Last Updated on February 24, 2024 by Kimberly Crawford
Tree stumps are often neglected because a lot of us do not understand their decorative value. Most of the time, tree stumps are held in utter disregard. In hardscaping, tree stumps are one of the most preferred accent pieces because there are a lot of arrangements and ideas that can be used as its focal point.
If you are looking for ideas on how to work on tree stumps and enhance your garden’s aesthetic value, this post gives a rundown of certain designs that you can consider.

Tree stumps are ugly and may take a longer time to rot and vanish, therefore here is how to get rid of that stump, without getting rid of it at all!
How to decorate a tree stump in landscape
It’s proven that bleaching will do away with the stump, but we all know that it kills the whole tree-plus the roots.
Instead, if the tree falls off, you can always landscape or decorate it in many ways;
- Cut it out and take the trunk with you
- Modify it in a way that you’ll be able to add your décor on that spot.
- Convert into a planter basket.
In case you need a tree service, check here for more information about Boerne tree stump removal service.
Related: 7 Best tree stump killer reviews
Tall tree stump ideas
Tall stumps are easily visible when decorated perfectly.
- Build a mailbox on top-place a light mailbox on top, for your newspapers/magazines.
- Make a vertical garden- hang flower/fern pots in beautiful patterns.
- Make a treehouse/fairy/birdhouse.
1. Home for garden gnomes

This large oak stump sits at six feet in a lush woody estate. Instead of removing it, the estate owners turned it into a gnome home complete with shingled roof, small windows, and a door. To complete the gnome quarters, they surrounded it with lush greenery.
2. Adventure zone

It is safe to say that tree stumps are left out there for kids to enjoy. If you feel like you cannot use the tree stump for landscaping, you can turn a tall one into a backyard adventure zone.
You can make a slide set out of it by attaching repurposed wood slats around the top and a slide. You can also incorporate a sort of a climbing wall on the side like this one.
Tree stump ideas for weddings
3. Romantic candlelit tree stumps

If you are planning on a rustic wedding that is going to happen soon, you can capitalize on the free lying tree stumps in one part of the garden and just take the party there.
All you must do is enhance its surroundings by making a good flower arrangement, put a lot of candles at different levels and go for that LOVE standee with LED lights. Here is something that you can consider.
4. Aisle candle holder

For a rustic minimalist and low-cost decoration in the venue for the wedding ceremony, just gather all the small tree stumps that you can gather.
It does not matter if they do not have the perfect straight shape as it all adds to its rustic vibe. Place the candles on top of each stump for that warm glow. Expect a full effect on afternoon and dusk weddings.
5. Built-in rustic table décor holder

If you are the type who enjoys entertaining family and friends a lot in your spacious yard, you can build a custom fit rustic table where the tree stump is at its center. It can be used as a table décor holder for more formal occasions like weddings.
This is enhanced by string lights above the table. In evening beers and barbeques, you can put a mason jar with candle inside for the perfect rustic backyard soiree.
Tree stump ideas for landscaping
6. Natural planter

For a cottage-style garden, a tree stump is a magical find. You can transform it into a natural planter where your cascading plants can be grown. It could also be used as a planter for vines.
The tree stump planter will look alive in a vibrant green turf. You would not even need to surround it with other greens like this one.
7. Succulent planter

If you do not have a place to arrange your succulents on, getting a tree stump to do the job is a good idea. Since these plants do not need frequent watering, they can benefit from the dampness and moisture of a tree stump.
8. Stump garden pathway

If you have recently built a house or remodeled a yard and you find yourself in the middle of scattered tree stumps, make the most out of it by making a garden pathway.
Reduce them into ground level and make them look like a polka dot walkway to a Japanese garden for example. Varnish it with light brown and scatter pea gravel around to achieve a zen oriental garden in your yard like this one.
Decorative tree stump ideas
9. Garden mushrooms

