14 Bedroom Plants Will Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

Last Updated on February 20, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford

Are you struggling to get a good night’s sleep? The quest for restful sleep is a common challenge, with many finding it hard to relax and recharge effectively.

Introducing Bedroom Plants into your sleeping space could be a natural and effective solution to enhance your sleep quality.

Plants not only add a touch of nature to your bedroom but also carry the potential to improve air quality, thus creating a more soothing environment conducive to sleep.

Recent scientific studies have started to back up these claims, suggesting that certain plants can indeed play a significant role in helping you achieve a better night’s sleep.

This approach to improving sleep quality through the use of bedroom houseplants is not just about beautification; it’s about harnessing the natural benefits plants offer to tackle the sleep challenges you face nightly.

In this article

There’s a simple fix that can make your bedroom more beautiful and more zzzz-inducing in one fell swoop. These 11 common houseplants can improve your nights and beautify your space.

The Science Behind Plants and Sleep

Improving Air Quality for Better Sleep

Having bedroom plants can make your sleeping space not just look nicer but also feel better. Plants are like nature’s own air filters. They take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen, making the air in your bedroom fresher and cleaner.

This exchange helps create an environment that’s more pleasant and suitable for sleeping. Cleaner air means your body gets the oxygen it needs to relax and rejuvenate overnight.

BenefitHow It WorksImpact on Sleep
Fresh AirPlants increase oxygen levels.Enhanced sleep quality.
Reduced ToxinsPlants reduce pollutants.Healthier breathing while sleeping.

Photosynthesis at Night

Not all plants stop their work when the sun goes down. Some, like the Snake Plant and Aloe Vera, continue to produce oxygen even at night through a process called photosynthesis.

This means that while you are sleeping, these plants are hard at work improving the air quality in your room.

Having plants that offer this night-time oxygen boost can help in maintaining a steady supply of fresh air, which is especially helpful in enclosed spaces where air circulation may be limited.

The Power of Plant Scents

Certain plants do more than just purify the air; they also release scents that can help calm your mind and body, making it easier to fall asleep. Lavender, for instance, is well-known for its relaxing aroma.

When you breathe in these natural fragrances, it can help lower stress and anxiety levels, paving the way for a peaceful night’s sleep. The scents from these plants act on your senses, signaling your brain that it’s time to rest.

PlantScent BenefitEffect on Sleep
LavenderCalmingEases you into sleep.
JasmineReduces anxietyImproves quality of sleep.

By incorporating plants into your bedroom, you’re not just decorating; you’re also investing in a natural remedy that can significantly improve the quality of your sleep. Plants offer a simple, yet effective way to address common sleep challenges, making them an ideal addition to any bedroom looking to enhance the sleep environment.

There’s a simple fix that can make your bedroom more beautiful and more zzzz-inducing in one fell swoop. These 11 common houseplants can improve your nights and beautify your space.

1. Lavender

Lavender is a plant well-loved for its beautiful appearance and soothing scent. It grows in small bushes, reaching heights of up to 2 feet, and thrives in sunny environments.

The plant is notable for its purple flowers, which stand out with their vibrant color and delicate structure.

These flowers are not just pretty to look at; they’re also the source of lavender’s famous aroma. The leaves of the lavender plant are green and sometimes have a silvery tint, adding to its visual appeal.

This plant is not only a favorite among gardeners but also widely used in homes for its aesthetic and health benefits.

FeatureDescriptionVisual Appeal
FlowersVibrant purpleHigh
HeightUp to 2 feetMedium
LeavesGreen, sometimes silveryAdds texture

How Its Scent Promotes Relaxation and Sleep

The scent of lavender is more than just pleasant; it has been shown to have a calming effect on the mind and body. When inhaled, the fragrance of lavender can help reduce feelings of stress and anxiety, creating a sense of peace and well-being.

This calming effect is crucial for preparing the body and mind for sleep. By reducing stress levels, lavender helps ease the transition into a restful night’s sleep, making it easier to fall asleep and stay asleep.

