Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
If you’re a Michigan resident, it’s important to be aware of the types of cockroaches that are common in this state. Cockroaches can cause a variety of problems, from contaminating food to spreading diseases.
In this blog post, we will discuss the most common types of cockroaches in Michigan and how to get rid of them.
Are there black cockroaches in Michigan?
Some people might be surprised to learn that there are actually several different species of cockroaches that can be found in the state of Michigan. While most of these cockroaches are not considered to be a nuisance, there is one particular type that may be cause for concern: the black cockroach.
These insects are typically smaller than other cockroach species and are characterized by their dark brown or black coloration. Black cockroaches are most often found in warmer climates, but they can survive in colder temperatures if they have access to food and shelter.
Related: Cockroach Infestation- Signs, Health Impact, Treatment, and More…
Are German cockroaches in Michigan?
Yes, German cockroaches are in Michigan. In fact, they’re found all over the United States. German cockroaches are one of the most common types of cockroaches in homes and apartments. They’re small, dark brown, and have two stripes on their back.
German cockroaches can be a big problem. They spread disease and can cause allergies. They’re hard to get rid of, too. If you have German cockroaches in your home, the best thing to do is call a pest control company.
Related: I Saw One Cockroach. Should I Be Worried?
Are there roaches in northern Michigan?
This is a question that I get asked a lot. And the answer is, unfortunately, yes. Roaches are not picky about where they live and can be found in all sorts of places – even northern Michigan.
Types of cockroaches in Michigan
There are five types of cockroaches that commonly call Michigan home: the German cockroach, the American cockroach, the brown-banded cockroach, the Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach, and the Oriental cockroach. Each type of roach has its own unique set of characteristics that make it different from the others.
1. German cockroach

German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach in Michigan. They are brown with two dark stripes on their backs. German cockroaches are about ½ inch long. They like to live in warm, humid places. German cockroaches are often found in kitchens and bathrooms.
German cockroaches are found in all types of buildings, from apartments to restaurants. They prefer warm, humid places like kitchens and bathrooms.
German cockroaches eat just about anything. They are especially fond of starchy foods and sweet things.
Female German cockroaches can lay up to 40 eggs at a time. The eggs are carried in a case called an ootheca. The ootheca is about the size of a bean. It takes about two months for the eggs to hatch. German cockroaches can live up to one year.
Nymphs are baby German cockroaches. They look like adults, but they are smaller. Nymphs go through six molts, or shedding of their skin, before they become adults.
Adult German cockroaches are about ½ inch long. They are brown with two dark stripes on their backs.
German cockroaches have many predators, including birds, bats, lizards, and mice.
German cockroaches are nocturnal, meaning they are most active at night. During the day, they hide in cracks and crevices. At night, they come out to search for food. German cockroaches are attracted to light.
German cockroaches are a nuisance because they:
-Are constantly searching for food
-Can spread disease
-Are attracted to light
-Make a lot of noise
The best way to control German cockroaches is to keep your home clean and free of food debris. You should also seal any cracks and crevices where they might be hiding. If you have a serious infestation, you may need to call an exterminator.
2. American cockroach

American cockroaches are the largest cockroaches found in Michigan. They are dark brown or reddish brown, and adults can grow to be about three inches long.
American cockroaches typically live outdoors, but they can also be found inside homes and businesses. These cockroaches are often seen in basements, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Habitat: American cockroaches typically live outdoors, but they can also be found inside homes and businesses. These cockroaches are often seen in basements, kitchens, and bathrooms.
Diet: American cockroaches are omnivorous, meaning that they will eat almost anything. They are particularly fond of starchy foods, sweets, and meats.
Problems Caused: American cockroaches can spread disease, contaminate food, and damage property. They are also known to trigger allergies and asthma attacks in some people.
Reproduction: Female American cockroaches can lay up to 50 eggs at a time. The eggs are deposited in an egg case, which the female carries around until they hatch.
Nymphs: Nymphs are baby cockroaches that look like adults, but they are smaller and lack fully developed wings. Nymphs go through several molts before reaching adulthood.
Adults: Adult American cockroaches have wings, but they cannot fly. They are fast runners, and they can be hard to control once they get inside a home or business.
Prevention: To prevent American cockroaches from entering your home or business, seal cracks and openings in the foundation and exterior walls. Keep food stored in airtight containers and remove garbage regularly. If you already have an infestation, contact a pest control professional to get rid of the cockroaches.
3. Brown-banded cockroach

