Last Updated on March 26, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
There is an old running joke saying that killing a cockroach is like killing an ancestor because they have been existing for millions of years, long before human beings came into existence.
But times have changed and from being the archaic species that they are, they are now considered one of the dirtiest, disease-ridden scavenger species, nesting on cupboards, storage rooms and must be killed at sight to prevent germs.
But did you know that they are different types of cockroaches? And if you are worried about cockroach infestation, you have to know how to identify them. So in this post, we will cover the types of cockroaches and everything you need to know about them.
Cockroaches facts
Before anything else, we have to know some important facts about cockroaches first. Sometimes, our fear of them and the possible threat they pose become so heightened that we overlook that they are niching on our homes because our lifestyle is permitting them to thrive there.
Other than this, it would be best to know more about these pests so here are some facts that you should know about cockroaches.
- Cockroaches could survive for one whole week without their heads so when you want them gone, make sure that they truly are gone and not just head-squished.
- Flushing them off using water may not be a good trick too because they could survive submerged in water for 40 seconds.
- They can run for 300 miles per hour. This means that this is also their capacity to spread germs around your home.
- Cockroaches are actually drawn to alcohol and alcoholic beverages. They love the scent, spirit, and sugar present in alcoholic beverages.
- There are 4,000 recognized cockroach species in the world with the German cockroach is the most common.
- Cockroaches are true survivors; they can live without food for more than a month.
- There are at least 33 types of bacteria that cockroaches could carry. Some of these would be salmonella and E.coli.
- Cockroaches didn’t just co-exist with dinosaurs. Some roach fossils actually pre-date the existence of dinosaurs (over 350 million years of roach existence).
- Cockroaches are not always on the move to scavenge. They actually spend 75% of their time hiding and resting to avoid threats.
How many different types of roaches are there?
While there are more than 4,500 recognized species of cockroaches, we can categorize them into eight major types. In your fight against cockroach infestation, the first plan of action is always identification.
There are eight common types of cockroaches. These are German cockroaches, American cockroaches, Oriental cockroaches, wood cockroaches, smokybrown cockroaches, brown-banded cockroaches, Asian cockroaches, and Australian cockroaches. For the next section, we will dissect the most important information about these types of cockroaches.
- 10 Types of Cockroaches in Florida: Identification and Removal Tips
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Arizona: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- 9 Types of Cockroaches in California: Identification and Prevention Tips
- 8 Types of Cockroaches in Georgia: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- Cockroaches in Tennessee: Types, Identification, and Prevention
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Virginia: Identification, Removal, and Prevention
- 6 Types of Cockroaches in Texas (and How to Get Rid of Them)
- 5 Types of Cockroaches in Michigan: Identification and Removal
- 5 Types of Cockroaches in Ohio: Identification and Removal Tips
- Cockroaches in Indiana: 6 Types, Identification, and Removal
- 6 Different Types of Cockroaches in Hawaii: How to Avoid These Pests
- 5 Types of Cockroaches In Colorado: Identification, and Removal
- 4 Types Of Cockroaches in Washington: Identification and Removal
- Cockroaches in Oregon: 4 Types and How to Get Rid of Them
- 7 Types of Cockroaches in North Carolina: Identification and Removal
- 5 Types Of Cockroaches in Massachusetts: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- 5 Types Of Cockroaches in Maryland: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
- 5 Types Of Cockroaches in Iowa: How to Identify and Get Rid of Them
Common Types of cockroaches
As have been previously mentioned, there are eight most common types of cockroaches. These common types of roaches are considered as pest insects most of the time because of their ability to invade homes and make full-blown infestation.
In this section, we will give brief descriptions of each type for proper identification, provide some basic signs of infestation, and some pointers of how to get rid of them.
1. American Cockroaches (Periplaneta americana)

