15 Genius Stacked Laundry Room Ideas to Maximize Space

Last Updated on June 22, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford

Ever struggled with finding enough space for your laundry area? Stacked laundry room ideas might be your solution.

These setups are not only space-saving but also boost efficiency and offer a modern look to your home.

Imagine having a neat, organized area where you can do your laundry without feeling cramped.

In this article, you’ll discover various styles and designs that cater to different tastes and needs.

From compact and cozy spaces to chic and stylish designs, there’s something for everyone. Get ready to transform your laundry routine with these practical and visually appealing ideas.

15 Brilliant Stacked Laundry Room Ideas for Small Spaces

1. Compact and Cozy

A compact and cozy laundry space with stacked units can transform even the smallest area into a functional powerhouse.

Utilize vertical storage to maximize space and keep everything organized. Wall-mounted shelves, hooks, and baskets can hold detergents and cleaning supplies.

To make the space feel larger, use light colors and reflective surfaces.

Adding a few plants can also bring in a touch of freshness and make the space more inviting. As Nate Berkus says, “Your home should tell the story of who you are and be a collection of what you love”.

2. Modern Minimalist

2 stacked laundry room ideas

Embrace a modern minimalist style with stacked laundry units for a sleek and clean look. Stick to neutral colors like white, gray, and black to create a calming environment.

Clean lines and minimal decor keep the space uncluttered and functional. Incorporate smart storage solutions such as built-in cabinets and pull-out hampers to hide away laundry essentials.

According to Marie Kondo, “The objective of cleaning is not just to clean, but to feel happiness living within that environment”.

3. Rustic Charm

3 stacked laundry room ideas

Bring rustic charm into your laundry room by incorporating stacked units with earthy tones and vintage accessories.

Reclaimed wood shelves, antique baskets, and a vintage washboard can add character and warmth to the space.

Functional yet charming, these elements create a balance between aesthetics and practicality. A quote by Joanna Gaines fits perfectly here: “The best rooms have something to say about the people who live in them”.

4. Hidden Laundry Closet

4 stacked laundry room ideas

Designing a hidden laundry closet with stacked units can seamlessly blend your laundry space with the rest of your home decor.

Use sliding doors, curtains, or even a cabinet to conceal the units when not in use. This approach keeps your laundry area tidy and visually appealing.

Integrate the same colors and materials as the surrounding room to maintain a cohesive look. As Kelly Wearstler puts it, “Luxury is in each detail”.

5. Industrial Vibes

5 stacked laundry room ideas

Incorporate industrial design elements into your stacked laundry room for a bold, modern look.

Use metal accents, exposed pipes, and concrete finishes to create an edgy atmosphere. This style not only looks cool but is also highly practical, with durable materials that can withstand the rigors of laundry tasks.

Remember the advice of Tom Dixon: “Design is about the betterment of our lives”.

6. Bright and Airy

6 stacked laundry room ideas

Create a bright and airy laundry space with stacked units to make your chores feel less like a burden.

Use light colors such as white or pastel shades, ample lighting, and open shelving to enhance the sense of space.

Reflective surfaces and well-placed mirrors can also help to bounce light around the room. As Bobby Berk says, “A home should be a reflection of your personality”.

7. Multifunctional Space

7 stacked laundry room ideas

Combining the laundry room with other functional spaces, like a mudroom or pantry, can make your home more efficient.

With stacked units, you can free up floor space for additional storage or a seating area. Use cubbies, hooks, and shelves to keep everything organized and easy to access.

Keeping this space clutter-free ensures it remains practical and pleasant to use. As Emily Henderson wisely says, “Good design is a lot like clear thinking made visual”.

8. Chic and Stylish

8 stacked laundry room ideas

Designing a chic and stylish laundry room with stacked units can turn a mundane task into a delightful experience.

Use trendy decor, bold colors, and statement pieces to personalize the space. Consider adding stylish accessories like a decorative rug, art prints, or a chic light fixture.

These touches make the laundry room feel like an extension of your living space. According to Jonathan Adler, “Your home should be like a good dose of Zoloft”.

9. Farmhouse Feel

Creating a farmhouse-style stacked laundry room adds a warm, inviting touch to your home. Use shiplap walls, barn doors, and farmhouse sinks to achieve this look.

Blend these rustic elements with modern conveniences like energy-efficient appliances and ample storage.

This combination ensures your laundry room is both charming and functional. Chip Gaines captures this balance perfectly: “If you’re a fan of Fixer Upper, you know there’s nothing more important to us than making a house feel like a home”.

