How Wide Should A Hallway Be? Standard Hallway Dimensions

Last Updated on September 14, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

When it comes to designing your home, one of the most important decisions you will make is how wide to make your hallways. Hallways are often neglected, but they play a very important role in your home.

They connect different parts of your house and allow people to move around easily. In this blog post, we will discuss the ideal width for a hallway and provide some tips on how to make the most of this space!

What are Hallway Dimensions?

Hallway dimensions refer to the measurements of the width, height, and length of a hallway. These dimensions play a crucial role in determining how easily people can move through the building, and they need to be carefully considered during the design phase.

Width: The width of a hallway is measured from one wall to the other. It should provide enough space for people to pass each other comfortably. In residential buildings, the minimum recommended width is 36 inches (91.4 cm). However, for commercial or public buildings, the width should be larger to accommodate higher traffic, typically starting at 44 inches (111.8 cm).

Height: Hallway height is often determined by the ceiling height of the building. In most cases, it matches the height of the rooms, making for a seamless transition. The standard height for both residential and commercial buildings is usually around 8-9 feet (2.4-2.7 meters).

Length: The length of a hallway can vary greatly depending on the size and layout of the building. There’s no standard length; however, extremely long hallways can seem daunting and unwelcoming. Designers often use strategies like varying the width, adding interest points like artwork, or incorporating natural light to break up long corridors and make them more appealing.

The dimensions of hallways are not only important for comfort and aesthetics but also for safety and accessibility. They should allow for easy movement of furniture and meet the requirements of wheelchair accessibility standards. For instance, according to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), hallways should have a minimum width of 36 inches (91.4 cm) to allow wheelchair users to pass through comfortably.

How Wide Should A Hallway Be?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the specific situation. However, in general, a hallway should be at least three feet wide.

This will provide enough space for people to walk through comfortably and avoid collisions. If there is not enough space to create a three-foot-wide hallway, then the width should be increased as much as possible.

Standard Hallway Dimensions

In order to make the most efficient use of space, many buildings have standard hallway dimensions. Here are the most common ones:

  • Width: Minimum of three feet, maximum of six feet
  • Height: Minimum of seven and a half feet, maximum of eight and a half feet
  • Length: Varies depending on the building layout, but typically around 20 feet

These dimensions may vary depending on the specific needs of the building, so always consult with a professional if you are unsure. By using standard hallway dimensions, you can create a more efficient and functional space for your employees or tenants.

Minimum hallway width residential.

When it comes to the minimum hallway width residential, there are a few key things you need to keep in mind. The first is that the width of the hallway will depend on the type of home you have.

A condo or apartment will typically have a narrower hallway than a house. The other thing to consider is whether or not you will be using the hallway as a main thoroughfare.

If you will be using the hallway as a main thoroughfare, then you will need to make sure that it is at least 36 inches wide. If you are not using the hallway as a main thoroughfare, then 24 inches is typically sufficient.

Some other things to keep in mind when it comes to hallways include the height of the ceilings and the type of flooring you have. If you have a high ceiling, make sure that there is enough clearance for people to walk under it. And if you have hardwood floors, make sure that there is enough space for people to move around comfortably.

How wide should a hallway be in a commercial building?

hallway width

The width of a hallway in a commercial building can vary, but the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) recommends that hallways be at least 36 inches wide.

This will provide plenty of room for people to walk through and evacuate the building in the event of a fire or other emergency.

If your business is located in a multi-story building, it is also important to make sure that the stairwells are wide enough so that people can evacuate quickly in the event of an emergency.

If you have any questions about hallway widths or other fire safety concerns, please contact your local NFPA chapter or a qualified fire safety professional.

What is the code for the width of a hallway?

The width of a hallway is typically code C-20. However, it may vary depending on the type of building and its purpose. For example, a hospital may have wider hallways to allow for stretchers to pass through easily. Ask your architect or engineer for more specific information.

How wide is a hallway in an office?

A hallway in an office is typically about four feet wide. This allows people to walk through comfortably without having to squeeze by others. If the hallway is too narrow, it can be difficult for people to get around and can cause traffic jams.

