How to Install a Farmhouse Sink | Step-by-Step Guide

Last Updated on September 7, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

A farmhouse sink, also known as an apron-front sink, is a deep and wide basin that is a common feature in many kitchens due to its unique blend of practicality and style.

The name “farmhouse” comes from the design’s origins in rural farmhouses where a large, utilitarian sink was necessary for preparing large meals and cleaning up afterward.

In today’s modern homes, farmhouse sinks have become a popular choice for several reasons. First, their deep basins offer ample space for washing large pots and pans, making them perfect for avid cooks or large families.

Second, they add a charming, rustic aesthetic that can complement a variety of kitchen designs, from traditional to contemporary. A farmhouse sink serves as a statement piece, adding character and a personal touch to your kitchen.

However, installing a farmhouse sink is not as straightforward as a standard sink installation. It often requires custom cabinetry or modifications to existing cabinets to accommodate its size and weight.

The importance of correct installation cannot be overstated. Incorrectly installed farmhouse sinks can lead to problems down the line, such as leaks or structural damage to your cabinets.

Therefore, understanding the steps involved in the installation process is crucial to enjoying the benefits of a farmhouse sink. This article will guide you through everything you need to know about installing a farmhouse sink.

What You’ll Need

To install a farmhouse sink, you’ll need the following tools and materials:

  1. Farmhouse Sink: Make sure to choose the right size that fits your kitchen cabinet and design.
  2. Sink Base Cabinet: This should be specifically designed to hold the weight and size of a farmhouse sink.
  3. Mounting Hardware: Check if the sink comes with its own mounting hardware. If not, you’ll need to purchase this separately.
  4. Silicone Sealant: This is used to seal the edges of the sink, preventing water from seeping in.
  5. Level: A level will ensure that your sink is installed evenly.
  6. Tape Measure: You’ll need this for accurate measurements.
  7. Drill: A drill may be necessary to make holes for the mounting hardware.
  8. Saw: Depending on your cabinet, you might need a saw to cut the front panel to accommodate the sink’s apron front.
  9. Plywood or 2x4s: These are needed for additional support, especially for heavy sinks.
  10. Plumbing Tools: Pliers, pipe wrench, and plumber’s putty might be needed for connecting the plumbing.
  11. Safety Gear: Don’t forget your safety glasses and gloves!

Choosing the Right Farmhouse Sink

install farmhouse sink

When selecting a farmhouse sink for your kitchen, there are several factors to consider:

  1. Size: The size of the sink is one of the most crucial considerations. You need to measure the width, depth, and height of your sink cabinet to ensure the sink will fit perfectly. Standard farmhouse sinks are typically 30-33 inches wide, but sizes can range anywhere from 20 to 60 inches.
  2. Material: Farmhouse sinks come in a variety of materials including fireclay, stainless steel, copper, cast iron, and even stone. Each material has its own pros and cons in terms of durability, maintenance, and aesthetic appeal. For example, fireclay and cast iron are known for their durability and classic look but may require more careful handling to avoid chipping. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is more resistant to chipping but may show scratches more easily.
  3. Style: Farmhouse sinks come in different styles, from traditional to contemporary. Some have a smooth apron front, while others feature a fluted or decorative front. The choice largely depends on your personal preference and the overall design of your kitchen.
  4. Single vs Double Bowl: While traditional farmhouse sinks are single bowl, double bowl options are also available. Double bowl sinks can offer more flexibility, allowing you to use one side for washing and the other for rinsing or drying.
  5. Undermount vs Topmount: An undermount sink is installed beneath the countertop, providing a seamless look. A topmount, or drop-in sink, is installed with the lip of the sink over the countertop. This decision often depends on the type of countertops you have and your personal preference.
  6. Color: While white is the traditional color for farmhouse sinks, they are available in a variety of colors to match your kitchen decor.

