French Door Dimensions: Get the Right Size for Your Home

Last Updated on July 14, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

French doors, known for their elegance and aesthetic appeal, are a popular choice among homeowners and interior designers. Characterized by their double-door design, typically with glass panes extending the full length of each door, they bring an abundance of natural light into a room and provide a seamless connection between indoors and outdoors.

However, before you decide to enhance your home’s beauty with French doors, it’s crucial to understand their dimensions. The size of your French doors will not only influence the overall look but also determine how well they function within your space.

Misjudged dimensions can lead to issues during installation, and problems with functionality, and may even incur extra costs.

That’s why understanding French door dimensions before purchasing or installing is so important. It enables you to choose doors that perfectly fit your space, meet your needs, and contribute positively to your home’s ambiance and functionality.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into standard and custom French door dimensions, the importance of accurate measurements, and factors to consider when choosing the right dimensions for your French doors.

Standard Dimensions of French Doors

french door

The dimensions of French doors can vary, but there are certain sizes that are more commonly manufactured and considered as standard. Generally, the standard height for French doors is around 79.5 inches or 6.6 feet, which is equivalent to the usual height for most interior doors.

In terms of width, French doors come in pairs, so the total width is a combination of both doors. The standard width for each door of the pair is typically 24 inches, making the total width around 48 inches or 4 feet. However, it’s not uncommon to find French doors that are wider, with some reaching up to 72 inches or 6 feet in total width.

These dimensions are quite common in residential settings. However, they are by no means the only sizes available. Some French doors can be made larger or smaller depending on the manufacturer and the specific needs of the homeowner.

It’s also important to note that these measurements do not include the door frame, which will add to both the width and height of the entire unit. This should be taken into account when measuring the space where you plan to install your French doors.

Lastly, keep in mind that while these are the standard dimensions, French doors can often be custom-made to fit specific requirements. Whether you need a taller, wider, or differently proportioned set of doors, many manufacturers offer customization options to ensure the perfect fit for your home.

Customizing French Door Sizes

While standard French door sizes are suitable for many homes, there are instances where custom dimensions may be necessary or preferred. The possibility of customizing French door sizes opens up a world of flexibility and creativity in home design.

One of the main reasons for customizing French door sizes is to accommodate unique architectural features or design requirements. For instance, if you have a particularly large or unusually shaped opening, standard-sized doors may not fit properly. In such cases, custom-sized doors can be made to perfectly fit the space.

Aesthetic preferences can also influence the decision to customize French door sizes. You might want larger doors to create a dramatic statement or smaller ones to maintain a certain level of intimacy in a room. The size of your French doors can significantly impact the overall look and feel of your space.

Another reason for customization is to meet specific functional needs. If you’re using French doors as exterior doors, you might opt for wider doors to make it easier to move large items in and out of your home. On the other hand, if the doors are being used in a compact space, smaller doors might be more practical.

Finally, energy efficiency considerations might lead to customization. For example, you might choose doors with larger glass areas to maximize natural light and reduce reliance on artificial lighting.

Importance of Accurate Measurements

Accurate measurements are absolutely crucial when it comes to installing French doors. Inaccurate measurements can lead to a multitude of problems, from installation difficulties to functional issues and aesthetic discrepancies.

If the dimensions are too large for the opening, you might face problems during installation, such as having to modify the door frame or even the surrounding walls, which can be costly and time-consuming. On the flip side, if the doors are too small for the opening, there might be gaps that compromise insulation, security, and appearance.

Furthermore, incorrect measurements can lead to operational problems. For instance, doors might not close properly, causing drafts and energy inefficiency. Or they might scrape against the floor or frame, leading to potential damage over time.

Therefore, it’s essential to measure the doorframe correctly. Here’s a simple guide:

  1. Width: Measure the distance between the inner sides of the door frame at the top, middle, and bottom. Use the smallest of these three measurements as your final width.
  2. Height: Measure from the finished floor to the underside of the door frame (the head) on both the left and right sides. Use the smallest measurement as your final height.
  3. Squareness: Check the squareness of the frame by measuring diagonally from corner to corner in both directions. If the measurements are equal, your frame is square.
  4. Thickness: Don’t forget to measure the thickness of the wall where the door will be installed. French doors usually require a thicker wall for proper installation.

Additional Factors to Consider

While understanding the dimensions is a crucial part of choosing French doors, there are other factors that also need careful consideration.