This one is also called the sewer roach or the palmetto bug. Unlike German cockroaches, these ones live outdoors and will not infest living spaces.
Like German cockroaches, they are fast-moving, they reproduce fast and can trigger asthma and spread diseases fast too.
Related: What’s The Difference Between Palmetto Bugs and Cockroaches?
What do they look like
For starters, they have wings but they use them for gliding and not for flying. They could grow to up to 3inches in length which makes them one of the biggest common roaches.
They are identified with their reddish-brown color and a light yellow single stripe in the abdomen. Juvenile American roaches do not have wings while adults have wings.
Signs of infestation
American cockroaches live on sewers or pipes, hence, the name. Through this, they can easily enter homes and feed on stored food.
They enter through cracks in the windowsill and small holes. Signs of infestation include seeing them in basements, kitchen, and even in bedrooms.
How to get rid of American Cockroaches
Since they thrive outdoors and are only attracted indoors when there is a steady food source, you can get rid of American cockroaches by making sure that garbage lids are tightly shut and are moved in damp or moist areas.
You also have to make sure that the kitchen is clean along with kitchen appliances.
2. German Cockroaches (Blattella germanica)

This is the most common house and building cockroach. Aside from that, they are also the fastest producing cockroach of all species.
They are quite dangerous because they are more prone to contaminating food and cooking equipment. They also shed more frequently than others leaving egg cases that can cause allergies for those with asthma.
What do they look like
German cockroaches are relatively small (0.5inch long). While they have wings, they are not the flying kind and they only use the wings to glide.
Young German cockroaches, who by the way are fondly called as nymphs, have two small, dark brown to black and tan stripes running down throughout the back.
Adult German cockroaches on the other hand have a lighter brown color with two black stripes on their thorax.
Signs of infestation
German cockroaches can survive anywhere and can be brought inside the home through grocery bags, furniture, and boxes.
They would usually hang out in bathrooms or in kitchens or where there is food or near water sources. They would niche on pipes and ducts of homes and buildings.
Once you see them in bedrooms or closets, that is essentially an intervention call as you have reached the infestation stage.
How to get rid of German cockroaches
Depending on infestation, getting rid of German cockroaches can take two to six weeks. There are many ways to get rid of them but here are some ways to do that. One is using food-grade diatomaceous earth.
It is very abrasive damaging roaches to the bone. It has the ability to execute a whole colony as the substance will rub on to them eventually. Other methods involve the use of sugar and borax solution, soapy water, mint oil spray, catnip, and coffee grounds.
3. Brown-banded Cockroaches (Supella longipalpa)

They are as indoors as German cockroaches but they are less common and are less prolific than German cockroaches.
Male brown-banded roaches are jumpy and are easily disturbed (jumping instead of flying). While the females have wings too, they are just rudimentary parts.
What do they look like
This species is distinguishable for their narrow bodies but are relatively small at 0.5inch length.
They are named as such because they have brown or yellow bands surrounding their wings, abdomens, and the sides of their thorax.
Females are darker brown in color while males have a more tan color. Males also have longer wings (longer than their bodies) while female wings have short ones that only cover their abdomen. Juvenile roaches of this type have light-brown bands surrounding their bodies.
Signs of infestation
These thrive on warm temperatures and during cooler temperatures, they could infest homes by crawling in vents, furniture, storage rooms, and electronics.
Once you find a couple of brown-banded roaches running around hiding in between furniture, that is most likely an infestation.
How to get rid of Brown-banded cockroaches
In the kitchen, removing crumbs and wiping up any liquid spill regularly. Garbage cans must also have shut lids and seal entry points like crevices, window gaps, and plumbing. But since they are considered as tricky to get rid of, the use of baits, pheromone traps, and growth regulators.
4. Oriental Cockroaches (Blatta orientalis)

They are considered as dangerous outdoor pests. They live in homes and buildings where surrounding vegetation is abundant.
They are more dangerous than others because they feed on garbage, feces, and animal matter. They also stink very much and are more threatening in contaminating food and utensils.
What do they look like
They are not fast-moving and they do not have wings too. They are the roaches that are commonly trapped in sinks and tubs.
They are slightly larger than German cockroaches but are smaller than American cockroaches with their length of 1.25inches.
They have a shiny body and a reddish-brown to black color. Females have wings that have no use and males’ wings are shorter than their bodies. Juveniles have no wings at all.
Signs of infestation
Oriental roaches enter the home through pipes, window gaps, and in vents. Sometimes, they could also be transported indoors through firewood or when garbage trucks return the containers in the household.
They basically live everywhere and survive even in freezing temperatures. They tend to infest homes mostly during summer, staying in damp, dark locations like pipes, ducts, toilets, and sink.
How to get rid of Oriental cockroaches
Getting rid of oriental cockroaches require basic home adjustments only. All you have to do is to move garbage bins away from damp and dark locations.
You also have to seal water leaks and also drains. You will also need to adjust the ventilation of moist locations in the home to stop them from entering. Once they become uncontrollable, there are always insecticides that you can use.
5. Australian Cockroaches (Periplaneta australasiae)

