Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford
Getting into the poultry business can be very strenuous and demanding. Sometimes you might be wondering how to get that space and location to set up something petit before deciding to go large.
Here in this article, we are going to let you in on how that space behind your backyard can prove very useful and solve all those worries. These are 45 DIY chicken coop ideas you can tap from. Here we go….
1. DIY Shed Chicken Coop Plan

This amazing chicken plan designed by Ana White takes the shape of a simple basic shed. It has two doors- one human-sized and another chicken-sized, a window, and a nesting box.
2. DIY Free Chicken Coop Plan

This unique chicken coop designed by Downeast Thunder Farm incorporates a yard, an outdoor run, and electricity.
3. DIY Wichita Cabin chicken Coop plan

The Wichita coop plan has such an amazing rustic design. It is well-ventilated with accessible nesting boxes, windows, and a waterproof predator roof.
4. DIY Condo Chicken Coop

This amazing chicken combo coop plan is big enough to comfortably hold up to 12 chickens. It is made of cheap materials that are easy to acquire.
5. DIY a Small Chicken Coop with a Planter

This is yet another wood chicken coop plan by Ana white. It is small in size with a planter, a clean-out tray, and a nesting box. This is a simple DIY project ideal for a handful of chickens.
6. DIY Saltbox Chicken Coop with a Planter

Create your flock with this simple Saltbox Chicken Coop plan in just a few steps. It has a planter and a run and occupies a very small space in your backyard.
7. A Frame Chicken Coop Free Plan Free Plan

This is a simple, portable frame chicken coop with a small built-in nesting box and a perch. This simple design holds just a few hens and is very easy to build.
8. DIY Urban Chicken Coop Free plan

This particular design is ideal for people with a very small backyard. It has two doors, one human-sized at the front for easy access and cleaning purposes and a small chicken-sized door with a run.
9. DIY Small Chicken Coop Run Free Plan

This small chicken coop is ideal for just a few egg-laying hens. It has a large human-sized door on one side to make cleaning easy and a smaller one on the other side with a run.
10. Chicken Coop Run for Shed Free Plan

This plan is a fancy chicken coop with a shed attached and a run joining the two. With the simple instructions by Anna white, you can build this plan over the weekend.
11. DIY Palace Chicken Coop Free Pattern

The Palace Chicken Coop Free Pattern is ideal for people with a big backyard. The palace chicken coop is spacious enough for a huge flock of chickens.
12. Free Chicken Coop Plan Free Pattern

This is a very simple chicken coop plan to build. It is 72” long and 48” wide and comes with very detailed instructions and pictures.
13. DIY Free Chicken Coop Blueprints Free Plan

This is a stationary chicken coop plan that is very easy to build and quite weather-resistant. It is ideal for just a handful of hens and is also a perfect way to repurpose wood material around your home.
14. Farmhouse Style Chicken Coop

This plan has an amazing farmhouse quality and can hold up to 12 chickens. The plan includes the materials that you will need, tools, and detailed step-by-step instructions with tons of photos on how to build it.
15. Simple Upcycled Chicken Coop Free Plan

Building a chicken coop should not cost you a fortune. This simple DIY upcycled chicken coop plan is made from different repurposed materials around your house like old cabinet doors.
16. Rustic Log Cabin Chicken Coop

Do you fancy a rustic chicken coop plan in your backyard? The rustic log cabin chicken plan is your best shot. The logs will cost you a couple of hundred but the end product will be worth every dime.
17. Scrap Lumber Coop Free Plan

This chicken coop plan is entirely made out of scrap lumber. This plan tops the list of the cheapest and easiest plans that you can build in your backyard over a weekend.
18. DIY Upcycled Pallet Chicken Coop

This amazing chicken coop plan allows you to repurpose pallets lying around idle in your home. This plan is one of the easiest and cheapest coop plans you can build if you have a considerable stark of pallets that you can use.
19. Barn Style Chicken Coop

