Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
If you’re a Tennessee resident, you may have recently seen an increase in the number of cockroaches scurrying around your home or business. Cockroaches can be a nuisance and can also pose a health risk, so it’s important to know how to identify them and take steps to prevent them from becoming a problem.
In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of cockroaches that are found in Tennessee, as well as some tips on how to get rid of them.
Are cockroaches common in Nashville?
That’s a question we hear a lot, and unfortunately the answer is yes. Cockroaches are one of the most common pests in Nashville, and they can be found in both residential and commercial properties.
If you’re seeing cockroaches in your home or business, it’s important to call a pest control professional immediately. Cockroaches can spread disease and cause allergic reactions, so it’s important to get rid of them as soon as possible.
What do Tennessee cockroaches look like?
Well, if you’re lucky enough to spot one of these critters, you’ll know that they’re dark brown or black in color. They have long, slender bodies and wings, so they’re able to fly quite easily. And if you get up close and personal with one, you’ll notice that they have six legs and two long, antennae. Trust us, you don’t want to be anywhere near these nasty insects!
While most cockroaches are nocturnal creatures, Tennessee cockroaches are actually quite active during the day. So if you see one scurrying around during the daytime, it’s probably a Tennessee cockroach. And unfortunately, they’re not just found in Tennessee – these critters are known to live in other southern states as well.
Related: 12 Bugs That Look Like Cockroaches (But Aren’t)
Do palmetto bugs live in Tennessee?
No, palmetto bugs do not live in Tennessee. These insects are found in the southeastern United States, specifically in Florida and South Carolina. Palmetto bugs get their name from the state of Florida, where they are most commonly found near palm trees (thus the name “palmetto”). In general, these pests prefer warm climates and are not typically found in states with cooler temperatures, like Tennessee.
Are there German cockroaches in Tennessee?
Yes, there are German cockroaches in Tennessee. They can be found in homes, restaurants, and other commercial businesses. German cockroaches are one of the most common household pests in the United States. If you think you have German cockroaches in your home, contact a pest control professional to get rid of them.
Types of cockroaches in Tennessee
There are three common types of cockroaches found in Tennessee: German, American, and Oriental. Each type has its own unique characteristics and behavior patterns.
1. German cockroach

German cockroaches are the most common type of cockroach in Tennessee. They are about ½ an inch long and brown with two dark stripes on their backs. German cockroaches are usually found in kitchens and bathrooms, where they eat food scraps and water.
German cockroaches are a problem because they carry disease-causing bacteria on their bodies. The bacteria can contaminate food and surfaces, and make people sick. German cockroaches also produce a foul-smelling odor that can make your home smell bad.
German cockroaches are found in all types of buildings, from homes to restaurants and hospitals. They prefer warm, humid environments and are often found near food and water sources.
German cockroaches are omnivorous, meaning they will eat almost anything. They are especially fond of starchy foods, sweets, grease, and meat.
German cockroaches reproduce quickly, with each female producing up to eight egg capsules in her lifetime. Each capsule contains about 30-40 eggs, which hatch in about 28 days. German cockroaches can live up to 12 months.
Nymphs are baby cockroaches that look like adults, but are smaller and do not have wings. Nymphs go through six molts, or stages of growth, before becoming adults.
Adult German cockroaches are about ½ an inch long and brown with two dark stripes on their backs. They have wings, but cannot fly. Adults can live up to 12 months.
German cockroaches can be difficult to control because of their ability to reproduce quickly. If you have German cockroaches in your home, it is best to contact a pest control professional.
The best way to prevent German cockroaches is to keep your home clean and free of food and water sources that they might find attractive. You should also seal any cracks and crevices where they might be able to enter your home.
2. American cockroach