Studies suggest that lavender’s scent works by impacting the nervous system, promoting relaxation and improving sleep quality. This is why lavender is often used in products designed for sleep, such as essential oils, sachets, and pillow sprays. The table below highlights the benefits of lavender’s scent on sleep:

Scent BenefitEffect on BodyImpact on Sleep
CalmingReduces stress and anxietyMakes falling asleep easier
RelaxationLowers heart rate and blood pressureImproves sleep quality

Incorporating lavender into your bedroom can be a simple yet effective way to enhance your sleep environment. Whether through a potted plant, dried lavender bouquets, or lavender-scented products, the presence of this plant can make a significant difference in your nightly routine, helping you achieve the restful sleep you deserve.

2. Jasmine

Jasmine Plant

Jasmine is a plant that captivates with both its beauty and fragrance. It boasts delicate white or yellow flowers, which not only add a touch of elegance to any space but also emit a soothing, sweet scent.

This fragrance is not just pleasant to the nose; it also contributes to a calming environment, making Jasmine an ideal plant for the bedroom. The visual appeal of Jasmine, with its intricate flowers and glossy green leaves, can transform your bedroom into a more inviting and serene space.

FlowersDelicate white or yellowEnhances room aesthetics
FragranceSweet and soothingCreates a calming atmosphere

Its Effect on Reducing Anxiety and Improving Sleep Quality

The aroma of Jasmine has been associated with reduced anxiety levels and improved sleep quality. Breathing in the gentle fragrance can help soothe the mind, easing stress and preparing the body for sleep.

This calming effect is beneficial for those who find it difficult to wind down at the end of the day. By fostering a relaxed state, Jasmine can contribute to a quicker sleep onset and a deeper, more restful night’s sleep.

The table below outlines how Jasmine’s aromatic qualities can impact sleep:

BenefitHow Jasmine HelpsImpact on Sleep
Anxiety ReductionSoothing fragrance reduces stressFacilitates easier sleep onset
Sleep QualityPromotes relaxationLeads to deeper, uninterrupted sleep

Incorporating Jasmine into your bedroom setup can offer more than just aesthetic pleasure; it can be a step towards creating a more relaxing and sleep-friendly environment. The combination of its visual beauty and the natural calming effect of its scent makes Jasmine a valuable addition to any bedroom aimed at enhancing sleep quality.

3. Peace Lily

The Peace Lily, scientifically known as Spathiphyllum, is a beautiful plant with lush, green leaves and striking white flowers that resemble a flag of peace, hence its name.

This plant is not just known for its visual appeal but also for its ability to increase humidity levels in its surroundings. The Peace Lily does this through a process called transpiration, where it releases moisture into the air from its leaves.

This natural humidifier can help maintain a comfortable level of humidity in your bedroom, which is especially beneficial in dry climates or during winter months when indoor air tends to be drier.

Visual AppealLush leaves and white flowersAdds beauty to the bedroom
Humidity IncreaseReleases moisture into the airImproves room humidity levels

How It Can Alleviate Dry Noses and Throats to Improve Sleep

An optimal level of humidity is crucial for comfortable sleep, as dry air can lead to irritation in the respiratory system, including dry noses and throats. This irritation can disrupt sleep, leading to a night of restless tossing and turning.

The Peace Lily’s natural ability to increase humidity levels can help alleviate these symptoms by ensuring that the air you breathe while asleep is moist and less likely to cause discomfort. This can result in a more comfortable sleeping environment, allowing for uninterrupted, restful sleep.

The benefits of the Peace Lily in improving sleep by alleviating dry noses and throats can be summarized in the table below:

Problem SolvedHow Peace Lily HelpsImpact on Sleep
Dry AirIncreases room humidityReduces respiratory discomfort
Irritated Respiratory SystemProvides moist air to breatheLeads to uninterrupted sleep

By adding a Peace Lily to your bedroom, you not only enhance the aesthetics of your space but also take a natural step toward creating a more comfortable and conducive sleeping environment.

Its easy-care nature, coupled with its health benefits, makes the Peace Lily an excellent choice for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality naturally.

4. Snake Plant

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant, also known as Sansevieria, stands out with its upright, sword-shaped leaves, which can add a striking visual element to any bedroom.

This plant is not just known for its bold appearance; it is also a powerhouse when it comes to air-purifying capabilities. The Snake Plant is highly efficient in filtering indoor air pollutants, such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene.

Its ability to absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen, particularly during the night, makes it an excellent plant for improving indoor air quality and supporting better sleep environments.