Preparing for Installation

Before you can install your new farmhouse sink, there are several preparation steps to consider:

  1. Remove the Old Sink: Start by turning off the water supply. Then, disconnect the plumbing using your pliers or pipe wrench. Carefully lift the old sink out of its position. You may need assistance with this step as some sinks can be quite heavy.
  2. Measure the Space: Measure the width, depth, and height of your cabinet to ensure your new farmhouse sink will fit. Remember, farmhouse sinks are deeper than standard sinks, so ensure your cabinet is deep enough.
  3. Prepare the Cabinet: Depending on the design of your farmhouse sink, you may need to cut into the front of your cabinet to accommodate the apron front. Use your saw for this, but remember to measure twice and cut once to avoid mistakes. If your sink is heavier than the previous one, you may also need to reinforce the cabinet using plywood or 2x4s.
  4. Check Plumbing Alignment: Farmhouse sinks are typically deeper than standard sinks, which might affect the alignment of your plumbing. Make sure that your existing plumbing lines up with the drain hole of your new sink. If it doesn’t, you’ll need to adjust your plumbing accordingly.
  5. Clean the Area: Before installing your new sink, make sure the area is clean and free from any debris. This will help ensure a tight seal when you apply your silicone sealant.

Step-by-Step Installation Guide

Here’s a comprehensive guide to installing a farmhouse sink:

Marking and Cutting

  1. Measure and Mark the Sink’s Layout: Using the sink template provided by the manufacturer, accurately mark the area where the sink will be installed on the countertop and cabinet. If a template is not provided, you can turn the sink upside down and trace around it.
  2. Cut the Countertop and Cabinet: Use a jigsaw or circular saw to cut along the marked lines. Remember to wear safety gear during this process.

Mounting the Sink

  1. Position the Sink: Carefully place the sink into the opening you’ve cut out. It should fit snugly. If the sink has a front apron, it should overlap the front of the cabinet.
  2. Secure the Sink: If your sink comes with mounting hardware, use it to secure the sink to the cabinet. If not, you may need to use a combination of brackets and adhesive to ensure the sink is firmly in place.

Sealing and Caulking

  1. Apply Silicone Sealant: Apply a bead of silicone sealant around the edge of the sink where it meets the countertop. This will create a watertight seal and prevent water from seeping into the cabinet.
  2. Smooth the Sealant: With a caulk smoothing tool or your finger, smooth out the bead of sealant to ensure it fully fills the gap between the sink and the countertop.

Connecting the Plumbing

  1. Reconnect the Drain and Water Supply: Attach the drain pipe and reconnect the water supply lines. If your new sink is deeper than your old one, you may need to adjust the height of the drain pipe.
  2. Test for Leaks: Turn the water back on and check for leaks. Tighten any connections as necessary and wipe away any excess sealant.

Post-Installation Tips

After successfully installing your new farmhouse sink, it’s essential to know how to care for and maintain it to ensure it stays in top shape for years to come.

Caring for Your Farmhouse Sink

  1. Regular Cleaning: Clean your sink regularly with a non-abrasive cleaner to prevent stains and build-up. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive tools that could damage the sink’s finish.
  2. Rinse After Use: Always rinse your sink using warm water after each use. This will help to eliminate any food residue or potential stain-causing substances.
  3. Drying: Try to dry your sink after each use to prevent water spots, particularly if you have hard water.
  4. Protect the Bottom: Consider getting a sink grid or mat to protect the bottom of your sink from scratches or dents.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

  1. Leaks: If you notice any leaks, check all connections and seals. Tighten or reseal as necessary. If the problem persists, contact a plumber.
  2. Stains: If you notice stains, try using a gentle cleaner and soft cloth. Avoid any abrasive cleaners or tools that can scratch the surface. For stubborn stains, a baking soda and water paste can be effective.
  3. Scratches: Minor scratches can often be buffed out using a fine abrasive pad and some elbow grease. For deeper scratches or chips, you may need to contact the manufacturer or a professional for repair options.


Installing a farmhouse sink can be a rewarding DIY project that not only adds aesthetic appeal to your kitchen but also enhances its functionality. The process involves careful preparation, precise measurement, modifying your cabinet, installing the sink, reconnecting the plumbing, and performing a final check for leaks.

However, it’s important to remember that every sink and kitchen setup is unique. Always refer to the manufacturer’s instructions for specific installation guidelines. If you’re not comfortable with any step of this process, it’s advisable to hire a professional to avoid potential issues later on.

Once installed, regular care and maintenance can keep your farmhouse sink looking and functioning at its best for many years. Prompt attention to common issues such as leaks or stains will ensure your sink remains a valuable addition to your kitchen.

In conclusion, while the task might seem daunting at first, with the right tools and guidance, you can successfully install a farmhouse sink in your kitchen. Enjoy the benefits of your new sink and the satisfaction of having done it yourself!