Last Updated on November 26, 2022 by Jason Nguyen
Did you know that hummingbirds can drink nectar from up to 2,000 flowers a day? Because of their fast metabolism, they need to consume food that’s up to half of their body weight. With its sweet and filling nature, no wonder why flower nectar is a hummingbird’s favorite treat!
If you want to attract hummingbirds into your garden, you’ll need to plant a variety of blooming perennials, annuals, and shrubs to keep them interested. Their color won’t matter as much, as long their shape makes them easy to drink from.
How do you choose flowers that hummingbirds like?
Hummingbirds can be attracted to hundreds of flower species. Unless you have a massive yard, it would nearly be impossible to plant all of them!
Although hummingbirds have the tendency to favor red, yellow, or orange flowers, they will still be attracted to other blooms as long as they’re brightly colored and have a tubular shape. You’d also need to prioritize flowers that produce nectar for your garden since that’s what hummingbirds look for in the first place!
Planting blooms that are native to your region will also make it easier for hummingbirds to feed on since they’re already familiar with them. This will also make it easier to pollinate the flowers because they’re already acclimated to your weather.
40 Flowers that attract hummingbirds
If you want to build a perfect hummingbird-friendly garden, curating a variety of the right plants can make them readily flock to these colorful blooms. To help you narrow down your options, here are some of the best flowers that attract hummingbirds:
1. Petunia

For some reason, plenty of gardeners are drawn to the annual blooms of petunias. They’re great for beginners because they’re versatile and easy to grow. They also come in almost any shade of color and have different pattern varieties.
As long as you keep them under full sun, petunias can bloom repeatedly that’s why they’re ideal for feeding hummingbirds and bees.
2. Bee balm
Contrary to its name, bee balm flowers are not only exclusive to bees. Hummingbirds and butterflies are also common visitors of this spiky beauty. They can come in shades of red, purple, pink, or white, and can tolerate partial to full sun exposure.
But if you want them to bloom from summer to fall, make sure to cut off any dead and dying flowers.
3. Lupine
Lupines are known for their purple, blue, pink, or yellow tubular blooms, making them a wonderful attraction to your garden. Although wild lupines can be difficult to grow in your own backyard, their hybrid cultivars can tolerate zones four to eight.
A great thing about lupines is they bloom early in spring, allowing hummingbirds to feed from them when insects are still scarce.
4. Salvia
Don’t be fooled by the delicate buds of salvias, because they’re hardy plants that can tolerate drought. Their clumped blooms make them abundant with nectar, that’s why they’re a common favorite among hummingbirds and butterflies.
You can plant salvias in areas with partial to full sun exposure. But if you keep its soil moist, you can have them blooming all throughout summer.
5. Fuschia
With their dangling blooms, fuschias prove to be a unique addition to your garden. Because hummingbirds like to feed from them often, evolution has made it easier to harvest nectar from them.
Fuschias have a number of varieties, so you can choose to have them as sprawling plants, shrubs, or hanging plants. Since their blooms are two-toned, they can come in a combination of striking reds, violets, pinks, or whites.
6. Zinnia

Vibrant zinnias are easy to grow, that’s why they’re a popular favorite for hummingbird gardens. You can find almost any color of their blooms, except for shades of blues and browns.
They can grow up to four feet tall, so hummingbirds can safely drink their nectar with little distractions. A notable thing about them is they produce seeds after hummingbirds feed on them, which will then attract other seed-loving bird species to your yard.
7. Trumpet vine
These fast-growing vines do well under the full sun but make sure you’ll provide them with a sturdy surface to climb onto. They usually have red, yellow, or orange shades, which makes them easy for hummingbirds to spot.
But if you plan to plant trumpet vines in your garden, make sure to prune them regularly – or else they’ll take over your yard in a blink of an eye!
8. Wisteria
If maintained properly, wisterias can give your garden a romantic aesthetic that can attract hummingbirds and people alike!
Their dangling clusters of purple flowers make them easy for hummingbirds to feed on. But similar to trumpet vines, you’ll need to prune them regularly to prevent them from taking over your yard.
9. Azalea.
Azalea is a genus of flowering shrubs in the family Ericaceae. They are native to Asia and North America with approximately 10-20 species. Azaleas bloom in spring, usually in shades of white, pink, purple, yellow and red. In warmer climates they can also be evergreen or deciduous plants.
Azaleas prefer acidic soils with good drainage and partial to full sunlight. When selecting an azalea for your garden, it is important to consider both the plant’s size and its needs regarding soil and light exposure. Pruning should be done after flowering in order to shape the shrub or remove deadwood. Azaleas can also be propagated through cuttings in the summer or autumn.