Brown-banded cockroaches are one of the most common cockroaches in Michigan. They are small, dark brown, and have two light bands running across their backs. Brown-banded cockroaches are mostly found in warm, dry areas like kitchens and bathrooms.
Habitat: Brown-banded cockroaches are found in warm, dry areas like kitchens and bathrooms.
Food: Brown-banded cockroaches eat a variety of food, including crumbs, grease, and soap.
Reproduction: Brown-banded cockroaches reproduce quickly, with each female producing up to 40 eggs at a time.
Nymphs: Nymphs are small, dark brown, and have two light bands running across their backs.
Adults: Adults are small, dark brown, and have two light bands running across their backs.
Biology: Brown-banded cockroaches are mostly active at night. They prefer to live in warm, dry areas like kitchens and bathrooms. Brown-banded cockroaches are one of the most common cockroaches in Michigan.
Control: To control brown-banded cockroaches, remove food sources and seal cracks and openings. You can also use insecticide sprays or baits.
Prevention: To prevent brown-banded cockroaches, keep your home clean and free of food sources. Seal cracks and openings, and use insecticide sprays or baits.
Brown-banded cockroaches are a nuisance, but they do not pose a health risk. If you have brown-banded cockroaches in your home, contact a pest control professional to get rid of them.
4. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach

Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches are one of the most common cockroaches found in Michigan. They are dark brown or black, and about 13-16 mm long. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches are often found in wooded areas, hence their name.
These cockroaches are not typically a problem for homeowners, as they do not usually enter homes. However, if they do find their way inside, they can be a nuisance. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches are not known to carry any diseases.
Habitat: Wooded areas
Color: Dark brown or black
Size: 13-16 mm long
Diet: Decaying organic matter
Reproduction: Can lay up to 30 eggs at a time
Nymphs: Resemble adults, but are smaller and lack wings
Lifespan: About one year
Problems for homeowners: Can be a nuisance if they enter homes
Diseases carried: None known
If you have Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches in your home, the best way to get rid of them is to vacuum them up. If you have a serious infestation, you may need to call a pest control company.
Preventing these cockroaches from entering your home in the first place is the best way to keep them from becoming a problem. Seal any cracks and crevices around your home, and make sure that all screens are in good repair.
If you have firewood, keep it away from your house, and don’t store it inside your home. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroaches are most active at night, so if you see one during the day, it’s likely that there are more hiding nearby.
Be sure to check any potential hiding places, such as under furniture or in dark corners. Vacuuming regularly will help to keep these cockroaches from becoming a problem in your home.
5. Oriental cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are one of the most common types of cockroaches in Michigan. They are also one of the largest, growing up to about an inch and a half long.
Oriental cockroaches are dark brown or black, and have shiny bodies. They are often found in basements, crawl spaces, and other dark, damp areas.
Oriental cockroaches are found in dark, damp places. They often live in basements, crawl spaces, and other areas that are wet and humid.
Oriental cockroaches eat a variety of things, including garbage, food scraps, and dead insects.
Oriental cockroaches can be a nuisance because they often invade homes in search of food. They can also carry diseases, such as salmonella and E. coli.
Oriental cockroaches reproduce quickly, and a female can produce up to 800 eggs in her lifetime.
Nymphs are young cockroaches that look like adults, but are smaller. Nymphs go through several molts before they reach adulthood.
Oriental cockroaches are nocturnal insects that are attracted to light. They have two long, thin antennae on their heads, and six legs. Oriental cockroaches are poor flyers, but they can run quickly.
The best way to prevent Oriental cockroaches is to seal all cracks and crevices around your home, and to keep your home clean and free of food scraps. If you have Oriental cockroaches in your home, contact a pest control professional for help.
Bugs That Look Like Roaches In Michigan
Related: 12 Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches (But Aren’t)
1. Crickets

There are many different types of insects that can be found in Michigan. One type of insect that is often mistaken for a cockroach is the cricket.
Crickets are actually a type of grasshopper and can be found in many different colors including brown, black, and even red.
While they do not typically carry disease, they can bite if they feel threatened. If you see a cricket in your home, it is best to remove it with a vacuum cleaner or by using insecticide. Be sure to seal any cracks or holes in your home that may be allowing them inside.
2. Water Bugs

