Last Updated on January 20, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford
There are a lot of reasons why buying a palm tree is a good idea for any home. Aside from improving your home’s landscape by giving it a tropical vibe, palm trees also lessen the humidity in the air and add value to your home. Because of these, it is very much valid to ask how much palm trees cost.
Depending on the type of palm tree, and the size when you buy it, palm trees could cost in between $15-700.
If you want to have a head start of the ranges of palm tree costs, we have squared down a list for you so read on.

Palm Trees and Costs
The following are some of the most popular and well-loved palm tree choices for landscaping. Let us look at a rundown of how much they cost to help you in making the ultimate palm tree choice.
1. Areca Palm
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This palm is perhaps the most popular indoor palm out there. It is thicker compared to the bamboo palm, but both resemble the bamboo plant. Areca palms also make good additions to the driveway or the lawn. This low-maintenance indoor plant costs $60. An additional cost must be prepared for regular trimming.
2. Bamboo palm

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If you are looking for a low-key attractive, small and low-growing (at just 12ft max) outdoor palm, this one is the perfect choice. It is low-maintenance and can fit well in any type of home design. When bought, it costs in between $15-50.
3. Bottle Palms

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This beautiful palm tree has a bottle shaped trunk. It can be planted for landscape as it could reach at least 30ft and could also be planted in a container as indoor palm. It is fairly low maintenance, and a three-gallon bottle palm can cost in between $15-45. A 10ft bottle palm can cost $200-1000+.
4. Canary Island Date Palms

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If you are eyeing for a beautiful landscape palm that produces fruit, this one is a good choice. It grows up to 70ft and has edible dates to chew on. They are the titular palace palms that you can see in the Middle East. A 12-inch Canary palm costs 15$ while a 36-inch Canary palm is at $100.
5. Cat Palms

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This one is considered as one of the hardiest species of parlor palms. They are slow-growing and are an attractive indoor palm. They can also be grown in landscapes because they are cold hardy. Depending on the size, cat palms cost $70-250.
6. Chinese Fan Palms

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Known as moderately fast-growing palms with leathery leaves, these palm types only reach a maximum of 17-20ft. They are well-suited to tropical climates but fare well too in subtropical ones. On average, Chinese fan palms cost $60-70.
7. Coco de Mer Palm Tree
This one is considered as one of the most expensive palm tree species out there. Aside from its rustic beauty, it is also pricey because it can only be found around Seychelles and Madagascar plus it has grown scarce through the years. A 3-gallon potted Coco de Mer costs at around $300.
8. Coconut Palm
As common as they are, coconut palms can still cost in between $10-60 per square foot trunk. Coconut palms are the most common palm trees in the world. It is where coconut water and flesh comes from but they can also be grown in containers for landscape purposes.
9. Cocos Plumosas

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This one is more famously called as the Queen palm, growing at an average height of 36ft. The average cost of this palm is at $180 per square foot trunk. The price is also dependent on the nursery it is brought from because this one is a pretty famous palm species.
10. Fishtail Palms

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True to its name, this palm has a ribbon like leaf but with shredded edges resonating a fishtail. It is native to Asia but now thrives in Florida, Arizona, Texas, and California. It comes at a manageable size making it a good indoor palm. Fishtail palms cost $80-100 at an average.
11. Foxtail palm

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This slender palm may look soft and delicate, but it is actually sturdy, with the ability to withstand colder and windy climates. This one is a slow-grower so it makes a good indoor palm. A potted specimen could cost more or less than $200.
12. Hurricane/Princess Palms

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This hardy palm species can only reach a maximum height of 30ft, making it a medium sized palm compared to its palm cousins. You would usually find them in large landscapes or in parks. Hurricane palms cost in between $60-80.
13. Jelly Palms
Also called as Pindo palm, this one is a small sized outdoor palm that grows at only 25ft. Jelly palms could cost in between $140-600 depending on its size. You need not worry about the upkeep because it is fairly low maintenance.
14. Kentia Palms

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If you want to infuse a legitimate tropical feel in your living room, you must go for Kentia palm. It has large pinnate leaves and is a native of the South Pacific. It can grow to up to 40ft but it can be regulated if grown in a container. You can buy a 14ft Kentia for $250.
15. Lady Palms

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This is another indoor palm that is famous for its ability to thrive in low-shade areas making it an adaptive indoor plant. Its tropical beauty is usually seen in lobbies of buildings, as well as in entryways of homes. It is a low-maintenance indoor palm which costs $90-150 depending on the height.
16. Majesty Palms

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This one is another regal-looking palm that is perfect for both indoor and outdoor planting. With proper care, its silvery-green leaves could grow very large. It is not picky when it comes to humidity, water, and light conditions. At an average, majesty palms cost $40-100.
17. Mexican Fan Palms

If you ever hit the scenic Los Angeles Palisades, or the Boulevard at Hollywood, you would know how beautiful Mexican fan palms are. If you want the same vibe, you can add this palm to your landscape. They grow at a maximum height of 100ft and you can buy them at $40 per 2ft.
18. Miniature Royal Palms

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This palm is more known as the Christmas palm. Its resemblance to royal palms is uncanny and it is called a Christmas palm because it thrives in colder temperatures and grows fruits during winter. You can find miniature royal palms in local nurseries and can buy them at a range of $15-30.
19. Neanthe Bella Parlor Palms

