Last Updated on June 22, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
Going to college is an exciting step into adulthood. But for many, it’s also a “baptism of fire” in independent life. And if you think that life in a student dormitory is full of entertainment and long-awaited independence, you are certainly right. But you will also find that your clothes, for some reason, are not clean and ironed, ready-made food is no longer waiting for you on the table, money is always disappearing somewhere, and privacy and silence become the most valuable currency after food.
Along with the obstacles listed above, studentship is all about endless homework, deadlines, finals, and difficult assignments. One of those tasks is writing essays. If you struggle with accomplishing this task, you can turn to an academic essay writer at EssayPro who will gladly assist you. Thus, you will make time for learning other subjects and save your energy and time.
Aspects of Living in a Dorm
Life in a dormitory is a great opportunity to develop communication skills, learn how to establish contact with strangers, make friends, and resolve conflicts. Besides, you can find someone to share heart-to-heart talks, evening guitar songs, and help with studying at any time of the day or night.
All of this is worthwhile because many adults have never learned to do this in their entire lives. Such experiences will only benefit you.
But there are plenty of downsides, too. Problems come in the following ways:
- Domestic disturbances;
- The roommates’ rowdy lifestyles;
- Incompatibility of character;
- Bullying and discrimination;
- Theft;
- Different views on household management, etc.
In order to prevent these problems and live a happy life in a dormitory, it is very important to make a good first impression on your roommates and establish good communication with them. In this article, we will gladly provide you with advice and tips on how to do it so that you can enjoy the studentship.
Get to Know Your Neighbors
If you make an effort to establish a relationship with your neighbors, it will always be beneficial. You don’t have to be best friends with them, but the better you know each other, the easier it is to deal with various issues and problems. Understanding their preferences can help prevent conflicts and misunderstandings.
Try to find out what is important to each of your neighbors, such as hobbies, academic interests, maybe even business ideas, religious beliefs, etc. This will help you understand if you have common interests and also help you avoid negative things in conversation or actions.
Don’t Be Afraid to Talk
Lack of communication is a mistake when it comes to conflicts. Be honest with your neighbor if there is a misunderstanding because ignoring the problem can only make it worse. Speak directly rather than exchanging notes, text messages, and emails. Avoid shifting the blame, as this will only make the situation worse. Keep your tone calm and polite, and do not address the situation publicly.
Most problems can be prevented by mutual agreement. This applies, for example, to cleaning and food storage rules. Designate your own shelf in the refrigerator or label food with your name. Determine how often you will clean the refrigerator, as well as who will take out the trash and when.
If your roommate is a smoker and you hate the smell of cigarettes, tell them beforehand that you can’t stand the smoke in the room. Also, don’t be afraid to ask your roommate not to play music loudly after a certain hour. Everyone has their boundaries, and it’s good to talk about them openly in the beginning.
If you still can’t live in harmony and your roommates still ignore your needs, consider another dorm or apartment. And if they have been in violation of the dormitory or house rules for a long time, don’t be afraid to report it to your landlord or the dormitory superintendent.
Show Tolerance and Respect
When living on campus, you must treat others the same way you want to be treated. This may seem simple enough, but in reality, it requires effort, especially if you feel you are not being treated kindly. Always be considerate of your neighbors’ feelings and opinions, even if you don’t agree with them. This will help build a foundation of respect.
A few tips:
- Always ask if you want to borrow something.
- Always knock on a door before entering.
- Give people privacy when they talk on the phone, as the conversation may be private.
- Allow the roommate to be alone for a while, as everyone needs a little privacy.
- Understand that everyone is different.
Inform About Your Schedule
Some prefer going to bed and waking up early. Some people like pulling all-nighters and waking up very late. Your schedules may be different. It is ideal for comparing schedules with your roommate before the start of the semester. That way, you have a chance that he or she will be attentive to you and your mood in the aftermath.
This will help you prepare for things like when you need to get up early and be quiet not to disturb others’ sleep. Alarm clocks also have something to do with this. If even the slightest noise prevents you from falling asleep, ask your roommate to choose an alarm signal that won’t drive you crazy.
As for hygiene, it depends on whether you share a bathroom only with your roommate or, for example, with the entire dormitory floor. If you only share a bathroom with a roommate, make a schedule. Simply determine the times and times when your bathroom visits will not overlap – agree on private time.
Finding an Alternative Solution
It may not always be how you want it to be. But sometimes, there is a compromise that will allow all parties to agree to the situation. For example, you want to upgrade and decorate the room the way you like it, but your roommate doesn’t approve of it. If a compromise cannot be reached, an alternative solution may be needed.
That’s why you need to sit down and discuss how to decorate your room together, taking into account each other’s interests and preferences.
Be Prepared to Compromise
Remember, no one is perfect. Before engaging in conflict, think about whether it’s worth it. Compromise is an essential part of relationships and is about putting the common good before your own. Compromise often helps maintain good relations with your neighbors and is completely worth it, especially if there is a disagreement over something minor.
Remember, the other side has to compromise, too. For example, your roommate needs to prepare for the exam and ask you to go somewhere else, but you also need to study. The solution – someone needs to find another place to study. This is another way to avoid irritability while preparing for classes.

Accepting Differences
You don’t have to have a lot in common with people to get along with them. In fact, living with someone who has a different opinion, experience, and perspective can be much more fun. You can learn a lot from your neighbors, and vice versa.
Try to appreciate each other’s uniqueness and differences. Remember that it’s only natural to worry about living with someone you haven’t met before. Your neighbors may have the same worries. If you talk to each other about what’s important to you at the beginning of your journey, it can help to build a good relationship quickly.
Summing Up
Living with other students can be a very interesting and rewarding experience in your life. But it can also be exciting, especially if you will be living with someone you don’t know very well or haven’t met before. To maintain a good relationship with them, we recommend you take into account all tips above. Thus, you have a chance not only to build bridges and “partnerships” but also to make best friends with whom you can share the joy of studentship.