How to Move a Hot Tub from Driveway to Backyard

Last Updated on May 26, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford

Ever wondered how to move a hot tub from driveway to backyard without turning it into a nightmare? The process can seem overwhelming, but with a bit of planning and the right steps, it’s doable.

Careful planning is key here; it’s all about knowing what to do and how to do it safely. Ensuring you’ve got the right equipment and a clear path is crucial.

Moving a hot tub isn’t just about brute force; it’s about strategy and safety. Get it right, and you’ll soon be relaxing in your backyard oasis.

Get it wrong, and you could be in for a world of hurt. So, let’s dive into the nitty-gritty of moving that beast from your driveway to your backyard without breaking your back or your wallet.

1. Preparation

moving hot tub in driveway

Assess the Hot Tub and Pathway

Measure the dimensions of the hot tub

Before you start, get the exact measurements of your hot tub. Knowing the width, length, and height helps you plan the move and ensure it fits through any tight spots.

Inspect the pathway from driveway to backyard

Take a good look at the path you’ll be taking. Check for any potential issues like narrow gates, steps, or uneven ground. Knowing what you’re up against helps you prepare better.

Identify any obstacles or narrow passages

Make a list of all the obstacles along the way. This includes anything from garden furniture to tree branches. Removing or securing these obstacles beforehand can save you a lot of trouble during the move.

Gather Necessary Equipment

List of tools and equipment needed

You’ll need some basic tools and equipment to move your hot tub. This includes a dolly, moving straps, and plywood to create a smooth path if needed. These tools make the job easier and safer.

Importance of having enough manpower

Hot tubs are heavy, so you’ll need a few strong helpers. Having enough people ensures the hot tub is moved safely and reduces the risk of injury.

Renting vs. buying equipment

Decide whether you want to rent or buy the necessary equipment. Renting can be more cost-effective for a one-time move, while buying might be better if you plan on using the equipment again.

Plan the Route

Map out the exact path

Plan the exact route from the driveway to the backyard. This includes noting any turns, narrow spots, or slopes. A clear plan prevents last-minute surprises.

Consider the terrain and any potential hazards

Think about the type of ground you’ll be moving over. Grass, gravel, or concrete all present different challenges. Also, watch out for any slopes that might make moving the hot tub trickier.

Clear the route of any obstacles

Before you start moving the hot tub, clear the path of any obstacles. This includes moving garden tools, toys, or any other items that might get in the way. A clear path makes the move smoother and safer.

2. Disconnecting and Preparing the Hot Tub

Turn Off Power and Drain the Hot Tub

Steps to safely turn off the power

First things first, turn off the power to your hot tub. Locate the circuit breaker and switch it off. Double-check to ensure there’s no electricity running to the tub before you proceed. Safety is key here.

Methods to drain the water completely

Next, drain the water completely from your hot tub. Attach a hose to the drain valve and direct the water to a suitable drainage area. Make sure all the water is out, as this will make the hot tub much lighter and easier to move.

Disconnect Plumbing and Electrical Components

How to safely disconnect electrical connections

Now, it’s time to disconnect the electrical connections. Carefully remove the wires from the control panel. Keep track of how everything is connected, maybe even take pictures, so you can easily reconnect it later.

Properly detaching plumbing fittings

After dealing with the electricity, detach the plumbing fittings. This involves unscrewing the hoses and pipes connected to the tub. Be gentle to avoid damaging any parts, and make sure to cap off any open pipes to prevent debris from entering.

Secure Loose Parts

Removing and securing the cover, steps, and other accessories

Start by removing and securing the cover, steps, and any other accessories. Place them aside in a safe spot. These parts can get in the way during the move, and securing them prevents damage.

Wrapping and protecting fragile parts

Finally, wrap and protect any fragile parts of the hot tub. Use moving blankets or bubble wrap to cover the tub’s edges and any delicate components. This added protection can prevent scratches and dings during the move.