LeavesUpright and sword-shapedAdds visual appeal
Air PurificationFilters common indoor air pollutantsImproves indoor air quality
MaintenanceRequires minimal careIdeal for busy individuals

Its Role in Oxygen Production During Nighttime

Unlike most plants, the Snake Plant has a unique ability to perform photosynthesis at night, a process known as Crassulacean Acid Metabolism (CAM).

This means it continues to take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen after the sun goes down, providing a continuous supply of fresh air during the hours you sleep.

This characteristic is particularly beneficial for creating an optimal sleeping environment, as increased oxygen levels can help improve overall sleep quality.

The benefits of the Snake Plant’s nighttime oxygen production can be summarized as follows:

ProcessActionImpact on Sleep
CAM PhotosynthesisContinues oxygen production at nightEnhances air quality for better sleep
Air PurificationAbsorbs CO2 and other pollutantsCreates a healthier sleeping environment
Low MaintenanceThrives with little water and lightReduces stress for plant care

By integrating a Snake Plant into your bedroom, you’re not only decorating your space but also enriching it with cleaner air and a natural source of oxygen at night. This easy-to-care-for plant is a smart choice for anyone looking to improve their sleep quality through a healthier, more natural sleeping environment.

5. Chinese Evergreen

This flowering tropical plant is aces at filtering air. And it’s an ideal choice for darker bedrooms, since it thrives in low light.

Chinese Evergreen, scientifically named Aglaonema, is a beloved indoor plant known for its durable and attractive foliage. The leaves display a variety of patterns ranging from dark green with silver markings to red or pink, adding a vibrant splash of color to indoor spaces.

Beyond its visual allure, the Chinese Evergreen is also noted for its air-purifying qualities. It effectively removes common indoor pollutants such as benzene and formaldehyde, contributing to a cleaner and healthier living environment. This dual capability of enhancing aesthetics while purifying the air makes the Chinese Evergreen a favored choice for both homes and offices.

AppearanceVariegated leaves with colorful markingsBeautifies indoor spaces
Air PurificationRemoves indoor pollutantsImproves indoor air quality

Care Tips and Suitability for Indoor Environments

The Chinese Evergreen is particularly noted for its low-light tolerance, making it an ideal plant for areas of your home that might not receive ample natural sunlight. Its care routine is straightforward, requiring minimal effort.

The plant prefers well-drained soil and only needs watering when the top inch of soil feels dry to the touch. Overwatering should be avoided to prevent root rot. The Chinese Evergreen appreciates a warm environment and should be protected from drafts and sudden temperature changes.

While it thrives in low-light conditions, providing it with indirect, moderate light can encourage more vibrant leaf colors and patterns. Humidity is appreciated but not necessary for survival, making it well-suited to the typical indoor environment. A light feeding with a balanced fertilizer during the growing season will support its health and vitality.

The table below highlights the care tips for Chinese Evergreen and its adaptability to indoor conditions:

AspectCare RequirementIndoor Suitability
LightLow-light tolerant; prefers indirect, moderate lightIdeal for homes with varying light conditions
WateringWater when top inch of soil is dryEasy to care for, with minimal watering needs
Temperature and HumidityPrefers warm environments; average indoor humidityAdaptable to most indoor settings

Adding a Chinese Evergreen to your indoor plant collection not only brings a touch of exotic beauty to your space but also plays a role in creating a healthier living environment. Its ease of care, coupled with its tolerance for low-light conditions and air-purifying properties, makes the Chinese Evergreen a practical and attractive choice for enhancing indoor aesthetics and air quality.

6. Aloe Vera

Like the snake plant, aloe emits oxygen at night. And huge bonus: all those beauty uses!

Aloe Vera is a succulent plant known for its thick, fleshy leaves that store water, allowing it to thrive in dry conditions. This plant is not only admired for its ability to soothe skin burns and cuts but is also celebrated for its air-purifying qualities.

Aloe Vera can improve indoor air quality by absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen, especially at night. This unique feature distinguishes it from many other plants, making it an excellent choice for a bedroom companion.

Leaf StructureThick and water-storingEfficient in purifying air
Oxygen ReleaseIncreases at nightEnhances air quality during sleep
MaintenanceLowIdeal for indoor environments

Benefits for Sleep Through Oxygen Production at Night

The ability of Aloe Vera to produce oxygen at night is particularly beneficial for sleep. Enhanced oxygen levels can lead to better breathing, which is crucial for a restful night.