10. Space-Saving Solutions

10 stacked laundry room ideas

Innovative space-saving ideas for stacked laundry rooms can transform your laundry routine. Use pull-out shelves for easy access to detergents and supplies without taking up extra space.

Install folding tables that can be tucked away when not in use, and consider compact storage units to keep everything organized. Maximize every inch by using vertical storage and wall-mounted hooks. As Ikea’s design philosophy states, “Small spaces can be big on style”.

11. Luxury Laundry Room

11 stacked laundry room ideas

Designing a luxurious laundry room with stacked units can make laundry day feel like a treat. Use high-end materials like marble countertops and elegant fixtures to elevate the space.

Add sophisticated decor, such as plush rugs and stylish lighting, to create a lavish atmosphere.

Consider incorporating features like a built-in ironing station or a drying rack that seamlessly integrates into the design. Nate Berkus says it best, “Your home should tell the story of who you are”.

12. Eclectic and Fun

12 stacked laundry room ideas

Creating an eclectic and fun laundry room with stacked units adds personality to a usually mundane task.

Use bright colors, playful patterns, and quirky accessories to make the space lively and inviting. Mix and match different styles and textures to reflect your unique taste.

Add elements like a funky wallpaper or colorful storage bins to keep things interesting. As Jonathan Adler advises, “Your home should be like a good dose of Zoloft”.

13. Vintage Vibes

13 stacked laundry room ideas

Designing a vintage-inspired stacked laundry room adds a touch of nostalgia and charm to your home.

Use retro appliances, vintage decor, and nostalgic elements to create a warm and inviting space. Think about integrating items like a classic ironing board, antique baskets, and retro signage.

Blending these vintage touches with modern functionality ensures that your laundry room is both stylish and practical. As Ellen DeGeneres says, “Design is a reflection of the heart”.

14. Scandinavian Simplicity

14 stacked laundry room ideas

Incorporating Scandinavian design principles into a stacked laundry room brings a sense of calm and order.

Use light wood, simple lines, and functional decor to create a serene environment. Keep the space uncluttered with clean, minimalistic storage solutions.

The goal is to create a room that is both beautiful and efficient. Ilse Crawford sums it up perfectly: “Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works”.

15. Eco-Friendly Design

15 stacked laundry room ideas

Designing an eco-friendly stacked laundry room helps reduce your environmental impact while maintaining style.

Use sustainable materials, energy-efficient appliances, and green decor to create a space that is both functional and environmentally conscious.

Look for bamboo shelving, recycled glass countertops, and non-toxic paint. Incorporating plants can also improve air quality and add a fresh touch. According to William McDonough, “Design is the first signal of human intentions”.


Creating the perfect laundry room is all about balancing style and functionality. Whether you prefer the compact and cozy feel, the industrial vibes, or the luxurious touch, there are countless ways to design a space that suits your needs and taste.

By incorporating thoughtful elements like vintage decor, eco-friendly materials, and Scandinavian simplicity, you can transform your laundry room into an efficient and beautiful part of your home.

Remember, as Nate Berkus says, “Your home should tell the story of who you are”. So, make your laundry room a true reflection of your personality and lifestyle.

FAQs About Stacked Laundry Room Ideas

1. How can I make a small laundry room more efficient with stacked units?

Maximizing space in a small laundry room involves using stacked units to free up floor space. Incorporate pull-out shelves and wall-mounted storage to keep essentials organized and easily accessible. Opt for light colors and reflective surfaces to make the room feel larger.

2. What are some stylish ideas for a chic and modern stacked laundry room?

To create a chic and modern stacked laundry room, use trendy decor, bold colors, and statement pieces. Add stylish accessories like decorative rugs, art prints, and unique lighting fixtures. Keeping the design clean and minimalistic enhances the overall aesthetic.

3. How do I design an eco-friendly stacked laundry room?

Designing an eco-friendly stacked laundry room involves using sustainable materials and energy-efficient appliances. Consider bamboo shelving, recycled glass countertops, and non-toxic paints. Adding plants can improve air quality and add a natural touch to the space.

4. What are the benefits of incorporating vintage decor into a stacked laundry room?

Incorporating vintage decor into a stacked laundry room adds charm and character. Use retro appliances, antique baskets, and nostalgic elements to create a cozy and inviting space. Blending vintage style with modern functionality ensures both aesthetic appeal and practicality.

5. How can I create a multifunctional laundry room with stacked units?

To create a multifunctional laundry room, combine it with other spaces like a mudroom or pantry. Use stacked units to save space and add cubbies, hooks, and shelves for additional storage. Keeping the area organized and clutter-free ensures it remains functional and efficient.