How Many Calories in an Egg

How many Calories in an egg?

Last Updated on September 19, 2019 by Kimberly Crawford

Eggs are very good food if eaten in moderation. Vitamins like B12, E and D, thiamine, folic acids, riboflavin, phosphorus, and pantothenic acid are great sources of eggs. Egg whites are a major protein source. Choose organic eggs with a free-range if possible.

Calories in an Egg

Type Quantity Calories
Boiled Egg 100 grams 155
  1 tbsp (8.5g) 13
  1 large (50g) 78
  1 cup, chopped (136g) 211
Fried Egg 100 grams 196
  1 large (46g) 90
Omelet 1 large (61g) 94
  1 tbsp (15g) 23
  100 grams 154
Poached Egg 100 grams 143
  1 large (50g) 71
Raw egg 1 small (38g) 54
  1 medium (44g) 63
  1 large (50g) 72
  1 extra large (56g) 80
  1 jumbo (63g) 90
  100 grams 143
  1 cup (4.86 large eggs) (243g) 348
Egg, raw, goose 100 grams 185
  1 egg (144g) 267
Egg, raw, quail 1 egg (9g) 14
  100 grams 158
Scrambled Egg 100 grams 148
  1 tbsp (13.7g) 20
  1 large (61g) 91
  1 cup (220g) 326
Raw white egg 1 large (33g) 17
  100 grams 52
  1 cup (243g) 125
Raw yolk Egg 1 large (17g) 55
  100 grams 322
  1 cup (243g) 782

egg nutrition

The calories in an egg differ according to the size and preparation process. However, an average about 65 calories are present in a single medium-sized egg, about 55 calories are averaged in a tiny egg and around 80 calories are the median big egg.

Consume eggs in a proportion if it fits your macros. Be cautious how much macros you have to consume and how much an egg is providing you. If you want to consider macros according to your body requirement try using a macro calculator by Macronutrients include carbs, fats, and proteins, which amounts are commutatively called as calories.

Using a macro calculator is the best online tool available for keeping one’s diet following body requirement. Macronutrient calculator not only gives the amount of caloric and macronutrient requirements but also helps you to set and maintain your diet goals.

Many of the calories are derived from the yolk, which is a specifically compact portion in the egg and contains many vital vitamins and minerals.

The calories of an egg are low, healthy, and nutritious, supported by egg macros. But calories of boiled-eggs are distinct from calories of scrambled and fried eggs. Therefore, when considering egg nutrition, it is essential to consider the preparation technique.


An egg is a low-carb diet, with a carbohydrate supply of less than one gram. Even if they are safe, you should be aware of the proportion size in combination with other meals.


A big egg contains 5 grams of fat. Although most of the fat is saturated fat in eggs however small quantities of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fat also exist.

These fats (polyunsaturated and monounsaturated) are regarded as “excellent” fats because they have been proven useful for reducing LDL Low-density cholesterol and improving cardiovascular health. The Nutrition and Dietetics, therefore, propose that you select ingredients that are poly and monounsaturated instead of just saturated fat.


An Egg is a healthy protein supply and provides 5 grams of proteins per serving. Eggs constitute a healthy protein source.

Eating protein food can assist you to construct and retain powerful muscles and also assist you to feel happy and fulfilled after eating. Experts in weight loss often advise healthy eaters to eat protein to keep metabolism safe.


Egg contains a significant amount of minerals and vitamins. It constitutes vitamin D which is essential for calcium uptake in the body, phosphorus, vitamin A, and two B-complex vitamins, which your body needs to transform the food components into energy.

It is also an excellent riboflavin, selenium and choline source. Choline helps to stimulate brain growth in the utero and can also defend us against the loss of aging memory. Egg also has elevated levels of carotenoids (zeaxanthin and lutein) that assist defend the eyes against muscular degeneration.


An egg a day is fine enough in a sense of cholesterol levels. You have to rethink if you have avoided eggs due to issues that link them with nutritional cholesterol and heart disease. 

Recent research has shown that dietary cholesterol (like cholesterol in eggs) has a very low impact on your blood cholesterol levels. Healthy people can appreciate an egg each day without risking heart disease.

Lutein discovered in egg yolks also prevents premature heart illness, according to another research.


Omega-3 is a type of polyunsaturated fat or healthy fat known for the protection of the heart.  It is vital for health, but it is not naturally synthesized in our bodies, so we should consume it from ingredients like salmon, certain oils and nuts and omega-3 eggs.

Omega-3 eggs, the recognized cause of Omega-3, are produced by supplying hens to the flaxseed foods.  Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), a plant-based form of fatty acid Omega-3, usually contains flaxseed.

Calories in an Egg by Considering Preparation Method

fried eggs

Cooking eggs change their nutritional value and caloric count significantly. So how do egg nutritional calories alter when you cook them by yourself in different ways? Here are the caloric counts of cooked eggs through various ways.

#1. Fried Egg

Depending on the sort of fat used in the pan, the caloric amount of the fried egg will vary. Oils affluent in monounsaturated fats, like rape or olive oil, are often suggested. A fried egg can vary between 85 calories, if a little oil is used and approximately 120 calories if it is fried deep into oil and not drained.

#2. Scrambled Egg

You’re going to use 107 calories, 1 gram of carbohydrate, 7 g oil, 8 g fat, 3 g saturated fat, and 192 milligrams of cholesterol when you eat one egg scrambled with butter.

#3. Poached Eggs

Poached eggs are extremely popular because they don’t need any additional cooking oil or butter. This implies poached egg calories are equivalent to 54-80.

#4. Hard-boiled Egg

Many healthy people eat hard-boiled eggs throughout the day as a snack. This trend is to remove the yolk since most of the fat is there. Let’s compare egg whites calories with calories of egg-yolk?

Most of the fat is indeed stored in the yolk in a hard-boiled egg. Yolk has a total fat and protein combined value of approximately 55 calories.

On the other side, fat-free nutrition packages are egg whites. In one large white egg, you will consume 4-5 grams of protein, only 17 calories, and almost no fat. Egg white also contains leucine, which can assist you to lose weight.

This nutritional information is for a single medium-sized egg. However bear in mind that if you consume an additional big egg, you have to raise the number of calories accordingly. The supermarket is easily accessible with extra big eggs and often provides a stronger budget for good eaters. Less fat and fewer calories are naturally available for small or medium eggs.


As eggs are nutritiously richer and comprise a medium sized less than 70 calories, they can be included in any calorie-controlled meal whilst still supplying plenty of protein and essential vitamins, minerals and fats.Eggs are a great diet if you try to lose weight while ensuring that your body has everything it wants to eat. You can ensure what your body requirements are using a macro calculator. It can assist you in every aspect of a diet and food constituents.

Naturally, the way you make your eggs will influence its dietary importance. For example, if you fry an egg in fast, it will increase the total amount of calories instead of cooking it with other nutrients, like vegetables, salads and whole grains. No matter which cooking method is used and what other ingredients are added, it is essential to consume eggs daily.

how many calories in an egg