This oxygen boost can be especially helpful in enclosed spaces where air circulation is limited. By purifying the air and increasing oxygen availability, Aloe Vera helps create a sleeping environment that supports deeper and more rejuvenating sleep.

The impact of Aloe Vera on sleep can be summarized in the following table:

BenefitHow It WorksImpact on Sleep
Air PurificationAbsorbs carbon dioxideCleaner air for breathing
Oxygen ProductionReleases oxygen at nightSupports deeper sleep
Low MaintenanceEasy to care forStress-free plant choice

Incorporating Aloe Vera into your bedroom setup offers a natural and effective way to enhance your sleep quality. Its low maintenance and air-purifying capabilities make it an ideal choice for those looking to improve their sleep environment naturally.

By placing an Aloe Vera plant in your bedroom, you’re taking a simple step towards achieving a more restful and rejuvenating night’s sleep.

7. Spider Plant

According to the landmark NASA Clean Air Study, spider plants remove about 90 percent of formaldehyde (commonly found in household adhesives and grouts) from the air, in addition to odors and fumes. This one is a total must-have if you can’t.stop.remodeling.

The Spider Plant, known scientifically as Chlorophytum comosum, is celebrated for its lush, green leaves and unique growth pattern, featuring small plantlets that dangle from the mother plant like spiders on a web.

This plant is more than just a decorative piece; it’s a natural air purifier. The Spider Plant has a remarkable ability to absorb pollutants, including carbon monoxide and xylene, making it an excellent choice for enhancing the air quality in your bedroom.

Its contribution to a cleaner environment can lead to better breathing conditions, particularly beneficial while you sleep.

FeatureDescriptionAir Quality Benefit
Growth PatternProduces plantlets that hang downAdds visual interest
Pollutant AbsorptionAbsorbs carbon monoxide and xyleneSignificantly improves indoor air quality
Oxygen ProductionEnhances oxygen levelsContributes to a healthier sleeping environment

Ease of Care and Suitability for Bedroom Environments

One of the most appealing aspects of the Spider Plant is its ease of care. This resilient plant thrives in a wide range of conditions, requiring only moderate light and occasional watering.

Its adaptability makes it perfectly suited for bedroom environments, where conditions might vary. The Spider Plant’s non-toxic nature also makes it safe for homes with pets and children, ensuring that it’s a worry-free addition to any bedroom.

The table below highlights the ease of care and suitability of the Spider Plant for bedroom environments:

AspectCare RequirementBedroom Suitability
LightPrefers moderate, indirect lightAdaptable to most bedroom settings
WateringOccasional, allowing soil to dry between wateringsLow maintenance
SafetyNon-toxic to pets and childrenIdeal for family homes

Incorporating a Spider Plant into your bedroom not only adds a touch of greenery but also actively contributes to a cleaner, more breathable space. Its ease of care and ability to purify the air makes it a suitable and beneficial choice for anyone looking to enhance their sleep environment naturally.

8. English Ivy

We love the look of English Ivy, but it’s not just a pretty face. According to research from the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, the climbing vine removes airborne mold.

English Ivy, scientifically known as Hedera helix, is renowned for its air purification qualities. This evergreen vine is not only appreciated for its aesthetic appeal, with its lush, trailing foliage, but also for its ability to significantly improve indoor air quality.

English Ivy does this by absorbing toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from the air, making it an excellent natural purifier for your home environment.

Additionally, this plant is incredibly easy to grow, thriving in a variety of conditions, from low to bright light, making it suitable for different parts of your home, including the bedroom.

Air PurificationAbsorbs common indoor air pollutantsImproves indoor air quality
Growth EaseThrives in varied light conditionsSuitable for many home environments

Its Potential in Reducing Airborne Mold Levels

One of the standout benefits of English Ivy is its potential in reducing airborne mold levels. This plant has shown a remarkable ability to decrease the presence of mold in the home, contributing to a healthier living environment.

For individuals sensitive to mold or with respiratory issues, incorporating English Ivy into the bedroom or other areas of the house can be a simple yet effective way to mitigate these concerns. The presence of this plant can lead to cleaner air, which is especially beneficial for improving sleep quality and overall health.

