How To Make A Good Christmas Party Poster

Last Updated on February 12, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford

Creating a good Christmas party poster is not as difficult as it may seem. In fact, by following a few simple steps and a poster maker, you can have a poster that will help to promote your party and get people excited about attending!

Step 1: The Topic of Your Poster

When deciding on what type of poster you want to make, it is important that you know the topic of your party. For example, if you are throwing a Christmas party for toddlers and their parents, then it would be wise to design the poster around this idea. Some good ideas for posters concerning toddlers would be to come up with a cute reindeer character that is dressed in the colors of Christmas and has some toddlers playing on it (or sitting on its head, like my design).

Another good idea for a poster involving toddlers would be to create your own version of the three wise men – this way, you can include baby Jesus and maybe a few cute toddlers as the wise men.

topic for poster

Source: Venngage

Step 2: Designing Your Poster

Once you have an idea of what your poster is going to be about, it is time to start designing. If you don’t know how to make a poster, simply look up some guides for a poster maker online and you should be able to figure it out. Also, remember that saving your file as a PDF will ensure it prints properly!

Find yourself a good custom poster maker first and then create a poster print (always try and choose a program that allows you to scale up your design for printing). Including an image of a cute animal also helps to draw people in!

Need an online poster maker that will give you much freedom and options? Try Venngage.

Step 3: Consider The Size

Another thing to keep in mind is the size of your poster. If you are going to print it out, make sure that it will be big enough for people to see from a distance. Many times, people that have posters made are printing them out in large sizes to use as banners or for other promotional reasons. You may want to consider printing your poster on a thin roll of paper so it is easy to hang up with tape.

Step 4: The Text of Your Poster

Once the design of your poster is finalized, it is time to add the text. This can be done in a poster maker app of your choice, or you can handwrite it on your poster.

Some things you will want to include on your Christmas party poster are the date, time, and location of the party, as well as any special information (like if there is a dress code).

You may also want to add a catchy slogan or tagline to your poster in order to really capture people’s attention. However, be sure not to add too much text to the poster – you want to keep it simple and easy for people to understand.

Step 5: Add Details

When you create a poster, it is important to make it eye-catching and fun. You can include bright colors and make sure that there is plenty of space between each letter. If you are including text on your poster, then try not to cram too much information together – this can be difficult for people to read.

You may also want to consider adding designs depending on your slogan or tagline. For example, if the slogan is “Let’s make a great Christmas this year,” then you can add a reindeer dressed in a Santa hat, holding a sign saying “Merry Christmas” on it. You can even include a candy cane, snowflake or other Christmas-themed designs to make your poster feel festive.

add details to poster

Source: Venngage

Step 6: The Poster Print or Digital File

Once your design is finalized, you will want to print out some copies with a poster maker machine, or take a picture of it with your phone or digital camera. If you are printing at home, make sure that you use a high-quality printer and good-quality paper. Once the print has been made, it is time to post it around town or hand out copies to people that you know will be attending your party!

As an alternative, you can go digital and upload the poster image to Facebook or Pinterest and share it with friends and family! You can even go on Twitter and make a Twitter header related to your poster. The more people that see the poster, the more likely they are to attend the party!


How do you make a poster interesting?

Well, there are just a few things that you need to put into consideration which will help to make sure that your poster is interesting.

The first thing that you should do when making a poster for any occasion is to ensure that the main topic of the poster is very clear and precise, this means ensuring what one reads on the poster. You should choose an image or pictures that will best help to explain the topic of the poster.

For example, if you are holding a Christmas party then ensure that your posters include the words “Christmas Party” and include an image which resembles what you will be doing at the party. For instance, if it is a skiing themed party then put up ski holiday themed images on the poster.

Secondly, you should ensure that your posters do not include many long messages or words as this will make them look boring and less interesting. You can be creative with wordings but still ensure that they are clear and precise. The message on the poster should be easy to understand and it must keep visitors interested, show them what they are in for. It is always better to have an image which speaks a thousand words than have the poster full of messages which people will not read.

Lastly, you should be creative with your ideas when making posters for any occasion. Ensure that the colour chosen either attracts or represents what you are promoting. For example, if you want to promote a rock concert then colour your poster with dark colours. Ensure that the images chosen are creative and not something you might have seen elsewhere before.

This will help people to know what’s going on around them, so they don’t miss out on anything! A good choice of words can also be used in descriptions etc., though it is not necessary to go overboard with words. Have a quick read through these points and make sure to take them into consideration when making your next poster!

How can I improve my poster?

It is essential to start with a clear message in your head and what you want to achieve from the poster. For example, if you are hosting an event for children then ensure to use bright colours and images that will attract their attention. You should also add information such as when it starts and when it ends etc.,

How much time do you have?

You should also consider how much time you have for this activity. If it is a short period then do not write too many words as people will become bored and turn away from your poster. Be precise with what you want to say and ensure that the message on the poster makes sense to visitors, though it might be a bit too much to ask people to take the time to read 100 words for example; they will be far more interested in the images you have chosen to use.

Is it an outdoor poster or indoor?

You should also consider where your poster will be placed before making it, especially if it is going to be outdoors. If so, ensure that the colors you choose don’t fade away in the sun, or if it is to be placed indoors then ensure that you use colors that will make your poster stand out.

What is the best message for Christmas?

In the case of Christmas parties, consider what you want to achieve from this poster. For example, if it is a dance party then ensure that you use bright colors and long messages since they require visitors to read more. However with a music themed party, use images which will attract people’s attention without making them read too many words.

A good poster should contain the following:

For example if your party includes lots of celebrities you can use posters with images of famous celebrities. If it is a sports themed party, make use of sporting products etc., to make your Christmas posters more attractive. The content should be well organized and the images relevant to what’s being advertised on the poster. It is also a good idea to include the poster’s design as well as its content because this is what people will first look at and appreciate.

If your party includes food, you can use a grill to promote it since many people enjoy barbeques. If it has a specific theme then consider using images that fit into that category. For example if it is a Halloween party then use skulls and pumpkins etc., to make it more interesting.

This will help people to know what’s going on around them, so they don’t miss out on anything! A good choice of words can also be used in descriptions etc., though it is not necessary to go overboard with words. Have a quick read through these points and make sure to take them into consideration when making your next poster!

In Conclusion

Creating a good Christmas party poster is not as difficult as it may seem. By following a few simple steps, you can have a poster that will help to promote your party and get people excited about attending!