3. Moving the Hot Tub

Positioning the Dolly or Moving Device

Properly lifting and positioning the hot tub onto the dolly

Start by carefully lifting the hot tub with your helpers and positioning it onto the dolly. Make sure everyone is using their legs to lift, not their backs, to avoid injuries. Get the tub balanced on the dolly, so it doesn’t tip over during the move.

Ensuring balanced and secure placement

Once the hot tub is on the dolly, ensure it’s balanced and secure. Use straps to tie it down tightly. This keeps the hot tub from shifting and makes it safer to move.

Navigating the Pathway

Tips for maneuvering through tight spaces

Moving a hot tub through tight spaces can be tricky. Take it slow and steady, guiding the dolly with small, careful movements. Communicate with your helpers to avoid any sudden jerks.

Techniques for handling inclines or declines

If you encounter inclines or declines, keep the hot tub leaning slightly uphill to prevent it from rolling out of control. Use extra manpower on the lower side to support and control the movement.

Using plywood to create a smooth rolling surface on uneven ground

For uneven ground, lay down sheets of plywood to create a smooth surface. This makes it easier to roll the dolly and prevents it from getting stuck or tipping over.

Safety Tips During the Move

Proper lifting techniques to avoid injury

Remember to use proper lifting techniques. Lift with your legs, not your back. Keep the load close to your body and avoid twisting while lifting.

Communication and coordination among helpers

Communication is key during the move. Make sure everyone knows their role and is in sync with the rest of the team. Call out any obstacles or changes in direction clearly.

Taking breaks to avoid fatigue

Moving a hot tub is hard work. Take breaks to avoid fatigue. Resting periodically keeps everyone alert and reduces the risk of accidents. It’s better to take your time than to rush and make mistakes.

4. Setting Up in the Backyard

Positioning the Hot Tub

Choosing the right spot in the backyard

Pick a good spot in your backyard for the hot tub. Make sure it’s close to a power source and has enough space around it for easy access. Think about privacy and how the hot tub will fit into your outdoor space.

Ensuring a level surface for installation

A level surface is crucial for the hot tub. Use a spirit level to check the ground. If it’s uneven, you might need to add some sand or gravel to level it out. This prevents the hot tub from tilting and ensures proper water circulation.

Placing the hot tub on a stable base

Put the hot tub on a stable base like a concrete pad or a reinforced deck. This supports the weight of the hot tub and the water. Make sure the base is solid to avoid any shifting or sinking over time.

Reconnecting Plumbing and Electrical Components

Reattaching electrical connections safely

Reconnect the electrical connections carefully. Follow the pictures or notes you took earlier to get everything back in place. Double-check all connections to make sure they’re secure and safe.

Reconnecting plumbing and filling the hot tub with water

Hook up the plumbing connections and fill the hot tub with water. Open the valves slowly to avoid any sudden pressure changes. Once the tub is full, check for any leaks in the connections.

Testing and Final Adjustments

Checking for leaks and ensuring all connections are secure

Inspect all the plumbing and electrical connections for leaks. Tighten any loose fittings and ensure everything is watertight. Leaks can cause big problems if not fixed right away.

Turning on the power and testing the functionality

Turn the power back on and test the hot tub’s functionality. Check the jets, heater, and lights to make sure everything is working correctly. If something seems off, refer to the manual or call a professional.

Making any necessary adjustments

Make any final adjustments to ensure the hot tub is level and running smoothly. Adjust the water chemistry if needed and set the temperature to your liking. Now, your hot tub is ready for use, and you can enjoy a relaxing soak in your backyard.


Moving a hot tub from your driveway to your backyard can be a challenging task, but with careful planning and the right steps, it’s entirely manageable.

By assessing the hot tub and pathway, gathering the necessary equipment, and planning your route, you can ensure a smooth process. Disconnecting and preparing the hot tub properly helps prevent any damage during the move.

Taking care during the actual move, especially with positioning the dolly and navigating tricky pathways, ensures everyone’s safety.

Finally, setting up the hot tub in your backyard and making sure all connections are secure lets you enjoy your new backyard oasis without any hassles. Follow these steps, and you’ll be soaking in your hot tub in no time.