If you are designing an office, make sure to leave enough space for a hallway so that people can move around easily. You may also want to consider adding a few extra inches if you plan on having large furniture or equipment in the hallway.

How wide is a high school hallway?

high school hallway

A high school hallway is typically about eight feet wide. This allows for students to walk down the hall without running into each other, and also leaves enough room for teachers to walk past them. However, some schools have wider hallways, while others are a bit narrower. It all depends on the individual school’s layout and design.

What is the minimum space required for a corridor?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it can vary depending on the type of corridor and its intended use. However, a general rule of thumb is that a corridor should be at least three feet wide.

This will provide enough space for people to comfortably walk through the corridor without having to squeeze past each other.

If you are planning to use the corridor for storage or as a passageway, you will need to provide even more space. In these cases, it is recommended to have a corridor that is at least five feet wide. By following these guidelines, you can create a safe and functional corridor for your home or office.

Standard hallway width meters

standard hallway width

Standard hallway width meters vary depending on the country, but in general they are about three meters wide. This is wide enough for two people to walk side by side, but not too wide so that people get lost in the hallway.

Having a standard width for hallways makes it easier for people to know what to expect when they are walking through one. It also makes it easier for people to navigate through buildings.

Average hallway width in ft.

The average hallway width is about three feet. This makes it a tight squeeze for two people to walk side by side, so be mindful of your surroundings when you’re out and about. Some hallways are a bit narrower than this, so if you’re in a hurry, try to avoid them. Luckily, most hallways are wide enough for people to walk through comfortably. Just be sure to watch your step!

Types of hallways:

-Standard hallway width: about three feet

-Narrow hallway width: less than three feet

-Wide hallway width: more than three feet

How wide is a wheelchair accessible hallway?

There is no definitive answer to the question of what width a hallway should be in order to accommodate a wheelchair, as it depends on a variety of factors such as the size of the wheelchair for adults and the layout of the home. However, guidelines have been established in order to provide a general idea of what is considered safe and accessible.

The width of a hallway should be at least 32 inches in order to allow a wheelchair to pass through, and preferably 36 inches or more. If the hallway is too narrow, the wheelchair may become stuck or blocked from passing through.

Width of upstairs hallway

The upstairs hallway is six feet wide. This is a comfortable width for most people, but it can be a little tight if you are carrying something large. Make sure to give yourself enough space when traveling through the hallway.

If you need more space, there is always the option of using the stairs. The stairs provide plenty of room for people to pass by, and they are also a great place to store items. Just be careful not to block the stairs when you are storing your belongings.

Importance of Correct Hallway Dimensions in Building Design

Correct hallway dimensions are a critical aspect of building design, influencing the movement and flow of traffic, safety, accessibility, and overall user experience.

Impact on Movement and Flow of Traffic

Hallways serve as conduits for movement within a building. The dimensions, particularly the width, directly influence how comfortably people can move through these spaces. A hallway that is too narrow can hinder movement, create congestion, and make the space feel cramped.

On the other hand, overly wide hallways can waste valuable square footage. A well-dimensioned hallway ensures smooth traffic flow and contributes to a positive perception of the building.

Role in Safety and Accessibility

The dimensions of hallways also play a pivotal role in safety and accessibility. Standard hallway widths ensure that people can evacuate the building quickly and safely in case of emergencies. They also provide enough space for the movement of furniture, equipment, or large items, reducing the risk of damage or injury.

In terms of accessibility, hallway dimensions should comply with standards such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), which mandates a minimum width of 36 inches (91.44 cm) to allow wheelchair users to pass through comfortably. Providing ample space in hallways is also essential for people using walkers or crutches, pushing strollers, or carrying large items.

Enhancing User Experience

Beyond functionality and safety, the proportions of a hallway can significantly affect the building’s aesthetics and the occupants’ experience. A well-proportioned hallway in harmony with the rest of the building can enhance the sense of spaciousness, light, and flow, contributing to a more pleasant and welcoming environment.

