Last Updated on May 31, 2021 by Kimberly Crawford
Anthurium is an evergreen species native to the rainforests of Central and South America. Anthuriums are so diverse and unique that anyone can find a species that suits their preferences!
That is one of the reasons a lot of people likes to take care of these plants in their homes. However, it can be quite tricky to care for anthuriums.
Because of that, in today’s guide, I’m going to talk about the most popular types of anthuriums you can grow in your home.

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Anthurium Facts
Anthurium is the largest genus of the Araceae family, numbering about a thousand species. It grows as an epiphyte or semi-epiphyte, in rock crevices or on shallow, skeletal, limestone soil. This genus includes both epiphytic and terrestrial plants.
All Anthurium species are poisonous. Most poisoning symptoms disappear after a while, but it is still recommended that you keep them out of the reach of children and pets.
Anthuriums are so diverse and unique that anyone can find a species that suits their preferences!
The name Anthurium comes from the Greek words anthos – meaning flower, and oura – meaning tail. This tropical beauty was first introduced by the Austrian botanist Heinrich Wilhelm Schott in 1829. Years after the discovery, the genus was classified in more detail.
These exotic plants are better known as the flamingo flower due to the frequent fiery color of their heart-shaped wax flowers. The stunning, large leathery leaves are usually heart-shaped, oval, or elongated. Anthurium is an attractive species for all collectors of rare and exotic plants.
Anthurium Symbolism
Anthurium is believed to symbolize love and family happiness. According to Feng Shui, the Anthurium plant is one of the essential factors for creating a perfect balance in your home! Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese science that deals with the harmonization of living space.
These species have a great effect on people, and the presence of this houseplant can calm a person and cleanse him of negative thoughts. Therefore, this tropical beauty has the power to harmonize your home and close relationships.
Anthurium itself is a reflection of your mental state, so it is believed that if it withers, it is time for some self-improvement!
Let’s take a look at some of the most common Anthurium varieties.
Anthurium Types
1. Anthurium Andreanum (Flamingo Lily, painter’s palette)

Flamingo Lily is the most famous member of the Anthurium family. It is a great species for all lovers of flowering plants.
The flower is located on a 2-inch long stalk, with a heart-shaped leaf over 6 inches. Incredible flower blades come in all shades of bright red and are reminiscent of the vibrant colors of the Flamingo birds.
The flowering period can last five to six months. Anthurium Andreanum was first discovered in Colombia.
2. Anthurium Amnicola (Tulip Anthuriums)

This interesting species stands out for its recognizable lilac flowers. They have unusual tulip-shaped flowers with lilac petals and a deep purple spadix. Anthurium species usually produce heart-shaped leaves. The subtle dark green elliptic leaves make a great contrast to the flowers.
Tulip Anthuriums originate from South America, more precisely from the tropical islands of Panama. In the wild rainforests, they grow along streams mostly on large rocks. Amnicola is appreciated by houseplant collectors because of its elegance.
3. Anthurium Bonplandii

Anthurium Bonplandii was divided into several subspecies. Guyana is one of the most famous subspecies that grows in the shape of a bird’s nest. It originates from the Guyanese mountains of Venezuela, but can also be found in northern Brazil, and Suriname.
The unusual Anthurium Bonplandii can be distinguished by its thick and large leather foliage. Anthurium Bonplandii subspecies Bonplandii usually has elliptical leaves, while the subspecies Guyana has lanceolate leaves that extend along the apex, or oblong leaves, wider in the middle part.
4. Anthurium Clarinervium (Velvet Cardboard Anthurium)

Velvet Cardboard Anthurium got the name in honor of its thick, heart-shaped, velvety leaves. Dark green leaves have the most prominent white veins in the entire Anthurium family.
They are sometimes even called the White Venous Anthurium. Anthurium Clarinervium is a stunning tropical species native to the rainforests of Mexico.
5. Anthurium Crystallinum (Anthurium Ace of Spades)

Anthurium Crystallium is a species that is grown for its ornamental leaves. In this species, the leaves are very large and can grow up to 19 inches long.
They are dark velvety green, streaked with strong and light yellow-white nerves. The flower is inconspicuous, light green to whitish. Ace of Spades is a permanently flowering plant that can decorate your home all year round!
6. Anthurium Clavigerum

Anthurium Clavigerum is considered one of the largest epiphytes in Central America. These plants can reach great heights. In mature plants, the inflorescence can reach 3 feet. This species is rarely confused with any other Anthurium species in Central America.
They are recognized by the ornamental leaves and huge pendant flowers. The leaves are increasingly curling and dividing as they mature. A. clavigerum can be found from Nicaragua to Guyana, Brazil, and Bolivia.
7. Anthurium Coriaceum

