Last Updated on March 23, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford
Have you ever wondered why Easter changes date each year? It’s a question that has puzzled many people for years. Well, wonder no more! We have the answer for you. The reason Easter changes dates is because it is based on the lunar calendar.
Why does Easter change dates?
It’s a question that has puzzled us for centuries – why does Easter move around from year to year? The answer lies in a complex combination of ancient traditions, religious beliefs and the moon’s cyclical orbit.
In essence, Easter is the celebration of the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. According to Christian tradition, it must follow the first full moon after the spring equinox. This is why Easter typically falls anywhere between March 22 to April 25 each year.
Beliefs about the syncretism of Pagan and Christian beliefs in regard to Easter are disputed, but there is some suggestion that the date was determined by a combination of old pagan customs, such as the celebration of fertility in the spring.
The moon’s orbit also plays a significant role in determining the date of Easter each year. As most full moons occur approximately every 29 days and 12 hours, some years have two full moons between March 21 and April 20 – leading to a second Easter Day being celebrated later in the season.
Why does Easter change dates but Christmas doesn’t?
It’s all about the moon!
You may not be aware, but Easter actually changes dates every year. The reason for this is due to its calendar being based on the lunar cycle and the moveable feast principle of Christianity. In contrast, Christmas follows a fixed date of December 25th.
The change in dates of Easter occurs because the Christian calendar relies on the moon more than the sun to determine when this important religious event should take place.
Easter Sunday is determined as the first Sunday after the full moon following the March equinox. This means that Easter will fall somewhere between March 22nd and April 25th each year, depending on when that full moon occurs.
Why is Easter either in March or April?

Easter is the holiest day of the Christian calendar, celebrated to mark the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
According to ancient tradition, Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25. This range is determined by the spring equinox and the full moon.
The date of Easter shifts each year due to a special formula connected to the March equinox and a full moon, making it either a late March or early April event.
The timing of the celebration is based on an ancient computation known as the Paschal Full Moon, which falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon occurring on or after that day in spring. This means that Easter can fall anywhere from late March to late April, depending on the cycle of the moon.
Why is Easter always on a Sunday?
It’s a tradition that goes back centuries. In the early days of Christianity, Easter was celebrated on various dates throughout the year, but by the fourth century it was decided to move the celebration so that all Christians could celebrate together.
Thus, Easter became a Sunday holiday. This makes sense as Sundays were already associated with Christ’s Resurrection in the Christian calendar, and so the tradition of Easter always being on a Sunday was born.
Today, Easter is still celebrated on a Sunday and it’s an important part of many Christian traditions throughout the world.
Why does Easter depend on the moon?
Well, folks, this is a question that has been asked for centuries! The answer lies in the fundamentals of Christianity and astronomy.
Easter falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon after the Spring Equinox. This date can fluctuate year to year – but no matter what time it is declared, it always follows this rule.
Why does Easter fall between March 22 and April 25?
It’s all thanks to the ancient system of calculating Easter based on a lunar calendar. According to Christian tradition, Easter celebrates Jesus’ resurrection and ultimate triumph over death—so it’s especially fitting that its date fluctuates from year to year according to the phases of the moon.
The exact date for Easter is determined by astronomical calculations which determine the fourteenth day of the Paschal full moon, or the first full moon after the vernal equinox.
This can fall any time between March 22 and April 25 meaning the Easter dates will move around from year to year.
To make sure everyone is celebrating together, a large inter-denominational council met in Nicaea in 325 A.D., and determined the date of Easter to be the first Sunday after that full moon.
Why do Catholics have a different Easter?
The date of Easter is determined by a complex equation based on the lunar calendar. This is why Catholics celebrate Easter on a different day than other Christian denominations. In fact, this has been the case for centuries!
Catholicism follows the Julian Calendar, which calculates the celebration of Easter differently than other branches of Christianity. Over time, differences in the two calendars have caused the date of Easter to fall on different days.
The Catholic Church has made sure to keep this ancient tradition alive. As such, it is a significant part of their celebration of the holiday. Celebrating Easter on a different day than other denominations helps Catholics keep their religious identity and cultural heritage alive, even in modern times.
Why does Orthodox Easter change dates?
Just as the Catholic Church celebrates Easter one Sunday each year, the Orthodox churches also celebrate their own Easter, which falls on a different day.
