Last Updated on December 10, 2021 by Kimberly Crawford
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of animals or humans. A bed bug infestation can be hard to control because it can happen anywhere on a property. Bed bugs are not found naturally in the outdoors. They are usually transported to homes inside of furniture, clothing, or luggage.
Ticks are from the family of Parasitiformes, which include mites, spiders, and scorpions. Ticks are attached to their host by the mouth adapted specifically for feeding on blood.
The word “tick” is derived from the Middle English work tike, meaning “fadge,” but the usage has shifted over time to refer specifically to members of the genus Ixodes.
They have a two-year life cycle and typically feed on large mammals. This article will explain the difference between bed bugs and ticks and all you need to know about them.
Related: 10 Bugs That Look Like Bed Bugs But Aren’t
Ticks And Bed Bugs Comparison Chart
Bed Bugs | Ticks |
Difficult to spot | Difficult to spot |
Feeds exclusively on blood of humans when they can’t find other sources of food | Found living on animals, including humans and live off their blood |
Can live without food for months | Can only live on another living thing. Cannot be found in your bed |
Can spread malaria and Chagas | Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, tularemia, ehrlichiosis |
Use their proboscis to pierce the skin and suck blood | Use their Chelicerae to probe the skin and suck blood |
What Are The Differences Between Ticks And Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs are more common than ticks and are found all over the world. They can be found in homes, hotels, buses, trains, and many other places where people rest. It’s important to note that bed bugs can also come into your home on your clothes or furniture.
Ticks are parasites that feed off of the blood of mammals. They can carry diseases such as Lyme which can be deadly if untreated. Ticks are found on grassy fields, wooded areas, and shrubs. You can protect yourself from ticks by wearing long sleeves and pants when outside.
Ticks are small, brown, and can be found in many different environments. They place their eggs on vegetation and then wait for them to find a host to feed on. On the other hand, bed bugs are typically found in homes and businesses but can also be found in public places like movie theaters and offices. Bed bugs only come out at night and feed on their host’s blood.
Related: 18 Bugs That Look Like Ticks But Are Not

A tick is the size of a sesame seed, while a bed bug is about an inch long. Both are small enough to be hard to see if they are on your skin or your carpet. They can be difficult to find, so it is important to check yourself and your pets regularly.
Tick colors are usually black or brown, but some can be red. The color of the ticks you have found on your pet is most likely black or brown, but some ticks can be red. Red ticks are often found in the Southeast United States, and black and brown ones are more common in the Northeast.
Every bed bug species has a different color. Brown bed bugs are the most common color, but other variations include black, red, and yellow. Bed bugs will typically feed on humans and animals, and their blood is usually bright red. After feeding on a person or animal, they will release more of their bodily fluids, and their color will change to a deep brown or black.
Number Of Legs
Ticks and bed bugs belong to very different classes, and their number of legs differs. Ticks have eight legs, while bed bugs have six.
Host Preference

Ticks are small, parasitic insects that live in the burrows of animals. They live off of the blood of their hosts and reproduce after feeding. Ticks prefer to feed on large, slow-moving animals like deer or sheep. They can also attach to humans but prefer to feed on animals with furs, like cats or dogs.
Bed bugs are small, flat, blood-sucking insects that typically live in the spaces between your mattress and box spring. They prefer to feed on human blood at night while you sleep, but they’re not picky about the time of day. Bed bugs can live for up to 18 months without feeding because they can survive on their skin.
Bed bugs are attracted to your body heat and the carbon dioxide you exhale. They’re often found hiding in the seams of mattresses, sheets, and box springs. If you notice any bites on your skin, it’s important to determine if they are from bed bugs or another insect.
Feeding Habits

Many species of ticks exist that feed on the blood of different animals. They require a blood meal to reproduce, and their feeding habits can be divided into two types: active and passive.
Passive feeding ticks attach themselves to their host and feed on the host’s blood as it travels through their body. Active feeding ticks actively seek out a host by sensing CO2, body heat, or other chemicals released by the host. When the tick finds a suitable host, it climbs onto them and inserts its mouthparts into their skin.
Bedbugs are a type of insect that feeds on the blood of humans and other mammals. They are nocturnal, hiding in small cracks and crevices during the day and coming out at night to feed.
To feed, they have to have their victim awake; otherwise, they will go into a deep sleep. The bug’s saliva causes an allergic reaction in some people, meaning they might have no response to the bites at first but later develop dermatitis or anaphylaxis. The bites are not very painful but can itch.
Ticks are small, eight-legged, spider-like creatures that feed on the blood of animals and humans. They attach themselves to the skin of their hosts, often in the area of the groin, armpit, or scalp. Some ticks also live in leaf litter or burrow underground. These ticks are called ground-dwelling ticks.
Bed bugs typically eat blood, but they can also feed on skin cells and tissue, which is why they tend to stay close to where people sleep. Bed bugs reproduce quickly, so it’s important to act fast when you suspect the presence of these pests.