Water bugs are one of the most common types of insects that people mistake for roaches. They’re actually a type of beetle, and they’re attracted to moisture.
If you have a water bug problem, it’s likely because there’s too much moisture in your home. You can get rid of water bugs by fixing any leaks and ensuring that your home is well-ventilated.
Water bugs are harmless, but they can be a nuisance. If you see one in your home, you can try to catch it and release it outside. However, the best way to get rid of water bugs is to prevent them from coming inside in the first place. Keep your home clean and dry, and seal any cracks or openings that they could use to get inside.
3. Asian Long-Horned Beetles

Asian Long-Horned Beetles are large, black bugs with white spots that are native to Asia. These destructive pests were first found in the United States in 1996, and have since been responsible for the destruction of millions of trees.
While Asian Long-Horned Beetles have been a problem in the United States for over two decades, they are not the only pests that Michiganders have to worry about. Roaches are also a common issue in Michigan homes and businesses.
There are several things that make roaches particularly difficult to deal with. First of all, they are great at hiding. Roaches can squeeze into tiny cracks and crevices, making them difficult to spot.
Secondly, roaches are nocturnal creatures, so they are often not seen until after they have already caused damage. Finally, roaches reproduce quickly, so if you have one roach, it’s likely that there are many more lurking around.
4. Ground Beetles

Ground Beetles are one of the most common insects in Michigan. They are black and brown, and can be found in nearly every county. Ground Beetles are not true roaches, but they do resemble them. These pests are attracted to homes and businesses because they offer shelter and food. Ground Beetles can damage crops, so it is important to control them.
Appearance: Ground Beetles are black or brown, and range in size from one-eighth of an inch to one inch long. Some species have ridges on their wings, while others have spots.
Habitat: Ground Beetles can be found in nearly every county in Michigan. They are attracted to homes and businesses because they offer shelter and food.
Diet: Ground Beetles are scavengers and will eat just about anything. They are especially fond of snails, slugs, and other soft-bodied insects.
Behavior: Ground Beetles are nocturnal creatures that hide during the day. They are attracted to light, so you may see them near doors and windows. Ground Beetles are not aggressive and will not bite humans.
Control: If you have a Ground Beetle problem, the best course of action is to contact a pest control professional. A trained exterminator will be able to identify the infestation and develop a treatment plan.
5. Wood-Boring Beetles

Wood-Boring Beetles are a type of beetle that, as their name suggests, bore through wood. These pests are known to cause extensive damage to both homes and businesses.
While they are most commonly found in the southern United States, they have been known to make their way into Michigan as well.
There are several different types of Wood-Boring Beetles, but the most common in Michigan is the Powderpost Beetle. These pests get their name from the fine powder they leave behind as they bore through wood. The Powderpost Beetle is attracted to both hardwoods and softwoods, but prefer hardwoods such as oak and hickory.
Powderpost Beetles are small, cylindrical beetles that range in color from brown to black. They are typically around ⅛ of an inch long, but can grow up to ½ an inch long.
Signs of Infestation:
The most common sign of a Powderpost Beetle infestation is the presence of holes in wood. These holes are typically small, around the size of a pinhead. Other signs of infestation include piles of dust around holes in wood and/or sawdust-like material on surfaces beneath infested wood.
Cockroaches in other states:
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Virginia: Identification, Removal, and Prevention
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Texas (and How to Get Rid of Them)
- 9 Types of Cockroaches in California: Identification and Prevention Tips
- 8 Types of Cockroaches in Georgia: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- 10 Types of Cockroaches in Florida: Identification and Removal Tips
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Arizona: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- Cockroaches in Tennessee: Types, Identification, and Prevention
There are four types of cockroaches in Michigan. They are the German, American, Brown-banded, and Oriental cockroaches. Each type has different characteristics and behaviors. If you have a problem with cockroaches in your home or business, it is important to identify the type of cockroach so that you can treat the infestation effectively.
If you think you have a cockroach problem, contact a pest control professional to get rid of them.
Cockroaches are one of the most common pests in Michigan. They can be found in homes, businesses, and even hospitals. Cockroaches are attracted to food and moisture, so they can often