25+ Unique Wine Bottle Craft Ideas For Your Garden

25+ Wine Bottle Crafts Ideas for your garden

Last Updated on February 21, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford

Do you ever look at empty wine bottles and wonder what to do with them? The world is turning more towards Wine Bottle Craft Ideas as a smart way to reduce waste.

Upcycling, which means turning old items into something new and useful, not only cuts down on trash but also has a positive effect on our environment.

Using wine bottles for your garden decor is a creative and green choice. These crafts add beauty and a personal touch to outdoor spaces.

They show how style and sustainability can work together, making your garden not just a place to relax but a reflection of eco-friendly living.

In this article

25+ wine bottle craft ideas for your garden

Preparing Your Wine Bottles for Crafting

Before starting any garden project with wine bottles, it’s important to prepare them properly. This preparation ensures the bottles are safe to handle and ready for your creative touch. Let’s go step by step on how to get these bottles ready for use outside.

Essential Steps to Clean and Prepare Wine Bottles

Cleaning and preparing your wine bottles is the first crucial step. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Remove Labels and Glue: Soak the bottles in warm, soapy water for a few hours or overnight. This soaking makes it easier to peel off the labels. For any remaining glue, a mixture of baking soda and cooking oil can help remove it. Rub this mixture on the sticky areas and scrub gently.
  2. Rinse and Dry: After removing the labels and glue, rinse the bottles thoroughly with water. It’s important to make sure no soap residue is left. Then, dry the bottles completely. Air drying is good, but wiping down with a clean cloth can speed up the process.
  3. Inspect for Damage: Check each bottle for cracks or chips. It’s vital to only use bottles that are intact to avoid injury.

Safety Tips for Handling and Modifying Glass Bottles

Working with glass requires care to prevent accidents. Here are safety tips to keep in mind:

Safety GearWhy It’s NeededHow It Helps
GlovesTo protect handsPrevents cuts from sharp edges
Safety GlassesEye protectionKeeps glass shards from eyes
Long SleevesProtect armsAvoids scratches or cuts
  • Work in a Well-Ventilated Area: When cutting or drilling glass, tiny glass particles can become airborne. Working in a well-ventilated space ensures you don’t breathe in these particles.
  • Use the Right Tools: Always use tools designed for glass cutting or drilling. These tools are made to handle the material’s hardness and prevent breakage.
  • Go Slow: When modifying glass, take your time. Rushing can cause the glass to crack or break unexpectedly.

Simple Wine Bottle Craft Ideas for the Garden

Gardening and crafting blend beautifully when you use wine bottles in creative ways. Let’s dive into how you can transform a simple wine bottle into a charming bird feeder.

Wine Bottle Bird Feeders

Turning wine bottles into bird feeders is a fantastic way to add both beauty and function to your garden. This section will guide you through making a hanging bird feeder from a wine bottle, along with some tips on where to place it and what kind of bird seed to use.

Instructions for Creating a Hanging Bird Feeder from a Wine Bottle

To start, you need a clean and dry wine bottle. Follow these steps:

  1. Gather Materials: You will need a wine bottle, a feeder tube (available at pet stores), wire, and a wire cutter.
  2. Attach the Feeder Tube: Carefully insert the feeder tube into the bottle’s neck. Ensure it fits snugly to avoid any spillage of bird seed.
  3. Secure with Wire: Use the wire to create a hanger for the bottle. Wrap the wire around the neck of the bottle, secure it, and then make a loop at the top for hanging.
  4. Fill with Bird Seed: Choose a bird seed mix that attracts the types of birds you wish to see in your garden. Fill the bottle with the seed, and then invert it so the seeds can flow into the feeder tube.

Suggestions for Placement and Bird Seed Types

Choosing the right spot to hang your wine bottle bird feeder and selecting the appropriate bird seed are crucial for attracting birds.