American cockroaches are usually reddish brown and have a yellowish band running around the edge of their body. They are about one and a half inches long as adults. American cockroaches are good flyers and can be found in areas that are warm and moist, such as basements, crawl spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, and sewer systems.
Habitat: American cockroaches usually live outdoors in warm, moist areas, such as mulch around trees, woodpiles, and beneath porches. They can also be found indoors in basements, crawl spaces, kitchens, bathrooms, and sewer systems.
Diet: American cockroaches are scavengers that feed on a variety of food sources, including decaying leaves, grass, and wood. They also eat garbage, dead animals, and human food.
Behavior: American cockroaches are active at night when they search for food. During the day, they hide in dark, moist areas. If an American cockroach is found indoors, it is usually because it has come inside from the outdoors.
Reproduction: American cockroaches reproduce quickly, with each female producing about 50 eggs at a time. The eggs are carried in a sac called an ootheca, which is attached to the underside of the female’s body. American cockroaches can live for up to one year.
Nymphs: Nymphs are young cockroaches that look like adults, but are smaller and do not have wings.
Adults: Adults are about one and a half inches long and have wings that allow them to fly.
Control: American cockroaches can be difficult to control because they reproduce quickly and are good flyers. To prevent them from coming inside, seal cracks and openings around the outside of your home. If you have an infestation, contact a pest management professional for help.
3. Brown-banded cockroach

Brown-banded cockroaches are one of the most common cockroaches in Tennessee. They are small, brown, and have two light-colored bands on their wings. Brown-banded cockroaches are not strong flyers and are often found in homes and businesses. These cockroaches can be a nuisance because they like to hide in small spaces and can be difficult to control.
Habitat: Brown-banded cockroaches are found in all types of buildings, but prefer warm, dry environments. They are often found in kitchens and bathrooms.
Diet: Brown-banded cockroaches feed on a variety of food, including crumbs, grease, and soap scum.
Reproduction: Female brown-banded cockroaches can lay up to 20 eggs at a time. Eggs are typically laid in small cracks and crevices.
Nymphs: Nymphs are small, brown, and have two light-colored bands on their wings. They look similar to adults, but are smaller in size.
Adults: Adults are brown and have two light-colored bands on their wings. Brown-banded cockroaches are small insects that typically grow to be about ½ inch long.
Control: If you think you have a cockroach problem, it is important to identify the type of cockroach so you can choose the best control method. If you have brown-banded cockroaches in your home, there are a few things you can do to get rid of them.
First, make sure all food is properly stored and cleaned up. Cockroaches are attracted to food and will often congregate in areas where there is a lot of food available.
Second, seal all cracks and crevices in your home so that cockroaches cannot enter. Finally, you can use baits and traps to help control the population of brown-banded cockroaches in your home.
Prevention: The best way to prevent cockroaches in your home is to keep your house clean and free of food.
4. Oriental cockroach

Oriental cockroaches are dark brown or black in color and are about one inch long. These cockroaches can be a nuisance because they often enter homes through these same areas.
Oriental cockroaches are not as common in Tennessee as some of the other types of cockroaches, but they can still be found in some areas.
Oriental cockroaches are often found near drains, sewers, and other damp areas.
Oriental cockroaches are attracted to food that is high in sugar and starch. This includes things like candy, cake, bread, and other similar items.
Life Cycle:
The life cycle of an Oriental cockroach is about one year. The female will lay her eggs in a protected area, and the nymphs will hatch about two months later. The nymphs will go through several molts before they reach adulthood.
Oriental cockroaches are nocturnal, so they are most active at night. These cockroaches can be a nuisance because they often enter homes through cracks and crevices in the foundation or around doors and windows.
If you have Oriental cockroaches in your home, you should contact a pest control professional to help get rid of them. Pest control professionals can help identify the source of the infestation and provide treatment options to get rid of the cockroaches.
You can help prevent Oriental cockroaches from entering your home by sealing cracks and crevices in the foundation and around doors and windows. You should also remove any food sources that these cockroaches are attracted to, such as candy, cake, bread, and other similar items.
5. Smokybrown cockroach

