Last Updated on March 7, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
If you’re like most people, you probably don’t think too much about the amps and watts your washing machine is using. But, if you’re trying to save energy (or just want to know how much your washer costs to run each month), it’s important to understand how many amps and watts a washing machine uses.
In this blog post, we’ll break down the numbers for you and help you figure out how much your washer costs to run each month.
Related: 11 Types of Washing Machines: Which One Is Right for You?
How many amps does a washing machine use?
A washing machine uses between 10 and 15 amps, depending on the model.
How many watts does a washing machine use?
Washing machines typically use between 600 and 1800 watts, again depending on the model. Some high-end models can even use up to 3400 watts!
How many amps does a top loading washing machine use?
A top loading washing machine usually uses between 12 and 15 amps of electricity.
How many watts does a top loading washing machine use?
Most top loading washing machines use between 900 and 1200 watts of electricity.
How many amps does a front loading washing machine use?
Frontloading washing machines usually use between 11 and 20 amps of electricity.
How many watts does a front loading washing machine use?
Most front loading washing machines use between 700 and 1500 watts of electricity.
What is the difference between an amp and a watt?
An ampere (amp) is a unit of measurement for electrical current, while a watt measures power consumption.
Do all washing machines use the same amount of electricity?

No, there are a variety of factors that can affect how much electricity a particular washing machine uses. The size of the machine, the type of cycle it is running, and the age of the machine are all factors that can affect electricity usage.
The best way to determine how much electricity your washing machine is using is to check your power bill. Your power company will list the total number of kilowatt-hours (kWh) you’ve used in a given month. To convert kWh to amps, divide the kWh number by the number of hours in a month. For example, if your washing machine used 30 kWh in a month, and there are 720 hours in a month, that means your machine used about 0.0416 amps per hour.
To convert amps to watts, multiply the amps by the voltage of your power outlet. Most homes in the United States have 110-volt outlets, so a 0.0416-amp washing machine would use about 45 watts.
Now that you know how to calculate the amps and watts used by your washing machine, you can start looking for ways to reduce your electricity usage. One way to do this is to only wash full loads of laundry. Washing multiple small loads uses more electricity than washing one large load. You can also save electricity by air-drying your laundry instead of using the dryer.
Related: 7 Washing Machine Brands To Avoid and 3 Most Reliable Brands
Can a washing machine be on a 15 amp circuit?
Most washers require a 120-volt, 20-amp circuit. Some newer models operate on 240 volts and may require a dedicated circuit. Check your owner’s manual to be sure.
If you have an older home with knob-and-tube wiring, it’s likely that the washing machine will be on its own circuit. If your home has circuit breakers, the washing machine will be on a dedicated breaker.
If you’re not sure, have an electrician check your home’s wiring. It’s important to make sure the washer is plugged into a properly sized outlet—one that can handle the required amperage and wattage.
A typical clothes washer uses about 500 watts of power. The average washing machine is rated at around 15 amps. If you have a 20-amp circuit, you’ll be able to run multiple appliances at the same time without overloading the circuit.
If your washer is on a dedicated circuit, you may be able to run other appliances on that circuit as well. For example, you could run a refrigerator and a washer at the same time. Just be sure to check the wattage ratings of each appliance to make sure they don’t exceed the circuit breaker’s rating.
Some newer models of washing machines are now being made that will operate on 240 volts instead of 120 volts like most standard washing machines. If you have one of these models it is important that you check to see if it needs its own dedicated circuit or not. You can usually find this information in the owners manual for your washing machine.
If your machine does need a dedicated 240 volt circuit make sure that you have an outlet installed that will be able to handle the amperage required by your washing machine. Most 240 volt, 20-amp outlets will work just fine for these types of machines.
If you are not sure about the wiring in your home or what kind of outlet you need installed it is always best to consult with a professional electrician to be safe.
Can I use a 30 amp breaker for a washing machine?
The answer is no. A washing machine requires a dedicated circuit with a minimum of 30 amps. If you have a small home, then you may only need one or two of these circuits. However, if you have a large home, you may need up to eight of them.
Does a washing machine need a dedicated circuit?
Most washing machines require between 15 and 20 amps of current, so if you’re wiring a new laundry room or upgrading an old one, be sure to give the washer plenty of breathing room by installing it on its own circuit. The National Electrical Code (NEC) requires that all appliances with motors have their own dedicated circuit, and most washing machines fall into that category.
Should a washing machine be on a GFCI?
Yes, all outdoor outlets should be GFCI protected and it’s a good idea to have them in your home as well. If you live in an area with severe weather, such as thunderstorms or hurricanes, having a GFCI outlet can help protect you and your family from electrical shock.
What kind of outlet do I need for a washer and dryer?
You’ll need a washer and dryer outlet that can handle at least 20 amps. Most homes have either a 120-volt or 240-volt outlet, which supplies between 15 and 20 amps of current. If you’re not sure what kind of outlet you have, check the breaker box. The circuit breaker for your washing machine and dryer should be a 20-amp breaker. If it’s not, you’ll need to install a new outlet that can handle the load.
How many amps does an LG washing machine use?
An LG washing machine uses about 11 amps.
How many watts does an LG washing machine use?
An LG washing machine uses about 2700 watts.
How many amps does a Kenmore washing machine use?
A Kenmore washing machine uses about 14 amps.
How many watts does a Kenmore washing machine use?
A Kenmore washing machine uses about 3500 watts.
How many amps does a Whirlpool washer use?
Whirlpool washers use between 12 and 15 amps.
How many watts does a Whirlpool washer use?
Whirlpool washers use between 1200 and 1800 watts. Higher-end models may use more.
How many amps does a Samsung washing machine use?
A Samsung washing machine uses about 11 amps.
How many watts does a washing machine use?
A typical washing machine will use between 500 and 1000 watts of electricity. Higher end models may consume more, while cheaper models will use less.
Can you plug a washer into a regular outlet?
A washing machine usually plugs into a special outlet called a washer outlet. This is because it uses a lot of electricity—usually around 15 amps. If you don’t have a washer outlet, you can plug the washer into a regular outlet, but you’ll need to use an adapter. An adapter converts one type of plug to another.
To determine how many watts your washing machine uses, you’ll need to know the voltage of your home’s electrical system. In the United States, most homes have a 120-volt electrical system. This means that each appliance in your home that uses electricity is rated for 120 volts. A watt is a unit of measurement for power.
Can a fridge and washing machine be on the same circuit?
A washing machine typically uses between 12 and 15 amps of electricity, while a fridge typically uses about half that amount. This means that you can usually have a washing machine and fridge on the same circuit, but it’s always best to check with an electrician to be sure. Just make sure the total amps for all appliances on the circuit don’t exceed the circuit’s amp rating.
How much electricity does a fully automatic washing machine consume?
Most washing machines require a 220-volt, 60-cycle electrical outlet and consume between 11 and 15 amps of electricity. The amount of watts used by a washing machine will depend on the size of the motor, but it is usually around 1400 to 1800 watts.
What are the factors affecting energy consumption of a washing machine?