How to Measure Hallway Dimensions

Measuring hallway dimensions accurately is crucial when planning a renovation or simply trying to determine if a piece of furniture will fit. Here’s how you can do it:

Tools Needed:

  1. Tape measure
  2. Notepad and pen

Step-by-Step Guide

Step 1: Width Measurement

  • Extend your tape measure from one wall to the other, at about waist height.
  • Make sure the tape measure is straight and level. It should not sag in the middle as this could distort the measurement.
  • Record the measurement in feet and inches on your notepad.

Step 2: Height Measurement

  • Place the end of your tape measure on the floor, and extend it up to the ceiling.
  • Keep the tape measure straight and vertical.
  • Record the measurement in feet and inches on your notepad.

Step 3: Length Measurement

  • Start at one end of the hallway and extend your tape measure all the way to the other end.
  • Ensure the tape measure is straight and level, running along the floor.
  • Record the measurement in feet and inches on your notepad.

Tips for Accurate Measurement

  • Always double-check your measurements to ensure accuracy.
  • If the hallway has any curves or angles, make sure to measure the narrowest and widest points.
  • For very long hallways, you may need to take multiple measurements and add them together.
  • When measuring the width, consider any fixtures like radiators or trim that might affect the usable space.
  • Remember to consider baseboards or moldings in your measurements if they will impact the placement of furniture or other items.
  • Note down everything, including any irregularities, as it can be useful when planning renovations or deciding on furniture placement.

Hallway Dimensions for Different Types of Buildings

The dimensions of hallways can vary significantly depending on the type and purpose of a building. Here’s an overview of the hallway dimensions you might typically see in residential, commercial, and institutional buildings.

Residential Buildings

In residential buildings, such as houses and apartments, hallways typically have a standard minimum width of 36 inches (91.4 cm), allowing two people to pass by each other comfortably.

In some luxury or custom homes, hallways may be wider for aesthetic reasons or to accommodate larger furniture. The ceiling height usually matches the rest of the home and is typically around 8-9 feet (2.4-2.7 meters).

Commercial Buildings

Commercial buildings, such as offices and retail spaces, often need wider hallways to accommodate higher foot traffic and the movement of goods. While there’s no universally applied standard, many building codes require hallways in commercial buildings to be at least 44 inches (111.8 cm) wide. Ceiling heights can vary widely based on the design and purpose of the building.

Institutional Buildings

In institutional buildings like schools, hospitals, and churches, hallway dimensions are often dictated by specific safety and accessibility requirements.

For instance, in schools, hallways should be wide enough to handle heavy student traffic and allow for quick evacuation in emergencies. A typical school corridor might be between 6-12 feet (1.8-3.7 meters) wide.

In hospitals, hallways need to accommodate wheelchairs, gurneys, and medical equipment. As such, they’re often wider than those in other types of buildings, with widths often exceeding 8 feet (2.4 meters).

Churches, on the other hand, require hallways to be at least 44 inches wide according to building codes.

Impact of Incorrect Hallway Dimensions

Incorrect hallway dimensions can have a significant impact on the functionality, safety, and overall aesthetic of a building. Here are some problems that can arise due to incorrect hallway dimensions:

Functionality Issues

A hallway that’s too narrow can make the space feel cramped and hinder movement, especially in high-traffic areas or when moving large objects. On the other hand, a hallway that’s too wide can waste valuable square footage that could be used for other purposes.

Safety Concerns

In terms of safety, a narrow hallway can pose problems, particularly in emergencies when quick evacuation is necessary. It can also create difficulties for people with mobility aids, such as wheelchairs or walkers, to move through comfortably.

Aesthetic Considerations

From an aesthetic point of view, a poorly proportioned hallway can negatively affect the overall look and feel of a building. It can make the space appear disjointed or awkward, impacting the value of the property.

Case Studies

While specific case studies are not readily available, numerous discussions and anecdotes highlight the issues caused by incorrect hallway dimensions. For example, a user on Houzz realized their hallway was only 3 ft wide, which was causing practical and aesthetic issues.

