Last Updated on March 10, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
Liquid detergent is a great choice for those who have a busy lifestyle. It’s easy to use and doesn’t require any special storage requirements. However, many people are unsure of where to put liquid detergent in the washing machine. In this blog post, we will show you where to put it and how to properly load your washer!
Where to put liquid detergent in front load washing machine?

You can put liquid detergent in front load washing machine in the following ways:
Pour the liquid detergent into the fabric softener compartment. This is usually located on the inside of the door.
If your washing machine doesn’t have a fabric softener compartment, pour the liquid detergent into the main wash compartment.
Add the liquid detergent to the bleach dispenser if your washing machine has one.
If you’re using a powdered detergent, put it in the washer’s drum. Do not put it in the fabric softener or main wash compartments.
How to properly load your front loading washing machine:
First, make sure you have enough space to open the door fully.
Add detergent, fabric softener, and other additives to the desired compartments.
Place light items on the bottom of the washer and heavier items on top.
Close the door and select your desired wash cycle.
Where to put liquid detergent in top load washing machine?
If you are unsure where to put liquid detergent in your top load washing machine, check your owner’s manual. Liquid detergent should be put in the dispenser drawer if your machine has one. If it doesn’t, pour the detergent directly into the washer tub before adding clothes. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific machine.
liquid detergent should be put in the dispenser drawer if your machine has one. If it doesn’t, pour the detergent directly into the washer tub before adding clothes. Be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for your specific machine.
How to properly load your top load washing machine:
-Place clothing into the washer one item at a time
-Add detergent to the dispenser drawer or directly into the tub
-Select the desired cycle and water level
-If you are using fabric softener, add it to the final rinse cycle.
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Where to put liquid detergent in Hotpoint washing machine?
There are a few different places you can put liquid detergent in your Hotpoint washing machine. The first place to try is in the dispenser drawer. This is located on the front of the washer and has several compartments for different types of detergents.
If the dispenser drawer is not empty, you can also try putting the liquid detergent in the main washing compartment. This is located on the top of the washer and can be opened by lifting up the lid.
Finally, if neither of these options work, you can always pour the liquid detergent directly into the drum of the washing machine. Be sure to consult your Hotpoint washing machine manual for more specific instructions.
How to properly load a Hotpoint washing machine
There are a few things to keep in mind when loading a Hotpoint washing machine. First, make sure you use the correct detergent for the type of load you’re washing (light or heavy).
Second, be careful not to overload the washer or it may not clean your clothes properly. Finally, always close the washing machine lid before starting a cycle. These simple tips will help you get the most out of your Hotpoint washing machine.
Where to put liquid detergent in Whirlpool washing machine?
If you have a Whirlpool washing machine, you may be wondering where to put the liquid detergent. Here are some tips to help you out.
First, consult your owner’s manual. It should have specific instructions on where to add the detergent for your model of washing machine.
If you don’t have the owner’s manual, or if you need more help, here are some tips.
If your machine has a dispenser drawer: Add the detergent to the dispenser drawer. Make sure that it is in the correct spot for your type of detergent- powdered, liquid, or concentrated.
If your machine does not have a dispenser drawer: Add the detergent to the main wash tub. Make sure that it is in the correct spot for your type of detergent- powdered, liquid, or concentrated.
Some people like to put the detergent in a mesh bag before adding it to the machine. This can help prevent clumps and make sure that the detergent is distributed evenly.
Whatever method you choose, make sure that the detergent is added to the washer before adding clothes. This will help ensure that your clothes get clean!
Related: 11 Types of Washing Machines: Which One Is Right for You?
How to properly load a Whirlpool washing machine:
Next, you’ll want to make sure that you are properly loading your washing machine. Whirlpool recommends that you add clothes to the washer in small batches so that they have enough room to move around and get clean.
You’ll also want to avoid overloading the washer, as this can cause damage to the machine or result in clothes not getting clean.
Finally, make sure that you close the lid of the machine before starting a cycle. This will help keep the washer running efficiently!
Now you know how to add detergent to your Whirlpool washing machine and how to properly load it- so your clothes will always come out clean!
Where to put liquid detergent in GE washing machine?
The detergent dispenser is located on the top of the washer. There are two compartments: one for bleach and one for fabric softener. The liquid detergent goes in the compartment marked “liquid.” If you’re using powdered detergent, put it in the compartment marked “powdered.” Add your laundry items to the washer and select your cycle. Start the washer and let it run.
How to properly load detergent into GE washing machine
– Liquid detergent should always be put in the designated area
– If too much is added, it could leak out and create a mess
– Make sure to close the cap tightly so that the detergent does not spill out while the machine is in use.
Where to put liquid detergent in Bosch washing machine?
Bosch washing machines have a detergent drawer with three compartments. The first compartment is for pre-wash detergent, the second is for main wash powder or liquid detergent, and the third is for fabric softener.
You should put liquid detergent into the main wash compartment. If your washing machine doesn’t have a detergent drawer, you can put liquid detergent into the main washing compartment or into a pre-wash compartment.
Where to put liquid detergent in Samsung washing machine?
The answer is in the manual, of course.
But if you don’t have time to look through it, here’s a quick guide.
For top-loading Samsung washing machines, there is a detergent dispenser on the left side of the machine.
Pour your liquid detergent into this dispenser.
Some Samsung front-loading washing machines also have a detergent dispenser on the left side of the machine.
Others have a detergent drawer at the bottom of the machine.
Pour your liquid detergent into one of these drawers.
Make sure to read your manual to find out where your particular model’s detergent dispenser is located.
Now you’re ready to do a load of laundry! Happy washing!
