Last Updated on June 28, 2022 by Kimberly Crawford
Guava trees are a tropical fruit that is enjoyed by many. There are many different types of guava trees, and each has its own unique flavor and history. In this blog post, we will discuss the different types of guava trees and their histories. We will also provide tips on how to select the right type of guava tree for your home garden!
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What is guava?
Guava is a tropical fruit that originates from Central America. Guava is rich in Vitamin C, and it has a unique flavor that is both sweet and tart. Guavas can be eaten fresh, or they can be used to make juices, jams, and pies.
Guava is a popular fruit in many tropical countries, and it is slowly becoming more popular in the United States as well.
History of guava trees.
Guava trees are native to tropical America and the West Indies, and have been cultivated in these regions for centuries. Guava tree cultivation began in Florida in the 18th century, and the trees were introduced to Hawaii in the 19th century. Today, guava trees are grown in many tropical and subtropical countries around the world.
Guava Characteristics.
Guava is an evergreen shrub or small tree native to the Caribbean, Central America and South America. The fruit of the guava tree is eaten fresh or made into juices, jams and jellies. Guavas are high in vitamin C and fiber.
Guavas come in many different varieties. Some guavas are round while others are oval. The skin of a guava can be green, yellow, red or maroon. The flesh of a guava is white, pink or red. Guavas have small seeds that are edible.
Guavas have a sweet taste with a hint of sourness. The flavor of a guava is often described as a cross between a strawberry and a pear. Guavas are a good source of vitamins A, C and B.
Guavas can be eaten fresh, cooked or juiced. When choosing a guava, look for one that is firm and has no bruising. Guavas can be stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks.
How to identify guava.
There are several ways to identify guava. The most common way is by its physical appearance. Guava typically has a round or oval shape and a green, yellow, or red skin. The flesh of the fruit can be white, pink, or red, and it contains small seeds.
Another way to identify guava is by its flavor. Guava is a sweet fruit with a slightly acidic flavor. It is often used in desserts or eaten raw as a snack.
Types of Guava.
There are many different types of guava, but the most common are:
1. Arka Mridula guava.

What is Arka Mridula guava?
Arka Mridula guava is a tropical fruit that is native to India. The fruit is oval in shape and has a green skin. The flesh of the fruit is white and contains small seeds. The taste of the fruit is sweet and tangy.
The Arka Mridula guava tree grows to a height of 20 feet and has a lifespan of 15 years. The tree is resistant to pests and diseases.
The fruit of the Arka Mridula guava tree is used in Ayurvedic medicine. The fruit is believed to have medicinal properties that can treat various ailments such as diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion.
2. Banarasi guava.

What is Banarasi guava?
Banarasi guava is a type of guava that is native to the Indian subcontinent. It is named after the city of Banaras, where it is commonly grown. The fruit is small and round, with green skin and white flesh. It has a sweet, aromatic flavor and is often used in Hindu religious ceremonies.
What does Banarasi guava taste like?
The Banarasi guava is a cultivar of guava that originates from the city of Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh, India. The fruit is small to medium in size with a greenish-yellow skin and pink flesh. The flavor of the Banarasi guava is said to be a cross between a strawberry and a pear.
The Banarasi guava is a popular cultivar of guava in India and is often used in making juices, jams, and jellies. The fruit is also eaten fresh and used in salads.
How do you eat Banarasi guava?
You can eat Banarasi guava raw, cooked, or juiced.
What are the benefits of Banarasi guava?
Banarasi guava is a good source of vitamins C and A. It also contains fiber, potassium, and magnesium.
3. Beaumont Guava.
What is Beaumont guava?
The Beaumont guava is a round, green fruit with a pink flesh. It is about the size of a tennis ball and has a thin skin. The Beaumont guava is native to the tropical regions of South America, Central America, and the Caribbean.
The Beaumont guava is an excellent source of vitamins C and A. It is also a good source of fiber. The Beaumont guava can be eaten fresh, or it can be used to make jams, jellies, and pies.
The Beaumont guava is named after the city of Beaumont, Texas, where it was first grown in the United States.
4. Brazilian Guava.