The impact of English Ivy on reducing airborne mold levels can be summarized in the table below:

BenefitHow English Ivy HelpsImpact on Health
Mold ReductionDecreases airborne mold particlesImproves respiratory health
Healthier EnvironmentContributes to cleaner airEnhances sleep quality and well-being

Adding English Ivy to your home not only brings a touch of green elegance but also actively works to purify the air, making your sleeping environment more conducive to rest and rejuvenation. Its ease of care, coupled with its powerful air-cleaning and mold-reducing capabilities, makes English Ivy an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their indoor air quality naturally.

9. Rubber Plants

Rubber Plants, known scientifically as Ficus elastica, are striking indoor plants recognized for their glossy, dark green leaves that can grow quite large, making a bold statement in any indoor setting.

Beyond their visual appeal, Rubber Plants are celebrated for their air-purifying qualities. They are efficient at filtering out airborne toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the environment, contributing to cleaner indoor air.

This combination of aesthetic appeal and environmental benefits makes the Rubber Plant a popular choice for both home and office spaces.

AppearanceGlossy, dark green leavesEnhances indoor decor
Air PurificationRemoves common indoor air pollutantsPromotes a healthier living space

Care Tips and Suitability for Indoor Environments

Caring for Rubber Plants is manageable, making them suitable for various indoor environments. These plants prefer bright, indirect light but can tolerate lower light levels, making them versatile for different areas of a home.

They thrive in well-drained soil and require watering only when the top inch of soil becomes dry, which helps prevent overwatering and root rot. High humidity is beneficial but not necessary, allowing Rubber Plants to adapt well to typical indoor conditions.

Seasonal leaf cleaning with a damp cloth can help maintain the leaves’ glossy appearance and maximize their air-purifying capabilities. Additionally, occasional pruning will encourage bushier growth and prevent the plant from becoming too leggy. During the growing season, a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer can promote healthy development.

The table below provides a summary of care tips for Rubber Plants and their suitability for indoor environments:

AspectCare RequirementIndoor Suitability
LightPrefers bright, indirect lightAdaptable to various indoor settings
WateringWater when top inch of soil is dryEasy to maintain with minimal watering
HumidityTolerates average indoor humidityVersatile for most homes and offices

Incorporating a Rubber Plant into your indoor space not only adds a touch of elegance with its large, glossy leaves but also enhances the air quality, making it a valuable addition to any home or office.

With straightforward care requirements and significant benefits to indoor environments, Rubber Plants are an excellent choice for those looking to make a bold statement in their indoor gardening efforts.

10. Golden Pothos

One of the easiest plants to grow (it requires almost NO care at all), the leafy Golden Pothos is another NASA-approved choice for air purification.

Golden Pothos, also known as Epipremnum aureum, is a vibrant, leafy plant recognized for its air-purifying capabilities. This plant features heart-shaped leaves that are variegated with splashes of yellow or white, adding a pop of color and life to any room.

Golden Pothos is more than just a decorative addition; it plays a significant role in cleansing the air. It effectively removes toxins such as formaldehyde, xylene, and benzene from indoor spaces, making it an excellent ally for maintaining a healthier living environment.

Its ability to purify the air is matched by its visual appeal, making it a popular choice for those looking to enhance their home’s aesthetics and air quality.

Air PurificationRemoves common indoor air pollutantsPromotes a healthier living environment
Aesthetic AppealVariegated heart-shaped leavesBeautifies room settings

Low Maintenance, Making It Ideal for Bedroom Settings

One of the most appealing aspects of the Golden Pothos is its low-maintenance nature. This plant is incredibly forgiving and adaptable, thriving in a range of light conditions, from low to bright indirect light.

It requires minimal watering, only needing a drink when the soil has dried out completely. This ease of care makes Golden Pothos an ideal plant for bedroom settings, where you might want the benefits of greenery without the hassle of frequent upkeep.

Its resilience and low-demand care routine ensure that it can enhance your space without adding to your chores, making it a perfect choice for busy individuals or those new to plant care.

