Last Updated on November 25, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford
Summer is a great time of year, but it can also be a frustrating time when you are constantly dealing with flies. Flies can be a real nuisance, and they can also spread disease. In this blog post, we will discuss some tips on how to get rid of flies outside. We will also provide some solutions for indoor fly control. Let’s get started!
What Causes Flies Outdoors?
There are a few different reasons why flies might be outdoors. One reason is that they are looking for food. Flies are attracted to garbage and other places where there might be food.
Another reason is that they are looking for water. Flies need water to survive, so they will often be found near sources of water. Finally, flies might be outdoors because they are looking for a place to mate. Flies reproduce quickly, so they need to find mates often.
Ways to Get Rid of Flies Outside.
If you’re looking for ways to get rid of flies outside, there are a few things you can do.
1. Clean With Pine Sol
Pine Sol is a strong cleaner that can be used inside and outside the home. It is often used to cleanse floors and other hard surfaces. However, it can also be used to kill flies.
To use Pine Sol to kill flies, mix together equal parts of water and Pine Sol in a bowl. Then, soak a rag in the mixture and wave it around near where the flies are congregating. The fumes from the Pine Sol will kill the flies.
2. Fly swatter

You can also use a fly swatter to kill flies. To do this, mix together equal parts of water and vinegar in a bowl. Then, dip the fly swatter in the mixture and use it to swat the flies. You can also add a few drops of essential oil to the mixture to make it more effective.
3. Find the Source and Eliminate It
If you want to get rid of flies outside, the first step is to find out where they’re coming from. Once you know that, you can take steps to eliminate the problem at its source.
4. Host Natural Predators
One of the most effective ways to get rid of flies outside is by hosting natural predators. This means creating an environment that is inviting to creatures like bats, dragonflies, and spiders.
Not only will this help reduce the fly population, but it can also provide some much-needed pest control for your home. To do this, you’ll need to:
- Make sure there are plenty of places for predators to hide. This can be anything from trees and shrubs to man-made structures like bat boxes.
- Provide a water source. Flies are attracted to standing water, so adding a birdbath or small fountain can help lure them in. Just be sure to empty it out regularly to prevent mosquito breeding.
- Keep food sources away from predators. While you want to attract flies, you don’t want to provide a banquet for their predators. Make sure any outdoor eating areas are clean and free of debris, and consider using fly traps or nets over fruit trees.
5. Keep garbage cans well sealed

Make sure to keep your garbage can lids on tight. If you don’t, flies will be attracted to the food scraps and waste inside.
Another thing you can do: Empty your garbage cans regularly
Why this matters: Flies are attracted to garbage because it provides them with a food source. If you empty your garbage cans regularly, there will be no food for the flies and they will eventually go away.
You could also try: Covering your garbage cans with a tarp
The logic behind this: If you cover your garbage cans, the flies won’t be able to see the contents inside. This will make them less likely to be attracted to your garbage in the first place.
6. Light candles
One way to keep flies away from your outdoor gathering is to light candles. Citronella candles are great for this, but any type of candle will do.
The smell of the candles will help to mask the scent of food that attracts flies. Plus, the flickering flames will help to keep them away. If you don’t want to use candles, you can also try lighting incense or using a fan to keep the flies away.
7. Move mulch piles away
About this: Flies are attracted to the smell of decomposing organic matter, such as leaves and mulch.
If you have a lot of flies in your yard, chances are there is a mulch pile somewhere that is attracting them. You can get rid of flies by simply moving the mulch pile to another location.
8. Say vamoose with vodka
If you have a fly problem outside, and don’t want to use traditional methods like flypaper or poison, you can try using vodka. Vodka is an effective way to get rid of flies because it contains ethanol, which is a natural insecticide.
To use this method, simply pour some vodka into a shallow dish and set it out where the flies are. The flies will be attracted to the ethanol and will drown in the vodka. This is a safe and natural way to get rid of flies, and it won’t harm other animals or plants.
9. Spray fly bait
If you have a big problem with flies, this is probably the best solution. You can buy fly bait at most hardware stores. Just be sure to follow the directions on the package.
This will usually involve putting some of the bait in a container and then suspending it near where the flies are congregating. The flies will be attracted to the bait and will eventually die.
Another option is to make your own fly bait. This is a little more labor intensive, but it can be cheaper in the long run. To do this, you’ll need to mix together some honey, sugar, and water. Then add a little bit of Borax to the mixture.
The Borax will act as a poison to the flies. You can put this mixture in a container and suspend it near where the flies are. As with the store-bought bait, the flies will be attracted to it and will eventually die.
10. Swat flies dead
This method is about as old as time itself, and for good reason – it works! If you have a fly problem outside, simply grab a fly swatter and start swatting.