This idea involves a full-on modification of tree stumps that happen to be near each other. You can shape them into mushrooms, add a circular layer at the base to make it seem like they are rooted to the ground.
The white middle layer should not be missed and of course, the shroom umbrella-like structure on top seals the deal.
10. Tree stump owl

We all know the mystical power of the owl. It is the symbol of wisdom and archaic everything. Sculpting an owl from a tree stump could be a beautiful addition in a vast backyard.
It can be a hangout where you can set bonfires and smores while storytelling with the kids or just a decorative piece for marking a particular view in the backyard.
Fairy tree stump ideas
11. Glowing fairy home

If you want to go all out for the kids and feed their land of magic orientation and at the same time giving your garden a whimsical look, you can easily make a glowing fairy home out of a tree stump.
Carve out small squares for the windows and a grand opening. Sculpt the steps, the vines, and the leaves, a shroom on the side and other small details. Here is something which you can do.
12. Fairy garden arrangement

For a less detailed but equally magical looking fairy garden on a tree stump, you can drill a circular space in the middle of the tree stump.
Add a patch of grass and surround the area with colored wood slats for a fence structure. Give space for natural plant growth and a house structure and fairy figurine on the side.
Tree stump ideas for chairs
13. Backyard stump set

This is a cheap take on enhancing the backyard seating. If you have a wide stump set on one end of the estate and scattered stumps on other sides, you can shape them all in a cylinder.
The largest stump cylinder can serve as the table and the smaller cylinders can be the stools. Carry them one by one into your desired place in the backyard. Here is what it can look like.
14. Repurposed tree stump

If you do not know what to do with that tree stump in the middle of your yard, why not turn it into a beautiful seat set. Attach wood arms to establish a sturdy foundation and glue in a glass surface with wood trims surrounding it.
If you have more wood to spare, make matching benches around it. You can also add a built-in checker table for some entertainment.
15. Firepit seating

You can spruce up your backyard firepit with low-cost seating by turning tree stumps into bonfire stools. Place the stone firepit in the middle and surround it with a couple of tree stump seats.
You can seal the stumps or leave them as they are. Here is a simple fire pit stump seating that you can consider.
Tree stump ideas for Christmas decorations
16. Christmas potpourri

We are not talking about the standard potpourri. We are talking about full pine fruits, acorns and small tree stumps that were transformed into candle holders.
Place them in an ornate Christmas bowl and make it the centerpiece of your dinner table for Christmas eve. Here is what it should look like.
17. Lowkey stump Christmas tree

You would never know that a tree stump could be used as a Christmas tree base. Although it does not have the height of a standard, full-blown Christmas tree, it can still evoke the same warm glow of the holidays.
It is versatile for any type of home style if it is packed with all the Christmas decors that it should have. Here is what it will look like.
18. Stump snowmen

These sliced tree stumps here are turned into rustic snowmen. They were layered in different sizes, adorned with scarves, and topped with wooden hats made of the sliced tree stump too.
For a complete Christmas exterior decoration, you can make your own version of stump snowmen.
Halloween tree stump ideas
19. Pumpkin holder

Sometimes, you do not need to be so elaborate with the tree stump for it to feel spooky at all. If you are planning a Halloween party where everyone is set to go trick or treating in the vast woods, you can place the carved and glowing pumpkins on top of the scattered tree stumps like this one.
20. Painted Halloween caricatures

If you have more time to spare for your spooky decorations, you can go for painted Halloween caricatures. They could be more playful than spooky.
The tree stumps could have an irregular shape. Use old yarns or hay to wrap the cylinder stumps for the hair. Here is something to consider.
Tree stump ideas in bathroom
21. Side tub shampoo holder

Instead of upper shelving or installing a steel shampoo rack inside the shower itself, you can give an old tree stump a stained wood finish and place it on the tub’s side to serve as a shampoo holder.
With the space on the surface, you can even take your phone and portable speaker and just have a calming me-time.
22. Tree stump tub