They are also outdoor roaches but occasionally, they enter homes. It has notably long wings that allow it to fly in short distances.
Along with this is a large body. It feeds on decaying organic matter and might contaminate kitchen utensils and pantry foods.
What do they look like
They have the same size as American cockroaches. The only difference is the brown ring-like pattern on the back of the Australian roach. They could grow to a length of 1.5inches.
As such, they are considered as one of the largest roach species. But unlike other roaches, they would never want to be spotted by anyone and so they spend most of their time hiding.
Signs of infestation
Finding egg cases in food pantries and garden plants are already signs of infestation. Finding egg cases beneath furniture and storage rooms are also enough signs.
How to get rid of Australian cockroaches
Of course, removing obvious niches is one of the most natural ways to get rid of them. Resorting to insecticide application in window gaps and niches is also the most accessible choice.
6. Smokybrown Cockroaches (Periplaneta fuliginosa)

These species love damp spaces near water sources. It is the flying kind and like the wood roach, they are also attracted to light. They are sensitive to disturbance and are nocturnal species.
What do they look like
This species is relatively large in size at 1.5inches long. They have mahogany brown to dark brown color. Their thorax is black in color. They are the most distinguishable in terms of appearance because their wings are longer than their bodies.
Signs of infestation
Smoky Brown roaches typically niche in ground floor levels and basements. The infestation starts in leaking roofs, garbage cans, wood stacks, and sewers.
They often fly in or crawl through small holes in the home or through window gaps and other cracks in home foundations. Colonies in landscaping beds, gutters, and groundcovers are also signs of infestation.
How to get rid of Smoky Brown cockroaches
Discarding old boxes and piles of paper could be one step in getting rid of them. Fixing leaky drains and cleaning the home especially the kitchen and utensils are also natural ways to get rid of them.
There are also chemical interventions for this. They have to be applied in dust cracks, window gaps, and locations where they can niche.
7. Asian Cockroaches (Blattella asahinai)

This cockroach species looks exactly like the German cockroach. It loves warm and high humidity locations and would literally feed on anything including rotting leaves and dead insects.
What do they look like
It is relatively small in size with only 0.5inch length. Its color is mostly light to dark brown. Its distinguishing characteristic is its two black stripes running through its back, all the way to the abdomen. Aside from this, white markings are scattered around the body of the Asian roach.
Signs of infestation
These roaches are very attracted to lights so if you see them flying towards your home’s light sources like in the balcony, for instance, you are already triggering infestation. They are also commonly found in the garage or sheds.
They can also crawl on TV screens for its light. A notable characteristic of Asian roaches though is that, once they infest an area, they will kick out other roach species. Otherwise, they are drawn to the damp outdoors, in garbage cans, and sewers.
How to get rid of Asian cockroaches
Since they can fly, the best remedy to get rid of them should be baits and pheromone traps. Using insecticide could also be a good choice for getting rid of them.
8. Wood cockroaches

There are 12 recognized species of wood roaches. This includes the Virginia wood roach, Boll’s wood roach, and the Pennsylvania wood roach.
They are outdoor roaches but might take shelter in homes when temperatures become extreme but they will not survive long indoors. Homes near woodlands or forests may be more prone to wood roach infestation especially during the summer.
What do they look like
They feed on wood and they are the only roach species that are attracted to light. They are brown and are at 1inch long. Some species have noticeable white edges on their wings.
The wings of female wood roaches are shorter than that of males while nymphs have no wings at all.
Signs of infestation
While they don’t survive indoors for a long time, they do form colonies near home gutters and from there crawl inside through window gaps and vents especially during spring and summer. During cooler temperatures, they can infest the home and reach the kitchen and living room through firewood.
How to get rid of wood cockroaches
In the same way as the others, wood roaches can be eliminated sealing cracks, vents, and window gaps. Limiting firewood piles could also help in getting rid of wood cockroaches.
Other types of cockroaches
Since there are 4,500 species of cockroaches around the world, let us avert our attention to some other types of cockroaches. This is the part where you would realize that cockroaches are not entirely the dirty, germ-laden insects that we know them to be. Here are some other types of cockroaches that you should know about.
9. Cinereous (Lobster) Cockroaches (Nauphoeta cinerea)