This is one of the most attractive species, also called the Paddle Leaf. It can reach an amazing height of 3 feet. It has very rich green velvety, erect, and paddled leaves.
This species is recognized by the pronounced middle vein on the back of the leaves. The flowers are also green with a brown spade. Anthurium Coriaceum is a native to the humid rainforests of Brazil.
8. Anthurium Forgetii

Anthurium Forgetii is a species with the most distinctive feature. During the flowering season, the spike gets covered in tiny purple berries. These berries carry seeds for reproduction. Forgetii species have a green spathe with a purple edging.
Dark green leaves are painted with contrasting white veins. They are oval and not so prominent in size. This species differs in appearance from other Anthuriums, and it can be found exclusively in Colombia.
9. Anthurium Faustomirandae (Faustino’s Giant)

Anthurium Faustomirandae is a species often referred to as the largest Anthurium in the world. Anthurium Regale is the largest species in the Anthurium genus, but Faustino’s Giant is considered to be the largest species native to Mexico.
Anthurium Whitelockii was the name of this huge species until it was officially named Faustomirandae.
Magnificent heart-shaped leaves can reach an incredible 9 feet. The texture of the leaves is glazed and they are very thick and durable.
The stalks are also large, holding the magnificent green flowers with a chestnut-colored seedling. This rare terrestrial species is easy to grow and makes a perfect landscape tropical plant.
10. Anthurium Hookeri (Bird’s Nest Anthurium)

Hookeri is a true symbol of exotic beauty. Elongated, six-foot-long, and hanging leaves carry the true spirit of the jungle.
This species is also called Bird’s Nest Anthurium because it develops in the form of a rosette. The bright green leaves, which do not have protruding veins but shorter interstices, often resemble long giant spoons.
Although it may produce flowers and tiny white berries, the rich foliage still represents the main statement. This plant needs a good distribution of energy to focus on the growth of the bushy leaves.
11. Anthurium Luxurians

Formerly known as Anthurium Splendidum. Anthurium Luxurians is a beautiful species of dense leathery leaves and short stems. This luxury plant looks like a black diamond.
The shape of the leaves resembles the facets of a cut diamond. The stems reach a height of 11 inches, while the leaves can grow approximately 15” to 23 inches wide.
Young plants produce pale leaves, which darken as they grow. They go through different shades of pink, brown, and blue at first. They get a green hue as the leaves become solid, and turn dark when they are mature. This is a lowland tropical plant native to Colombia.
12. Anthurium Magnificum

Anthurium magnificum is a popular member of the Anthurium genus, because of its outstanding foliage. Velvety and oval leaves, with large pronounced veins, characterize this rare species. Its average size varies from 2 to 3 feet.
This species blooms throughout the year and gives beautiful contrasting red flowers. With adequate maintenance, Anthurium Magnificum could turn your office into a tropical paradise.
13. Anthurium Pachyneurium (Big Red Bird Anthurium)

Long lanceolate leaves stand out from the Anthurium family with their wavy edges. The leaves are rolled inwards from the rim on both sides.
Other members of the Anthurium usually have leaves that twist into one direction spirals. Big Red Bird is also named after the extraordinary leaves.
They have the unusual feature of changing color depending on the light or temperature. In bright light, the leaves become red.
This species also differs from many others because the veins are not present. These are the birds-nest anthuriums with a rosette growth pattern. They can grow up to 6′ tall with 3′ long leaves.
14. Anthurium Pedatoradiatum

Anthurium Fingers is one very interesting species, perhaps the most unusual. It is known for its unique arrangement of narrow leaves with deep lobes. The leaves are light and flutter so that they resemble the fingers on the hands. They reach a height of 3 feet, while the stems are 13” to 37 inches long.
Another trait that distinguishes this species is their classification as terrestrial species of genus Anthurium. Anthurium Pedatoradiatum is native to southern Mexico.
It can be grown in temperate climates as a houseplant. Place it under the right conditions, and it will add a unique look to your home or garden.
15. Anthurium Pendulifolium

Pendulous and elongated leaves can reach an incredible length of 4 feet. The upper side of the leaves may be one-colored, but some specimens have a slightly bi-colored surface. Therefore, a hanging basket is an ideal home for Anthurium Pendulifolium.
The native tribes of Ecuador use this type of Anthurium for healing baths. As they claim, boiled leaves of this species can help with bone aches and rheumatism.
16. Anthurium Radicans