If you have a talent for woodworking like this homeowner in Colorado, you can gather as much tree stump as you can and make a tree stump bathtub out of it.
For example, this beautiful, warm, and rustic wood tub is made of five large stumps of hard oak. It is breathtaking even without sealing. The raw edges are perfect on their own.
23. Tree stump sink

We have covered the side tub stump table and the stump bathtub. But did you know that you can make a tree stump sink too? It is one of those basic sinks that you can see in a washroom.
The faucet and sink are still connected to a vent and drain system and it is only the sink is placed on top of an angled tree stump like this one.
Tree Stump Sculptures
24. Bear friends

If you happen to be a talented sculptor, you can make various figures out of a tree stump without removing it from the ground. It could have a story, it could be your favorite superhero or a popular icon, or it could be these cute little bears seemingly peeping out of their wood home.
25. Woman of the forest

For a more artsy take on a neglected and solitary tree stump in the middle of a large estate, you can make a standout ‘woman of the forest’. Shape the stump in an inverted V and just let the moss take over the structure.
Use porcelain or figurine material and attach arms and a head. Leaving it as a faceless structure adds to its mystic and aesthetic appeal like this one.
Tree stump ideas with a roof
26. Backyard playhouse

This large tree stump is not one for the ages because of its durability. This one is made more timeless as it is transformed into a backyard playhouse. This stump can accommodate active toddlers.
You just must make a safe space inside, fence it with small wood palettes and adorn it with colorful decorations. The back of this playhouse by the way is open so you do not have to worry about ventilation.
27. Carved birdhouse seating on a stump

If you have extra wood and old metal, you can make a birdhouse out of it and glue it to a tree stump in your backyard. It does not need to be elaborate, but make sure that it has a roof for the birds to take shelter when it is extremely hot or when it rains. Leaving crumbs every now and then is also a good idea.
Pine tree stump ideas
Pinewood is widely known for its carpentry uses; therefore, you might want to get to work!
- Craft a bench/table/seat on the lawn.
- Bike holder-drill the stump across to insert the front bike wheel.
- Make a chopping board for your kitchen.
- Make a chess table
Read also: Types of pine trees
Palm tree stump ideas
Palm trees are tropical plants with a tree-like structure.
The palm wood may be used for wicker furniture so you might want to handle it lightly.
- Make small outdoor chairs and tables on your lawn.
- Flower/plant holders for your garden.
- Make candleholders.
Tree stump art ideas
Art speaks well to our emotions;
- Add an artistic paint or sculpture.
- Mosaic table- add colorful mosaic tiles on tip.
- Make a tree stamp clock.

Climbing Wall Play Set
Tree Stump Planter

In order to recycle your stump, you can create a planting hole on the stump- making it deep enough and accommodating, then fill the hole with composted soil and plant your little garden.
Very impressive dad – Tree Stump Outdoor Table

Improvise a little! Cut the stump to shape, and make it look like an outdoor table on your lawn.
Mosaic Tree Stump Table
Bird Bath

All you’ll require is a well-shaped-straight trunk and easily accessible dish for the top. Level the trunk a bit to make it act as the pedestal.
Pick a shallow and non-slippery saucer for the top and another small one on the base- for birds on the ground to dip.
Spring Time Tic-Tac-Toe
Fairy Garden Magic

Get any miniature fairies at Amazon to bring that English fairy touch on your compound. These little fairy gardens with coral bells, lilies, gnomes, and a fairy door may bring that cultural feel.
You can as well use dollhouse furniture or recycled wood/branches for the house. Also, popsicle sticks can represent benches and fences for your little fairy garden.
Bird Condos
Repurposing A Tree Stump
Tree Stump Garden Decor and Sculpture

During spring, gardeners cut all the flowers, but with a beautiful display of tulip, you can make your garden so beautiful.
The color play is very charming!
Tree Stump Chair
Fountain From A Tree Stump and Recycled Tea Pots
Tree Stump Bench