Azaleas can be used to create a beautiful and colorful display of flowers in the garden. They are often planted along walkways, around ponds and near other shrubs to add more texture and interest.
Azaleas also make excellent container plants when given enough space for their roots to spread out. When planted in a container, they should be fertilized regularly and protected from extreme temperatures. A layer of mulch around the base of the plant will help retain moisture. With proper care, azaleas can provide stunning displays of blooms for many years.
10. Beardtongue

Beardtongue is a genus of herbaceous flowering plants that are native to North America. The members of this genus are known for their showy, tubular flowers and long, hairy leaves. They can be found in a wide range of environments, from dry deserts to moist woodlands, and come in many different sizes and colors.
Beardtongue plants are a great addition to any garden. They have beautiful flowers that come in bright colors and sizes, making them eye-catching and attractive. They also require relatively little maintenance, as long as they get plenty of sunlight and water. While some species of beardtongs can be invasive, most are non-invasive and can be planted safely in your garden.
Beardtongue plants are also very beneficial for the environment. They provide food for pollinators like bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, and their thick foliage provides shelter for insects and small mammals. The roots of beardtongues also help to keep soil healthy by preventing erosion and absorbing excess water.
11. Blazing Star
It is a perennial wildflower that produces tall spikes of bright scarlet flowers. As its name suggests, Blazing Star attracts hummingbirds with its vibrant color and nectar-filled blooms. It can be easily identified by its densely clustered red or pink star-like petals and long thin foliage.
Blazing Star prefers full sun and needs well-drained soils to thrive. It is native to the Midwest and Eastern United States, but it can be grown in other parts of the country with proper care. When planted in a sunny location and given adequate water, Blazing Star will produce its stunning flowers for months at a time.
Blazing Star is an excellent addition to any garden, as it not only adds visual interest and color, but it also attracts hummingbirds. Hummingbirds are some of the most spectacular and fascinating birds to watch, and with the help of Blazing Star, you can bring these tiny birds into your backyard.
12. Bleeding Heart
Bleeding Heart (Lamprocapnos spectabilis) is a stunning perennial flowering plant that blooms throughout the summer in shades of pink and white. It grows to about 2-3 feet tall and wide, providing a perfect backdrop of color for a hummingbird garden.
The delicate flowers are shaped like hearts with drooping petals that appear to be dripping with pink liquid – thus its name.
This is an easy-to-care-for flower that likes organic, well-draining soil and part sun to full shade. It grows best in cooler climates; however, some varieties may overwinter in warmer areas if there is adequate winter protection. Deadheading the spent blooms will encourage the plant to rebloom throughout the summer.
13. Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush (Buddleia davidii) is a deciduous shrub that can grow to 8-10 feet in height. It is commonly used as an ornamental plant because of its clusters of colorful blooms that attract butterflies and hummingbirds.
The Butterfly Bush has long, arching branches with dark green leaves and fragrant flowers that bloom from midsummer to late fall. The flowers come in a variety of colors such as purple, pink, white and yellow. Hummingbirds are attracted to the nectar from the flower’s long stamens and will often hover around the blooms for extended periods of time.
The Butterfly Bush is relatively easy to care for and is a low maintenance plant. It grows best in full sun, but will tolerate some shade. When planting, it should be placed in well-drained soil that contains plenty of organic matter. The Butterfly Bush should be watered regularly during its first growing season and then pruned back each year to promote new growth and encourage more flowers.
14. Canada Lily
Canada lily, also known as Lilium canadense, is a native wildflower found growing in the forests of the eastern and central areas of North America. It is an easy to grow perennial with large trumpet-shaped flowers that come in shades of pink, yellow, red and orange.
As one of the flowers that attract hummingbirds, Canada lily can be a great addition to the landscape of your garden. The blooms are an excellent source of nectar and provide a place for hummingbirds to rest and feed, making them one of the most attractive flowers for these tiny birds.
The plant is hardy in zones 3-8, so it will grow in most areas of the United States. Canada lilies are known to spread quickly and may need some occasional maintenance such as division to keep them in check. They thrive in partial shade and moist, well-drained soils.
15. Cardinal Flower
Cardinal Flower (Lobelia cardinalis) is a perennial flower native to North America. It typically grows 3-4 feet tall and produces red or pink flowers from mid-summer to early fall, which attract hummingbirds.
The plant prefers moist soils and partial shade but can tolerate full sun in cooler climates. Cardinal Flower has become a popular garden plant and is grown in many parts of the world.