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This small sized palm is also referred to as bamboo palm because of its strong resemblance to the stems and spread of bamboo. It grows to up to 6ft only and is a perfect indoor palm. It costs in between $40-150. It is accessible in various online stores, virtual marketplaces, and in your local garden stores.
20. Pygmy Date Palm

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As the name implies, this is a slow-growing, compact indoor palm. It is used as a specimen plant in landscapes and as container plants that are grown indoors. They only grow at 2ft annually with a maximum height of just 9ft. The pygmy date palm costs $190-400.
21. Royal Palms

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These are the ones you see in the scenic island scape of California, Hawaii, and southern Florida. It grows in between 25-100ft. The cost of this palm depends on its height. It costs $100 per foot trunk. As such, some royal palms can even reach $10,000. You can also buy seeds and plant from scratch then make a profit out of it.
22. Solitaire Palms
This one is distinct for its single trunk with fronds growing alternately making a unique V-shape outline. This palm can be both planted outdoors and indoors growing at 10-25ft. The price for solitaire palms are in between $35-120.
23. Spindle Palms

These palms are distinct for their white trunks and a slightly bulged trunk. They are perfect for driveway landscaping and in public parks because they do not grow taller than 20ft. They are kind of pricey though, as spindle palms cost in between $100-150.
24. Triangle Palms

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These palms are popular choices because they are fast-growing and low maintenance. They do not grow more than 20ft and its price is dependent mainly on where it is bought from. At an average, you can buy triangle palms in between $200-250.
25. Wild Date Palms
This one is closely related to the date palm which is planted to get a steady supply of edible dates. Depending on the height, wild date palms cost in between $20-50.
Related: European Fan Palm (Chamaerops humilis) Care
How much does a full-grown palm tree cost?
As have been mentioned, the cost of palm trees varies in terms of species and height. But when it comes to a full-grown palm tree, you are looking at a range of $4000-15000. This cost is just for the tree. Shipping fee and landscaping costs are not yet included, and these could cost a few more hundreds of dollars.
How much does it cost to care for an outdoor palm tree?
Interestingly, the cost of caring for an outdoor palm tree also depends on the height and species of the palm grown. At an average, pruning could cost in between $45-120. For instance, 10-15ft palms have a pruning cost of $60-80. Larger palm trees that are 50ft and up has a maintenance cost of $300-600.
How much does a small houseplant palm cost?
When bought in a 3-gallon container, a small houseplant palm can cost in between $15-45. Palms that are 4-6ft in height are still considered as small houseplant palms and they can cost at a range of $150-400.
How much does a 30-foot palm tree cost?
A 30ft palm and below can cost from $75-400. But of course, this range can vary depending on the height, palm species, and where the palm is bought.
How much does it cost to remove palm trees?
Removing a palm tree also costs differently because it depends on the size and height of the palm tree. The cost also depends on your location, type of landscape, and the professional tree remover that you hire.
At an average, removing palm trees that are up to 30ft tall would cost you $200-500. On the other hand, taller palm trees would cost $800-1500 when removed.
Do palm trees increase property value?
According to the Council of Tree and Landscape Appraisers, trees appraise the home’s value by 20%. Fruit trees can have a greater selling point. Palms in general could add more value if they are rare or tall species that are properly maintained.
How long does it take for a palm tree to grow?
If planted from seeds, palm trees would take 4-6 years to grow. Other slow-growing palm trees can take three years to just grow an inch. Fast-growing palms like the Chinese and Mexican fan palms only take a few months to grow an inch and as such, are generally cheaper than other palm trees.
In terms of bearing fruits, some take more than three decades to grow fruits like the Corypha palm. Others like the coconut palm and the royal palm take at least two years before bearing fruits.
How much does a palm tree cost in California?
Known for their large royal, Mexican fan and coconut palms, California has a palm tree cost range of $190-20000. The only California native palm is the California fan palm and it costs in between $16-60 per 3-gallon container.
How much does a palm tree cost in Arizona?
The common palm species found in Arizona would be the Areca palm, foxtail, and other smaller palm trees. As such, the minimum cost of palm trees in Arizona would be in between $45-200.
How much does a palm tree cost in Florida?
Florida has the most native palm trees and is considered as the palm capital of the US. The range of palm tree costs in Florida would be in between $15-800.
Related: Types of palm trees in Florida
Where to buy palm trees?
Palm trees are not scarce plant species, and you can find them in most local nurseries. They can also be bought in online stores. If you are looking to score the best price ranges for palm trees, here are some of the best palm tree stores where you can get them from:
- Nature Hills
- Home Depot
- The Sill
- Etsy
- Garden Goods Direct
- Brighter Blooms
- Real Palm Trees
- Fast Growing Trees
- Amazon
- The Palm Tree Company
Depending on the palm species that you choose, some could be cost-efficient while others could be expensive. Palm tree costs depend on factors such as the size of the palm tree, the palm species, and the local nursery or marketplace that you are buying them from.
Generally, a palm tree can cost in between $15 to thousands of dollars. Aside from the cost of the tree, you should also calculate the upkeep cost of a palm. But this should not be a problem because you have a lot of palm tree types to choose from.