I love the rustic coloring of this chicken coop. The red and white add such an amazing rustic feel to this barn-style plan. It’s easy to build and ideal for a handful of chicken.
20. DIY Sunrise Chicken Coop

This DIY sunrise chicken coop plan is very spacious. The hens have plenty of room to move around and lay eggs. You can also build one or several roosting nests for efficient feeding.
21. Backyard chicken coop mini house

This is one way to utilize your backyard. Installing a chicken coop that you can do yourself saves you a lot of time and effort especially if you do have a spacious backyard.
22. Penthouse style chicken coop

Still in your backyard, you can raise those chicks and watch their rapid development under this styled chicken coop.
23. Cabinet style chicken coop

This will give your backyard some style and finesse. The containment would keep the chickens from predators such as snakes, cats or some other wild predators that come at night to attack.
24. Modern chicken coop idea

This is the merging of two amazing things; Comfort and rearing poultry. If you are thinking of starting that poultry farm, you should try this out. Some pieces of wood and some nets.
25. Makeover chicken coop

What better way to rear chickens than putting that OLD car to good use. With an already installed frame, adding some slightly metallic net would surely leave you with the chicken coop to rear those chickens.
Source: Unknown
26. Hobbit house chicken coop

This chicken coop DIY idea is more or less for large farmland with a lot of space but it could also be built in your backyard in a portable way.
27. Carriage style chicken coop

If you are into the commercial aspect of chicken rearing, this could spare you some change as you can wheel the chicken to the market.
Source: schneitman.blogspot
28. Colored oriental chicken coop

Having a colorful chicken coop in your backyard adds to the growth and development of the chickens and the environment in general.
29. DIY backyard chicken tunnel

This tunnel is a sort of fence for that little garden behind your house to protect those little crops but also it can be used as a coop to rear chickens.
30. Trampoline chicken coop

You could transform that torn out trampoline you want to discard into an amazing chicken coop.
31. Swing frame chicken coop

If you are thinking of starting poultry, that item might come in handy. This swing frame is perfect for that outdoor summer chicken coop.
32. Dual purpose chicken coop

Having to collect eggs at convenience, providing warmth and protection for the chickens and what’s more? Grab one of those beers while you are engaged in all that activity. This is a must-have if you want to be a poultryman.
33. Chicken coop idea

In rural areas, chickens like to climb trees to pass the night so in adding a staircase sort of, you get to key into that basic instinct of chickens and have them live as though they are in an unrestrained environment.
34. Simple chicken coop

You could employ this simple easy chicken coop idea in your backyard if you don’t intend to rear a lot of chickens.
35. Redwood chicken coop

This is another idea that you can incorporate into your backyard space if you love a bit of agriculture.
36. Pipe oriented chicken coop

If you don’t intend to spend too much but want to rear chickens, you can attach pipes to the wall or a wooden stand to feed your chickens.
37. Wooden complete chicken coop

You can just get some planks of wood and build a chicken coop to rear chickens and store eggs.
38. Chicken coop made with nets

How about saving money and using mostly nets to build a chicken coop in an airy cool yard? Try out this idea.
39. Wooden pallet chicken coop

You can employ the scope of a wooden pallet to build a chicken coop without having to break your bank.
40. Iron net chicken coop

Using the iron net and a bit of painted wood can make for an appealing chicken coop idea.
41. Cylindrical chicken coop

Instead of throwing away the cylindrical drum in your home, you could build a chicken coop out of it.
42. Ventilated wooden chicken coop

Incorporate this idea into your backyard and build a clean chicken coop.
43. Neat and tidy chicken coop

This is one chicken coop that you can build in your backyard.
44. Chicken coop with enough ventilation

This is a cute and inexpensive chicken coop to build.
45. Old-fashioned chicken coop

This is an old-fashioned large simple chicken coop you can build in your backyard.