This will kill the flies on contact, and if you keep at it long enough, you’ll eventually make a significant dent in the population. Just be warned – it’s not the most pleasant way to spend a summer day!
If you have a more serious fly problem, you may want to consider calling in a professional exterminator. They will be able to identify the source of the problem and eliminate it at the root, rather than just treating the symptoms. This is usually the most effective way to get rid of flies
11. Use Essential Oils
There are a few ways to use essential oils for flies. You can either make a spray or add the oils to a diffuser. If you’re making a spray, put about 20 drops of oil in a small glass bottle with distilled water and shake it up.
Then, just spray it around your outdoor areas where you’ve seen the flies. For a diffuser, you’ll need a little more oil – about 50 drops. Just add the oils to the diffuser with water and turn it on. You can also keep a few cotton balls soaked in essential oils around your outdoor areas.
Essential oils that work well against flies are citronella, lavender, lemongrass, peppermint, and rosemary. You can use one oil or a combination of oils – just make sure to use enough so that the scent is strong.
12. Use Fans
One of the best ways to get rid of flies outside is to use fans. This will create a windy environment that will make it difficult for the flies to fly around. You can either use electric fans or hand-held ones.
If you have a lot of flies, you can even rent a fan from a hardware store. Just make sure to position the fan so that it is blowing away from you and not towards you. Otherwise, you will just end up with a lot of flies in your face!
13. Use Fly Paper
Fly paper is one of the oldest and most popular ways to catch flies. All you need is a roll of fly paper, some bait (like sugar water), and a place to hang it. The flies will be attracted to the bait and then get stuck on the fly paper.
You can buy fly paper at most hardware or home stores. Be sure to hang it out of reach of children and pets, as the sticky paper can be dangerous if touched. Check the fly paper regularly and dispose of it when it is full.
14. Use a bug zapper.
A bug zapper is a device that uses electricity to kill insects. They usually work by attracting the bugs with a light and then electrocuting them when they come in contact with the metal grid.
Bug zappers can be effective at getting rid of flies, but they also kill other beneficial insects like bees and ladybugs. If you decide to use a bug zapper, be sure to position it away from areas where you do not want to kill insects.
15. Use Fly Traps

There are a few different types of fly traps that you can use to get rid of flies outside. The most common type is the sticky fly trap. These traps usually have a sweet smelling bait inside of them that attracts flies. Once the fly goes inside, it gets stuck to the sticky surface and cannot escape.
Another type of fly trap is the electric fly trap. This type of trap uses an electrical current to kill the flies. The bait is not as important with this type of trap because the flies are attracted to the light. Both of these types of traps are effective in getting rid of flies outside.
16. DIY fly trap
To make a fly trap, you will need a container, some bait (like overripe fruit), and something to cover the top of the container ( like plastic wrap or cheesecloth).
Drill or poke holes in the top of the container, and then put the bait inside. Cover the top of the container with the holes so that the flies can get in, but not out.
How to get rid of flies in summer
Flies are not only annoying, but they can also carry disease. In the summertime, when temperatures are high and windows and doors are left open, flies can become a real problem. Here are a few tips on how to get rid of flies in your home:
-Keep your garbage can lid closed
-Install screens on doors and windows
-Use a fan
-Hang up fly strips
-Make your own fly trap
Flies are most attracted to garbage, so make sure your garbage can lid is always closed. You should also install screens on all of your doors and windows to keep flies from getting inside. If you have a fan, you can use it to help keep flies away. Fly strips are also a good way to get rid of flies. You can also make your own fly trap by using a jar and some sugar water.
How to get rid of flies outside with vinegar
This is a guide on how to get rid of flies outside with vinegar. Vinegar is an effective natural fly repellent and can be used in a variety of ways to keep flies away from your home.
There are a few things you can do to make sure that your vinegar fly repellent is most effective. First, make sure that the vinegar you use is at least 80% acetic acid. This concentration will ensure that the flies are repelled and will not return to your home.
Next, you need to choose a method of application. You can either spray the vinegar directly onto surfaces where flies land or create a trap using a bowl and some plastic wrap.
If you are spraying the vinegar, be sure to target areas where flies typically land, such as countertops, tables, and windowsills. You can also use a fly swatter or paper towel to wipe down these surfaces after spraying.
For the trap method, simply place a bowl of vinegar in an area where flies are a problem and cover it with plastic wrap. Make sure to poke a few holes in the wrap so that the flies can get inside. Check the trap daily and remove any dead flies.
Either way, you should see a decrease in the number of flies in your home within a few days. Vinegar is a safe and natural way to keep these pests at bay.