It is also called the speckled cockroach because of its black or dark brown markings over its brown body. While adults have wings, they cannot fly.
As a matter of fact, they are more jumpers than fliers being able to leap in great heights when startled. They are used as model roaches for lab experiments and are steady feed for tarantula and lizards.
10. Albino Cockroach

Scientific articles would debunk the idea that there is a separate albino cockroach species. Also called the white roach because of its almost translucent body, the albino roach is actually a newly hatched cockroach.
It takes time for exoskeletons to harden and take color so newly molten roaches stay white for quite some time, hence, the name.
11. Cuban Cockroaches (Panchlora nivea)

They are also called as green banana roaches and look like skippers more than roaches. They could grow long to up to 2inches. They are attracted to light and are robust flyers.
Adult Cuban roaches have a pale green color while young Cuban roaches are either black or brown in color. They do not invade homes and are 100% outdoor roaches. Adults niche on tree canopies while the young ones live on the ground.
12. Florida Woods Cockroach (Eurycotis floridana)

They are native to the southeastern US and are distinguishable for their vestigial wings. They are reddish-brown or black in color and could grow long to up to 1.5inches.
They are outdoor roaches who niche on a litter of decomposing leaves and other organic matter. They could reach homes, however, through firewood.
They should be avoided though because they secrete a certain chemical that will cause skin and eye irritation.
13. Death Head Cockroach (Blaberus craniifer)
It is usually referred to as the giant death’s head cockroach because of the seeming skull marking on its back complemented by black wings that look like cloaks.
They are long and flat and though they have wings, they cannot fly nor climb smooth surfaces.
They do not infest homes and are not aggressive. However, they emit a strong odor when they are startled or are threatened.
They have a big appetite and eat the amount of food that is more than half of their total body weight.
14. Dubia roaches

It is also known as the tropical spotted roach or orange-spotted roach. It is a popular feed for reptiles such as lizards and arachnids such as tarantulas.
Their higher protein content compared to crickets and other insects led to Dubia roach breeding. So basically, Dubia roaches are bred roaches. They, however, cause bumpy and irritated skin, sneezing, and even wheezing.
15. Field Cockroaches (Blattella vaga)
It looks like a German cockroach with its reddish-brown to light brown color and black stripes on its head. It grows to up to 1.5inches long.
To distinguish it from German cockroaches, spot the black stripes around its eyes. While they niche on litters of leaves or piles of grass, they occasionally enter homes during the dry season. And like other cockroaches, they follow cracks, vents, and window gaps.
16. Flying Cockroach