PlacementBird Seed TypeBirds Attracted
Near treesSunflower seedsCardinals, Blue Jays
Open areaMixed seedsSparrows, Finches
Shaded spotThistle seedsGoldfinches, Siskins
  • Placement Tips: Hang your feeder in a place where birds feel safe from predators. Near trees or shrubs is ideal, as it offers birds a quick escape. Ensure the spot is visible from your house so you can enjoy watching the birds.
  • Bird Seed Types: The type of bird seed you choose should depend on the birds native to your area. Sunflower seeds are a great all-rounder, attracting a wide variety of birds. For more specialized feeders, thistle seeds attract finches, while mixed seeds can cater to sparrows and doves.

Garden Edging with Wine Bottles

Creating a colorful edge for garden beds or paths using wine bottles is not only a creative recycling idea but also adds a unique charm to your garden.

This guide will help you understand how to use wine bottles effectively as garden edging and share tips to ensure their durability.

Guide to Using Wine Bottles as a Colorful Edge

Using wine bottles as garden edging involves placing the bottles upside down in the soil to create a border. This method not only recycles the bottles but also adds a splash of color to your garden. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Collect Wine Bottles: You’ll need a good number of wine bottles for this project. It’s best if they are of similar size but varied colors to add diversity.
  2. Prepare the Area: Define the area where you want to install the edging. Clear it of any weeds or debris and make a shallow trench. This trench will hold the bottles in place.
  3. Place the Bottles: Insert the bottles upside down into the trench, making sure they are close together. The closer the bottles, the more stable your edging will be.
  4. Backfill the Trench: Once all the bottles are in place, backfill the trench with soil. This action will secure the bottles further.

Tips on Layout and Installation for Durability

To ensure your wine bottle edging lasts long and stands up to the elements, consider the following tips:

Use bottles of the same sizeConsistency in heightCreates a neat, uniform look
Dig a deep trenchStabilityPrevents bottles from tipping over
Fill bottles with sandWeightAdds extra stability and durability
  • Consistency is Key: Using bottles of the same size and color scheme can make your garden edging look more professional and appealing. It gives your garden a cohesive look.
  • Stability Matters: Digging a deeper trench for the bottles can significantly improve the stability of your edging. This step is crucial to prevent the bottles from falling over or getting dislodged.
  • Adding Weight: Filling the bottles with sand before placing them in the trench adds weight, making your edging more resistant to wind and other disturbances.

Intermediate Garden Projects

Elevating your garden with Wine Bottle Planters is a fabulous way to blend functionality and style. This section delves into transforming wine bottles into unique planters for succulents or herbs, along with essential advice on selecting the right soil and plants.

Wine Bottle Planters

Crafting planters out of wine bottles is a creative way to repurpose empty bottles into something both beautiful and useful. These planters are perfect for growing small plants like succulents and herbs. Here’s how to create your own:

Tutorial on Cutting Wine Bottles to Create Unique Planters

Creating a planter from a wine bottle involves cutting the bottle into two parts. The process requires attention to safety and precision:

  1. Gather Your Tools: You’ll need a glass cutter, safety gloves, and protective eyewear.
  2. Scoring the Bottle: With the glass cutter, score a line around the bottle where you want to cut it. This scoring is critical for a clean break.
  3. Separating the Pieces: After scoring the bottle, apply heat to the scored line using a candle flame or a heat gun, then apply cold water. The sudden temperature change will cause the glass to break along the scored line.
  4. Smoothing the Edges: Use sandpaper to smooth the cut edges of the bottle to make them safe for handling.

Advice on Soil and Plant Selection for Bottle Planters

Selecting the right soil and plants is crucial for the health of your garden. Here’s a table to help you match your wine bottle planters with the perfect plants and soil:

Plant TypeSoil TypeCare Tips
SucculentsSandy, well-draining soilWater sparingly, provide plenty of sunlight
HerbsOrganic, moisture-retentive soilWater regularly, ensure good air circulation
  • Succulents are ideal for wine bottle planters due to their low water needs and love for sunlight. Their roots are perfect for the shallow space a bottle provides.
  • Herbs like basil, mint, and thyme can thrive in bottle planters if they’re given enough light and regular watering. Herbs need nutrient-rich soil, so adding organic matter or compost is beneficial.

