16+ Best Wood Walls Add Warmth To Your House

best wood walls ideas & projects

Last Updated on May 25, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford

You may wonder why there’s such a buzz about DIY Wood Wall Ideas. Well, let me tell ya, it’s not just about nailing some planks on your wall. It’s about transforming your living space into something special, something you can boast about.

DIY wood walls have climbed their way to the top in home décor, and for good reasons. They add a warm, rustic touch that modern paints and wallpapers struggle to beat, and boy, do they ramp up your home’s character!

From the get-go, these projects pack a punch in terms of aesthetics and practicality. Whether you’re aiming to spruce up a dreary room or add a cozy vibe, wood walls are your go-to. And hey, it’s not just about looking pretty. These walls have got functionality sewed up—they’re sturdy, provide excellent insulation, and can even bump up your property value.

Stick around, ’cause you’re in for a treat. We’re diving into the nitty-gritty of choosing the right materials, rolling up your sleeves for some hands-on crafting, and firing up your creativity with killer design ideas. By the end of this, you’ll be itching to start your own wood wall project, guaranteed. Let’s get cracking!

1. Heavy Metal Divider Wood Wall

Heavy Metal Divider Wood Wall


2. Pallet wood wall using Benjamin Moore Metallic paint -silver and charcoal

2 wood wall ideas


3. Rustic Reclaimed Wood Wall

Reclaimed Weathered Wood Wall


Bring a cozy, vintage feel to your home with rustic reclaimed wood. This style uses old, weathered wood to create a wall that oozes charm and history. Perfect for adding character to any room without spending a fortune.

4. Dark Stained Wood Wall

Dark Stained Wood Wall


5. Color Splash on Wood

Brown hardwood wall


Break the mold with a colorful wood wall. Paint your wood planks in vibrant hues to create a lively, personalized space. This approach is perfect for kids’ rooms or any area needing a burst of color and creativity.

6. Gray Wood Wall

Gray Wood Wall


7. Large stained boards over a navy blue wall

Large stained boards over a navy blue wall


8. Modern Wood Panel Elegance

Reclaimed Barn Wood Wall


Achieve a sleek and contemporary look with modern wood panels. These smooth, polished planks give your space a refined, stylish vibe. Ideal for living rooms and offices, they add a touch of sophistication that’s hard to beat.

9. Pallet Wood Artistry

DIY Wood Pallet Accent Wall


Transform old pallets into a stunning pallet wood accent wall. This budget-friendly option gives you a unique, industrial look. Perfect for DIY enthusiasts, it’s an excellent way to recycle and add character to your home.

10. Mixed Wood Medley

Wooden Accent Wall


Create a one-of-a-kind feature with a mixed wood wall. Combine different types and shades of wood for a truly unique look. This approach allows for endless creativity and ensures your wall stands out.

11. Gray hallway

Gray hallway


12. Vertical Shiplap Statements

Wood Plank Wall for Bathroom


Make your room feel taller and more spacious with vertical shiplap. By installing wood panels vertically, you can enhance the height of your space. It’s a simple yet effective way to modernize your home’s interior.

13. Accent Wood Plant Wall

Accent Wood Plant Wall


14. Faux wood wall

Faux wood wall


15. Vintage Wood Wall

Vintage Wood Wall


16. Chevron Chic

Concrete Wood Wall


Add a dynamic touch to your home with a chevron wood wall. By arranging wood planks in a V-shaped pattern, you can create a wall that’s not only eye-catching but also full of movement and energy. Great for making a bold statement.

Materials Needed for DIY Wood Walls

Types of Wood

Choosing the right wood is the first step in your DIY wood wall project. There are a few options to consider:

  • Reclaimed Wood: This is perfect if you’re going for a rustic, vintage look. It’s eco-friendly and adds a lot of character with its unique textures and colors.
  • New Wood: If you want a cleaner, more modern look, new wood is the way to go. You can stain or paint it to fit your style.
  • Specific Species: Different types of wood like pine, oak, or cedar offer different aesthetics and durability. Pine is soft and easy to work with, while oak is harder and more durable.