Smokybrown cockroaches are one of the most common cockroaches in Tennessee. They are about 13-14mm long and are dark brown to black in color. Smokybrown cockroaches are attracted to light and can often be found near windows or doors. These cockroaches are also good climbers and can often be found on walls or in cabinets.
Habitat: Smokybrown cockroaches can be found in a variety of habitats including homes, apartments, office buildings, restaurants, and warehouses.
Diet: Smokybrown cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat a variety of food items. They are often attracted to sweet foods like candy or cookies.
Reproduction: Smokybrown cockroaches reproduce quickly and can produce up to 50 eggs at a time. The eggs are laid in an egg case called an ootheca, which is carried by the female until it is ready to hatch.
Nymphs: Nymphs are baby cockroaches that look like adults but are smaller in size. Nymphs go through several molts before reaching adulthood.
Adults: Adult smokybrown cockroaches can live for up to 12 months. These cockroaches are capable of flying short distances and are often seen around lights at night.
Control: If you have a problem with smokybrown cockroaches, there are a variety of methods that can be used for control. Some of these include baits, traps, and insecticides. If you have questions about controlling cockroaches, contact your local pest management professional.
Prevention: The best way to prevent cockroaches is to keep your home clean and free of food sources that they are attracted to. Vacuum often and seal any cracks or crevices that cockroaches could use to enter your home.
6. Australian cockroach

Australian cockroaches are one of the most common cockroaches in Tennessee. They are about 13-14mm long and are reddish brown in color. They are also known to be good flyers. These cockroaches are usually found near water sources and in damp areas.
Australian cockroaches can be found in a variety of habitats, including homes, restaurants, offices, and other buildings. They are often found near water sources and in damp areas.
Australian cockroaches are omnivorous and will eat a variety of food items, including plants, insects, and even dead animals.
Australian cockroaches reproduce quickly and can produce up to 200 offspring per year. They often invade homes and other buildings in search of food and shelter.
Nymphs are immature cockroaches that resemble adults, but are smaller in size. Nymphs go through a molting process in order to grow into adults.
Adult cockroaches are about 13-14mm long and are reddish brown in color. They have wings and can fly. Adults often invade homes and other buildings in search of food and shelter.
Female cockroaches lay eggs in clutches of up to 40. The eggs are protected by a hard, dark brown shell. Eggs hatch into nymphs which resemble adults, but are smaller in size. Nymphs go through a molting process in order to grow into adults.
Cockroaches can be difficult to control once they invade a home or other building. They reproduce quickly and can travel through small cracks and crevices.
The best way to prevent an infestation is to seal all potential entry points into the home, such as cracks and crevices. trapping and baiting are also effective control methods. Pest control professionals can also provide assistance with controlling and preventing cockroach infestations.
The best way to prevent an infestation is to seal all potential entry points into the home, such as cracks and crevices. trapping and baiting are also effective control methods. Pest control professionals can also provide assistance with controlling and preventing cockroach infestations.
How to get rid of cockroaches in Tennessee
There are a few things you can do to get rid of cockroaches in Tennessee. One is to keep your house clean and free of food or water sources that they might be attracted to. Another is to use roach traps or baits.
You can also hire a professional pest control company to come and spray for cockroaches. Whatever method you choose, make sure to keep up with it until the cockroaches are gone. otherwise, they will just keep coming back.
Cockroaches in other states:
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Virginia: Identification, Removal, and Prevention
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Texas (and How to Get Rid of Them)
- 9 Types of Cockroaches in California: Identification and Prevention Tips
- 8 Types of Cockroaches in Georgia: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- 10 Types of Cockroaches in Florida: Identification and Removal Tips
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Arizona: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
In conclusion, there are several types of cockroaches in Tennessee. Each type has its own unique characteristics and behaviors. Some cockroaches are more harmful than others, so it is important to be aware of the different types that exist in order to protect your home and health. If you think you have a cockroach problem, contact a pest control professional to get rid of them. Don’t let cockroaches ruin your life – take action today!
– University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture, “Cockroaches in Tennessee Homes,” UT Extension, last modified March 2016, accessed May 2017,
– “Cockroaches,” National Pest Management Association, last modified 2016, accessed May 2017,
– “What Are the Different Types of Cockroaches?,” Orkin, last modified March 2017, accessed May 2017,
– “Types of Cockroaches,” Ehrlich Pest Control, last modified 2016, accessed May 2017,
– “Cockroach,” Encyclopædia Britannica, last modified April 2017, accessed May 2017,
– “Cockroaches,” The United States Environmental Protection Agency, last modified September 2016, accessed May 2017,
– “Cockroach,” Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, last modified May 2016, accessed May 2017,
– “Diseases Cockroaches Can Spread,” Terminix, last modified March 2015, accessed May 2017,
– “Cockroach Allergy Symptoms, Treatment & Signs,” MedicineNet, last modified June 2016, accessed May 2017,