Counter Depth Refrigerator vs Standard: What’s the Difference?

Last Updated on June 20, 2023 by Kimberly Crawford

The refrigerator is an essential appliance in every kitchen, playing a crucial role in food storage and preservation. With various styles, sizes, and features available, it can be challenging to choose the perfect refrigerator for your space.

One of the primary decisions homeowners face is whether to opt for a counter depth or standard refrigerator.

In this article, we will provide a brief overview of these two types of refrigerators and discuss the importance of selecting the right one to meet your needs and enhance the overall functionality of your kitchen.

What is a Counter Depth Refrigerator?

counter depth refrigerator

A counter depth refrigerator is designed to align with the edges of your countertops, giving it a built-in and seamless appearance.

These refrigerators typically have a depth of 24 to 25 inches, excluding the doors and handles. Due to their dimensions, they sit flush with cabinetry and do not protrude into the kitchen space like standard refrigerators.

There are several benefits to choosing a counter-depth refrigerator, including:

Sleek and Streamlined Appearance

Counter depth refrigerators offer a clean and modern look in your kitchen, as they blend seamlessly with surrounding cabinets and countertops. This design integration creates a more visually appealing and uncluttered space.

Space-saving Design

For smaller kitchens or those with limited space, counter depth refrigerators are an ideal choice. Their reduced depth allows for more floor space and easier movement around the kitchen, making it feel less cramped.

Easier Access to Food Items

Since counter depth refrigerators are shallower than standard models, it’s easier to reach items at the back of the fridge. This accessibility can help reduce food waste by ensuring that you can quickly find and access everything in your refrigerator.

What is a Standard Refrigerator?

standard refrigerator

A standard refrigerator is a common type of refrigerator found in most homes, with dimensions that typically extend beyond the depth of standard countertops.

These refrigerators have an average depth of around 30 to 36 inches, including the doors and handles. As a result, they tend to protrude into the kitchen space, creating a bulkier appearance compared to counter depth models.

There are several benefits to choosing a standard refrigerator, including:

Larger Storage Capacity

One of the main advantages of standard refrigerators is their larger storage capacity. Due to their deeper design, they offer more space for storing food items, making them suitable for larger families or those who need ample storage for groceries and meal prep.

More Variety in Styles and Sizes

Standard refrigerators come in a wide range of styles, sizes, and features, giving you more options to choose from when selecting the perfect fridge for your kitchen.

Whether you prefer a top-freezer, bottom-freezer, side-by-side, or French door model, you’ll find a diverse selection of standard refrigerators to suit your preferences.

Generally Lower Cost

In most cases, standard refrigerators are less expensive than their counter depth counterparts. This lower cost makes them an attractive option for homeowners who want to maximize storage capacity while staying within a budget.

However, it’s essential to consider other factors, such as energy efficiency and long-term savings, when comparing refrigerator prices.

Key Differences Between Counter Depth and Standard Refrigerators

When comparing counter depth and standard refrigerators, it’s essential to consider the following key differences:

Dimensions and Storage Capacity

Counter depth refrigerators are shallower than standard models, with a depth of around 24 to 25 inches, while standard refrigerators typically have a depth of 30 to 36 inches.

This difference in dimensions directly impacts the storage capacity, with standard refrigerators offering more space for food storage compared to counter depth models.

Design and Appearance

One of the primary distinctions between counter depth and standard refrigerators is their appearance. Counter depth refrigerators blend seamlessly with surrounding countertops and cabinetry, providing a sleek and modern look.

In contrast, standard refrigerators protrude into the kitchen space, creating a bulkier appearance that may not integrate as smoothly with the overall design.

Price and Availability

Standard refrigerators generally come at a lower price point than counter depth models, making them an attractive option for budget-conscious homeowners.

Additionally, there is a wider variety of styles, sizes, and features available for standard refrigerators, providing more options to choose from when selecting the perfect fridge for your kitchen.

Energy Efficiency

While energy efficiency can vary depending on the specific model and brand, counter depth refrigerators tend to be slightly more energy-efficient than standard models due to their reduced size and storage capacity.

However, it’s crucial to compare the energy ratings of individual models, as this factor can significantly impact long-term savings and environmental impact.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Refrigerator

When selecting the perfect refrigerator for your kitchen, it’s essential to consider several factors that will ensure the appliance meets your needs and enhances the overall functionality of your space. These factors include:

Kitchen Layout and Available Space

Take into account the layout of your kitchen and the space available for installing a refrigerator. Measure the width, depth, and height of the area where you plan to place the fridge, and consider any potential obstacles, such as cabinets, doors, or windows.

This information will help you determine whether a counter depth or standard refrigerator is the best fit for your space.

Storage Needs and Food Habits

Consider your food storage needs and habits when choosing a refrigerator. If you have a large family or frequently cook and store large quantities of food, a standard refrigerator with more storage capacity might be a better option.

However, if you have a smaller household or prioritize easy access to items in the fridge, a counter depth model may be more suitable.

Budget and Energy Efficiency

Evaluate your budget and the long-term savings associated with each refrigerator type. While standard refrigerators generally have a lower initial cost, counter depth models may offer greater energy efficiency, leading to reduced utility bills over time. Be sure to compare the energy ratings of individual models to make an informed decision.

Desired Style and Design

Finally, consider your personal preferences regarding style and design when selecting a refrigerator.

Counter-depth refrigerators offer a sleek and modern appearance that integrates seamlessly with surrounding cabinetry, while standard models come in a wider variety of styles and sizes.