Wine Bottle Watering Globes

Transforming wine bottles into self-watering globes is a smart and stylish way to ensure your plants stay hydrated, especially if you’re away for a few days.

This section will guide you through making these watering globes and discuss the benefits of using colored bottles for both effectiveness and aesthetics.

How to Make Self-Watering Globes from Wine Bottles

Creating a self-watering system from an old wine bottle is straightforward and efficient. Here’s the process:

  1. Clean the Bottle: Start with a clean and empty wine bottle. Remove any labels and glue residue to ensure a clear surface, especially if you’re using colored bottles.
  2. Fill With Water: Once the bottle is clean, fill it up with water. You can add a water-soluble fertilizer if you want to provide extra nutrients to your plants.
  3. Prepare the Soil: Before inserting the bottle into the soil, make a small hole to avoid compacting the soil too much, which could harm the plant’s roots.
  4. Insert the Bottle: Turn the bottle upside down and insert the neck deep into the soil near the plant’s base. Ensure it’s stable and won’t tip over.

Discussion on the Effectiveness and Aesthetics of Using Colored Bottles

Colored wine bottles not only add a decorative touch to your garden or indoor plant display but also have practical benefits.

Bottle ColorEffectivenessAesthetic Appeal
ClearAllows sunlight through, promoting algae growthMinimal visual impact
GreenReduces light penetration, less algae growthNatural, earthy look
BlueLeast likely to promote algaeAdds a pop of color, decorative
  • Effectiveness: Colored bottles can be more effective than clear ones in preventing algae growth, as they limit the amount of light that penetrates the water. This is particularly useful for outdoor plants where sunlight is more direct and can lead to quicker algae development in clear bottles.
  • Aesthetics: Using colored wine bottles as watering globes can also enhance the beauty of your garden or home. The colors of the bottles can complement the plants and flowers, adding an extra layer of visual interest. Blue and green bottles blend well with the natural surroundings, while amber or red bottles can add warm tones to your garden palette.

Advanced Wine Bottle Creations for the Garden

Taking your garden decor to the next level involves more intricate projects that blend artistry with utility. One such project is the Wine Bottle Outdoor Chandelier. This piece not only serves as a source of light but also as a striking focal point for your garden pergolas or patios.

Wine Bottle Outdoor Chandelier

Crafting a chandelier from wine bottles is a project that combines recycling with elegance. Follow these steps to create your own:

  1. Collect and Prepare Bottles: Gather several wine bottles, ensuring they are clean and free of labels. You might choose bottles of the same color for a unified look or mix colors for a more eclectic style.
  2. Cut the Bottoms Off: Carefully cut the bottom off each wine bottle. This step requires a glass cutter and a steady hand. Always wear safety gear to protect yourself from potential shards.
  3. Assemble the Frame: Construct or purchase a metal frame that will hold the wine bottles. The frame can be as simple or elaborate as you like, depending on your skill level and the desired final look.
  4. Attach the Bottles: Secure each bottle to the frame. This might involve using wire to hold the bottles in place or creating custom fittings for a more polished appearance.
  5. Install Lighting Elements: Place weatherproof LED lights inside the bottles. These can be solar-powered or connected to your home’s electrical system, depending on your preferences and capabilities.

Electrical Safety and Weatherproofing Tips

Ensuring your wine bottle chandelier is both safe and durable requires attention to electrical safety and weatherproofing.