What is Brazilian guava?
Brazilian guava is a fruit that grows on the guava tree. The scientific name for the Brazilian guava is Psidium guajava. Guavas are native to tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Brazil is one of the top producers of guavas in the world.
5. Cherry Guava.

What is cherry guava?
Cherry guava is a fruit that grows on the shrub Psidium littorale, which is native to Brazil. The cherry guava has a round or oval shape and is about the size of a chicken egg.
It has a thin, yellow-green skin that is covered with small, red bumps. The flesh of the cherry guava is white or pink and has a sweet, tart flavor. The fruit can be eaten fresh or used to make jams, jellies, and pies.
The cherry guava is a member of the myrtle family, which includes eucalyptus, feijoa, allspice, and clove. The cherry guava was introduced to Hawaii in the late 1800s and is now grown on all of the Hawaiian Islands. It is also grown in California, Florida, and Puerto Rico.
6. Chittidar guava.

What is Chittidar guava?
Chittidar guava is a tropical fruit that belongs to the myrtle family. It is native to Mexico, Central America, and the Caribbean. The fruit is round or oval in shape and has a smooth, yellowish-green skin. The flesh of the fruit is white or pink and contains small, black seeds.
The fruit is often eaten fresh or made into juices, jams, and jellies. It can also be used to flavor ice cream, yogurt, and other desserts.
7. Costa Rican guava.
What is Costa Rican guava?
Costa Rican guava is a tropical fruit that grows on the island of Costa Rica. The fruit is small and round, with a greenish-yellow skin and pink flesh. It has a sweet, acidic flavor and is often used in jams, jellies, and pies.
The Costa Rican guava is a member of the Myrtaceae family, which also includes cloves, allspice, and eucalyptus. The tree that produces the fruit is native to Central America and Mexico, but it has been introduced to other parts of the world, including the Caribbean, South America, and Florida.
8. Detwiler guava.
Detwiler guava is a tropical fruit that is native to Central America. The fruit is spherical or oval in shape and has a thin, yellow-green skin. The flesh of the fruit is pink or white and contains small, black seeds. The taste of Detwiler guava is similar to that of other guavas, with a sweet and slightly acidic flavor.
Detwiler guava is named after American botanist David Fairchild Detwiler, who introduced the fruit to the United States in the early 1900s. The Detwiler guava is not as widely cultivated as other types of guavas, but it can be found in tropical areas of the Americas, such as Florida, Puerto Rico, and Hawaii.
9. Giant Vietnamese guava.

What is giant Vietnamese guava?
Giant Vietnamese guava is a fruit. The giant Vietnamese guava tree is native to Vietnam. The giant Vietnamese guava fruit is the size of a watermelon.
The giant Vietnamese guava has white flesh with seeds. You can eat the giant Vietnamese guava raw or cooked. Giant Vietnamese Guava trees are not common in the United States.
The giant Vietnamese guava is a delicious fruit that can be eaten raw or cooked.
10. Harijha guava.
What is giant Harijha guava?
It is the world’s largest guava, weighing in at over two pounds. It is native to the Indian subcontinent and is grown in tropical regions around the world. The fruit is a beautiful green color with white flesh. It has a sweet flavor with a hint of tartness.
Harijha guava is an excellent source of vitamins C and A. It is also a good source of dietary fiber. The fruit can be eaten fresh or used in jams, jellies, and other recipes.
11. Homestead guava.
What is giant homestead guava?
It is a tropical fruit that can weigh up to two pounds. The skin of the fruit is greenish-yellow and the flesh is pink. Giant homestead guava is native to Southeast Asia but it can also be found in South America and India.
The giant homestead guava tree can grow up to 30 feet tall and the leaves are used for making tea. The fruit is often used in jams, jellies, and pies.
Guava is a good source of vitamins C and A. It also contains fiber and potassium. Giant homestead guava can be eaten fresh or made into juice. The fruit can also be dried and used as a powder or flakes.
12. Hong Kong Pink Guava.