Another Reddit user asked for advice on the necessary hallway width in their basement, highlighting the confusion and potential problems that can arise when planning and constructing hallways.

These examples underscore the importance of planning and measuring hallway dimensions accurately to ensure they meet both functional and aesthetic needs, as well as safety requirements.

How to Adjust or Modify Hallway Dimensions

There are several reasons why you might need to adjust hallway dimensions, such as:

  • To accommodate changes in building codes or regulations.
  • To improve accessibility for individuals with mobility aids.
  • To enhance the aesthetic appeal and functionality of the space.
  • To make room for renovations or additions to a building.

Here are some methods for adjusting hallway dimensions and possible challenges that may arise:

Methods for Adjusting Hallway Dimensions

  1. Move Walls: If structural conditions allow, one of the most direct ways to modify a hallway’s width is to move the walls. This can be achieved by demolishing a part of the existing wall and reconstructing it at the desired location.
  2. Use of Civil 3D Software: For complex projects, software like AutoCAD Civil 3D can be used to design and visualize changes to hallway dimensions before implementation. The software allows users to create a new corridor region and assign a new assembly to it.
  3. Corridor Editing: With tools like OpenRoads Designer, you can smooth over a specified station range rather than making a sudden change over a short length, which can help when adjusting hallway dimensions.

Possible Challenges and How to Overcome Them

  • Structural Integrity: One of the main challenges in modifying hallway dimensions is maintaining the building’s structural integrity. Always consult with a structural engineer before making any significant changes to a building’s layout.
  • Building Codes and Regulations: Any modifications made should comply with local building codes and regulations. It’s essential to research these or work with a professional who is familiar with them.
  • Cost and Time: Adjusting hallway dimensions can be costly and time-consuming, particularly if walls need to be moved. Proper planning and budgeting can help manage these issues.
  • Aesthetic Consistency: Changes to hallway dimensions should fit in with the overall design of the building. Working with a professional designer can ensure that the new hallway dimensions enhance rather than detract from the building’s aesthetics.

How wide does a hallway need to be for fire code?

The width of a hallway is determined by the fire code for your area. In general, a hallway should be at least 36 inches wide, but it may need to be wider depending on the layout of your home. Talk to your local fire department to find out what the specific requirements are in your area.

If you are remodeling or building a new home, make sure you consult with a contractor who is familiar with the fire code requirements in your area. Building a hallway that is too narrow can result in a safety hazard and may not meet local building codes.

What is the minimum ADA door width?

The ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act) requires that all public buildings have accessible entrances. This includes doorways that are wide enough to accommodate wheelchairs and other mobility devices.

The minimum width for an ADA-compliant doorway is 32 inches. However, many building codes require a wider doorway of 36 or 42 inches. If your business is planning a renovation or remodel, make sure you consult with an architect or engineer to ensure that your new doorways meet ADA requirements.

How do you make a hallway look wider?

You can make a hallway look wider by adding mirrors to the walls. Mirrors reflect light and make a space feel larger. You can also add plants or paintings to the walls to make the hallway look more inviting.

Adding a Persian rug to your hallway can also contribute to the illusion of a wider space. Persian rugs, with their intricate designs and rich colors, can add a touch of elegance and sophistication to your hallway.

Choose colors that will brighten up the space, and avoid using dark colors that will make the hallway feel smaller. If you have the option, choose a hallway with a lot of natural light. This will also help to brighten up the space.

If you can’t change the layout of the hallway, try using furniture or accessories to create the illusion of more space. For example, use a narrow table or chair against one wall to help break up the space.

You can also use a mirror or piece of art to add visual interest. By following these tips, you can make your hallway look wider and more inviting.


When it comes to hallways, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. It depends on the layout of your home and the amount of traffic you expect to travel through the hallway. But as a general rule, we recommend that hallways be at least 36 inches wide.

This will give you enough room to comfortably walk through the hallway, and it will also make it easier for people to navigate through the space. If your hallway is narrower than 36 inches, you may want to consider widening it to make it more user-friendly.