Electrical SafetyPrevents accidentsUse outdoor-rated electrical components and enclose all connections.
WeatherproofingProtects against elementsSeal the tops of bottles to keep water out. Use weather-resistant materials for the frame.
InstallationEnsures stabilitySecurely mount the chandelier to a strong support structure to withstand wind.
  • Electrical Safety: If your chandelier uses electrical lights, it’s crucial to use components rated for outdoor use. This includes the wiring, switches, and bulbs. Consult with an electrician to ensure all installations meet safety standards.
  • Weatherproofing: Your chandelier will be exposed to the elements, so it’s important to protect it from water damage and corrosion. Sealing the bottle openings and using materials that resist rust and decay will extend the life of your creation.

Creating a wine bottle outdoor chandelier is a rewarding project that enhances your garden’s ambiance. By following these steps and tips, you can ensure that your chandelier is not only beautiful but also safe and enduring. This project is a testament to the creative potential of upcycling and the beauty of personalized garden decor.

Wine Bottle Garden Wall

Creating a Wine Bottle Garden Wall offers both a decorative and functional addition to your garden. This unique structure not only serves as a stunning visual piece but can also provide privacy. Follow these detailed instructions and consider the key factors to ensure your garden wall is both beautiful and sturdy.

Instructions for Building a Decorative and Functional Garden Wall

Building a garden wall with wine bottles involves several steps, from planning to execution. Here’s a simple guide to get you started:

  1. Plan Your Design: Decide on the size and shape of your wall. Sketching your design can help visualize the end result and assist in calculating the number of bottles needed.
  2. Collect Wine Bottles: Start collecting wine bottles. Depending on the size of your wall, you may need a significant number. Consider asking friends, family, or local restaurants to save bottles for you.
  3. Prepare the Foundation: Like any wall, a solid foundation is crucial. Dig a trench and fill it with a layer of gravel, followed by concrete, to provide a stable base for your bottle wall.
  4. Lay the Bottles: Mix mortar to use as adhesive between your bottles. Start laying your bottles in the desired pattern, applying mortar around the bottle’s body to secure them in place. Remember to leave space between the bottles if you plan to grout them later.
  5. Final Touches: Once the mortar is dry, you can apply grout between the bottles if desired, or simply clean up any excess mortar for a finished look.

Considerations for Structure Support and Sunlight Effects

To ensure your wine bottle garden wall is not only a work of art but also a lasting structure, consider these important factors:

Structure SupportEnsures the wall’s stability and longevityUse rebar or mesh within the wall for added strength.
Sunlight EffectsEnhances the wall’s beauty and serves functionChoose colored bottles to create stunning light effects.
  • Structure Support: Incorporating elements like rebar or wire mesh into your wall can significantly increase its strength and resistance to weather and pressure.
  • Sunlight Effects: The way sunlight interacts with your wall can transform it throughout the day. Colored wine bottles will cast beautiful shadows and create a mosaic of light, adding an extra dimension to your garden. Consider the wall’s orientation relative to the sun to maximize these effects.

Creating a wine bottle garden wall is a rewarding project that combines recycling with creativity. By following these steps and considerations, you can build a structure that not only adds privacy and beauty to your garden but also showcases your commitment to sustainable crafting.

Seasonal Decorations with Wine Bottles

Enhancing your garden with Seasonal Decorations using wine bottles is a creative way to celebrate the changing seasons and holidays. This guide will show you how to transform wine bottles into holiday-themed garden lights and adapt wine bottle planters for seasonal displays.

Holiday-Themed Garden Lights

Decorating wine bottles with lights can turn your garden into a festive outdoor space, perfect for celebrating holidays throughout the year. Here’s how to create these enchanting displays:

  1. Select Your Bottles: Choose wine bottles in colors that match the holiday theme. For example, red and green for Christmas, orange for Halloween, or pastel shades for Easter.
  2. Prepare the Bottles: Clean the bottles thoroughly and remove any labels. If you wish, you can paint the bottles or decorate them with holiday stickers or decals.
  3. Add Lights: Insert a string of LED lights into each bottle. Battery-operated lights are ideal as they don’t require an outdoor power source. Ensure the battery pack can be easily accessed for turning the lights on and off.
  4. Display Your Bottles: Arrange the lighted bottles throughout your garden, on tables, along pathways, or hanging from tree branches. The soft glow will create a magical holiday atmosphere.