Tools and Supplies

To get your DIY wood wall project off the ground, you’ll need some basic tools and supplies:

  • Nails and Screws: Essential for securing the wood planks to the wall.
  • Hammer and Screwdriver: Basic tools for nailing and screwing the planks.
  • Saw: A hand saw or power saw will be needed to cut the wood to size.
  • Adhesive: Wood glue or construction adhesive helps in securing the planks.
  • Level and Measuring Tape: These ensure your wood planks are straight and properly aligned.
  • Sandpaper: For smoothing out rough edges and surfaces.

Safety Gear

Safety should always come first in any DIY project. Here’s what you’ll need to protect yourself:

  • Gloves: To protect your hands from splinters and rough edges.
  • Goggles: To shield your eyes from dust and debris while cutting and sanding wood.
  • Dust Mask: To avoid inhaling sawdust which can be harmful to your lungs.

Preparation Steps

Measuring and Planning the Space

Before you start hammering away, you gotta measure and plan your space. Accurate measurements ensure you buy the right amount of wood and avoid wastage.

Start by measuring the height and width of the wall. Write down these numbers and use them to calculate the total area in square feet.

This helps you determine how much wood you need. Planning your layout on paper before starting can save you a ton of headaches down the line.

Preparing the Wood

Next up is preparing the wood. Whether you’re using reclaimed wood or new planks, this step is crucial. First, clean the wood thoroughly to remove dirt and grime.

If you’re using reclaimed wood, make sure to check for nails or screws that might be sticking out. Then, sand the wood to smooth out rough edges and surfaces.

This step is important for both safety and aesthetics. Finally, cut the wood to the desired lengths. Use a saw to ensure precise cuts, and double-check your measurements before you cut to avoid mistakes.

Tips for Arranging Your Workspace

A well-arranged workspace can make your DIY wood wall project go smoothly. Set up a clean, flat area to lay out your wood and tools.

Make sure you have good lighting so you can see what you’re doing. Keep your tools within easy reach, and have a trash bin nearby for scraps and waste.

If you’re working indoors, cover the floor with a tarp or drop cloth to protect it from sawdust and spills. Keeping your workspace tidy will save you time and keep you safe.

Step-by-Step DIY Guides

Basic Wood Wall

Creating a basic wood wall is a straightforward way to add warmth and texture to any room. Here’s how you do it:

  1. Prepare Your Wall: Make sure your wall is clean and dry. Remove any existing wallpaper or paint if necessary.
  2. Measure and Cut: Measure the height and width of the wall and cut your wood planks to fit. Remember to leave a small gap at the bottom for expansion.
  3. Start at the Bottom: Begin by placing the first plank at the bottom of the wall, making sure it’s level. Secure it with nails or adhesive.
  4. Work Your Way Up: Continue adding planks above the first one, ensuring each plank is level before securing it. Stagger the joints for a more natural look.
  5. Finishing Touches: Once all planks are in place, sand any rough edges and apply a sealant to protect the wood.

Accent Wall

An accent wall is a fantastic way to create a focal point in any room. Follow these steps to make your wall stand out:

  1. Choose the Right Wall: Select a wall that naturally draws attention, like the one behind your bed or sofa.
  2. Design Your Pattern: Decide on a pattern for your wood planks. Options include herringbone, chevron, or a simple horizontal layout.
  3. Prepare the Surface: Clean and smooth the wall. Apply a base coat of paint if you want a specific color to show through the gaps.
  4. Install the Wood: Starting from the center, place your planks according to the pattern you’ve chosen. Use nails or adhesive to secure each plank.
  5. Detail Work: Trim the edges and corners with molding for a polished finish. Sand and seal the wood to enhance its look and durability.

Full Room Installation

For a more ambitious project, consider covering an entire room with wood. Here’s how to tackle a full room installation:

  1. Plan and Measure: Measure all the walls you plan to cover and calculate the total amount of wood needed. Plan for extra material to account for mistakes and cuts.
  2. Prepare the Wood: Clean, sand, and cut your wood planks. Group them by size and type to make installation easier.
  3. Start with the Main Wall: Begin with the largest, most prominent wall. Follow the same steps as for a basic wood wall, ensuring each plank is level and secure.
  4. Move to Adjacent Walls: Once the main wall is complete, continue to the adjacent walls. Pay attention to corners and transitions to maintain a seamless look.
  5. Finishing the Room: After all the wood is installed, sand the entire surface lightly to smooth out any rough spots. Apply a finish or sealant to protect the wood and enhance its appearance.