Ticks can transmit diseases such as Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, babesiosis, tularemia, ehrlichiosis, and other illnesses to humans.
There is an increased risk for diseases like Chagas Disease or African Sleeping Sickness to be transmitted by bed bugs.
Where Do They Live?
Ticks are very small arachnids that feed on the blood of mammals and birds. They live in tall grasses, bushes, and trees that grow near a water source. Ticks can attach to a person or animal by burrowing their mouthparts into the skin and sucking up blood.
Ticks can also drink blood from a host by biting them with their mouthparts. Scientists believe that ticks feed on the host for as long as possible to increase the chances of transmitting diseases.
Bed bugs are a common pest that can be found in various places, including homes and hotels. They can be identified by a dark line that goes from the abdomen to the head, and they feed on blood from humans and animals.
The name for bed bugs comes from their preferred habitat – they like to hide in warm places near beds, such as mattresses. In the past decade, bed bugs have been on the rise due to increased international travel. Bed bug infestations can be difficult to detect because they’re small and have a lifespan of about six months without feeding.
How Do They Spread?
Ticks are small, blood-sucking insects that can cause Lyme disease. Ticks usually attach to humans in low-lying grassy areas frequented by deer, rodents, or other small animals.
Tick bites can occur in any location where people walk through tall grass or brush, but most tick bites happen on the ankles and legs.
Bed bugs are small, flat insects that live in bedding, upholstery, and carpets. The most common way to contract bed bugs is to travel by luggage or other personal belongings that have been infested.
You can also get them by sitting next to someone who has them or through contact with bedding or furniture at a hotel. The bugs can crawl into your clothes and be transferred this way.
Bed Bug Bites Vs Tick Bites

Ticks are small, insect-like creatures that cling to and feed off of mammals and birds. They are not typically aggressive and will usually only bite when they feel threatened. However, it is generally quite uncomfortable if they do bite and can lead to infections if not treated.
Most ticks will only stay attached for a few hours or less as they feed on their victims’ blood. Ticks can be found in any area with tall grasses or shrubs.
Bed bug bites are often called “breakfast, lunch, and dinner” bites because they often feed three times per day. Bed bug bites usually occur on exposed skin surfaces such as the arms or torso.
They do not usually bite through clothing, so they will most likely bite your lower legs if you happen to be wearing shorts or a skirt. The good news about bed bug bites is that they usually don’t itch or cause pain since these pests inject an anesthetic before feeding.
Steps for Tick Prevention
Ticks are microorganisms that can transmit various diseases to human beings. They are external parasites, which means they feed on the blood of mammals. You can get ticks by walking through tall grass or sitting on a log that has been in the forest for a long time.
The most common tick-borne diseases are Lyme Disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and Tularemia. The following is what you need to do to prevent ticks:
- Use tick repellent. It is very important to apply repellent to your clothes and the skin. Make sure that the EPA approves the chemical you use to repel ticks.
- Use a repellent with DEET (at least 20%). This chemical is an insecticide that is also used in commercial products designed for this purpose.
- Use permethrin-treated clothing, which provides additional protection against ticks. This chemical can be purchased as a spray or lotion and applied directly to your clothes. This will offer you great protection against ticks and other insects.
- Do not walk barefoot through grassy areas. Make sure that your feet are dry before stepping inside your house if you have to do so. If you have been walking through tall grassy areas, remove all of the ticks by using tweezers or a tick removal tool (in case there are too many).
- You should also wash with soap and water right away to get rid of any germs that may have been transmitted from the ticks if they were carrying them.
- Your shoes should be washed too with soap and water if they were in contact with tall grass or left outside for an extended period without being covered up at night or when it rains or snows frequently.
Steps for Bed Bug Prevention
Bed bugs are pesky little pests that can cause a lot of disruption. They are small insects that feed on human blood and can live in any area of your home, including your bed!
The best way to prevent bed bugs is to avoid taking them home in the first place. If you are traveling, stay at sites with high-quality pest control methods.
If you stay in someone else’s home, ask if they have had any pest problems before agreeing to stay there. When you come home after being away, always inspect your luggage thoroughly before unpacking it.
It would help if you also inspected the bedroom for signs of bed bugs before sleeping there for the night. If you find any eggs or adults, contact a professional exterminator immediately.
How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs And Ticks
In the case of ticks, it is critical to remove them as quickly as possible to prevent them from infecting the host or other people. The longer they remain on the host, the more time they have to transmit disease.
It is also important to remove all of their body parts so that they don’t reattach. This can be done with tweezers or a special tool called a “tick remover.” If a tick has bitten you, it is important to monitor the area for any signs of infection like redness or swelling.
In the case of bed bugs, they can be difficult to get rid of because they hide in small crevices and often come back even after being treated. A professional pest control expert should always be called for this type of problem.
They will use safe chemicals that don’t leave toxic residues on furniture or other items that might be affected by the chemicals. They will also do everything possible to eliminate bed bugs from your home and prevent future infestations from occurring.
Removing Ticks Off The Body