Seasonal Planters

Wine bottle planters can be easily adapted to reflect the current season or holiday, providing a unique touch to your garden decor. Follow these tips to customize your planters:

  1. Choose Seasonal Plants: Select plants that are associated with the current season. For spring, consider flowers like pansies or tulips. For autumn, mums and ornamental kale are perfect.
  2. Decorate Your Bottles: Customize your wine bottle planters with seasonal decorations. Use paint, ribbons, or twine to add color and texture. For Christmas, wrapping the bottles in green and red yarn can create a festive look.
  3. Arrange Thoughtfully: Place your seasonal planters in spots where they’ll be most visible and can complement other garden decorations. Consider grouping planters together for a more impactful display.
SeasonPlant IdeasDecoration Tips
SpringTulips, DaffodilsBright colors, floral patterns
SummerPetunias, LavenderVibrant hues, beach themes
AutumnMums, Ornamental KaleWarm colors, harvest motifs
WinterEvergreens, HollyGlitter, holiday ornaments

By incorporating these ideas into your garden, you can celebrate the beauty of each season and holiday in an eco-friendly and creative way. Wine bottles offer endless possibilities for customization, allowing you to express your style while enhancing your garden’s aesthetic appeal.

Enhancing Your Garden’s Nighttime Appeal

Transforming your garden into a nighttime wonderland is easier than you might think, especially with the help of wine bottles. This section will guide you through creating solar-powered wine bottle lights and applying glow-in-the-dark paint to bottles, adding a magical touch to your evening garden.

Solar-Powered Wine Bottle Lights

Integrating solar lights into wine bottles is a sustainable way to illuminate your garden after dark. Here’s how to bring this enchanting idea to life:

  1. Select Your Bottles: Choose clear or lightly tinted wine bottles for the best light transmission. Ensure the bottles are clean and free of any labels.
  2. Gather Solar Lights: Purchase small solar-powered LED lights. Many garden stores sell these lights designed to fit into the neck of a bottle.
  3. Assemble Your Lights: Insert the solar light into the mouth of the bottle. If the fit isn’t perfect, use clear adhesive to secure the light in place without obstructing the solar panel.
  4. Place in Sunlight: Position your solar-powered wine bottle lights in a sunny spot during the day so they can charge. At night, they will illuminate, creating a captivating glow.

Glow-in-the-Dark Wine Bottles

For a magical evening effect, applying glow-in-the-dark paint to wine bottles is a creative solution. Follow these techniques for the best results:

  1. Prepare Your Bottles: Choose bottles with smooth surfaces for even application of the paint. Clean them thoroughly, ensuring they are dry before painting.
  2. Select Glow Paint: Purchase high-quality glow-in-the-dark paint. These paints are available in various colors, allowing you to customize your bottles to fit any garden theme.
  3. Apply Paint: Use a brush or sponge to apply the paint to the outside of the bottle. For a more intense glow, apply multiple layers, allowing each layer to dry completely before adding the next.
  4. Charge and Display: Place the painted bottles in direct sunlight or under a strong artificial light to “charge” them. At night, they will emit a soft, glowing light.
Lighting TypeMaterials NeededPlacement Tips
Solar-Powered LightsSolar LED lights, wine bottlesSunlit areas for charging
Glow-in-the-Dark BottlesGlow paint, wine bottlesSunlit or brightly lit areas for charging

Wine Bottle Hanging Basket

3 wine bottle garden ideas farmfoodfamily


Wine Bottle Fountain

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DIY Bottle Tree

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Wine Bottle Garden Edging

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Wine Bottle Watering Device With Copper Tubing for Container Gardens