The table below highlights the low-maintenance nature of Golden Pothos and its suitability for bedroom environments:

AspectCare RequirementBedroom Suitability
Light AdaptabilityThrives in low to bright indirect lightFits well in most bedroom conditions
WateringMinimal, only when soil is dryLow effort for busy lifestyles
Air PurifyingEffective toxin removalContributes to a healthier sleep environment

Incorporating a Golden Pothos into your bedroom not only brings a touch of nature’s beauty into your personal space but also works silently to purify the air you breathe.

Its ease of care and potent air-cleaning abilities make it an excellent companion for anyone looking to create a tranquil, healthy, and low-maintenance bedroom environment.

11. Bamboo Palm

This delightful palm removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, xylene, and toluene from your air — that’s some serious impact for such a stunning addition.

Bamboo Palm, scientifically known as Chamaedorea seifrizii, is a popular indoor plant that brings a touch of tropical elegance to any room. Characterized by its slender, green stalks and lush foliage that resembles bamboo, this palm is not just admired for its visual appeal but also for its air-purifying qualities.

Bamboo Palm is known to remove toxins such as formaldehyde, benzene, and carbon monoxide from the air, making it an excellent choice for improving indoor air quality. Its ability to thrive in indoor conditions while enhancing the environment makes it a favored plant for both homes and offices.

AppearanceSlender, green stalks with lush foliageAdds a tropical touch to decor
Air PurificationRemoves common indoor air pollutantsImproves indoor air quality

Care Tips and Suitability for Indoor Environments

Caring for a Bamboo Palm is relatively straightforward, making it suitable for a wide range of indoor environments. This palm prefers bright, indirect light but can also adapt to lower light conditions, making it versatile for different locations within a home or office.

It thrives in well-drained soil and requires consistent moisture without being waterlogged. High humidity levels mimic its natural habitat and promote lush growth, but the Bamboo Palm can also tolerate less humid conditions, making it resilient and adaptable.

Regular watering, coupled with occasional fertilizing during the growing season, will keep your Bamboo Palm healthy and vibrant. However, it’s important to avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot. Providing adequate space for its growth ensures that the Bamboo Palm can spread its fronds and develop fully, enhancing its natural beauty and air-purifying capabilities.

The table below summarizes the care tips for Bamboo Palm and its suitability for indoor environments:

AspectCare RequirementIndoor Suitability
LightPrefers bright, indirect lightAdaptable to various light conditions
WateringKeep soil consistently moistRequires attention to watering
HumidityBenefits from high humidityAdaptable to average home environments

Incorporating a Bamboo Palm into your indoor space not only brings a piece of the tropics into your home but also contributes to a healthier living environment. Its ease of care, coupled with its air-purifying and aesthetic qualities, makes the Bamboo Palm an ideal plant for those looking to enhance their indoor spaces with natural beauty and improved air quality.

12. Gardenia


Gardenia, known for its lush, white blooms and intoxicating fragrance, is a symbol of purity and sweetness. The scent of Gardenia is not only pleasing to the senses but also has the ability to enhance mood and promote a sense of calm.

Having a Gardenia plant in your bedroom can transform the space into a serene retreat, where the stresses of the day melt away as you breathe in the sweet aroma.

This plant’s fragrance is often associated with relaxation and has been suggested to help improve sleep quality by creating a peaceful atmosphere conducive to rest.

FragranceIntoxicating and sweetPromotes calmness and relaxation
AppearanceLush, white bloomsAdds elegance to room decor

Considerations for Care, as It Can Be More Demanding Than Other Plants

While Gardenia adds beauty and fragrance to your bedroom, it requires a bit more attention compared to other indoor plants. Gardenias thrive in bright, indirect light and high humidity, conditions that mimic their natural tropical habitat.

They prefer well-drained, acidic soil and benefit from regular watering, making sure the soil remains moist but not waterlogged. Additionally, maintaining a consistent temperature and avoiding drafts is crucial for their well-being.

Despite these specific care requirements, the rewards of having a blooming Gardenia in your bedroom are immense, especially when its sweet fragrance fills the air.

The table below outlines key care considerations for Gardenia and how they contribute to its growth and fragrance:

Care AspectRequirementsImpact on Plant Health
LightBright, indirect lightEnsures healthy growth
HumidityHighMimics natural tropical environment
Soil and WateringWell-drained, acidic soil; keep soil moistPrevents root issues and promotes blooming

Caring for a Gardenia plant might require a bit more effort, but the aromatic and visual rewards make it a worthwhile addition to any bedroom seeking a touch of natural elegance and tranquility. By meeting its care needs, you can ensure that your Gardenia flourishes, bringing its unique beauty and soothing fragrance to your sleeping space.