The myth of the flying cockroach is not at all a myth because, in the US alone, 55 species of cockroaches are already considered as fliers.
Almost all species have wings but most of them are just vestigial. For those who could fly, they could only do so for short distances. Some would use their wings to glide or jump but never use them in a flapping motion.
17. Green Cockroach (Panchlora nivea)
It is native to the Caribbean and thrives in tropical climates like Florida. Adults have yellowish green to deep green color while young ones have brown or black colors.
Adults are also strong fliers niching on shrubs and trees while the young burrow on the ground.
They do not infest homes since they really are outdoor roaches. They are also captured to be used as feed for other species.
18. Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
It is considered as one of the largest cockroaches with a length of 3inches likened to a paper clip.
They are native from Madagascar and have this running mill, hissing sound when they fight with other roaches, find mates, and to sound an alarm, hence, the name.
They have a shiny brown color, wingless and have a peculiar-looking, single antenna. Males have larger antennas.
They use this not only to attract mates but also to fight with rival roaches and other insects. They would ram this antenna to fight.
19. Madeira Cockroaches (Rhyparobia maderae)
They are native to West Africa and other tropical countries. They grow long at 2inches and male and female Madeira roaches do not have stark differences when it comes to habit and appearance.
Males, however, make an uncanny sound by rubbing their legs together. Both male and female Madeira cockroaches are defensive and will emit a foul smell when they are threatened or disturbed. The lifespan of this cockroach type is 2years.
20. Pennsylvania Wood Cockroach (Parcoblatta pennsylvanica)
These roaches, as the name implies, live in woods. They cannot survive indoors for a long time so homes and buildings are safe from them.
Males and females show slight body dimorphism. Males have larger bodies at 1inch, have functional wings but only in short distances.
The females on the other hand cannot fly at all though they have short, vestigial wings. They have a distinct mahogany brown color with yellow markings all over.
21. Pacific Beetle Cockroaches (Diploptera punctata)
Unlike other roach types, males of this species are smaller than females. They are named as such because their appearance resonates with the brown beetle.
They have small heads, brown color, and vestigial wings that reach their abdomen. They feed on barks of pine and juniper trees.
They are kind of jumpy and are easily disturbed. When this happens, they would emit a foul odor that might cause skin and eye irritation to humans.
22. Pale-Bordered Field Cockroaches (Pseudomops septentrionalis)
They are very small as their maximum length is at 0.5inch only. They are also fondly called as the pretty field cockroach because of their bright brown color and reddish head shield and prominent yellow markings in the wing’s border.
Their antennae and face are orange in color. While they are very shy and good at hiding, they are easily spotted because of their color. They eat anything; from meat, scraps to rotting leaves.
23. Sand Cockroach (Sub-family Corydiidae)
They are long and flat with dark brown color and scattered markings allowing them to blend well with their niches. Males are bigger than females but their maximum length is just less than an inch.
Males have wings and can fly while females cannot but have vestigial wings. They are also called desert roaches because they never leave their burrows.
And since they are easily disturbed too, they would never stray far from their niches, hence, no infestation. However, they would occasionally enter homes because they are attracted to outdoor lights.
24. Surinam Cockroach (Pycnoscelus surinamensis)

These are also small roaches as their length would not even reach an inch. They have shiny, brown wings and dark brown to black bodies. They have wings (males have longer ones) but they cannot fly.
The interesting thing about them is that there are fewer males than females. As a matter of fact, it is said that there are no male Surinam roaches in North America because females are capable of producing eggs even without males (in a process called parthenogenesis). But it is also because of this that they could easily turn into pests infesting your garden.
25. Turkestan Cockroaches (Blatta lateralis)

This species shows a lot of gender dimorphism. Females are larger than males.
In terms of color, females are dark brown with cream markings all over their bodies while males have a red-orange color with yellow markings all over their bodies.
This is the reason why they are also called the red runner cockroach or the rusty red cockroach.
They are attracted to outdoor lights and while they leave outdoors, they could take momentary refuge in homes during the dry or hot season.
26. Amber wood cockroach (Ectobius vittiventris)

The Amber wood cockroach is native to the Alps region. As such, it thrives in very cold climates expanding its reach south Germany and some Swiss cities.
It is basically harmless but is also short-lived. It will never enter homes or damage furniture with the infestation because peculiarly, they die the moment they enter homes.
27. Virginia wood cockroach (Parcoblatta virginica)

It is a small wood cockroach with a maximum length of 0.5inch. Males of this species are longer than females and have a tan/orange color.
Females on the other hand are short and narrow with dark brown (almost black) color. Adults and nymphs share, however, a dark stained head. This species is limited to the eastern US and Ontario in Canada.
They could fly, unlike other roaches. They are not notorious home invaders although their attraction to light wounds occasionally takes them to your homes.
28. Brazilian cockroach (Blaberus giganteus)

These species are considered to be one of the largest cockroaches in the world. They are native to central and South America and their natural habitats are undisturbed caves and rainforests.
As such, when you find them outside their natural setting, they could be jumpy and somewhat aggressive. Their diet consists of decaying fruits and plants as well as bat droppings.
They have hemolymphs inside their bodies, making them good, high-protein feed for reptiles and arachnids. They have been introduced to the US soil and are most likely to find their way into homes during extreme temperatures but will not produce infestation.
29. Fulvous wood cockroach (Parcoblatta fulvescens)

It is endemic in Canada and the US with a maximum length of 0.5inch. Males are longer in the body and wings and narrower than females.
It sports a brownish-yellow color with darker inner legs and dark brown markings all over. Females have reddish-brown head casing and pale red-brown sides.
They also have dark brown abdomens and yellowish undersides.
They have wings but they do not fly. It is quite similar in color and appearance with the Uhler’s wood cockroach. They also both niche in a disturbed forest and urban environments.