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Wine Bottle Path

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DIY Wine Bottle Bird-Feeder

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Upside Down Wine Bottle Planter

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Tillandsia Terrarium In A Wine Bottle

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Recycled Wine Bottle Torch

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DIY Self-Watering Wine Bottle Herb Garden

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Wine Bottle Wind Chimes

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Succulent Wine Bottle Planter

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Knotted Jute Net Wine Bottles For Garden Decoration

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DIY Wine Bottle Craft Rainbow Lanterns

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Recycled Wine Bottle Light

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Colored Wine Bottles In A Tree

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Wine Bottle Vertical Garden

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 Wine Bottle Colorful Pendant Light To Light Up Your Garden

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Candelabra Wine Bottle Topper For Garden Dinner

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Easy and Elegant Wine Bottle Centerpiece

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Garden Marker

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Wine Bottle Privacy Screen

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Glass Pebble Wine Bottle Pendant Lamps

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Painting Clear Wine Bottles For Garden Sculptures

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Wine Bottle Pumpkin For Fall Garden Decoration

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 Wine Bottle Garden

26 wine bottle garden ideas farmfoodfamily

Tips for Long-Lasting Wine Bottle Crafts in the Garden

Creating garden decorations from wine bottles is not just a way to add beauty to your outdoor space but also an act of recycling. To ensure these crafts withstand time and weather, it’s crucial to use weather-resistant finishes and adopt strategies for their maintenance and protection.

Advice on Selecting and Applying Weather-Resistant Finishes

Protecting your wine bottle crafts from the elements is essential for their longevity. Here’s how you can select and apply the right finishes:

  1. Choose the Right Finish: Look for finishes that are specifically labeled as weather-resistant or outdoor. These can include outdoor varnishes, sealants, and UV-resistant sprays that will protect the glass and any paint or decorations from fading and water damage.
  2. Apply Correctly: Follow the instructions on the finish product carefully. Most will require a clean surface, so ensure your wine bottles are free of dust and dirt before applying. It might take multiple coats to achieve the best protection, with adequate drying time between each coat.
  3. Regular Reapplication: Even the best finishes will wear down over time. Plan to reapply the finish once a year or as needed to maintain its protective qualities.

Strategies for Maintaining and Protecting Wine Bottle Crafts from the Elements

Beyond just applying a finish, there are strategies you can use to keep your wine bottle crafts looking great year after year:

Proper PlacementAvoids direct exposureReduces wear from sun and rain
Regular CleaningRemoves dirt and debrisPrevents buildup that can damage or dull the appearance
Inspection and RepairIdentifies and fixes issuesPrevents small problems from becoming bigger
  • Proper Placement: Consider placing your wine bottle crafts in locations where they are somewhat shielded from the harshest weather conditions. Under a tree or patio cover can provide some protection from direct sunlight and heavy rain.
  • Regular Cleaning: Keeping your crafts clean is not just about aesthetics; it also prevents the gradual accumulation of materials that could cause damage over time. A gentle wipe-down with soapy water can keep them looking their best.
  • Inspection and Repair: At least once a season, take the time to inspect your wine bottle crafts for any signs of wear or damage. This could be anything from a crack in a bottle to peeling paint. Addressing these issues promptly can extend the life of your craft.


We’ve explored many ways to turn wine bottles into beautiful decorations for your garden and home. The ideas we discussed show that with a little creativity, anything is possible. From lighting up your garden with solar-powered lights to creating a cozy atmosphere with glow-in-the-dark bottles, each project adds a unique touch to your space.

Now, it’s your turn to take these ideas and make them your own. Don’t be afraid to try new things or to mix and match techniques to suit your style. Each piece you create not only enhances your home but also tells a story of sustainability and creativity. So, grab some wine bottles and start crafting. Your next favorite decor piece is just a project away.