13. Valerian


Valerian has a long history as a plant used to promote sleep and reduce anxiety. This herb, characterized by its sweet-scented pink or white flowers, has been utilized for centuries in traditional medicine across different cultures.

Its roots, in particular, are known for their potent properties that can help calm the nervous system. The historical use of Valerian is well-documented, with people turning to it as a natural remedy to ease stress and encourage a restful night’s sleep.

AspectDescriptionHistorical Significance
Plant TypeHerb with sweet-scented flowersUsed for medicinal purposes
UsageRoots known to promote sleep and reduce anxietyValued in traditional medicine

How Its Scent Can Help You Fall Asleep Faster

The scent of Valerian, especially from its roots, is believed to have a calming effect that can facilitate a faster transition to sleep. This natural sedative works by soothing the mind, making it easier to let go of the day’s tensions and slip into a state conducive to sleep.

The presence of Valerian in the bedroom, through dried roots or essential oils, can significantly contribute to creating a tranquil atmosphere that supports quicker sleep onset.

The impact of Valerian’s scent on sleep can be summarized in the table below:

BenefitHow Valerian HelpsImpact on Sleep
Calming EffectScent soothes the mindReduces time to fall asleep
Sleep QualityNatural sedative propertiesEnhances depth and quality of sleep

Incorporating Valerian into your bedtime routine, whether as a potted plant, dried roots, or through aromatherapy, can offer a gentle, natural way to improve your sleep.

Its historical reputation as a sleep aid, coupled with its calming scent, makes Valerian an excellent choice for anyone looking to enhance their nighttime relaxation and overall sleep quality.

14. Chamomile: A Tranquil Addition to Your Bedroom

Known for Its Calming Tea, the Plant Itself Can Have a Soothing Presence

Chamomile is widely celebrated for its calming effects when brewed into tea, a tradition that speaks to its soothing presence. This plant, with its delicate white flowers and sweet, apple-like fragrance, extends its serene qualities beyond the teacup.

Having Chamomile in your bedroom isn’t just about aesthetics; it’s about bringing a piece of tranquility into your personal space.

The gentle aroma of Chamomile flowers can help soothe the mind, creating a peaceful atmosphere that encourages relaxation and prepares you for sleep.

AromaSweet, apple-like fragrancePromotes relaxation and calm
Visual AppealDelicate white flowersAdds beauty and tranquility to room settings

Care Tips and How Its Aroma Can Improve Sleep

Caring for a Chamomile plant is relatively straightforward, making it an accessible option for those new to indoor gardening.

Chamomile thrives in well-drained soil and prefers full to partial sunlight, which means it can do well in a bedroom that receives natural light. Watering should be consistent, allowing the soil to dry slightly between waterings.

Beyond its ease of care, the Chamomile plant’s aroma is a natural aid for sleep. Inhaling its gentle fragrance can decrease feelings of anxiety and stress, paving the way for a better night’s sleep. Its scent works subtly to calm the nervous system, making it easier to transition into sleep.

The table below summarizes care tips for Chamomile and its benefits for sleep:

Care AspectTipsSleep Benefit
SunlightPrefers full to partial sunlightSuitable for sunny bedrooms
WateringAllow soil to dry slightly between wateringsEasy maintenance fits busy schedules
AromaSweet and calmingHelps reduce anxiety, improving sleep quality

Incorporating Chamomile into your bedroom brings more than just visual beauty; it introduces a natural element of calm and relaxation, making it an ideal choice for anyone seeking to improve their sleep environment. Through simple care routines, you can enjoy the dual benefits of this plant’s soothing presence and its sleep-enhancing aroma.

Care Tips for Bedroom Plants

Ensuring your bedroom plants thrive involves understanding and implementing basic care guidelines. These tips not only help in maintaining the health of your plants but also enhance the overall ambiance and air quality of your bedroom.

Basic Care Guidelines Common to Most Bedroom Plants

Most bedroom plants share similar needs when it comes to lighting and watering, two fundamental aspects of plant care.