Ticks can transmit disease by biting an infected animal and then biting another animal or person. If you find a tick on yourself or your pet and want to remove it safely and properly, follow these steps:
1. Wear Gloves
Ticks are likely to carry diseases like Lyme disease, or Rocky Mountain spotted fever. While it is possible to get these diseases from a tick bite, the risk of getting sick is very low if you take precautions.
Wear gloves while removing the tick and put it in a sealed plastic bag. If you don’t have a bag, wrap it in toilet paper or tissue and throw it away immediately. Don’t crush the tick; this may release its disease-carrying saliva into the air, which you could breathe in.
2. Protect Your Hands
You can protect your hands from ticks by wearing gloves or using tweezers to remove them. It’s important to wear gloves if you have cuts on your hands, as this will make it easier for ticks to penetrate your skin and infect you with their saliva.
Ticks also tend to be more active after a rainstorm, so wearing gloves will also protect you from getting bitten then as well. If ticks are active in your area, consider taking a shower after being outdoors so that any ticks stuck to the outside of your clothes fall off before they can attach to you again.
3. Use Tweezers Only If Necessary
If you’re removing a small tick that isn’t deeply embedded in your skin, use tweezers instead of burning it off or leaving it alone; this will make sure that the tick stays intact and still has its mouthparts intact so that disease-causing bacteria don’t escape into the air when you remove it from your skin.
Grasp the tick’s body as close to its head as possible with an instrument like tweezers and pull gently but firmly away from yourself; do not twist or jerk out of fear that the tick might break off inside of you and cause an infection.
Keep pulling until all of the tick’s body has come out of your skin; this may take some time depending on how deeply embedded the tick was when it attached itself to your skin (if part of its body remains inside of you at any point, stop pulling and just let go).
After removing all of the body parts, carefully place them in a sealed plastic bag and throw them away immediately; don’t crush them because they can still infect other people with their saliva even when they’re dead! Wash your hands thoroughly after disposing of any ticks to be safe!
Removing Bed Bugs Off The Body

If you find bed bugs on your body, you should carefully remove them without touching them. The safest way to remove them is by using a spray bottle filled with water and a towel.
Spray the bug with water until it is no longer moving and then use the towel to wipe it off of your skin. You can also use your fingers if you are careful not to touch the insect’s body. Once you have removed the bug from your skin, please place it in a container and discard it in an outdoor area away from your home.
If the bed bug is biting you and you can’t remove it, try to bat it away from your skin gently. Once the bed bug is off of your skin, spray it with water and attempt to remove it. If you cannot remove the bug from your skin, leave it alone and let it run out of air, which will kill the insect.
Critical Information About Ticks
Ticks have three stages in their life cycle: egg, nymph, and adult. Female ticks lay eggs on the ground, which hatch into larvae. After feeding on blood, the nymphs molt into adults. The life cycle of a tick takes at least two years to complete.
There are many types of ticks; some are small enough to be barely visible to the naked eye, while others can be nearly as big as your palm. There are over 850 species of ticks in the world, with more than 70 varieties found in North America alone.
Ticks can be confused with spiders or mites, but they don’t have eight legs like those other insects do; a tick has four segments with two legs each, making it an arachnid-like spider or scorpion.
Critical Information About Bed Bugs
Bed bugs are small insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals. They are most active around dawn and dusk but can feed at any time. They can also survive up to a year without feeding. Bed bugs have been known to live in homes, hotels, schools, offices, apartments, shelters, and other areas where humans live or sleep.
To survive, bed bugs must have a blood meal from a human host. They will try to remain undetected by hiding in places where people sleep or sit for long periods, such as beds or couches, to get this blood meal.
It is important for people who have these creatures in their homes to know how to detect them and how they reproduce to take the appropriate action against them.
Bed bugs are hard to find as they can hide in small cracks and crevices. They are often found in the seams of a mattress, box spring, bed frame, headboard, or other furniture.
They can also be found in upholstered chairs and couches. Bed bugs can also be found behind baseboards, picture frames, under loose wallpaper, and other items that hang on the wall. Bed bugs can be brought into a home by traveling on clothing, luggage, or boxes.
Bed bugs reproduce by laying eggs that hatch into nymphs. A female bed bug lays between one to five eggs each day, and they can lay 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetime. Bed bug eggs hatch after about two weeks.
The eggs are very small and hard to see with the naked eye. It is important for people who suspect they have bed bugs in their homes to inspect these eggs and adult bed bugs thoroughly. It is essential for people who think they have these creatures in their home to act immediately as it is easier to eliminate them when there are not many of them present.
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Many people are not aware that ticks and bed bugs can be a nuisance. Ticks carry Lyme disease, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, and other tick-borne diseases. Bed bugs can be found in almost any environment–including homes, offices, movie theaters, hotels, and public transportation.
Bed bugs are not known to spread disease, but they sure can make you miserable. These pests come out of their hiding places at night to feed on people’s blood by biting them while they sleep. The bites typically go unnoticed until the infestation is severe and may even cause fainting or anaphylactic shock in some cases.
To avoid bed bug bites, you must inspect your mattress before sleeping or sitting on it. Look for small brown spots about the size of a dime or larger, which may indicate dried blood from the bed bug’s droppings or fecal matter. Also, look for black stains which indicate excrement on your mattress or box spring.