The flower’s vibrant color, long blooming period, and easy cultivation make it a must-have for hummingbird lovers. Its bright red or pink petals produce lots of nectar that hummingbirds can enjoy throughout the day and night. The flower also has unique structure, with tubular-shaped petals that give the hummingbirds easy access to nectar.
16. Catmint
Catmint, also known as Nepeta cataria, is a perennial herb of the mint family. It is native to Europe and Asia but has been naturalized in many parts of North America.
Hummingbirds are attracted to the bright purple-blue flowers of Catmint because they contain nectar. The flowers also provide a safe place for the birds to perch while they feed. Catmint is an especially good choice if you want to attract hummingbirds into your garden, as it blooms from late spring to early fall and provides a reliable source of food throughout that time.
17. Columbine
Columbine (Aquilegia) is a genus of perennial flowering plants that can be found in gardens and natural habitats across the world. The flowers of these plants come in various colors, shapes and sizes, but they all share many common characteristics.
Columbines are especially attractive to hummingbirds due to their tubular shape, vibrant colors, and abundant nectar production.
These flowers have a long blooming period from spring to summer, making them perfect for creating a hummingbird-friendly garden that will attract these feathered friends throughout the season.
The blossoms of the Columbine feature five petals that are arranged in such a way as to resemble an open bell or chalice. The petals are typically a range of colors from white to pink, purple and even yellow in some varieties.
Some species also have bicolored flowers; the most common color combination is yellow and red or orange. These bright colors contrast beautifully against the deep green foliage that often surrounds them, making them a stunning addition to any landscape.
In addition to their beauty, Columbines are also a great way to attract hummingbirds to your garden. Their tubular flowers offer an abundant source of nectar, which these birds love.
18. Delphinium
A tall and beautiful flowering plant, Delphinium is a genus of about 300 species that belong to the buttercup family. They are revered for their bright colors, long blooms, and ease of care.
Delphiniums make excellent garden plants as they attract hummingbirds, butterflies, and bees with their nectar-rich flowers. The flowers come in a range of colors, including blue, purple, pink, white and even yellow.
They bloom from early spring through summer and can reach heights up to 5 feet tall. With their compact shape and sturdy stems, delphiniums make great cut flowers as well.
Delphiniums need full sun to partial shade and rich, moist soil with good drainage. They can be prone to powdery mildew and slugs, so regular maintenance is important. Deadheading the flowers regularly can help keep their blooms looking beautiful.
19. Fireweed

Fireweed (Chamerion angustifolium) is a beautiful and versatile plant native to North America and northern Europe. It can be found growing in open fields, wetlands, roadsides, ditches and disturbed areas.
Fireweed attracts hummingbirds because of its colorful pink flowers with long nectar tubes. The flowers are borne on long stems, up to 8 feet in height. The plant is also an important host for various butterfly species, and its flowers add beauty to any landscape.
20. Flowering Currant
Flowering Currant, also known as Ribes sanguineum, is a shrub native to western North America. It can grow up to 6 feet tall and can be found in moist areas such as creeksides and streambanks.
Flowering currant blooms early in the season and can give a great energy boost to hummingbirds after their long migration. The flowers are a deep red color, which is attractive to hummingbirds. They also provide plenty of nectar for them to feed on.
Planting flowering currant bushes in your garden will help to attract hummingbirds. Try and find a sunny spot that has good drainage, as they prefer moist soils.
You should also make sure your bushes are pruned in the late winter or early spring so they will have plenty of blooms come summertime. Finally, it’s important to keep the flowers well-watered during dry spells to ensure the hummingbirds have plenty of nectar to feed on.
21. Flowering Quince
This flowering shrub is a member of the rose family and is found in most temperate climates. It produces small, fragrant white or pink blossoms that attract hummingbirds to your garden. The flowers are followed by edible fruits that can be used for making jams and jellies.
Flowering Quince can grow up to 10 feet tall and wide, making it a great addition to your home landscaping. It does best in full sun to partial shade and well-drained soil. Prune the branches regularly to maintain an attractive shape and encourage new blooms.
22. Foxglove
Foxglove, also known as Digitalis purpurea, is a wildflower native to Europe and Asia that produces large bell-shaped blooms in shades of pink, purple and white.
This flower attracts hummingbirds with its sweet nectar and tubular shape. Foxgloves can grow up to seven feet tall, making them an excellent choice for creating a hummingbird garden.
Foxglove is best planted in late fall or early spring, when the soil temperature is cooler. It does best in moist, well-draining soil with full sun exposure for at least half of the day. To get started, sow the seeds directly into the garden in the early spring, or start them indoors and transplant them once they have sprouted.