Door Swing Direction: French doors can swing inwards or outwards. The direction of the door swing can impact the space available in your room and how the doors function. For example, doors that swing outwards might be better for small spaces where the interior room is limited, but they might be less practical in areas with high winds or heavy rain.

Door Frame and Wall Thickness: The thickness of the door frame and wall plays a significant role in the installation of French doors. The wall needs to be thick enough to accommodate the door frame and ensure a secure installation. If the wall is too thin, it may require reinforcement, which could add to the cost and complexity of the project.

Flooring: The type of flooring can also influence the choice of French doors. Some types of flooring, like tile or hardwood, might require special considerations during installation to prevent damage. The level of the floor should also be considered as it can affect the operation of the doors.

Insulation and Weatherstripping: Good insulation is vital for energy efficiency and comfort, especially for exterior French doors. Look for doors with good insulating properties, and consider the addition of weatherstripping to seal any gaps and prevent drafts.

Choosing the Right French Door Dimensions

choose french door sizes

Choosing the right dimensions for your French doors involves considering several factors, including the size of your room, the intended usage of the doors, and aesthetic considerations. Here are some guidelines to help you make the right choice:

Room Size

The size of the room plays a critical role in determining the appropriate dimensions for your French doors.

If you have a large room with ample space, you might opt for wider and taller doors to create a grand entrance and allow more light into the room. Conversely, for a smaller room, you may want to choose narrower doors to save space.


Consider the main purpose of the doors. If they are meant to be used frequently or need to accommodate large items passing through, wider doors might be more suitable.

If the doors are more for aesthetics and won’t be used as often, the size can be determined more by appearance than function.

Aesthetic Considerations

The look you’re trying to achieve will also influence the size of the doors. For a traditional or rustic look, you might prefer standard-sized doors. For a modern or minimalist style, larger doors with a clean, sleek design could be a better fit.


It’s important that your French doors are proportionate to the overall scale of your room and house.

Oversized doors might overpower a small room, while undersized doors might look insignificant in a large space.

Natural Light

If you want to maximize natural light, consider larger doors with more glass area. However, remember that more glass can also mean less privacy.

Energy Efficiency

Larger doors might provide more light and views, but they could also lead to more heat loss in winter and heat gain in summer. Consider energy-efficient options if you opt for large doors.


Understanding the dimensions of French doors is a crucial step in choosing the perfect doors for your home. The size of your French doors can significantly impact their functionality, aesthetics, and the overall ambiance of your space.

Remember, while there are standard sizes available, French doors can often be custom-made to fit your specific needs and preferences. However, this flexibility also means that careful consideration and accurate measurements are essential to ensure a successful installation and to avoid potential issues down the line.

Choosing the right French doors is a significant decision that can enhance the beauty and value of your home. So, take your time to consider all factors, including the room size, door usage, aesthetic preferences, and the door swing direction, among others.

If you’re unsure, don’t hesitate to seek professional advice. Experts can provide valuable insights and recommendations based on their experience and your specific circumstances. With the right planning and decision-making, your French doors can serve as a beautiful and functional addition to your home.

Frequently Asked Questions About French Door Dimensions

What are the standard dimensions of French doors?

Standard French doors typically measure around 79.5 inches in height and 48 inches in width. However, these measurements can vary depending on the manufacturer and specific model.

Can French doors be custom-made to fit specific dimensions?

Yes, many manufacturers offer customization options for French doors. This allows you to get doors that perfectly fit your home’s unique architectural features or specific design requirements.

How are French door dimensions measured?

French door dimensions are typically measured in terms of width and height. Width is measured from one side of the door to the other, while height is measured from the top of the door to the bottom. Remember to take multiple measurements at different points to account for any irregularities.

Why are accurate measurements important for French door installation?

Accurate measurements are crucial to ensure a proper fit and smooth operation of your French doors. Incorrect measurements can lead to issues like gaps around the door, difficulty in opening and closing, and potential damage to the door or frame.

Are there other factors to consider besides dimensions when choosing French doors?

Yes, besides dimensions, you should also consider the door swing direction, the thickness of the door frame and wall, the type of flooring, and factors like insulation and weatherstripping. The style, material, and energy efficiency of the doors are also important considerations.

Should I seek professional advice when choosing French door dimensions?

While it’s certainly possible to choose French door dimensions on your own, seeking professional advice can be beneficial. Professionals can provide valuable insights based on their experience and help you avoid common mistakes.