How to get rid of flies outside with apple cider vinegar
There are a few things that you can do to get rid of flies outside, and one of them is using apple cider vinegar. Apple cider vinegar is a natural fly repellent, and it’s also very easy to make.
All you need is some apple cider vinegar and water. Mix the two together in a spray bottle and then spray it around the area where you’re having trouble with flies. You can also use this mixture to clean up any fly-infested areas.
If you don’t have apple cider vinegar, you can also try using lemon juice or vinegar. These two ingredients are also natural fly repellents and will work just as well as apple cider vinegar. Just mix them together in a spray bottle and then spray the mixture around the area where you’re having trouble with flies.
How to get rid of flies outside safe for pets
There are a few things you can do to get rid of flies outside without harming your pets. Try these tips:
-Use a fly swatter: This is the quickest and easiest way to kill flies. Just make sure to clean up the dead flies afterwards so your pet doesn’t eat them.
-Hang up fly strips: These are strips of paper coated with a sticky substance that flies get stuck to. You can find them at most hardware stores. Just be careful not to put them where your pet can reach them, as they can be harmful if ingested.
-Make a DIY fly trap: This is a little more work, but you can make an effective fly trap with just a few household items. Get a plastic bottle and cut the top off so it’s open. Fill it with sugar water or some other sweet liquid, then add a little bit of dish soap. The flies will be attracted to the sweetness, but they’ll get stuck in the soapy water and drown.
-Use a store-bought trap: There are many different kinds of fly traps on the market, so you can choose one that best fits your needs. Just be sure to read the instructions carefully so you don’t accidentally harm any other creatures.
What Are Natural Fly Repellents?
There are a number of different ways to keep flies away from your home, and many of them don’t involve using harsh chemicals. Here are some natural fly repellents that you can try:
One way to keep flies away is to make sure there isn’t anything around that might attract them. Keep food covered and dispose of garbage regularly. You can also try using a fly trap to catch any that do make their way inside.
There are a number of plants that flies don’t like, so you can try planting some of them around your home. Citronella, lavender, and marigolds are all good options. You can also try hanging up bags filled with water and a little bit of dish soap; the flies will be attracted to the water and then get trapped in the soap.
How Do You Prevent Flies?
There are a few things you can do to prevent flies from becoming a nuisance in your home. Keep your garbage cans clean and covered, and don’t let food or waste sit out for long periods of time.
Repair any cracks or holes in screens on doors and windows, and make sure that doors and windows are shut tight when not in use.
Finally, consider using a natural fly repellent in your home, such as mint or lavender oil. By taking these simple steps, you can keep flies from becoming a problem in your home.
Why do I have so many flies in my yard?
One possible explanation is that your yard is a breeding ground for flies. If there are sources of food and water, as well as places for them to lay their eggs, then flies will be attracted to your yard.
Another possibility is that you have something in your yard that is attracting flies. This could be anything from garbage to pet waste. If you can identify the source of the flies, you can take steps to eliminate it and reduce the number of flies in your yard.
What is the fastest way to get rid of flies outside?
The best way to get rid of flies is to prevent them from entering your home in the first place. Keep all food and garbage properly sealed, and clean up any spills immediately. You can also use fly traps or insecticide sprays to kill flies that are already inside. If you have a lot of flies outside, try using a bug zapper or hiring a professional pest control company.
Does vinegar keep flies away?
The answer is yes! Vinegar is an effective natural fly repellent because flies are attracted to the sweetness of the vinegar. When you mix vinegar with water, it creates a solution that is bitter and unpleasant to flies. You can use this natural fly repellent inside your home or outdoors.
To repel flies outdoors, simply spray the solution around areas where flies are typically found, such as garbage cans or near plants. To keep flies away indoors, spray the solution around doorways and windows.
You can also use vinegar to clean fly-prone areas, such as countertops and floors. Simply mix equal parts vinegar and water in a bucket and use it to mop your floors or wipe down surfaces. Vinegar is a natural, effective way to keep flies away from your home!
What smell will keep flies away?
There are a few smells that flies find repulsive and will avoid if they can. These include the smell of garlic, onions, citrus, and vinegar. You can use any of these ingredients to make a fly-repellent spray. Just combine equal parts of the ingredient with water in a spray bottle and spritz away.
- How to Get Rid of Gnats and Fruit Flies (9 Organic Ways)
- 10 Plants That Repel Flies Naturally and Keep the Home Bug-Free
In conclusion, there are many ways to get rid of flies outside. You can use a fly swatter, bug zapper, or insecticide. You can also try natural methods like using essential oils or planting fly-repellent plants. Whatever method you choose, make sure to be persistent and consistent to see the best results. Thank you for reading!
Do you have any tips on how to get rid of flies outside? Share them with us in the comments below!