23. Garden Phlox

It is a sweet-smelling perennial flower that blooms in the summer. It grows in clusters and has many individuals, five-pointed star-shaped flowers.
Garden Phlox is an excellent choice if you are looking to attract hummingbirds to your garden. The vibrant colors of the flower petals such as pink, purple, white, or red are highly attractive to hummingbirds.
Additionally, the nectar from the Garden Phlox is an ideal food source for these birds, providing them with the necessary energy and sustenance for their migrations.
Garden Phlox requires full sun exposure to blossom fully and can be planted in groups for best results. When planting Garden Phlox in your garden, make sure to space them a few feet apart, so they have enough room to spread. Furthermore, watering regularly is essential for the health of this flower.
24. Hummingbird Fuchsia
Hummingbird Fuchsia, or Plantae Magnificantius, is a type of flower that’s especially attractive to hummingbirds. Its bell-shaped blooms range in shades of pink, purple, and white. The vibrant colors and sweet nectar make it an ideal food source for these tiny birds.
Hummingbird Fuchsia is native to the tropical regions of Central and South America, though it can be grown in other climates with proper care. It’s a low-maintenance plant, typically growing between two and four feet tall when planted in the ground. Once established, it will produce blooms throughout the summer months.
25. Indian Pink
Also known as Spigelia marilandica, Indian Pink is a flowering plant that attracts hummingbirds due to its bright pink-red tubular flowers. This herbaceous perennial grows in moist woodlands or areas with partial sun, and can reach up to 2 feet tall. It’s not difficult to care for: it only needs regular watering and occasional re-division. As a garden plant, it can be used in borders or rock gardens.
Other than its showy flowers, Indian Pink also has glossy green leaves and small fruits that are enjoyed by birds and mammals. Additionally, this plant is deer resistant, making it an ideal choice for rural gardens where deer are common. With its long blooming season, Indian Pink can provide an eye-catching display from summer to fall.
26. Lungwort

Lungwort (Pulmonaria officinalis) is a flowering plant that blooms in early spring. Its star-shaped flowers feature speckled petals in shades of pink, blue and white.
Why do Hummingbirds like Lungwort? Hummingbirds are attracted to the sweet nectar produced by the showy flowers of the Lungwort. The tubular shape of the flowers also make them an ideal landing spot for these tiny birds.
How do I plant and grow Lungwort? Plant the seeds in early spring in a sunny or partially shaded area with moist soil. Water generously and keep weed-free. Mulch lightly during summer to help maintain moisture. Lungwort will bloom from late winter to early spring and can be propagated by division in the summer.
27. Mango Tango
This is a type of flower that thrives in tropical climates and attracts hummingbirds from great distances. The petals of the Mango Tango are bright orange or yellow, overlaid with deep pinks and purples. It blooms from mid-summer to early fall and stands out amongst other flowers due to its vibrant coloring.
Hummingbirds are attracted to the Mango Tango due to its sweet nectar and bright colors. The plant is also known for being easy to care for, needing only minimal watering and pruning. This makes it a great option for any garden or backyard that wants to attract hummingbirds.
28. Mexican Cigar Plant
The Mexican Cigar Plant (Cuphea ignea) is a small, flowering shrub that blooms in bright shades of red, orange and yellow that easily attract hummingbirds. This plant does best when planted in full sun, with moist but well-drained soil. It’s also necessary to prune it regularly to prevent the stems from getting too tall and sprawling.
The best time for planting Mexican Cigar Plants is in the spring or early summer, when the temperatures are warmer and frost danger has passed. When planted in well-drained soil, it can be an evergreen perennial in zones 8-11 or an annual elsewhere.
29. Oregon Grape
It is a hardy, evergreen shrub found in western North America. It has glossy green leaves and bright yellow flowers, making it an attractive garden plant.
Oregon Grape makes for a great addition to gardens that attract hummingbirds. The bright yellow flowers are a major draw for the birds as they sip on nectar from the bloom. The flowers also attract bees, butterflies and other pollinators. Additionally, the shrub provides shelter for birds and small wildlife.
The fruits of the Oregon Grape are edible, although they can be tart. They can be used to make jams and jellies, or added to salads for a little extra flavor. The leaves have medicinal properties and can be used to make a tea or tincture.
30. Pride of Madeira
Pride of Madeira is a species of evergreen shrub native to the island of Madeira and the Canary Islands, where it has been used for centuries as an ornamental plant. It has large, deep blue flowers that attract hummingbirds with their sweet scent and stunning color.
The blooms are shaped like stars, making them quite unique among flowering plants. The bushes themselves can reach up to 10 feet in height and need little maintenance, making them ideal for landscaping projects. They require full sun and well-drained soil, so be sure to pick an area that gets plenty of sunlight when planting your Pride of Madeira bush.
