. However, this number can vary depending on the type of furnace, how often it is used, and the quality of installation. You can extend the life of your Goodman furnace by regularly cleaning and servicing it.

How long does Goodman offer warranty on furnaces?

Goodman offers a limited warranty on all of its furnaces. The length of the warranty varies depending on the type of furnace. You can find more information about the specific warranty for your Goodman furnace in the owner’s manual or product information sheet.

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Can I upgrade my Goodman furnace?

Yes, you can often upgrade your Goodman furnace to a newer model. Please consult with a heating and cooling professional to see if an upgrade is possible for your Goodman furnace.

Tips for troubleshooting problems with your Goodman furnace

If you’re having problems with your Goodman furnace, the first thing you’ll need to do is find the model and serial number. This information can be found on a data plate that’s located on the front of the furnace. Once you have this information, you can use it to look up the manual for your specific furnace or contact Goodman customer service for help.

If you’re having trouble starting your Goodman furnace, there are a few things you can check before calling for assistance. Make sure the power is turned on to the furnace and that the thermostat is set to “heat.” Also, make sure the furnace switch is in the “on” position.

If the furnace still doesn’t start, there may be a problem with the thermostat or with the furnace itself. You can try resetting the furnace by turning off the power to it and then turning it back on. If this does not fix the problem, you may need to call a technician to inspect your furnace.

Important safety tips for Goodman furnaces

Goodman furnaces are safe when installed and operated correctly. However, there are some important safety precautions that you should take when using a Goodman furnace.

First, always make sure that the furnace is properly vented.

Second, never try to repair the furnace yourself. Only a qualified technician should service or repair your Goodman furnace.

Third, keep combustible materials away from the furnace.

Finally, remember to change the filter on your Goodman furnace regularly. A dirty filter can cause the furnace to work harder and may lead to problems.


Thank you for reading our blog post about Goodman furnace model and serial number. We hope you found this information helpful. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We would be happy to help!