Hybrid with extraordinary characteristics originates from southeastern Brazil and some parts of Ecuador. It is a tropical epiphyte that is found naturally growing on trees in the rainforests of Brazil.
The spacious and heart-shaped leaves of Anthurium Radicans add to its uniqueness. The leaves are bright green and distinctly fibrous.
This perennial plant also has exotic, ostentatious deep pink or maroon flowers. The strikingly shaped leaves have classified this plant as a symbol of hospitality and this makes it a popular choice as a houseplant or for growing in home gardens.
17. Anthurium Scandens (Pearl Laceleaf)

This species got the name because of the fabulous pearly white berries that grow in clusters and hang on stems. It was first found in the rainforests of Brazil and southern Mexico.
The leaves of this elegant species are nothing less special. They are mostly oval, matte green, and grow up to 5 inches long.
This epiphyte forms aerial roots, so it does not need soil substrates, but you can grow it on the surface of other plants in your home. This species is not too demanding to maintain if you provide it a humid environment and regular watering.
18. Anthurium Scherzerianum (Flamingo flower)

Anthurium Scherzianum is the first discovered variety of Flamingo Flower. This subtle species is adored among Anthurium lovers, primarily because of its low maintenance.
The leaves protrude from the center at different angles and reach a length of 7 inches. The leaf is usually light green, distinctly lanceolate, glossy, and located on a long and firm leaf stalk.
The flowers are erect with a wide range of colors. You can come across red, white, pink, or freckled. This type of anthurium is grown as an ornament houseplant and recognized by its colorful inflorescence
19. Anthurium Veitchii (King Anthurium)

Anthurium Veitchii is characterized by huge, elongated heart-shaped, bright green leaves. Certain conditions are required for its extraordinary, hanging leaves to reach a length of four to five feet. You understand why he is the king of this family.
King Anthurium is an epiphytic species native to Colombia. It is usually grown in more temperate climates in a greenhouse or as a houseplant, and they make a stunning landscape view.
20. Anthurium Vittarifolium

This is one rare species of Anthurium! During the flowering period, its beauty comes to light. A series of pink berries form a unique twist between the colorful greenish-yellow leaves.
These berries contain seeds for further planting. Most species of the Anthurium family have flat green leaves, but Vittarifolium may have traces of lime color. Lush and elongated leaves can reach 6.5 feet.
This plant finds its origin in the humid forests of South America, but if watered regularly and placed in a good place, it will add vibrancy to any home.
21. Anthurium Warocqueanum (Queen Anthurium)

Queen Anthurium is by far one of the most attractive Anthuriums! It has long velvety leaves that can grow up to six feet in mature plants.
The leaves are usually deep green with silver veins that become more pronounced as the leaves grow. Some may be lighter in color, but the size of the leathery leaves is the greatest attribute of this species.
This perennial plant originates from the tropical regions of western and central Colombia. Queen anthurium is suitable for all lovers of elegant giants.
22. Anthurium Watermaliense (Black Anthurium)