Care AspectRequirementTips
LightingMost bedroom plants require bright, indirect light.Position plants near windows but avoid direct sunlight that can harm them.
WateringOverwatering is a common issue.Water only when the topsoil feels dry to touch. This prevents root rot and maintains optimal soil moisture.

It’s crucial to understand the specific needs of each plant since some might have unique requirements. Regularly checking the soil moisture and observing the plant’s response to its location can help you adjust care practices as needed.

Tips on Positioning Plants in the Bedroom for Optimal Benefits

The positioning of plants in your bedroom can significantly impact their health and the benefits they provide.

Positioning AspectBenefitTips
Near the BedPlants like Lavender and Jasmine can promote relaxation with their scents.Place these plants close to your bed to help improve sleep quality.
Natural Light SourcesMaximizes photosynthesis.Position plants where they can receive ample indirect sunlight, usually near windows.

The goal is to create a balance where plants receive enough light and you can enjoy their aesthetic and air-purifying benefits without overwhelming your space.

Note on Avoiding Over-Cluttering, Which Might Affect Air Quality Negatively

While adding plants to your bedroom can enhance the space’s air quality and visual appeal, too many plants might have the opposite effect.

Over-ClutteringCan restrict airflow, leading to poor air circulation.Choose a few key plants that fit comfortably in your space.

Ensuring there’s enough space around each plant for air to circulate freely is crucial. This not only helps in keeping your plants healthy but also contributes to maintaining or improving the room’s air quality.

Incorporating plants into your bedroom requires a balance between enhancing the environment and maintaining it healthily and clutter-free. By following these care tips and positioning strategies, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of bedroom plants without compromising the comfort and air quality of your space.


In conclusion, integrating plants into your bedroom not only elevates the aesthetic appeal of your space but also brings numerous health benefits, including improved air quality and a more restful sleep environment.

By adhering to basic care guidelines such as proper lighting and watering, and strategically positioning plants within the room, you can maximize these benefits while ensuring your plants thrive.

It’s important to remember, however, that moderation is key. Too many plants can lead to over-cluttering, negatively impacting air quality and the overall ambiance of your bedroom.

By selecting a few key plants that suit your lifestyle and space, you can create a serene, healthy, and beautiful bedroom retreat that promotes relaxation and well-being.

FAQs about Bedroom Plants

What are the best plants to keep in the bedroom for better sleep?

Lavender, Snake Plant, Aloe Vera, and Peace Lily are among the best plants for enhancing sleep quality due to their air-purifying qualities and the calming effect of their natural scents.

How do plants in the bedroom improve air quality?

Plants improve air quality by absorbing toxins and carbon dioxide from the air and releasing oxygen through the process of photosynthesis. Some plants also release water vapor, which increases humidity and can improve respiratory health.

Can plants in the bedroom help reduce stress?

Yes, certain plants like Lavender and Jasmine have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety levels, thanks to their soothing scents, which can lead to a more restful sleep.

How many plants should I have in my bedroom?

The number of plants depends on the size of your bedroom and its ventilation. However, it’s important to avoid over-cluttering to ensure each plant has enough space and the air quality remains high.

Do all bedroom plants need natural light?

While most plants benefit from natural light, some can thrive in low-light conditions. Plants like the ZZ Plant and Cast Iron Plant are great options for rooms with limited natural light.

How often should I water my bedroom plants?

Watering frequency depends on the plant type and the environment. Generally, it’s best to check the soil moisture level and water only when the top inch of soil is dry.

Are there any harmful plants to keep in the bedroom?

Most bedroom plants are safe, but some can be harmful if ingested by pets or small children. It’s always a good idea to research and ensure a plant is safe before bringing it into your home.

Can I keep a plant near the air conditioner or heater?

Placing plants too close to air conditioners or heaters can stress them due to drafts or dry air. It’s best to place plants in a spot where they can receive stable temperatures and humidity.

How do I choose the right pot for my bedroom plant?

Choose a pot with adequate drainage to prevent water from sitting at the bottom, which can lead to root rot. The pot size should also give the plant enough room to grow without being too large, which can hinder the soil from drying properly.

Can plants in the bedroom attract insects?

While it’s rare, overwatering or not cleaning fallen leaves can attract insects. Keeping your plants healthy and maintaining cleanliness can minimize this risk.