Home Garden Succulent


Why Are My Succulents Dying?

The taking care part is so easy when you read it but actually it requires a lot of careful understanding about maintenance essentials to...

How To Grow and Care For Peperomia Graveolens ‘Ruby Glow’

The stems and leaves of peperomia could be the reason you will find it in many porch houses! It is an excellent houseplant that...

How To Grow and Care For Rhipsalis cereuscula (Coral Cactus)

One of the best shrubby cactus that you can plant as a houseplant is the beautiful Rhipsalis cereuscula. The plant traces its origin to...

How To Plant Succulents In Containers Without Drainage

Have you ever thought of planting succulent plants on containers that do not have drainage holes? Every instructor will tell you that the succulents...

How To Grow and Care For Ceropegia woodii variegata ‘String of Hearts’

A string of hearts plant is a beautiful trailing succulent that will appear like a jewel in a living space. Some people may find...

How To Grow and Care For Crassula muscosa ‘Watch Chain’

Crassula species are native to Namibia and South Africa. The best well-draining soil is sandy soil, cacti soils, and succulent soil mix. The plant...

How To Grow and Care For Sedum Morganianum ‘Burrito’ (Donkey tail)

Sedum morganianum is a beautiful type of houseplant which is native to Honduras and parts of Mexico. The beautiful succulent plant features bluish-green foliage...

How To Grow and Care For Sedum rubrotinctum ‘Pork and Beans’ (Jelly Bean Plant)

Among the excellent houseplants that you can choose is the Sedum Rubrotinctum. It is a jelly bean-like houseplant that appears colorful and beautiful. The...

How to Grow and Care for Jade Plant – Expert Tips for 2024

Have you ever wondered how to grow and care for a Jade Plant? The Jade Plant, scientifically known as Crassula ovata, is...

Haworthia Fasciata (Zebra Plant, Zebra Haworthia) Care

Haworthia fasciata has many names. Many people refer to it as zebra cactus, star window plant, or even cushion aloe. If you need a...

How To Grow and Care For Gymnocalycium Mihanovichii (Moon Cactus)

Gymnocalycium mihanovichii famously knows us the moon cactus plants are among the best Succulent plants that will be best for decorations. The plant does...

How To Grow and Care For Crassula Perforata (String Of Buttons)

Crassula Perforata is sometimes known as a string of buttons. It is a magnificent shrub succulent plant that can do well when you grow...

How To Grow and Care For Portulacaria Afra (Elephant Bush)

Portulacaria Afra plant is among the best elephant bush plants that will be great for home decorations. The elephant bush has succulent brown stems...

How To Grow and Care For Kalanchoe Tomentosa (Panda Plant)

Kalanchoe tomentosa is an excellent indoor houseplant that you can add to your house. The succulent plant is attractive, and that explains why it is...

How To Grow and Care For Pleiospilos Nelii ‘Split Rock’

Pleiospilos Nelii often referred to as split rock one of the perennial succulents that naturally grow in South Africa. The plant can do well...

How To Grow and Care For Echeveria elegans ‘Mexican Snowball’

Echeveria Elegans plant is a beautiful houseplant. Its collection of features combines to form a jewel-like structure that you won’t resist. It is an...

How To Grow and Care For Senecio radicans ‘String Of Bananas’

Strings of the banana plant is a cute plant characterized by fast growth. The plant originates from the native regions of Africa. First, you...

How To Grow and Care For Mother Of Thousands (Kalanchoe daigremontiana)

If you are a fan of a Jade plant, then, of course, you will admire the mother of thousands plants. The fact that it...

How To Grow and Care For String of Dolphins (Senecio peregrinus)

A string of dolphins is called the dolphin plant is an excellent succulent plant. Its curvy leaves are quite appealing, and you will love...

Why is My Cactus Turning Yellow? Troubleshooting Tips & Solutions

Cacti, with their unique shapes and minimal care requirements, have become increasingly popular as houseplants. These hardy plants, native to arid regions,...

How Long Do Succulents Live? | Everything You Need to Know

Succulents are plants that store water in their thick and fleshy leaves, stems, and roots. They come in a variety of shapes,...

How Big Do Succulents Get?

Succulent plants have been gaining momentum in the gardening world due to their unique aesthetics and low-maintenance care needs. Succulents come in...

Do Succulents Need Drainage?

Succulents are a type of plant that is becoming increasingly popular, both as houseplants and outdoor plants. Succulents have adapted to survive...

Can Succulents Live Outside?

Succulents are any plants that have fleshy, water-storing leaves or stems. They usually have thick skin and can store moisture for long...