If you have a high efficiency (HE) top-loading or front-loading Samsung washing machine, there are special instructions for adding liquid detergent.
HE washing machines use less water and run at lower temperatures than regular machines, so you should use less detergent when washing clothes in them.
For HE top-loading machines, add one-half the recommended amount of liquid detergent to the dispenser.
If your machine doesn’t have a dispenser, add the detergent directly to the washtub before adding clothes.
For HE front-loading machines, add the detergent to the drawer marked “Main Wash.”
If your machine doesn’t have a drawer, add the detergent directly to the washtub before adding clothes.
Again, make sure to use only half the recommended amount of detergent.
Can you put liquid detergent directly in washer?
You can put liquid detergent directly in the washer, but it is best to dilute it with water first. Some people like to use a little bit of powdered detergent as well to help get the clothes clean.
You can also put the detergent in a small container and add it to the wash cycle that way. Whichever method you choose, be sure to read the instructions on the detergent bottle so that you use the right amount. Too much detergent can actually make your clothes dirtier!
If you have a high efficiency washer, there are special detergents made for those machines. Be sure to use only HE detergent in an HE machine, or you could end up with a washer full of suds! Liquid detergent is the best type to use in an HE washer, but if you prefer powder, be sure to get the kind that is specifically made for high efficiency machines.
Can I put liquid detergent in the drum?
You can put liquid detergent in the drum or in the detergent dispenser. Some people find that it works better to put it in the drum, while others find that putting it in the dispenser helps it dissolve more quickly. Experiment and see what works best for you.
Can I use powdered detergent with a liquid fabric softener?
Yes, you can. Some people find that it works better to put the powdered detergent in the drum and the liquid fabric softener in the dispenser. Again, experiment and see what works best for you.
What should I do if my machine doesn’t have a place to put liquid detergent?
If your machine doesn’t have a place to put liquid detergent, you can put it in the bleach dispenser or in a small container and add it manually. Just be sure to follow the directions on the bottle so that you use the right amount.
Do you put liquid detergent in before or after clothes?
This is a common question that people have when they are washing their clothes. Some people think that you need to put the detergent in before you add your clothes, while others think that you should add it after. So which is the right way to do it?
The answer actually depends on what type of liquid detergent you are using. If you are using a liquid detergent that has a built in fabric softener, then you will want to add it after your clothes. This is because the fabric softener can actually coat your clothes and make them feel stiff.
On the other hand, if you are using a liquid detergent without a built in fabric softener, then you will want to add it before your clothes. This is because the detergent needs time to dissolve and get into the fabric of your clothes in order to clean them properly.
Where do you put liquid detergent in a washing machine without a dispenser?
If your washing machine doesn’t have a liquid detergent dispenser, you’ll need to put the detergent in one of two places: either in the fabric softener drawer or in the main washer tub. If you’re using powdered detergent, you can put it in the same place as liquid detergent.
Some people recommend adding the detergent to the fabric softener drawer because it can help to distribute it more evenly throughout the load. Others say that putting it in the main washer tub is better, as it will help it dissolve more quickly. Try both methods and see which one you prefer. Whichever way you choose, make sure to add enough detergent to get your clothes clean!
If you’re using liquid fabric softener, it’s best to put it in the fabric softener drawer. This will help ensure that it gets distributed evenly throughout the load. If you’re using powdered fabric softener, you can add it to the washer tub along with the detergent. Again, try both methods and see which one you prefer.
Some people recommend adding the fabric softener to the rinse cycle instead of the wash cycle, but I don’t think this is a good idea. The fabric softener needs time to work its magic, and if it’s added in the rinse cycle, it will just get washed away without doing its job.
How to use washing powder in a washing machine
If you’re using a washing machine, you’ll need to use a different type of detergent than you would if you were hand-washing your clothes. Washing powder is specially designed to work with the high temperatures and agitation that comes with using a washing machine. You can either put the powder into the detergent drawer, or directly into the washer drum.
Be sure to follow the instructions on the packaging, as different brands and types of washing powder have different amounts that need to be used. Too much powder can lead to your clothes not getting clean, or even cause damage to your washing machine.
Once you’ve added the powder, close the drawer or lid and start your wash cycle as normal. If you’re washing particularly dirty clothes, or if you have hard water, you may need to use a little more detergent. If your clothes come out of the wash looking dirty or smelling bad, try using more detergent next time. Washing powder is affordable and easy to find in stores, so it’s a good choice for most people.
How much detergent should I use?
If you have a high efficiency washer, you should use less detergent than you would with a traditional washer. HE (high efficiency) washers use less water, so using too much detergent can actually leave your clothes feeling dirtier.
The amount of detergent you’ll need to use also depends on how dirty your clothes are. If you’re doing a full load of laundry, you’ll need to use more detergent than if you’re just washing a few items.
If you’re not sure how much detergent to use, start with the small amount recommended on the bottle and increase it until you find the right amount for your needs. You may need to experiment a bit to find the right amount for your washer and your clothes. But once you do, you’ll be able to get your laundry done efficiently and effectively!
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Liquid detergent can be poured into the dispenser drawer on the front of the machine or directly into the fabric softener compartment. If adding it to the fabric softener compartment, make sure that you add it before adding any liquid fabric softener. Some people also like to add a scoop of powdered detergent to their laundry load along with the liquid for an extra boost of clean. No matter which method you choose, be sure to follow the manufacturer’s instructions on how much detergent to use per load. Overloading your washing machine with too much detergent can lead to poor cleaning results and even damage to your machine.
We hope this article was helpful in answering the question, “Where to put liquid detergent in washing machine.” For more tips on how to get your laundry clean and fresh, be sure to check out our other blog posts. Thanks for reading!