Black anthurium is the most unusual ornamental variety. The dark-colored flowers are highly valued for their uniqueness. This species attracts the eye with its bright green leaves and shiny black leathery cover.
When a bud forms, it is not as dark, but gradually darkens over time. We can thank the growers and botanists for the creation of Anthurium Black Queen.
This is an artificially grown variety, but in any case, the burgundy-black flower is outstanding. It is often called the Black Prince because the flower is considered masculine.
Anthurium Care
Related: How to Grow Anthurium: All You Need To Know
Anthurium likes a well-drained substrate, light and loose. It is desirable to put a drainage layer as pebbles or gravel on the bottom of the pot. It is suitable to use a mixture of equal parts of perlite, peat moss, and pieces of charcoal.
Anthurium is sensitive to fertilizers that contain carbonates, so they should be avoided. If you want to have a plant of lush and large flowers and leaves, feed it regularly during the vegetation period, from April to September, twice a month.
Use organic fertilizer for flowering plants. With careful care, Anthuriums can grow and bloom for many years to come.
Sun & Light
Indirect light or partial shade is ideal for Anthurium. Never expose it to direct sunlight, as it can burn the delicate leaves.
They are not a species that requires an excessive amount of direct light, so it is best to find a shady location, where the light diffuses.
To adjust the amount of light that your plant receives, you can put transparent curtains on the window and dose the amount of light based on the weather conditions.
Anthurium needs regular watering, preferably in the morning hours. The soil should be watered abundantly and left to dry until the next watering. It is recommended to water with stagnant or boiled water when the soil is completely dry.
In winter, it should be watered once in 10 to 12 days, and during summer once in three days. Once a week, the whole plant can be washed with a damp cloth or a gentle shower. The appearance of yellow and dry leaves of Anthurium occurs due to excess or lack of water.
Humidity & Temperature
The ideal temperature for growing Anthurium ranges from 60-86 °F. The temperature of the room in which it is located should be stable, without large fluctuations, because a sudden drop in temperature causes the decay of the plant.
During the winter, the temperature must not drop below 59°F. When you notice leaf wilting in Anthuriums, it is necessary to move the plant, because it is certainly in a draft place.
Given where our Anthurium comes from, we must provide it with adequate living conditions. This includes the appropriate humidity above 50 percent.
The leaves should be occasionally sprayed with boiled or stagnant water. During the stagnation period, leaves should not be wetted.
In summer, when the heat is great, it can be sprayed several times during the day, and in winter, once a day when the air in the room is dry.
Young plants should be transplanted once a year, in March or April, before the beginning of vegetation. Older plants are repotted once every three years, into a slightly larger pot.
The pot should be made of plastic or clay. It shouldn’t be too large or deep, because the roots prefer to be compact. It is desirable to prepare fresh substrate with a drainage layer, and clean the roots from the old soil.
This species requires occasional pruning because it keeps them healthy and eliminates infected or damaged leaves. Pruning depends on the overall condition of your plant more than the season.
Examine the plant to see if any parts look unhealthy, such as brown and crunchy leaves that are candidates for removal.
Cut withered or dead leaves at the very base of the stem. In case your plant looks a bit bushy, you can remove the old leaves so that the plant has enough energy so that the young leaves also get enough nutrients.
Anthuriums are propagated by seeds in the spring or by dividing young plants that grow at the base of a large plant. It is best done in January or February with the right conditions, such as temperatures around 70°F.
Anthurium seeds are sown in the same soil in which the adult plant was grown. Until the seedlings sprout, the pots are kept in partial shade, and when they sprout, they are transferred to fresh air. Take the young plants out of the ground with the roots and plant them in a special pot.
Transplanting by division is done after the blooming phase. When dividing the sides of an older plant, make sure that each part has a root system and leaves.
Divided plants are planted in shallower, wider pots, with a drainage layer at the bottom, and placed in a warm room where the temperature above 68°F. Young plants should be watered regularly, preferably before noon, and fed to bloom the same year.
Anthurium can be attacked by various types of pests such as aphids, mites, and thrips. Pests are often dangerous and sometimes can cause permanent damage. Although Anthuriums are very resistant plant species, they can suffer from lice attacks.
When you notice white wool deposits on the leaves and leaf stalks, the plant is attacked by lice, which you can control with insecticides or mechanically with cotton wool soaked in methyl alcohol. Gently wipe the leaves and repeat the process if necessary.
Root rot and leaf mycosis most often occur due to attacks by phytopathogenic organisms, more precisely fungi. If you notice brown spots on the leaves, spray the plant with systematic fungicides.
Root rot is caused by a fungus, and the first visible changes on the infected plants are stunted growth, discoloration of the leaves, and wilting of the leaves. The root of such plants is black.
This disease is most common in autumn and winter due to lower temperatures and too much moisture on the leaves.
Leaf spot disease occurs in conditions of increased relative humidity and excessive soil moisture. Large, brown spots of irregular shape, sharply limited by a yellowish rim appear on the leaves of Anthurium. Protect the plant by using appropriate insecticides or fungicides.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many types of Anthurium are there?
The genus Anthurium, from the family of Araceae, is very diverse. It includes almost 1000 species. The hybrids are cultivated as indoor ornamental plants of diverse shapes and colors. The most common species are A. scherzerianum, A. andreanum, and A. crystallinum.
Are there miniature anthuriums?
Yes! Miniature Anthuriums, like other varieties, prefer a shady place and a good watering routine. The spathe can grow to a maximum of 3 inches, and the stem is usually 3 to 7 inches long. This species of Anthurium has a wide range of colors. The spathe can be red, white, or lavender with a red or yellow spadix.
Do Anthuriums like bathrooms?
The ideal place for your Anthurium is a bathroom or kitchen, due to the increased humidity. These rooms are the closest imitations of their natural habitat. Move them away from the radiators, because it diminishes moisture from the air.
As with any tropical indoor flower, it would be ideal to reconstruct their natural habitat! Anthurium is a plant that requires permanent environmental conditions, so do not change once established environmental conditions.
These exotic plants with bold and striking flowers and shiny, dark green leaves are long-lasting, irresistibly beautiful, and symbolize hospitality.
They bring a touch of exoticism to any space. When you come across an Anthurium in someone’s home or business space, know that the owner of this beautiful flower is a good host.