How to Repot Succulents: A Comprehensive Guide

Repotting your succulents is an essential aspect of their care, helping to ensure their overall health and well-being. Over time, succulents can...

Do Succulents Need Sun?

Succulents are a type of plant that are well-known for their ability to store water in their leaves and stems, allowing these...

How to Propagate Succulent Plants: A Beginner’s Guide

If you've ever admired the vibrant, low-maintenance beauty of succulent plants, you may be wondering how to increase your collection. Propagating succulents...

26 Best Trailing and Hanging Succulents for Your Garden (With Pictures)

If you're looking to add some color and life to your garden, consider adding some trailing and hanging succulents. There are many...

24+ Types of String Succulents: Growing and Plant Care (With Pictures)

Do you love succulents but don't have the time or space for a traditional garden? String succulents might be the perfect plants...

Sedum Varieties: 57 Best Types of Sedum (Growing and Care Guide)

Sedum is a genus of succulent plants that are popular for their drought tolerance and showy blooms. There are many different types...

58+ Best Aeonium Varieties: Growing and Care Guide (With Pictures)

Aeoniums are a type of succulent that come in many shapes and colors. They are easy to care for, but need some...

40+ Types of Haworthia Succulents: Plant Care and Growing Guide

Haworthia is a genus of succulent plants that are native to southern Africa. There are about 60 different species of Haworthia, and...

51+ Types of Echeveria: Gorgeous Succulents for Your Garden (With Pictures)

If you're looking for a succulent to add to your garden, then you should consider Echeveria. There are many different types of...

22+ Different Types of Agave Plants: Which One is Right for You?

If you're looking for a succulent that is both beautiful and versatile, agave plants are a great option. There are many different...

40+ Different Types Of Jade Plants (Crassula Ovata) With Pictures

Jade plants are known as succulents and are one of the most popular houseplants not only because of the beauty they add...

31+ Different Types Of Aloe Plants With Pictures (Identification Guide)

We all know aloe plants for their majestic looking leaves and their extensive health benefits but not so much about how many...

35+ Types Of Snake Plants With Pictures

Snake plant or the mother-in-law’s tongue plant gets its name from its long, upright, and lancing form with green or white transverse...

15 Best Places To Buy Succulents Online

We have come to love succulents for numerous reasons. Some have been in a ‘love affair’ with succulents for a long time...

How To Grow and Care for Pachypodium lamerei (Madagascar palm)

Pachypodium lamerei is among the beautiful houseplants that will play a role in beautifying your garden. The plant belongs to the Apocynaceae...

How To Grow and Care For Stapelia gigantea ‘Zulu Giant’

There are many varieties of succulent plants. They all have striking factors that make them the best. Stapelia gigantea has the largest...

How To Grow and Care for Kalanchoe luciae ‘Flapjack’

Kalanchoe luciae is an excellent flowering plant type that belongs to the family of Crassulaceae. It traces its origin to the Native...

How To Grow and Care For Euphorbia lactea (Dragon Bones Tree)

One of the best succulent plants that you can grow in your house is the Euphorbia Lactea. Most people refer to it...

What Is The Difference Between Mother Of Thousands Vs Mother Of Millions?

In the succulent world, the mother of thousands and the mother of millions are confused with each other all the time. That...

How To Grow and Care For Aristaloe aristata ‘Lace Aloe’

The soft spined dark green leaves of the lace aloe plant look quite appealing. It is the reason why it is now...

40+ Beautiful Flowering Succulents & Plant Identification

Having flowers in your home is not all about enjoying the blooming seasons. Flowers have some therapeutic benefits that can help keep...

How To Grow and Care For Echeveria Agavoides (Lipstick Echeveria)

The Succulent plants are impressive. Echeveria agavoides is one of them that you can plant in your well-lit interiors! Of course, the...

Cactus Garden – Home Security With Prickly Protection

Law enforcement officials report that strategically placed Cactus outside house windows is an excellent intruder deterrent. Criminologists who've made...

Black Rose Plant – Aeonium arboreum ‘Zwartkop’: Grow This Succulent in a Xeriscape Garden

The black rose plant, while beautiful in its own right, isn't actually a rose at all - but rather a succulent, evergreen perennial. As a...

26 Types Of Cactus For Your Garden (With Pictures) – Indoor, Outdoor

With all the time in our hands right now, most of us are turning to plants to keep our mental health in check. One of...

Propagating a Prickly Pear Cactus

Drought resistant and sun loving, prickly pear cactus make an excellent addition to a desert xeriscape garden. They are also easy to propagate from...