31. Purple Rhododendron
It is a flower from the genus Rhododendron, and it is an attractive bloom that can bring hummingbirds to your garden. It’s tubular flowers have a deep purple hue, which makes them particularly attractive to hummingbirds.
The plant itself grows best in climates with cooler temperatures and plenty of precipitation, making it ideal for growing in areas with a temperate climate.
32. Red Columbine
Red Columbine is a popular flower that attracts hummingbirds. These attractive flowers bear showy, five-petaled blossoms in shades of red and yellow. Growing up to two feet tall, Red Columbines are perfect for adding height and drama to any garden.
These low-maintenance plants can be found all across North America and thrive in a variety of climates. Red Columbines prefer full sun, but they will tolerate partial shade as well. They can also be grown in both dry and moist soils.
33. Red Hot Poker
They are also known as torch lilies and can be found in South Africa. The vibrant red, orange and yellow flowers of the Red Hot Poker plant make it an attractive choice for attracting hummingbirds.
The long stems feature clusters of tubular blooms that usually last from summer into fall. Red Hot Pokers prefer full sun, and require well-draining soil and occasional watering. These plants are often used as border plants, or grouped together in beds to create a dramatic impact.
34. Rose of Sharon
Rose of Sharon (Hibiscus syriacus) is a deciduous shrub native to East Asia. It has been an important ornamental plant in Eastern and Western gardens for centuries — and it’s a great choice for attracting hummingbirds! Rose of Sharon blooms from mid-summer to fall, with large flowers in shades of white, pink, and lavender. Its large flowers are trumpet-shaped with overlapping petals — the perfect shape to attract hummingbirds.
Rose of Sharon is a relatively low maintenance plant that can thrive in USDA hardiness zones 5 to 9. It has an upright habit and typically reaches heights of 3 to 8 feet tall. The average Rose of Sharon shrub is 5-6 feet tall and 4-5 feet wide. Rose of Sharon prefers full sun to partial shade, and it tolerates a variety of soil types.
35. Sunflower
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant from the Asteraceae family and native to North America. It has characteristic large yellow heads composed of many flowers, which makes them a popular ornamental flower for gardens.
Sunflowers are also attractive to hummingbirds due to their bright colors and easy access to nectar-rich flowers. The tubular-shaped petals of the sunflower are shaped perfectly to allow hummingbirds to feed from them and are known to be one of the best nectar sources for these small birds.
36. Tiger Lily
Tiger Lily (Lilium lancifolium) is a species of flowering plant from the Liliaceae family. It’s native to Japan, Korea and parts of China, but is widely cultivated elsewhere. The Tiger Lily grows in moist soils, producing long stems that bear bright orange-red flowers with protruding yellow stamens.
37. Trumpet Creeper
Trumpet Creeper is a vigorous, woody vine that can be found growing in many parts of the United States. It is an excellent flower for attracting hummingbirds and other pollinators. The flowers are tubular-shaped and come in shades of red, orange and yellow so they are particularly attractive to these small birds.
Trumpet Creeper grows best in full sun and moist, well-drained soil. It can become invasive over time, so it is important to check local regulations before planting this flower. Pruning and trimming are also recommended to keep the vine controlled and looking its best.
38. Trumpet Honeysuckle
Trumpet Honeysuckle is an ornamental flowering vine that can grow up to 10 feet in length. It has bright, tubular red and yellow flowers that attract hummingbirds, making it a popular choice for gardeners who want to attract these delightful birds.
The trumpet honeysuckle blooms throughout the spring and summer months and its flowers provide a food source for hummingbirds. The plant is hardy and can thrive in almost any climate, making it an easy addition to your garden. It is also relatively low maintenance and requires little pruning or trimming.
39. Weigela
Weigela is a flowering shrub native to East Asia that can reach between 3 and 8 feet in height. It produces clusters of bell-shaped flowers in shades of pink, white, red, or lavender. These flowers are highly attractive to hummingbirds making Weigela an ideal addition to any garden hoping to attract these majestic birds.
40. Yellow Bells
It is a deciduous shrub that can reach up to 6 feet tall. It has brilliant yellow bell-shaped flowers with orange anthers that hang from its branches during spring and summer. The blooms typically last for several weeks, making it an excellent choice for attracting hummingbirds.
Yellow Bell’s foliage consists of large oval to round, deep green leaves. The flowers are followed by attractive seed pods which open in the fall and over-winter. It is drought tolerant once established and grows well in full sun to partial shade with moderate water.