You can assemble a cool sitting bench on the base of your trunk. All you require is a non-decaying/termite resistant pine wood to assemble the bench.
This is a good space for outdoor family fun and personal privacy.
Tree Stump House
A Container Garden On A Tree Stump
This is a cool way to dispose of that ugly stump at home and create a little garden.
Simply attach wire fence to the tree stump and fill the frame with moist moss, then add fertile soil and start planting.
Wood Logs Ideas
1. Tree log round table

A tree log round table is easy to make because you will only need to slice the log into equal parts. Ensure that you do it uniformly before you fix the legs, and there you have your cute round table. This idea is effortless, and you won’t need any expertise to get it right.
2. Tree stump side tables

Some areas in your house will not access the table. It is time to consider the use of readily available tree stamps to make the side tables. It will be fantastic if you use paint to make the stamp look more appealing.
3. Birch wall panel

A birch wall panel is such a nice decoration. Check out all the instructions on working on the birch wall panel from the source here. It is an excellent way to use the logs and stumps on your porch patio or even in some rooms.
4. Rustic log side table

The rustic log side table is such a cute table you will want to have in your house. You will admire the rustic look that makes it more of a jewel than a log. Everything about this idea is easy to do, and it won’t be so demanding.
5. DIY glow in the dark log woods stools

Here is another fantastic idea from wiki about how you will want to try your compound’s logs. Making some cute patio stools and painting with glowing colors to glow at night is such an innovation.
6. DIY modern log lounger

The DIY modern log lounger is such a spectacular piece of furniture that you can make using log wood. It is a great inspiration for people who can access lots of wood. Check out the source here and try this fantastic idea from Instructables.
7. DIY satin coated stump table

The use of stumps is quite overwhelming. This idea ranks among the best ideas you can ever have. Check for instructions from the source and start over with this rustic table idea using the satin coat.
8. DIY wood log iPhone Docker

It is one of the smart ideas that you can do with a wood log. It may not be indispensable, though, but what if you have all these logs around? It will be beneficial to get some work for them. Try the idea from the source below and be at the forefront of beautiful ideas.
9. Tree branch coat rack

Don’t allow those coats to disturb you because of the way they make your room look disorganized. If you can get log woods and stumps, then it is time to make a beautiful coat rack. Place it strategically in a position that will impress you.
10. Log wedding cake stand

Among the surprises you should give to your loved one during your wedding day is a log wedding cake stand. It should not necessarily be a table, but you are doing things differently with a log wedding stand this time.
11. Christmas Santa log decoration

It would be best if you celebrated your Christmas festive season with new things. We have had many ideas, including the crochet Santa ideas. But now, here is an excellent wood log idea that will bring the Christmas theme perfectly.
12. DIY log slice vase

The DIY log slice vase ranks among the smart ideas you can get using the log woods and stumps. It is a lovely idea that you want to have in your house. Never mind, you can quickly get it by following the instructions from the source here.
13. Fairy cake stand

Here is a beautiful fairy cake stand that you can make using logs and wood. Everything here is reachable because you will be using locally available wood. Check the source for inspiration.
14. Tree stump candle holders

Don’t stress so much on the positions that will hold your candles correctly during a birthday party. If you have the log woods around your house, it is time to start making logwood candle holders. The instructions are accessible to everyone.
15. Wood log fountain

Do you always admire the fountains? Here is something new for you to try. Make cute wood log fountains using the logs and stumps around your house. Every step is easy, and you can always get inspiration by checking the source here.

There are a lot of questions about tree stump removal but there are more reasons which prove that they can be put into good use instead of drilling a hole and damaging your turf or your backyard just to have it removed.
If you have time to be artsy or just really think out of the box, you could see the endless potential in tree stumps. While it is not all, the ideas listed here can be considered.
The choices are endless. Just follow your gut!