What is Hong Kong pink guava?
It is a fruit that is native to the region of Southeast Asia. The pink guava is a small, round fruit that has a thin skin and is filled with seeds. The flesh of the pink guava is white or yellow in color and has a sweet taste.
The pink guava is often used in Asian cuisine, as it can be eaten fresh or cooked. The fruit can also be made into jams, jellies, and juices.
The pink guava is a popular fruit in Hong Kong and is often used in desserts or as a snack. The fruit is also used in traditional Chinese medicine.
13. Lemon Guava.
What is lemon guava?
Lemon guava is a tropical fruit that resembles a pear in shape. It has a yellow-green skin and juicy, white flesh with seeds. The fruit is native to Brazil, but it is now grown in many other tropical countries.
The lemon guava is an excellent source of vitamin C. In fact, one lemon guava has more than twice the amount of vitamin C as an orange. The fruit is also a good source of fiber and antioxidants.
Lemon guava can be eaten fresh or made into jams, jellies, and other preserves. It is also a popular ingredient in tropical drinks and desserts.
14. Mexican Cream Guava.

What is Mexican cream guava?
This fruit is a type of guava that is native to Mexico. The skin of the fruit is thin and white, and the flesh is pale pink or white. The flavor of the fruit is sweet and often described as being similar to a strawberry-kiwi flavor. Mexican cream guavas are typically eaten fresh, but can also be used in jams, jellies, and other desserts.
15. Mountain Guava.

Mountain guava (Psidium littorale var. longipedicellatum) is a variety of guava that is native to the highlands of Puerto Rico. It is also known as “long-stalked guava” due to its long, slender stalks. The fruit of the mountain guava is small, round, and pink with white flesh. The flavor is tart and acidic.
Mountain guava is a popular ingredient in Puerto Rican cuisine. It is used to make jams, jellies, and preserves. It can also be eaten fresh or made into juice.
16. Pineapple Guava.

What is pineapple guava?
Pineapple guava is a tropical fruit that is native to Brazil. The fruit is round or oval in shape and has a greenish-yellow skin. The flesh of the fruit is white or pink in color and has a sweet, pineapple-like flavor.
The pineapple guava tree grows to a height of 20 feet and has dark green, glossy leaves. The tree produces white or pink flowers that bloom in the spring.
Pineapple guava is a popular fruit in Brazil and is often used in juices, jams, and pies.
17. Pyramidal Shaped Guava.
What is pyramidal shaped guava?
This fruit is named for its pyramid-like shape. The skin of the pyramidal shaped guava is thin and smooth, ranging in color from green to yellow. The flesh of the fruit is white or pink and contains small seeds. Pyramidal shaped guavas are typically smaller than other types of guavas.
18. Red Indian Guava.
What is red Indian guava?
This tropical fruit is native to India and Pakistan. The bright red fruit has a juicy, sweet flesh with a slightly acidic taste. It is often used in juices, jams, and desserts.
The Indian guava is a small evergreen tree that grows to about 20 feet tall. The leaves are dark green and glossy with a leathery texture. The flowers are white with a purple center, and they grow in clusters. The fruit is oval-shaped and about the size of a lemon.
The skin of the red Indian guava is thin and smooth. The flesh is pink or white and has small seeds throughout. It is important to eat the fruit with the skin because it contains a high amount of fiber.
19. Red Malaysian Guava.

What is red Malaysian guava?
Red Malaysian guava is a tropical fruit that is native to Malaysia. The fruit is small and round, with red skin and white flesh. It has a sweet, tangy flavor and is often used in juices and jams.
The Red Malaysian Guava tree grows to about 20 feet tall and produces small, red fruits that are about the size of a golf ball. The tree is evergreen and can be found in tropical climates around the world.
20. Round Guava.