Finishing Touches

Sealing and Protecting the Wood

After installing your DIY wood wall, it’s essential to seal and protect the wood to ensure it lasts. Apply a clear sealant to safeguard against moisture, stains, and daily wear and tear. You can choose between a matte, satin, or glossy finish, depending on the look you prefer.

Make sure to apply the sealant evenly and let it dry completely. This step not only protects the wood but also enhances its natural beauty.

Adding Trim and Other Decorative Elements

To give your wood wall a polished, professional look, add trim and decorative elements. Trim helps cover the edges and corners where the planks meet the wall or ceiling, creating a clean finish.

You can use baseboards, crown molding, or simple wooden strips for this. Additionally, consider adding decorative elements like shelves or hooks to make the wall functional and stylish. These touches can transform your wood wall from plain to personalized.

Maintenance Tips to Keep the Wood Looking Great

Keeping your wood wall looking great requires some regular maintenance. Dust the wall regularly to prevent dirt buildup. For deeper cleaning, use a damp cloth with a mild wood cleaner.

Avoid using harsh chemicals that could damage the wood. Inspect the wall periodically for any signs of wear or damage, and touch up the sealant or trim as needed. Proper maintenance will keep your wood wall looking fresh and beautiful for years to come.

Cost Analysis and Budgeting Tips

Estimating the Cost of Materials

When planning your DIY wood wall, start by estimating the cost of materials. Calculate how much wood you need by measuring the total area in square feet. Then, check the price per square foot for the type of wood you want to use.

Don’t forget to add costs for nails, screws, adhesive, and any finishing materials like paint or sealant. It’s a good idea to buy a little extra wood to account for mistakes or cuts. This way, you won’t run out of materials mid-project.

Advice on Where to Find Affordable Materials

Finding affordable materials can make a big difference in your project budget. Check local hardware stores for sales or discounts on wood and supplies. Online marketplaces often have competitive prices and a wider selection.

Don’t overlook reclaimed wood yards or second-hand stores; they can offer unique and cost-effective options. If you’re flexible with your wood choice, you can save a lot by opting for what’s available at a lower price.

DIY Versus Professional Installation Costs

Deciding between DIY and professional installation depends on your budget and confidence in your skills. DIY is generally cheaper because you’re not paying for labor. However, it requires time and effort, and you’ll need to invest in some tools if you don’t already have them.

Professional installation, while more expensive, guarantees a polished finish and saves you the hassle. Consider getting quotes from contractors to compare with your DIY cost estimate. Sometimes, the peace of mind from a professional job is worth the extra cost.

Common Challenges and Troubleshooting

Dealing with Uneven Walls

One of the biggest hurdles in creating a DIY wood wall is dealing with uneven walls. If your wall isn’t flat, your wood planks won’t lay properly, causing gaps and misalignment. To fix this, you can use furring strips to create a level surface.

Attach the strips horizontally across the wall, ensuring they are evenly spaced and level. Then, nail or screw your wood planks into the strips for a smooth, even finish.

Handling Wood Expansion and Contraction

Wood is a natural material that expands and contracts with changes in temperature and humidity. This can cause gaps or buckling in your wood wall over time. To handle this, leave a small gap (about 1/8 inch) between each plank during installation.

This allows the wood to move without causing damage. Additionally, avoid installing wood walls in areas with extreme moisture, like bathrooms or basements, unless you use specially treated wood.

Solutions for Common Installation Mistakes

Mistakes happen, especially in DIY projects. Here are some solutions for common installation mistakes:

  • Uneven Planks: If your planks aren’t lining up correctly, use a level to check each row as you go. Adjust as needed before securing them.
  • Gaps: Small gaps can be filled with wood filler or caulk that matches your wood’s color. For larger gaps, consider adding trim or molding to cover them up.
  • Splitting Wood: To avoid splitting, pre-drill holes for your nails or screws, especially near the edges of the planks.
best wood walls ideas