This is because Orthodox churches use the Julian calendar to determine their holiday dates, while Catholic churches use the Gregorian calendar.
The difference between these two calendars means that Orthodox Easter can fall anywhere from one to four weeks after the Catholic Easter each year. It’s all due to a discrepancy in when the two calendars consider the equinox, or the time of year when night and day are of equal length.
Orthodox churches calculate their Easter celebration based on an approximation of this date, which can vary from year to year depending on the calendar used.
Why does Greek Easter change dates?
The answer lies in the history of the Greek Orthodox Church.
Greek Easter, or Pascha as it is known in Greece, follows the same religious principles and customs as other Christian Easters around the world.
However, unlike other Christian denominations, which typically use the Gregorian Calendar to calculate their holy days, the Greek Orthodox Church uses a modified Julian calendar which has a 13-day difference from the Gregorian Calendar.
This means that Greek Easter can occur anywhere between one and four weeks later than Easter celebrated in other countries.
The difference is also why you may see different dates for Orthodox Christmas, too: Orthodox Christians celebrate both holidays according to this modified Julian calendar, meaning the days they are celebrated can vary from year to year.
How is Ash Wednesday date decided?
Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the Lenten season for Christians and is determined by Easter. The date of Ash Wednesday depends on the date of Easter, which itself is determined by a complex astronomical calculation.
In essence, Easter always falls on the first Sunday after the Paschal Full Moon (the full moon that follows a spring equinox). To calculate the Paschal Full Moon, an ecclesiastical lunar table is consulted. As a result, Ash Wednesday can fall anywhere between February 4th and March 10th.
Even though the date of Ash Wednesday is fixed by Easter, there are variations in when it occurs in different parts of the world due to time differences. For instance, Eastern Orthodox churches follow the Julian calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar and therefore their Ash Wednesday date is different.
In order to ensure that everyone can observe Ash Wednesday on the same day, Christian churches of all denominations have come together to declare a common date for the holiday. This means that no matter where you live or which faith tradition you belong to, you’ll know exactly when Ash Wednesday will be observed.
Why is Easter so early in 2024?
The answer lies in the intricacies of the Gregorian calendar. Easter is determined by a complex astronomical calculation based on the lunar cycle and the spring equinox, meaning it can occur anywhere between March 22 and April 25.
In 2024, Easter falls on March 31, making it one of the earliest observances in recent memory. It’s certainly not the only time Easter has come before April, but it’s rare enough to be notable.
For many churches and families, this is a good thing – it means they get to start celebrating the season of renewal and rebirth in early Spring. And for those who enjoy their Easter egg hunts, chocolate bunnies, and other seasonal festivities, early Easter means more time to enjoy the holiday and its traditions.
Which countries celebrate Easter on 24 April?
Whether you’re planning an Easter holiday abroad or looking to join in the festivities, here are some of the countries that celebrate this special occasion on April 24.
In Europe, a number of countries including Croatia, Finland, Sweden, Norway and Slovakia will all be celebrating Easter with traditional religious services and family gatherings. Further east in Asia, Armenia, Georgia and the Russian Federation mark Easter on April 24.
Down under in Australia, this is a public holiday that marks the close of the Lenten season. To celebrate, many Australians will attend church services, host Easter egg hunts or enjoy hot cross buns with family and friends.
In South America, Argentina also celebrates Easter on April 24. Here, churches are adorned with brightly colored flowers while fisherman take a break from the sea and families enjoy traditional Easter meals together.
Has Easter ever fallen on April 24th?
Yes! Easter Sunday fell on April 24th in 2011, but it’s a rare occurrence. Since the Western Christian tradition dictates that Easter Sunday should fall on the first Sunday after the full moon following the vernal equinox, there’s a bit of wiggle room for when this special day can occur each year.
Has Easter ever fallen on March 26th?
Believe it or not, this once-in-a-lifetime event actually occurred just four short years ago! In 2017, Easter Sunday fell on March 26th – a rare occurrence that won’t happen again for nearly two centuries!
Has Easter ever fallen on March 23rd?
The answer is yes, Easter has fallen on March 23rd in the past. In fact, it was only five years ago in 1913 that Easter Sunday fell on March 23rd.