Round guava is a fruit that grows on the guava tree. The tree is native to Central America, but the fruit is now grown in many tropical countries. Round guavas are small and round, with green skin and white flesh. They have a sweet flavor and are often used in desserts or eaten fresh.
21. Ruby-X Guava.
Ruby-X guava is a tropical fruit that belongs to the myrtle family. It is one of the most popular fruits in Taiwan and is often used in made into juices, jams, and jellies. The taste of ruby-X guava is similar to that of a strawberry and a grapefruit.
The name “ruby-X guava” comes from the fact that the fruit is often red in color. The color of the fruit can vary from red to pink to white. Ruby-X guava is native to Taiwan and was introduced to Hawaii in 1825.
The tree that ruby-X guava grows on is a evergreen shrub or small tree that can grow up to 15 feet tall. The leaves of the tree are dark green and have a leathery texture. The flowers of the ruby-X guava tree are white and have five petals.
22. Strawberry Guava (Cattley).
What is strawberry guava?
The scientific name for strawberry guava is Psidium cattleianum. It’s a small tree or shrub that produces an edible fruit. The fruit is round or oval, and it has a red or purple skin.
The flesh of the fruit is white, pink, or red, and it has small seeds. The fruit has a sweet flavor, and it’s often used in jams, jellies, and sauces.
23. Sweet White Indonesian Guava.
What is sweet white Indonesian guava?
Sweet white Indonesian guava is a type of guava that is native to Indonesia. It is one of the most popular types of guavas in the country and is often used in desserts and snacks. The fruit is small and round, with a white flesh that is sweet and slightly acidic.
Sweet white Indonesian guava can be eaten fresh, or it can be used in recipes such as juices, jams, and pies.
24. Thai Maroon Guava.
The Thai Maroon guava (Psidium littorale var. Longispinum) is a variety of guava that is native to Thailand. The fruit is small and round, with red skin and white flesh. The flavor is sweet and slightly acidic, with a hint of cinnamon.
Thai Maroon guavas are often used in Thai cuisine, either as a fresh fruit or in cooked dishes. The fruit can also be made into jams and jellies.
25. Tropical White Guava.
What is tropical white guava?
Tropical white guava is a type of fruit that grows on the island of Puerto Rico. It is a small, round fruit with a white flesh and a pinkish-white skin. The flavor of the fruit is sweet and slightly acidic.
The tropical white guava is often used in juices, jams, and jellies. It can also be eaten fresh, or made into a tea.
The tropical white guava is a great source of vitamins and minerals. It is high in Vitamin C, which is important for immune system function. The fruit also contains fiber, potassium, and magnesium.
26. White Indian guava.
What is white Indian guava?
White Indian guava is a tropical fruit that is native to India. The fruit is white in color and has a sweet taste. White Indian guavas are usually eaten fresh, but they can also be made into jams and jellies.
The white Indian guava tree grows to a height of about 20 feet (six meters). The tree has dark green leaves and white flowers. The fruit is about the size of a tennis ball.
27. Wild Guava.
What is wild guava?
It is a fruit that grows in tropical climates. The scientific name for wild guava is Psidium guajava. This fruit is related to the common store-bought guava, but it is not the same thing. Wild guavas are smaller and have a more intense flavor.
The taste of wild guava has been described as a mix of strawberries and lemon. The flesh of the fruit is white or pink and contains small seeds.
How to care for guava.
Guava trees are native to tropical America and thrive in warm, humid climates. They can be grown in containers or in the ground, and prefer well-drained soil. Guavas are relatively low-maintenance trees and only need to be watered when the soil is dry.
Fertilize your guava tree every two months with a balanced fertilizer, and prune it annually to maintain its shape. Guavas will fruit best if they receive full sun, but can tolerate some shade.
Harvest the fruit when it is ripe, which is typically from late summer to early fall. Enjoy your guavas fresh, in jams or jellies, or baked in pies.
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In conclusion, there are many different types of guava trees that you can choose from depending on your needs and preferences. Do some research to figure out which type of guava tree would be best for you, and then enjoy the delicious fruits that these trees have to offer! Thanks for reading!