How To Make Laminate Floors Shine

Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

Do you wish to make your laminate floors shine again? It is simple, first, understand the tips and the right tools that will work for you. Naturally, your laminate floors do have that appealing shine from the day you install them.

You should be ready to take all the precautionary steps that will maintain your laminate floor. The quality of your laminate floors will be affected if you are not using the right cleaning tools.

Some cleaning equipment may leave dirt buildup as time progresses interfering with the beauty of your laminate floors.

 Here are the tips that will help you make your laminate floors shine.

You do not need any abrasive equipment!

If you use a piece of abrasive equipment to clean or mop the laminate floor, then you risk damaging it. Before any cleaning begins, you need to remove dust particles and dirt.

You cannot use an abrasive mop. So what is the alternative? If you have a vacuum cleaner, it will be easier for you. In case you don’t have one, it is time to order one because it is vital when you are cleaning the laminate floors.

When you decide to buy a vacuum cleaner, you should avoid cleaners with beater bars because they collect dirt and dust particles. You don’t want to scratch your vulnerable floor. Your cleaning should always be thorough. Never ignore the underneath regions of your furniture because they are the regions that preserve the dirt.

Choose the right cleaning solution

You will have several laminate cleaners that you can select. Alcohol is undoubtedly the best, but you will have plenty of other options such as Bona and vinegar and baking soda.

Vinegar is the cheapest cleaner that you can get, and it can work very well with water. Your laminate should always remain shining. Your choice should not be expensive, because there are cheaper ways that can still deliver a shiny laminate floor to you.

There are specific components that will increase the dullness of your laminate floors. It will be prudent to check through the detergents that you will decide to use. Check the compounds that make them and avoid any detergent that contains any chemical that may harm your laminate floor. Vinegar and alcohol will be great cleaners since you will mix them with water.

How do you tell if you are using the right detergent? Of course, you don’t want to make mistakes here. There is no chance to risk it.

You can test the suitability by using it in a hidden area and see the result if it will impress. If it does, then you can proceed to the other side of your room. Always use a suitable solution with warm water for it leaves better results than hot water.

When you have the right solution, you will then proceed to spray. How do you spray a laminate floor? First, you need to know that laminate floors can soak in water. Soaking can be damaging to your beautiful floor.

Your solution does not need to stay on the laminate floor for it can soak. Spray the suitable solution directly on the floor and mob it immediately. Alcohol and vinegar will have smells, yes, but vinegar will be best for those who don’t like alcoholic solutions.

So, to be safe while cleaning, do it in small sections ensuring that you dry every part before you proceed to the next. Never allow the spray to stay too long on the floor for it will soak it.

So what next after cleaning?

Your room should be clean and spotless. You don’t stop doing this until you are sure your room is clean. You can only think of drying it off when you are sure it’s ready. Drying is easy, but you should avoid anything that might tamper with your laminate floors.

Allow time for it to dry. You can close the area so that pets or kids cannot walk on it while it is wet. You can detect if it is shining by using the sunlight to check if there are dull spots. Rub with a soft dry cloth to restore the shine after cleaning.


Polishing is the last thing that you will want to do after cleaning your laminate floor. The process will be essential for eliminating scuffs and eliminating any dullness. When polishing, you will need 2 cups of water, cleaning detergents such as vinegar, a squirt bottle, a microfiber cloth, and two tables’ spoons of vegetable oil.

You will mix all of them and shake them in a squirt bottle then spray them in sections as you dry them. Use a microfiber cloth to rub the floor. Repeat the same procedure in all parts.

What causes a dull laminate floor?

If you won’t be careful with any of the tips below, then you can be sure to have a dull floor!

  • Poor choice of cleaners
  • Overusing the cleaners will begin leaving the dirt hence interfering with the beauty you are looking for in your laminate floor.
  • Do not ignore to test the cleaner on a hidden area. You must check it first so that you get to know the results that you can expect.
  • Avoid any cleaners that have oils, sops, or any chemical components that may hurt your floor.
  • Do a regular vacuuming that will help you get rid of dirt?
  • Always dry your floor with a suitable microfiber. Using the wrong microfiber will damage your laminate shine floors.

Stick to the rules, and everything will be well with your laminate floors.

Bottom line

Making a laminate floor shine is easy when you have the right cleaners and equipment. It is prudent to be careful when choosing the cleaner. They are the determiners of the results that you will get. Avoid any cleaner that will track dust and dirt.

Select the best cleaners or you can do it yourself at home by mixing the vinegar with warm water. Stick to all the tips that will deliver the results, and for sure, you will successfully restore the shine to your laminate floors.