To conclude, there are more to cockroaches than just being icky animals known for infesting homes with possible germs out of their scavenging nature. Out of the 4,500 recognized cockroach species, eight major types emerge to categorize them. Most of them have wings but not all of them could fly.
As a matter of fact, most of them cannot fly and their wings are just part of their vestigial structure having been here even before the dawn of the human race. Some cockroach types are also considered functional as they are deliberately bred as feeds for reptiles and pet tarantulas. With all of these, it is but fitting to say that cockroaches should be put into a more interesting light. And if you have problems with a roach infestation, this is one step in proper roach identification.
Frequently Asked Questions
What do roaches hate the most?
To be exact, there is no one way to answer this because there are a whole lot of things that roaches hate.
Extreme temperatures would be one. Some roach species hate lights. But in terms of smell, there is one scent that roaches hate the most: strong smells.
If you want to get rid of roaches but do not want to resort to insecticides, you can use citrus smells, strong-scented herbs, and essential oils.
What time of year are roaches the worst?
Again, there are many ways to approach this question. Cockroaches who live outdoors are most active during spring and summer (specifically early to mid-summer).
Typically, roach infestations happen during these seasons because they love the subtle dampness of spring and since they cannot tolerate extreme heat, they would take refuge in houses and buildings.
If unabated and if spaces prove to have a stable food source, they would stay for a full-blown infestation. During autumn and winter, roaches tend to hibernate and will not be around so much. During this time, they would just be inside their habitats or beneath your furniture.
What are the worst roaches to have?
This is usually a tie between the German and the American cockroach since they tend to not just contaminate food at home but also because they could get aggressive when they are threatened.
When they are disturbed, they are said to attack humans and bite them. These leaves itchy and bumpy skin that will stay there for some days.
But between the two, German cockroaches have a higher reproduction and hatching rate (30,000 eggs per hatching period). This makes it the worst roach to have because they would clearly produce a full-blown infestation and they are not easy to get rid of.
What attracts roaches to your house?
The better question, perhaps, would be, what attracts roaches to clean houses. Well, there are several reasons but the most common ones would be the following.
- Location: Some places are more prone to roach infestation than others. If you live in places where a stable food source is available like open pantries, easily accessible food storage, and the perfect tropical to subtropical climate, then your home is more vulnerable than others to roaches no matter how clean it is.Â
- Access: There are only three things that would attract roaches in homes; food, water, and shelter. For this, access points are important. With this, we are talking about window gaps, crevices, vents, sewers, pipes, and many more. So check what needs to be checked and seal what needs to be sealed.Â
- Commonly forgotten areas: Also check commonly forgotten areas like basements, storage rooms, and unmoved furniture. Cleaning them once in a while and leaving strong scents there are good interventions to keep the roaches off.Â
- Landscape area: In the same way, roaches will also be attracted to homes with steady sources of water. Some of these would be fountains, birdbaths, and leaky gutters. Piling firewood and compost in one area would also encourage infestation.Â
Related: What Do Cockroaches Eat? A Look at the Diet of These Pesky Critters
What types of flying cockroaches?
As have been mentioned here, cockroaches have wings but most of them cannot fly. For those who cannot fly, the wings are just vestigial structures. But for those who can, flying may mean just leaping, gliding, or actual flying but not that high.
Flying cockroaches are usually the nocturnal ones. They fly at night to search for food or refuge. They also fly when they are attracted to bright outdoor lights or to evade threats. If you are wondering what specific flying cockroaches, here are some of them:
- American cockroach
- Smoky brown cockroach
- Pennsylvania wood cockroach
- Asian cockroach
- Australian cockroach
How long do cockroaches live?
There has been a running myth about cockroaches being able to live forever but that is not true, hence, a myth. Depending on the type of roach species, they could live for a few months to seven years.
Female roaches tend to live longer than males because of their role in reproduction.
In terms of species, the cockroach type with the longest lifespan would be the rhinoceros cockroach. It is documented to have a lifespan of ten years. Among common cockroaches, German cockroaches may have the fastest reproduction rate but they also have the shortest lifespan.
Image credits:
- Mike Gordon
- Matt Bertone - Daniel D Dye II - Bruce
- Jay Cossey
- BrandonWoo
- R&R Valk
- Dave Webb
- Ophis
- Vince Griff