Choose a refrigerator that complements your kitchen’s aesthetic and meets your functional requirements.

Pros and Cons of Counter Depth Refrigerators

When considering a counter-depth refrigerator for your kitchen, it’s essential to weigh the pros and cons to determine if it’s the right choice for your needs.


  • Aesthetics and Seamless Integration with Cabinetry: Counter depth refrigerators blend seamlessly with surrounding countertops and cabinets, providing a clean, modern, and visually appealing look in your kitchen.
  • Space Efficiency in Smaller Kitchens: For those with limited kitchen space, counter depth refrigerators are an ideal choice due to their reduced depth, allowing for more floor space and easier movement around the kitchen.
  • Easier Access to Food Items: The shallower design of counter depth refrigerators makes it easier to reach items at the back of the fridge, helping to reduce food waste and improve overall accessibility.


  • Limited Storage Capacity: Due to their reduced dimensions, counter depth refrigerators offer less storage capacity compared to standard models, which may be a disadvantage for larger households or those with significant food storage needs.
  • Higher Price Tag: Counter depth refrigerators generally come at a higher price point than standard models, which may be a deterrent for budget-conscious homeowners.
  • Fewer Options in Terms of Styles and Sizes: While there are still various styles and sizes available for counter depth refrigerators, the selection is not as extensive as that of standard models, potentially limiting your options when choosing the perfect fridge for your kitchen.

Pros and Cons of Standard Refrigerators

When evaluating whether a standard refrigerator is the right choice for your kitchen, it’s crucial to consider both the pros and cons associated with this type of appliance.


  • Larger Storage Capacity: One of the main advantages of standard refrigerators is their larger storage capacity, making them suitable for larger families or those who require ample space for groceries and meal prep.
  • More Options for Styles, Sizes, and Features: Standard refrigerators come in a wide range of styles, sizes, and features, giving you more options to choose from when selecting the perfect fridge for your kitchen. This variety allows you to find a model that meets your specific needs and preferences.
  • Generally Lower Cost: In most cases, standard refrigerators are less expensive than their counter depth counterparts, making them an attractive option for homeowners looking to maximize storage capacity while staying within a budget.


  • Bulky Appearance and Protrusion into Kitchen Space: Standard refrigerators tend to protrude into the kitchen space, creating a bulkier appearance that may not integrate as smoothly with the overall design. This can be particularly noticeable in smaller kitchens or those with an open layout.
  • May Not Fit Seamlessly with Surrounding Cabinetry: Unlike counter depth refrigerators, which blend seamlessly with surrounding countertops and cabinets, standard models may not fit as neatly into your kitchen design. This could result in a less cohesive look, depending on the specific layout and style of your space.


In summary, there are several key differences between counter depth and standard refrigerators that can impact your decision when choosing the perfect appliance for your kitchen.

Counter depth refrigerators offer a sleek, modern appearance with seamless integration into cabinetry, space efficiency in smaller kitchens, and easier access to food items.

On the other hand, standard refrigerators provide larger storage capacity, more options in terms of styles, sizes, and features, and generally come at a lower cost.

When making a decision, it’s essential to consider your personal needs, preferences, and the specific requirements of your kitchen space.

Evaluate factors such as available space, storage needs, budget, energy efficiency, and desired style and design to determine which type of refrigerator will best suit your needs.

To select the best refrigerator for your kitchen, follow these tips:

  1. Assess your kitchen layout and measure the available space for the refrigerator, taking into account any potential obstacles.
  2. Consider your food storage needs and habits, as well as the size of your household.
  3. Determine your budget and evaluate the long-term savings associated with each refrigerator type, including energy efficiency.
  4. Choose a refrigerator style and design that complements your kitchen’s aesthetic and meets your functional requirements.

By taking these factors into account, you’ll be better equipped to make an informed decision and choose the ideal refrigerator for your home.

FAQs: Counter Depth Refrigerator vs Standard

What is the main difference between counter depth and standard refrigerators?

The primary difference between counter depth and standard refrigerators lies in their dimensions. Counter depth refrigerators have a shallower depth of around 24 to 25 inches, allowing them to align seamlessly with countertops and cabinetry. Standard refrigerators typically have a depth of 30 to 36 inches, resulting in a bulkier appearance that protrudes into the kitchen space.

Which type of refrigerator offers more storage capacity?

Standard refrigerators generally provide more storage capacity due to their larger dimensions compared to counter-depth models.

Are counter-depth refrigerators more expensive than standard models?

In most cases, counter-depth refrigerators come at a higher price point than standard models. However, it’s essential to consider other factors such as energy efficiency and long-term savings when comparing refrigerator prices.

Which refrigerator type is more energy-efficient?

While energy efficiency can vary depending on the specific model and brand, counter-depth refrigerators tend to be slightly more energy-efficient than standard models due to their reduced size and storage capacity. It’s crucial to compare the energy ratings of individual models when making a decision.

Can a standard refrigerator fit seamlessly into my kitchen design like a counter depth model?

Standard refrigerators may not fit as seamlessly into your kitchen design as counter depth models, due to their larger dimensions and protrusion into the kitchen space. However, this depends on the specific layout and style of your kitchen.

How do I decide which refrigerator is best for my kitchen?

When choosing between a counter depth and standard refrigerator, consider factors such as kitchen layout and available space, storage needs and food habits, budget and energy efficiency, and desired style and design. By evaluating these factors, you can determine which type of refrigerator will best suit your needs and preferences.