The size of the washing machine: The bigger the washer, the more energy it will consume.
The type of washing machine: Top-loading machines use less energy than front-loading machines.
The water level: A full load uses more energy than a partial load.
What are some tips for saving energy with my washing machine?
If you’re looking to save energy and money, there are a few things you can do:
-Wash your clothes in cold water whenever possible. Heating water accounts for about 90% of a washing machine’s energy use.
-Use the shortest wash cycle possible.
-Only wash full loads of laundry. Partial loads use just as much water and energy as a full load.
-Make sure your washing machine is properly maintained. A well-maintained machine will operate more efficiently than one that isn’t.
What time should I wash my clothes to save energy?
The best time to wash your clothes if you’re trying to save energy is either late at night or early in the morning. This is because during these times, there is less demand for electricity overall. So, if you can wait to do your laundry during off-peak hours, you’ll be using less energy and saving money on your electric bill.
What is the best time to wash clothes in summer?
The best time to wash clothes in summer is early morning or evening. This is because the temperature outside is cooler, so your clothes will air-dry faster. In addition, using the washing machine during these times will save you money on your energy bill.
Is it cheaper to wash clothes on the weekend?
Most people think that it is cheaper to do laundry on the weekends. This is because you can use the energy-saving settings on your washing machine. However, this may not be true for everyone.
The amount of electricity that a washing machine uses depends on how many amps and watts it uses. Most newer machines use around 12 amps and 1800 watts. So, if you are using a machine that uses more than 12 amps or 1800 watts, it will be cheaper to do laundry during the weekdays.
Does Inverter washing machine save electricity?

If you are looking to save on your electricity bill, you may be wondering if an inverter washing machine is the way to go. Inverter washing machines use less energy than traditional models, so they can help you save money on your utility bills. But how much exactly do they save?
Inverter washing machines use between 360 and 720 watts, while traditional washing machines use between 1200 and 2000 watts. This means that inverter washing machines can save you up to 50% on your electricity bill.
In conclusion, a washing machine uses around 2700 watts of power. This means that a washing machine uses around 30 amps. To put this into perspective, a 100 watt light bulb uses around one amp. So, a washing machine uses about as much power as 30 light bulbs! Keep this in mind the next time you do your laundry!